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I'm in my late forties and I love all things WWII...I have tried all the WWII games and I enjoy all of the categories from turn-based strategy games to to semi-RTS to FPS...However, I have yet to find the "nirvana" of games, one that has just the right balance to satisfy, at least I haven't found it yet...I'm certainly not a grognard...but I am not a real casual gamer either...I like strategy and I like action/movement as well...

This game intrigues me, so far...I like the prospect of a combination/mix of turn-based strategy and RTS and the scale (which appears to be smaller) suits my taste...I am looking for a game that won't overwhelm my senses (as most RTS games do) with too much going on and the requirement to to react without giving enough thought to the action...I need the game to immerse me!...I want to be there and feel like I'm part of the battle...(maybe the first person attributes of this game might help in this respect)...In MP, I want to play with and against like-minded people...I want to PLAY the game and not just go through the motions against some kid (or older person) who's only desire is win at all costs...I want to have FUN and be challenged and be able to interact and bond with the people I am playing with...Does anyone out here share or have a similar view or interest...

Here's a little scenario- I picture a squad or platoon moving a long a road, through some woods towards a farm house (their objective)...it looks quiet...suddenly, an MG opens up and the fire fight starts...the farm house is fortified by an enemy platoon which is dug in and have orders to hold! From here its some small arms action, maybe a halftrack and tank or two and, and the thought process and strategy to try and flank the enemy and win the day...Nothing Grand or fancy...just some fun...and ok...maybe a squad or platoon is too small of a scale...but something in the company or so range....something manageable so you can get down into the dirt with your soldiers...is that the kind of game this is?....I sure hope so....Post up...I'm lookin' for some mates....or some adversaries...

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Hi Gface,

first let me tell you iam 37 and i like ww2 games too.

I think what i read from your post this game will be to your liking because is not to big. I too like to play games against oponents and but i like also the big scenario's like peiper when you have more then a thousand soldiers.

But when the game comes out i like to play an battle with you. Dont know if iam a good adversarie but ill give it an try.

Doesnt matter if its big or small just give me a mail.


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37 - male (duh)

Enjoy WW2- mostly aviation. I have been playing IL2 Sturmovik for five years. And it is the only game I have on my puter. Looking to branch out into this type of game looks pretty realistic. Looking to use the mission builder a lot. I am an offline player but I'll see how the online community is with TOW.

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Hmmm interesting, I thought the demographic here would be younger! Im in good company then. ;)

Im 39 and enjoy all elements of Military History, so wargaming was a natural progression for me back in my youth. I really really enjoy MPing, whether Turn-based or Realtime. I am hoping to achieve with TOW the same buzz I got from my first Close Combat MP sessions back in the 90's.

TOW I think (not played it yet) may offer the right combination of Realism and Gameplay in my opinion. I am tired of all these eyecandy games, that promise much but give little...I want a game that both challenges me and makes me smile. I want to, after a session of TOW gaming, to sit back with a sigh and say "that was intense!"

Status: MP Opponent, always available!

Timezone: GMT +1

[ April 05, 2007, 04:44 AM: Message edited by: theBrit ]

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38 (in the average) - Love all that concerns wargaming, but with a special feeling towards tactical wargaming. So I hope TOW will meet my expectations in terms of realism and immersion. I also hope that it will start a series covering other theatres (North Africa, Italy, Pacific...)

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42 and from germany here. Coming from table top and later board gaming (Squad Leader) and being interested in realistic tactical gaming as long as I can think. My first PC game 10 years ago was actually Steel Panthers.

Also deeply interested in historical flight sims and scale modeling.

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Hi Gface

I am 44, have been "infected" early by Squad Leader then by PC game like Steel Panther, Close Combat, Combat Mission, Panzer Elite (The first and the only one for ever), Silent Hunter, IL2 (To stick to WW2 period).

Also interested in historical research and publications on this period. ;)

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I'm 43, Ex-Navy Submariner Nuke type. Been a 3D Artist since mid 90's mainly doing Architectural Renderings and Military Visualizations for contractors like Lockhead-Martin. Nothing like blowing stuff up virtually with Lockheeds latest and greatest!!!!

Been a World War II buff since High School, 200 plus books on the subject in my library. Looking for a wargame with the right mix of realism, visual appeal and gameplay. Realtime or Turn-Based both appeal to me. Hope ToW will be a good addition. Play Close Combat Series, Combat Mission Series, CoH, Silent Storm, etc. Looking Forward to CM:SF in a huge way. I think it will be the "Mother of all Tactical Wargames" from what I have read, seen and know of the CMx1 series.


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Originally posted by Melnibone:

Hello, I am 108 years old. I'm really hoping the manual has a very large typeface.

heheheh ! ...Well i'm 63 so we have a few grandpops here?..I've not posted before so hello to all...

I really think this game will be great I've been following it for a long time and to be honest I never thought it would see the light of day ! didn't believe it till I actually pre-ordered..

I wish Battlefront much success with the game ! smile.gif



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28yrs, only play WWII games on PC. Never played CM till the other day. I like. I only played FPS games till COH game out. COH was my 1st RTS game. Don't really care for it these days due to the realism aspect. Have great expectations for TOW. Dying to get my hands on this great game. I feel like a little kid still with lots of adrenal and anxiety.

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42, still serving, 23 years in the army, not that things are getting any better. Great community here.

I'm a Big strategy wargame fan, but also enjoy tactical roleplaying games. I like eye candy and can't go back to 2D anymore. I also hate click fests like COH.

Looking forward to this game. I Like big maps, more room to move around, and exploit the advantage of big guns. Too bad about buildings. I guess the next incarnation may resove this.

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I am 45, Started back with Squad Leader, then PC games like Close Combat series, Combat Mission series, Panzer Elite,IL2 and so forth.

interested in historical publications on this period also.

Also am excited to see the present day stuff about ready to be published in a realistic game by Battlefront.

You will find that most of this community is not childish or will put up with it either. As far as finding guys that like to play at the level you enjoy, just be willing to play and you will find others that you will enjoy playing against and will have the same taste as you do, when you find them, you make them long term friends and buddies and play against them often, great stuff.

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I'm 33 years old.

Started gaming with

- Microprose M1 Tank Platoon

- Microprose Task Force 1942

- EF2000

- Close Combat 1, 2, 3, and 5

Am currently playing Making History - The Calm and the Storm.

Looking forward to TOW.


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34 years.

Started war gaming with:

European air war

Panzer General series

M1 Tank Platoon

Silent Hunter


Panzer General 1 and 2

Silent Hunter 3

Hearts of Iron 2

other games:

Star Wars: galaxies (canceled due to unstarwarsy politics from SOE)


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I'm 41.

I like girls, BMW's and WWII sims.

I've been around the world 3 times and I've seen two goat ropings and one buzzard fu(kin.

Panzer Leader, Panzer Blitz and Luftwaffe broke my cherry. Have many fond memories of hours of those games.

Sci-Fi is good stuff too. D&D used to be fun, but I grew out of that.

Thought most PC WWII games were over-simplified POS until I met CMx1 at Big Time Software.

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I'm 47 and I got started with 1/285 scale minatures on tabletop games like Squad Leader in the early eighties. An old gaming buddy of mine introduced me to CMBO and I was hooked, it had everything that I liked about minature games with automatic rule enforement and judgement--and better terrain. There was no arguing about that shot, or if that weapon could kill the tank--what a break through in technology! I have been gaming on the PC since 91 and the Combat Mission series is my favorite. I normally need a while to finish a game, so I am hoping this new version will work with my playing style. Since the computer lets me play against it when ever I have time, I normally play off line. I would like to try a play by mail game with someone.

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I'm by far the youngest person in here.

18 years old, college freshmen. I came very close to enlisting in the Army right out of high school... I was going to shoot for Special Forces etc... I still may go that route after college.

I'm young but I love wargaming... I have a smallish collection of GHQ 1/285 miniatures (the best of its kind), but since I got to college I haven't had time to finish painting all of them + the terrain (it takes a VERY long time and hard work to do well).

I started wargaming/warsims I guess with West Front and M1 tank platoon II back in '99 or so. I've also always loved classic board games like Axis and Allies and Diplomacy (and Risk of course) and the more ultra complex variety of boardgames as well. If it's a complicated board game with serious depth, chances are I'll love it.

Found out about the CM series a few years ago. Loved it. Looking forward to ToW and CMSF a LOT!

Unlike most people here though I do also enjoy the so called "clickfest" games... my current favorite RTS being CoH, which is really a great game and has a lot more depth than a lot of RTSs (tactics really do matter in it, though of course, it doesn't come close to approaching the realism of the CM series) I also love StarCraft, which hasn't really ever gotten old, and is still awesome for LAN parties. While I can understand calling StarCraft a clickfest (it's a blast regardless, and yes it actually takes skill), people who call CoH a clickfest have not really played it, at least not a competitive level. I also like FPS games... my all time favorite being the very realistic Operation Flashpoint (you grognards out there should try it out)... it's much, much slower paced than most shooters out there, and it's quite amazing IMO, even 5 years later. A "sequel" of sorts just came out under the name of Armed Assault, I'll get it once I get some more cash, though it's not really a full blown sequel (sort of like CMAK is to CMBB). I'm waiting for the "true" OFP sequel which will be coming out in 2008 or so. I also love the Rainbow Six series.

Like I said though, I seriously suggest you guys check out Operation Flashpoint/Armed Assault if you haven't already.

I'm a complete history nut... I've read so many books on WWII it's ridiculous. Apart from WWII I also love ancient history (Romans/Greeks ftw), and pretty much anything up to the 15th century (I can't stand American history, apart from the wars)

I'm also a music fanatic, serious metal head... I also love Romantic era Classical music (Tchaikovsky and Chopin especially) and post-rock (look it up if you're not familar with it). Been playing guitar for about a year now, I practice a lot so I'm getting better rapidly. I'm going to start classical guitar + violin next year.

I've always wanted to get into roleplaying games, but never found enough people who were interested

Oh and I'm a firm believer that Brunettes > Blondes

[ April 05, 2007, 02:12 PM: Message edited by: NoxSpartana ]

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