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Thanks, but no Tanks...


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Many people heard of this game long ago and had high hopes, myself included. I was directed to this place by another wargaming site about a week ago, and, after viewing the screenshots and the videos of gameplay, my hopes for this game were rejuvinated. Then I started reading this forum. My first thread was "How Rude", of course; it was at the top and being posted to feverously. I was shocked, to say the least. The ADMIN and his cronies attacking and threatning other posters? Who's main crimes were disagreeing with the "official" opinion? I've never seen such in a wargaming forum.

Mr. Steve, Admin, Your Highness,

With power comes responsibility. It is truly your right as administrator to ban or admonish anyone you like, in accordance with your forum rules on member behavior. But when you do not apply the same rules to everyone, you have broken the first rule of Justice, and are now a hypocrite. Also, by lowering yourself into the frenzy of that post's debate, and expressing your own strange opinions, you dislayed your lack of leadership and tact. You should have remained above it. Instead you came off as a child who declares that he will determine who can play, because he's the one who owns the ball. How many people have you "run" from this board? How many sales have you lost by your attitude? The three you banned last week; thats a hundred and fifty dollars, right there. Do the marketing folks from 1C monitor this board? They should. I'll try to give them the heads up via E-mail...is that OK with you, Guv'na? One more thing...try to speed up registration conformation. I know you are busy banning people and all, but...Ok I get it now. You figure by the time a person gets confirmed, they'll be an old grog, too. Brilliant!

About the names...The contest is on the same sheet of music as this site. However "cool" you think it may be to have your name in the game, in reality you are masquerading as a WWII veteran. Par for the course around here. Mr Dorosh, I wonder how various Canadian military history organizations view your impersonations of a Candian war hero here? You say he is no relation, but the perception to visitors is that you are him. Try playing us another tune, Henchman. Its one thing to call yourself "SSMeyer", "Oberstkommando", or even "Hitler". You could do no more harm to their reputations. On the otherhand, when you dress to kill, you dishonor your country and its honorable veterans every time you post.

Now to the game. From reading the other, non-violent threads, I began to have worrys. No building entry? Thats a big one. Really big. The "gameplay area" is much smaller than the terrain visable to the player. This is another big one. No cover (to speak of) for infantry or AT guns?...Hmmm...I could go on and on with the red flags, but that was not what was so disturbing. The attitude of the "grogs" and "offical" spokespersons responding was deplorable. If they did not outright attack and attempt to degrade a poster's question/comment, they tapdanced around the most important question: When is the demo coming out, so we can all decide for ourselves? Bad dancing, I might add. "99% comlete" was one quote, IIRC. Probably the truest of the bunch, upon closer inspection. If you reason that it has taken 5 years to complete this game, 1% is, oh, 18.25 days or so...So they still have a few days before we can throw that one on the dung pile too. "A week or so"...Just how long is "so"? Now they claim mountainous workloads of translating before "its ready". Someone once told me that the maximum effctive range of an excuse is 0 meters. Ontheway!

You have to ask yourself, "why was this game dropped by publishers, over and over again?". Does any one want to put money on a lame mare to win? And after all my readings, I still dont really understand what Battlefront has to do with this game. Are they distributors, publishers, testers, gamblers who bet broken nags? What exactly? These "beta testers"; I know of them from other forums, they are not professionals. In fact, the whole feel and presentation of Battlefront's ToW spiel is amateurish. Do they really make money from sales of these games, or are they just doing it as a favor to their grogs?

Your fears of being overrun by flashbangers are unfounded. Unless you are putting out something that tops Company of Heroes, all you will get here are the curious fringe players, and persons who reg just to bash the game because, uhhh...its the equivlent of a 45 yearold housewife on a skateboard attempting to drop in on a 12 ft vert ramp. Or the fact that it takes 3-5 days to get a reg conformation--that'll cool 'em down.

Im not wanting to start another "How Rude" thread by this post, although I expect the same treatment as other new posters have received. But somebody has to stand up and say it. Battlefront: Quit jerking chains. I read an idea about outsourcing this forum. That would be a good idea. Might stop you from losing more money.

And after a while I finally understood the meaning of the title..."Theatre of War"...The kind of war you see in the theatres! Have fun with your little 5 year old wargame, boys.

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It's a forum.....

While I don't agree on some of his points I do feel the frustration of some of his other points. I find it strange how BTS will jump into some threads to ban yet we have repeatedly asked questions that they don't want to answer. Tank acceleration???? Demo release???

Anyway....like I said...It's a forum.

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It has been said and will say it one more time. Some questions aren't answered because we have requested changes. Until we know if they can be put in or not, if the code can allow it, it doesn't make any sense to promise something then not deliver. BFC NEVER said a release date for a demo. Many times I stated once it was done. If you don't want to listen, I can't force you.


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Funny how the people that idolize Nazis so blindly get so bothered by getting banned. Cripes, it's not like I'm rounding posters up and shooting them in the pits they were shoved into. Oh, did I mention that they also tend to lie and come back on as another persona soon after getting banned? So Will_McElwee (aka Sigrun), take your ramblings and go elsewhere. You were banned because you are a boorish neo-Nazi sympapthizing troll, not because of your views on TOW or other on topic things.

Oh, one more thing Sigrun,

Do the marketing folks from 1C monitor this board? They should.
Yes and no. However, they were made aware of your behavior by people emailing them. In your defense? No, to say that there is some Nazi nut making the Forum a really ugly place and that they should do something about it. And since 1C has their own nuts on their own Forum they understand what needs to be done. So yeah, they are aware of what happened. Like us they understand that nuts are what turns away customers, not the banning of nuts. BTW, I didn't start out thinking you were a nut, but you managed to change my opinion all on your own.


I find it strange how BTS will jump into some threads to ban yet we have repeatedly asked questions that they don't want to answer. Tank acceleration???? Demo release???
We have to jump in and sort out things that are getting out of control. Look at the size of that thread in question! And it was getting worse.

I personally can't answer the kinds of technical questions you have since I've only played the game a little bit. Game developers don't have time to play games :( As for marketing and development questions, like when a demo will be available, our answer is the same as always... when it is ready. It isn't ready yet, though we are testing it intensively as we speak and working with 1C to address various things like play balancing choices, bugs, and other things. When the demo is ready you will be the first people to know.


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I agree they never gave a date....but when they say "a week or so" over a month ago it leads to a certain degree of anticipation.

I guess I have to admit I know what you are talking about Steve. "When it's ready". Always been that way.

[ October 19, 2006, 07:19 PM: Message edited by: Lanzfeld ]

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now, I am not sure what his point is, but I'll give it a try:

Originally posted by Will_McElwee:

The ADMIN and his cronies attacking and threatning other posters? Who's main crimes were disagreeing with the "official" opinion?

his main and only crime was not living by the rules.

just like in real life, breaking the rules gets you thrown in jail.

well, here it kinda gets you thrown out.

and just like in reality, things arent "fair". you might get away with it, or you might get the book thrown at you for a minimal offense.

I've never seen such in a wargaming forum.

you probably havent been to too many then.

Instead you came off as a child who declares that he will determine who can play, because he's the one who owns the ball.

well, to be fair, you have to admit it is his ball.

wouldnt *you* want to have a say in who gets to play with your ball?

I sure would.

I personally found it to be a bad choice but then again it is not my ball so I dont get to decide who plays with it, or under which rules the ball-owner decides who gets to play.

How many people have you "run" from this board?

actually, you'ld be surprised that those were only isolated cases and in total not too many.

at least as far as I can tell.

How many sales have you lost by your attitude? The three you banned last week; thats a hundred and fifty dollars, right there.

not sure, but I think there's a fair chance that Sabot might still buy it.

Do the marketing folks from 1C monitor this board? They should. I'll try to give them the heads up via E-mail...is that OK with you, Guv'na?

I think you have a skewed perception as to the relationship between 1C and BTS/BF.COM.

It's not like one is the daddy of the other.

Or sumfink.

About the names...The contest is on the same sheet of music as this site. However "cool" you think it may be to have your name in the game, in reality you are masquerading as a WWII veteran. Par for the course around here. Mr Dorosh, I wonder how various Canadian military history organizations view your impersonations of a Candian war hero here? You say he is no relation, but the perception to visitors is that you are him. Try playing us another tune, Henchman. Its one thing to call yourself "SSMeyer", "Oberstkommando", or even "Hitler". You could do no more harm to their reputations. On the otherhand, when you dress to kill, you dishonor your country and its honorable veterans every time you post.

now, I'm a bit lost here.

Dorosh is not part of the moderation of this board, and no representative for BTS/BF.COM.

And I would be totally mistaken about him if M. D. isnt his real name.

He is not impersonating anyone, and never claimed to be some sort of hero.


on to the rest of your post....I'll leave your game worries largely aside for a moment because I still cant really recognize what your point is.

The attitude of the "grogs" and "offical" spokespersons responding was deplorable. If they did not outright attack and attempt to degrade a poster's question/comment, they tapdanced around the most important question: When is the demo coming out, so we can all decide for ourselves?
It has always been the stance of BTS that "its done when its done".

Ok. Look at me. Im kinda happy. --> :cool:

Because I see the delay as a sign that there is some work going on behind the scenes.

Maybe the beta testers found something that needs to be changed. Maybe BTS themselves realized there is need for correction.

Waiting is a good thing. It means things get rectified that otherwise would plague the game when we have it.

would you rather have a rushed yet faulty game, or wait a bit and receive a game that's decent even without five patches to just get it halfway ruinning and right ?

You have to ask yourself, "why was this game dropped by publishers, over and over again?". Does any one want to put money on a lame mare to win? And after all my readings, I still dont really understand what Battlefront has to do with this game. Are they distributors, publishers, testers, gamblers who bet broken nags? What exactly? These "beta testers"; I know of them from other forums, they are not professionals. In fact, the whole feel and presentation of Battlefront's ToW spiel is amateurish. Do they really make money from sales of these games, or are they just doing it as a favor to their grogs?

Your fears of being overrun by flashbangers are unfounded. Unless you are putting out something that tops Company of Heroes, all you will get here are the curious fringe players, and persons who reg just to bash the game because, uhhh...its the equivlent of a 45 yearold housewife on a skateboard attempting to drop in on a 12 ft vert ramp. Or the fact that it takes 3-5 days to get a reg conformation--that'll cool 'em down.

Im not wanting to start another "How Rude" thread by this post, although I expect the same treatment as other new posters have received. But somebody has to stand up and say it. Battlefront: Quit jerking chains.

:confused: :confused:

Look, I am not the last syccophant to call out something thats wrong with the game.

There are things about ToW that have me worried. Small things and big overall picture things.

I think its better the longer it takes for the game to be finished - it is a sign that the game is worked on, that it has problems that are being rectified. The longer it takes, the better the game will eventually be.

But - I really dont understand what your point in your above diatribe is, what you want this game to be, and whether you like or dislike the game, or this board, for that matter.


[ October 19, 2006, 07:50 PM: Message edited by: M Hofbauer ]

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What have we come to, I wonder... Ignorance might be the best solution here. these duscussions are pointless and don't get us any results apart from havign yet another thread where people try killing each other verbally. I always thought we lived in civilised adn educated times, but these conversations seem to indicate otherwise...

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What does it mean with 'no building entries'? Can somebody please point me to a threat about this?

No soldiers in buildings sounds a little bit unrealistic, but maybe it's talking about something completly different.

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Originally posted by Scipio:

What does it mean with 'no building entries'? Can somebody please point me to a threat about this?

No soldiers in buildings sounds a little bit unrealistic, but maybe it's talking about something completly different.

No, infantry can't enter buildings in the game. Therefore there's no urban fighting, just rural settings.
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In the interests of full disclosure, Sigrun sent me a rather "interesting" email. Not only did he reinforce the justification for banning him (though none of us had any doubts about that smile.gif , but he also claims that Will_McElwee is an unrelated Troll from the UK with a similar IP and bad attitude. So it is possible that I made a mistake linking the two together, though I made no mistake in banning Will_McElwee. That was a doosey of a first post which earned a ban regardless of him being Sigrun or not.


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Originally posted by AdamL:

Why don't you invest this much energy saving the [p]lanet or something and stop thinking a video game forum is really that important a thing to worry about.

well said! I know it's a cliche, but ToW is just a game and not worth getting too worked up about.
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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

In the interests of full disclosure, Sigrun sent me a rather "interesting" email. Not only did he reinforce the justification for banning him (though none of us had any doubts about that smile.gif , but he also claims that Will_McElwee is an unrelated Troll from the UK with a similar IP and bad attitude. So it is possible that I made a mistake linking the two together, though I made no mistake in banning Will_McElwee. That was a doosey of a first post which earned a ban regardless of him being Sigrun or not.


Yeah, Sigrun couldn't possibly have a work computer with a different IP or the ability to visit the library or use a friend's computer, eh. ;) If Sigrun is so disinterested in the forum and TOW, why would he email you within half a day at most of this thread going up? He must be awfully fascinated by us to be monitoring the forum like that. smile.gif
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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

So it is possible that I made a mistake linking the two together, though I made no mistake in banning Will_McElwee.

Sigrun was banned on October 11th. Will_McElwee registered on October 11th.

I would not worry too much about a mistake, if I was you!

Best regards,


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