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Some Questions about New Ranges etc.


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Hi there,

i´ve been watching this game since 3 years ago. Going through different stages, names etc.

I´m delighted to see that finally this game got a good publisher. I own all Combat Mission Parts etc. so I know the support is verry well.

I´m also pleased now to see the amount of news getting in every day after some dry years.

My first question is:

What made you to decide to put up armor penetration from 500 to 4800m?


My second question:

I´ve seen a couple of screens acording with the amount of money there is to spent for each particular vehicle/unit. So the Tiger I costs 600 points a T34/43 costs 300. That means an only outcome 2:1. In adition to the ranges and penetrations a Tiger I will not have a problem with 2 T34´s on a distance 1000-2000m. So how will that be in multiplayer balanced?

Third question:

How many points will each player have at most in Multiplayer?

Forth question:

Is it possible to play in Multiplayer in historic War Years? I mean when i do setup a game for 1940 than it should be only Units from that period available.

Fifth question:

Will it be possible to asign troops to other players?

Six question:

In order to make custom maps with a mapeditor wich will be hopefully with the game will there be InGame Mapdownload or do have to download the Map from other source and then to place it in the right folder?

Seventh question:

So far i´ve read that it will be not possible to mod the actual game like changing ranges, values, etc. Why is that if i´m right?

Eight question:

Will there be any timelimit during MP Games like for example 1 or 2 hours or is it like until the end of the world playing when the enemy surrenders/quits ?

Nineth question:

What platform did you decide for the Game to meet up for MP Games? Gamespy or something like that?

Last question:

Will it be possible to drop out laaging players from the game by vote? And will there units pass to ohter players from their team?

For me its only the MP Part of the game intersting, I don´t like to play against KI/Scripts because the real challange is to humans.

Thanks in advance for answer.

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w/r/t your initial statement, you havent been following too closely, eh? because it seems you make some failed assumptions about the character of the game...judging from some of the questions you ask...

"My first question is:

What made you to decide to put up armor penetration from 500 to 4800m?"

what a funny question. shouldnt the question rather be "why did you mess with the RL data in the first place?"

so what made them decide to change it to reflect real world data...hmmm maybe because after years of a flock of flashbangers following the enterprise along, this was the first time anybody seriously inquired and complained about the skewed ranges and ballistics? :confused:

"My second question:

I´ve seen a couple of screens acording with the amount of money there is to spent for each particular vehicle/unit. So the Tiger I costs 600 points a T34/43 costs 300. That means an only outcome 2:1. In adition to the ranges and penetrations a Tiger I will not have a problem with 2 T34´s on a distance 1000-2000m. So how will that be in multiplayer balanced?"

who says both players will have the same "money" allotment?

seriously, those "prices" are not final methinks. oh, and maps are 2x2 km, and apparently there wont be too many open FOF with longer ranges on those maps. hardly 2km, it seems.

oh, and take a look at the screenshots in the AARs so far. it seems most tank engagements will take place at distances below barrel length *g*

"Third question:

How many points will each player have at most in Multiplayer?"


"Forth question:

Is it possible to play in Multiplayer in historic War Years? I mean when i do setup a game for 1940 than it should be only Units from that period available."

why would it be any different? you do ask funny questions *g*

it kinda defeats the purpose of setting up a game for 1940 when the equipment is not limited to 1940... what else would there be which is specific to 1940?

the grass mods of 1940 ?

"Fifth question:

Will it be possible to asign troops to other players? "



...see multiplayer explained in the other multiple threads on that subject.

"Six question:

In order to make custom maps with a mapeditor wich will be hopefully with the game will there be InGame Mapdownload or do have to download the Map from other source and then to place it in the right folder?"

there wont be a map editor with the game.

"Seventh question:

So far i´ve read that it will be not possible to mod the actual game like changing ranges, values, etc. Why is that if i´m right?"

do you want to change max. range back to 500m ?!? :eek:

"Eight question:

Will there be any timelimit during MP Games like for example 1 or 2 hours or is it like until the end of the world playing when the enemy surrenders/quits ?"

from the AARs it seems there is a time frame to complete the mission.

I dont see why it should be different for MP.

"Nineth question:

What platform did you decide for the Game to meet up for MP Games? Gamespy or something like that?"

"Last question:

Will it be possible to drop out laaging players from the game by vote? And will there units pass to ohter players from their team?"

ok, this seems to be the weirdest question of all, like I suspectzed initially, you do seem to have a wrong impression about the character of the game. this isnt massive-multiplayer or FPS-like multi-player gaming.

there wont be a lot of voting going on, as you are up against another player head to head, or maximum 4 players.

hope that the above clears up some of your questions. but I do suspect you need to take a second look at ToW as a game in general, anyhow.



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"Will it be possible to asign troops to other players? "

He means will it be possible to give another person on your team control of one of your units.

what a funny question. shouldnt the question rather be "why did you mess with the RL data in the first place?"
Its always better to be able to mess with them, why? Because then you don't have to wait for a fix from the company before you change something that you want changed. Mod support is always the better option.
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A range of 4800 does seem to be a wee bit on the high end for a 20mm gun, but I guess it loses almost all penetration power after a few hundred meters.

A question I just thought of: will vehicles with rapid fire weapons in their turret with sufficient elevation and traverse (say an Sdkfz 222) be able to fire at planes and will they automatically do so? The last part of the question goes for tanks with MG's on top too: will the gunner try to hit planes?

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Is it possible to play in Multiplayer in historic War Years? I mean when i do setup a game for 1940 than it should be only Units from that period available."

why would it be any different? you do ask funny questions *g*

I think he's just asking if it's possible to set up a game with year-bound equipment. (The "?" is the tip off.) The rest looks to be an attempt to clarify the question. ("I mean..." is the tip off.)

it kinda defeats the purpose of setting up a game for 1940 when the equipment is not limited to 1940... what else would there be which is specific to 1940?

the grass mods of 1940 ?

So: Can you?

In order to make custom maps with a mapeditor wich will be hopefully with the game will there be InGame Mapdownload or do have to download the Map from other source and then to place it in the right folder?"

It's likely that whatever you need to do for IL-2 is what you'll need to do for ToW.

I don't know what that is exactly, but that's what I've read.

So far i´ve read that it will be not possible to mod the actual game like changing ranges, values, etc. Why is that if i´m right?"

Scenario data is apparently in XML, so you don't even really need an editor to change it. (And making an editor would be relatively easy, I think.)

BFC has historically been uninterested in allowing players to change stats. (I'd rather, but I think they've got good reason to not put for the effort.) We may just be seeing an expression of that, or it may just be because the stats just aren't conviently placed for third-party mucking about.

I'm not certain anyone's actually asked, though. Maybe it's all in XML, too. But I doubt it.

from the AARs it seems there is a time frame to complete the mission.

I dont see why it should be different for MP.

Because developers (in general) have this irrational lust for stripping MP of features found in SP. That's the only reason I can see. Hopefully 1C aren't like that.

Welcome to the forum, GS_W!

I don't know how used to ToW-like games you are, but it isn't like the games a number of us are used to, either. Lots of dedicated wargamers. I know a lot of them still give the CM boxes a shake every once in awhile, looking for the cardboard counters.

Don't worry about grogs like M. H. if you find him a bit testy. They're really rather adorable. Their bite is worse than their bark, but they generally live a long way away and only the bark is a factor.

[ August 31, 2006, 08:51 AM: Message edited by: Tarquelne ]

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Hofbauer i would be pleased if Megakill would answer those question instead of some jolk like you who is apearently not asaigned to!!!!

Funny that you even couldn´t understand most of those questions, means english is not your first language and you missed lessons in school or the questions are to complecated to follow.

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One claification...

There were several people in the old ToW, WW2 RTS, etc. forums that complained about the skewed ranges and they were pretty much shouted down as CM fanbois. This was defiitely not the first time anyone questioned it. It is however the first time their publisher questioned it.

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Originally posted by GS_Wünsche:

Hofbauer i would be pleased if Megakill would answer those question instead of some jolk like you who is apearently not asaigned to!!!!

Funny that you even couldn´t understand most of those questions, means english is not your first language and you missed lessons in school or the questions are to complecated to follow.

I was just trying to explain Comic Irony to a co-worker. Thank you for providing a textbook example.
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Originally posted by thewood:

It was on that forum for sure. As soon as someone mentioned CM, the cries went out about how this was going to blow CM away.

To me, "blow away" is a relative term. Certainly ToW will do some things better than CM and can count on a "blow away" victory in a category or two. Depends on your priorities and preferences if the total package gets the win in the end. For me I think it will.
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Originally posted by RMC:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by thewood:

It was on that forum for sure. As soon as someone mentioned CM, the cries went out about how this was going to blow CM away.

To me, "blow away" is a relative term. Certainly ToW will do some things better than CM and can count on a "blow away" victory in a category or two. Depends on your priorities and preferences if the total package gets the win in the end. For me I think it will. </font>
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Hey GS_Wünsche

Having a close look at your questions i think you might be asking whether this game is going to be like SHOWW2 or FOW. The reasons i state this is because those games seem to have what your asking e.g Transfering troops or historical setups, Use of GS and modding.

Maybe you reword your questions for the FOW compared topic.

Iam too hoping that TOW considers some of the ideas from SHOWW2 or FOW and probably has since 1C is involved.

But getting back to the topic of new ranges..well for multiplayer i was hoping the maps were bigger then 2kmx2km or even maps that truly varied in size so the use of different tanks with there ranges would come into affect.


Today in history:

1st September 1941

German Jews ordered to wear yellow stars.

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Sammy Davis Jnr. sorry but you are totally wrong.

I´m not asking because of thinking its going to be like Soldiers or FOW those games are different to this one.

I´m only asking to wanna know how the MP Part will be because thats the only Part of the Game wich will serve me.

I just wanna know what made the developers come to setup the ranges for aromor penetration to historic level. Thats not typical for game developement.

I find my questions verry important for the MP Part because when you look to Combat Mission and pick up for example 1941 Scenario you have little to no chance as German against Russians because of their KV´s and T34´s able to buy. You have only acess ot PzIII H with 5cm gun wich have little to no effect on them. As a German u need to buy Flak 88 gun to knock them out.

On a 43 Scenario it turns the tide russians have nothing against Tiger I and Panthers the dominate from far range. In Late war 44-45 Scenarios its also verry tough to fight against King Tiger and other stuff.

From what i´ve seen so far TOW is not verry differnt to Combat Mission. Ok its not round based thats even better now and you can play 4v4 on MP wich is also even better. But if we speak about the Units, Ranges, behavior of troops thats similar.

I´m a little frighten about that the Germans could dominate the MP Part in some case like from 1943-1945 Scenarios because of their heavy Armor with devastating guns on ranges above 1000m.

I dont wanna see camping games with Germans sitting on top of Hills with heavy armor and going for a turkey shot. When its going to be to historic real its not going to be balanced for all sides thats what im considering.

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Sammy Davis and all others,

dont you see your well-meant words are ill applied?


Originally posted by GS_Wünsche:

Hofbauer i would be pleased if Megakill would answer those question instead of some jolk like you who is apearently not asaigned to!!!!

GS-Wünsche wants no help or info from lowly other fans, only the word from megakill himself or company representatives will suffice for his highness.

we are but the unworthy.

forgive us oh GS_Wünsche that we dared to try to answer your questions.

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Originally posted by GS_Wünsche:

Hofbauer i would be pleased if Megakill would answer those question instead of some jolk like you who is apearently not asaigned to!!!!

Funny that you even couldn´t understand most of those questions, means english is not your first language and you missed lessons in school or the questions are to complecated to follow.


well a splendid day to you, too !

I deliberately ignored some of your yodaesque phrasing and intentionally did not jump the opportunity for some cheap shots that presented themselves only too well.

nor did I say anything about your SS-revering sig.

I think thats already quite a bit of self-restraint on my part. smile.gif

say, is GS_Marcks still with your gang? GS was an almost respectable clan back in CC days, some almost groggish people there. Tell GS_Marcks a hello from me and express my condolences that GS has come all the way down to the level displayed.

btw: do you have a GS_Grass in your clan? ;)

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@ Hofbauer

GS_Marcks is not a memeber anymore. GS_Grass never heard of him.

"I deliberately ignored some of your yodaesque phrasing and intentionally did not jump the opportunity for some cheap shots that presented themselves only too well."

Well who told you to answer in the first case. You are not a developer or anything like that with TOW so you take your crumbs only from the depth on the internet but nothing concrete.

In this case i would welcome if someone with more knowledge about the game would answer.

Thanks in advance but your answers were not really meaningfully.

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who says both players will have the same "money" allotment?

you wanna play with less money in MP against others???? I dont!

seriously, those "prices" are not final methinks.

who told you that.....???

and maps are 2x2 km, and apparently there wont be too many open FOF with longer ranges on those maps. hardly 2km, it seems.

have you seen them all and who told you that SP Maps are possible to play in MP??? So far were only Campaign Maps shown.

How many points will each player have at most in Multiplayer?"

You did not answer that one.....dont u understand it.....in Combat Mission for Example you can play from 1000 - 5000 points would be interesting to know if it is the same here because of 4v4!

there wont be a map editor with the game.

says who?

do you want to change max. range back to 500m ?!?

did i say that? No, but maybe changing some data on vehicles etc.

why would it be any different? you do ask funny questions *g*

its not funny because if you can setup games for historic years it could be unbalanced, have you ever played Combat Mission 2 online in a 1941 Scenario as German? If not get the game and i show u what i mean!

I dont see why it should be different for MP.

because players wont sit for hours in front of their machine to fight games most of them want quick games. Dude have you ever played MP Games online with more than one oppenent?

What platform did you decide for the Game to meet up for MP Games? Gamespy or something like that?"

seems to me Gayspy is not to worry for you becaus of no answer

ok, this seems to be the weirdest question of all, like I suspectzed initially, you do seem to have a wrong impression about the character of the game. this isnt massive-multiplayer or FPS-like multi-player gaming.

Ok this tells me that you have no real experience with MP having more than 2 players involved. Of course this is an FPS game, have you checked hardware settings for this game, dude? If you play on a 4v4 with some guys having machines from 3-4 years ago it will laag like hell. So kicking someone out from a game because of laag is a good opportunity for the other players. Because it can get on your nervs waiting all time for laagers.

Seems to me dude you have not played many other RTS Games in the last couple of years. SP is not intersting its no challange to play against KI or some scripts with using the pause button or quick save to reveal your decission after it.

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Hey GS_Wünsche

I do understand what you are asking and i hope you find the answers you need.

You might want to divide your questions up because you are asking questions from the topic of armour penetration to transfering troops to modding etc. It might help you to place those questions in the various topics rather then dump all your questions in a topic about called New ranges etc.

Iam also sure that there are some people like hofbauer (not admin or developers) who have been posting and following the development before you and i got involved that could help you alot.


"We must be very careful not to assign to this deliverance the attributes of a victory. War's are not won by evacuations."

Winston Churchill - To Parliament - 4th June 1940

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GS, I've got the answer to most of your questions, with some links to previous threads...

In this case i would welcome if someone with more knowledge about the game would answer.

Thanks in advance but your answers were not really meaningfully. [/QB]

... ah, but never mind. I'm just some crumb-gatherer like M.H., and may be wrong. I wouldn't want to interrupt your wait for a dev. to stroll in and repeat himself (or your practice at using the "Search" function) with non-meaningful information.

[ September 01, 2006, 02:15 AM: Message edited by: Tarquelne ]

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Originally posted by edgars:

Oh, this thread is soooo funny, please, keep it going so i have some entertainment, while i wait for my Friday evening "laager".

Totally agree with you!! One the one hand I want it to stop for the sake of forum sanity, but on the other hand ... smile.gif
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Originally posted by GS_Wünsche:

Of course this is an FPS game, have you checked hardware settings for this game, dude?

Dude, I don't think you know what an FPS is.

If you play on a 4v4 with some guys having machines from 3-4 years ago it will laag like hell.
Dude, I don't think you know what lag is, either.

Carry one, this is kinda funny. Like those amateur videos with children falling from swings.

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