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So what the heck is this "Peng" stuff?

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The Cheery Waffles TNT thread lives on in the eternal afterglow of the mystic TNT laden blue angel of death.

The Peng thread continues to serve a purpose, like how a chicken body runs around after its head has been gently removed from its body with an axe.

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A long time ago, so long ago it was damned near the year one, Seanachai, a drooling idiot by anyone's estimation, did take his challenge of MrPeng, a raving nutter with momentary flashes of brilliance, public. It seemed that MrPeng, in one of the moments when his brain was firing on all cylinders, found our northern neighbors (canucks) to be a bit on the goofy side. Seanachai, rallied to the defense of the Canadians and challenged Peng. We (in the royal sense) did find his challenge offensive in our eyes and did put the boot in on Seanachai.

This initial challenge thread ran on for some 1000+ post and did bring the board crashing down around Madmatt's notably bald head. However, like the board and also like a somewhat deranged phoenix, the thread rose up from the ashes for another 1000+ posts. Somewhere around then, Steve decided that we had to put a limit on how many posts would be allowed in one thread. Therefore, when one thread reaches that limit, another is started. So, The Peng Challenge Threads are, in fact, just one thread that has yet to die out. It has grown a life of its own. In fact, it probably has more ofa life than those that ask about it.

Now, to observe proper Peng Thread etiquette...

Sod off

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It has grown a life of its own. In fact, it probably has more ofa life than those that ask about it.
If you call your miserable existance "living" you have a valid point, but it is debatable!

Oh, and there is another time honored tradition here. And that is to stop the MBT from spreading. That means when Pengers start tooting their own horns I start locking threads.

Back to the Pool with you!


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