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Will the Challenge Thread suffer from limited Peng types?


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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Abbott:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lars:

Did you pick up after the dogs?

Nah, three out of the four of them are dead. </font>
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Well, you were Prime Suspect #1.

You better go talk to the moron before he does something else stupid Abbott. I'd tell him about your cat.

And I'd watch your dogs to make sure they don't get into whatever his did.

btw, never invite the cops inside.

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Originally posted by Abbott:

ALL OF THIS BULL**** SNIPPED...He also said that his dogs had come home very sick. Bleeding from the mouth, ears and rectum (easy Stummy) and that two-of them had also shown signs of severe beating... YET MORE SNIPPAGE

Pengdamn it Abbot you fly swallowing, 'a ruler down my pants' bud swilling, dime a dozen Yankee waster!!!

I will not have my former serf Belgian2 associated with a dogs bleeding rectum because of his sexuality... unless you were associating him with said rectum because of his personality, looks & displayed intellect... in which case it's all fine & dandy.

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Originally posted by Lars:

Well, you were Prime Suspect #1.

You better go talk to the moron before he does something else stupid Abbott. I'd tell him about your cat.

And I'd watch your dogs to make sure they don't get into whatever his did.

btw, never invite the cops inside.

I thought about going to speak with the neighbor but I am concerned he may claim that I threatened him!

I got my dogs from the pound. A mother and her two pups a couple years ago. The mother had been abandoned while pregnant and the pups were damn near wild and about 6 months old. Their mother is very smart and the pups followed her lead and all three were a breeze to train. Most people who run across them comment on how well behaved they are. They accepted me as pack leader and (as I bet you already know) once that is accomplished the rest is easy. Due to they’re rough and tumble nature I have fenced about a quarter acre with Hog wire and three-cornered steel ranch posts. I also have had to run a shock wire about a foot off of the ground to keep them from digging under and another wire about a foot above to keep them from leaping over. They have been successfully contained since this was done.

However my neighbor has access to the fence from his backyard and some of it is difficult for me to view from inside my house or shop. I really like these dogs and the mother and one of the pups are my companions and love to ride in the back of my truck. The other is a complete home-body and does not like to leave the yard. I would hate to lose them and I know the guy next door likely had problems over losing his dogs. I know I would not want to lose my dogs like that and if he weren’t such an asshat I would likely feel something for the situation other then for the dogs.

Yeah Lars {/b ] I know about inviting them in but nothing they couldn't see was going on. I was having a weak moment and was trying to be nice. Piss on ‘em, they can stay on the porch from here on out.

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I have a dog. I have cats.

I don't have:


  • A freakin' turn from 37mm.</font>
  • Enough functional forces left to fend off Nidan's gum-chewing, parachute-dropping, 75mm-firing swarms of GI's.</font>
  • Much fear of losing the current scenario to Boo.</font>
  • Patience for homophobes.</font>
  • A single Seanachaiism to ponder in story form.</font>
  • An ability to not drink beer.</font>
  • The sobriety to realize the above is a problem.</font>
  • Desire to "work on my truck."</font>
  • A bazillion frickken dollars so that I can visit each and every one of you and imbibe all your liquor.</font>
  • Confidence in our current administration.</font>
  • A membership to the NRA, MoveOn, Doctors without Borders, and the local YMCA.</font>
  • An ability to stop listing things.</font>

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Originally posted by Leeo:

I have a dog. I have cats.

I don't have:


  • A freakin' turn from 37mm.</font>
  • Enough functional forces left to fend off Nidan's gum-chewing, parachute-dropping, 75mm-firing swarms of GI's.</font>
  • Much fear of losing the current scenario to Boo.</font>
  • Patience for homophobes.</font>
  • A single Seanachaiism to ponder in story form.</font>
  • An ability to not drink beer.</font>
  • The sobriety to realize the above is a problem.</font>
  • Desire to "work on my truck."</font>
  • A bazillion frickken dollars so that I can visit each and every one of you and imbibe all your liquor.</font>
  • Confidence in our current administration.</font>
  • A membership to the NRA, MoveOn, Doctors without Borders, and the local YMCA.</font>
  • An ability to stop listing things.</font>

But do you have rhythm?
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A guy a couple of years older than I got tired of his neighbor's dogs coming onto his parents' property and chasing his mother inside, so he dropped one with a compound bow. Arrested, convicted, and I think he opted for military service in lieu of 1 year jail time. County cops are worthless for that kind of thing, and it takes animal control days to respond to a complaint, but they don't mind expediting the prosecution of one who takes care of such things on his own.

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But Abbott, your neighbor is an idiot.

Doesn't sound like he's going to retaliate, but best to point out the evidence you didn't do it. i.e. the missing cat. If nothing else, you still got to live next to the guy.

And the second thing is, you still got another guy out there who likes to poison dogs. I'd be a bit careful for awhile.

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Guest konrad
Originally posted by Bugged:

The last time Seanachai posted, there was rum, dalem and an axe involved. I'm concerned.

yes ,





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I once had a kitten named Boo. Since I already had a kitten named Boo, I decided to name our dog Boo. My dog Boo ate our kitten named Boo, and then died.

I think that says a lot about Boo.

Wait. Sorry. Once again, I was plagued by Boollucinations. Cheeky Bastige!

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Originally posted by Leeo:

I once had a kitten named Boo. Since I already had a kitten named Boo, I decided to name our dog Boo. My dog Boo ate our kitten named Boo, and then died.

I think that says a lot about Boo.

Wait. Sorry. Once again, I was plagued by Boollucinations. Cheeky Bastige!


Cut the meds in half, Leeeeo.

Or better yet... double them.

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How to put this...

Unemployed again. On the road to Ireland. Some ligament damage. Hope it doesn't affect the new paddling season.

Bugs me that my left arm won't work right.

I'll try to post again, before I head across the ocean. Nothing's gone right, lately. A lot of pain.

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Boo! I'm off to see the world again. Fecking world.

Back in 10 days or so, but I could die. If I die, you coc- you load of fetid dingoes kidneys will probably never know.

I had an agreement with my sister Kat that she would show up here, and let everyone know that I was dead, and say something significant about 'My Life'.

But then she died, of course, and left me without anyone who cared enough to laugh.

I miss her.

We had an agreement, you know. My part was, I make sure that her wishes were observed. That I wouldn't let her be kept on life support long past the point where anything could be done.

Normally I whine like a child about her in September, when she died.

Sigh...it's funny how things will take you. And when.

Boo Radley! If I should die while overseas, I want you to put the boot in.

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Happy Birthday To Me....

Why is it that when I decide to diet someone buys me chocolates... now don't get me wrong I LURVEEEEEEEEEEE chocolate and I can handle the usual box all on my own.. ( they're mine, all mine) but even sharing this box with anyone who happens to be around.. I'm still struggling.. So.... Pengers help yourselves... If I never see another chocolate it will be too soon...I feel sick!

Here's why...


Hmmmm maybe giving someone(who's trying to diet) a HUGE box of choccies is the way to help them achieve their goal... I'll keep you posted if it works.


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Guest konrad
Originally posted by Seanachai:

How exciting, that ..

I wil not endorse(by force) Yours degenerate sense of geography ...

besides ,how I can bring you Sampo,when the sampo... its You .

my gawd.

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