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System specs known yet for Macs to run CMx2?

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I know this topic came up months ago, and an answer was promised from BFC, but unless I missed it somehow, I believe we never got the word on what the

minimum and optimal Mac system specs would be to run the new game. Since I'm actively shopping for a rig which will run CMx2 and also be backwards compatible, this is an issue of considerable interest to me. What's the latest, please?


John Kettler

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Don't hold your breath but BFC has already stated that the specs won't be known until they figure out what Apple will do when they revamp the Mac OS for the new Intel chip.

When the change does come no one really knows how much backwards compatibility there will be with the revised OS to Macs running Power PC chips. Looking at the CM series for the Mac it was made for OS 9 and can't play on OSX. Which is a real bummer as Mac user's have to decide on which is more important the OS or CM for their computers.

CAn't blame BFC as the OS 9 to OS X switch burned them.

As for me if the game (worst case scenario and I'm speculating)can't play on a power PC chip of the OS) then that means we'll have to upgrade to a MacIntel box. that sucks.


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My fingers are crossed that CMX2 will even be Mac compatible!

In the meantime I am still waiting for Apple to make some sensible anouncement on their future rig specs. The famous "Wev'e got some great things to anounce for this year" (somewhat paraphrased) is as yet so much hot air.

Oh the irony - I need to and could upgrade but the best choice available is a 2-5 year old G4 tower with maybe a CPU/Video card upgrade.

Or am I missing something here or what?


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Originally posted by lucero1148:

Don't hold your breath but BFC has already stated that the specs won't be known until they figure out what Apple will do when they revamp the Mac OS for the new Intel chip.

When the change does come no one really knows how much backwards compatibility there will be with the revised OS to Macs running Power PC chips.

Someone posted in one of these threads a couple of months ago that someone at Apple had stated that at least the last two iterations of OS X were already capable of running on the Intel chip. If that is true, then there should be no profound change in the OS as a result of the changeover. Anybody else heard anything about this?


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How to run OS X on a PC

Wow the OS X code has now be hacked for about a month

From the link above there is downloadable version of OS X floating around on the internet undercurrent which has been cracked and released which will run on an intel PC because the "look for this APPLE only bit of hardware" code has been cracked and/or modded somehow.

he he

Now thats news to me

-tom w

Originally posted by Peter Cairns:

Current apple News is that there are download sites that let you run OSX on PC's already, so it should become clearer in the next month or so how much of a cahnge it really is.


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having just purchased my first PC this week

I think I will look for that hack :D

I'm on the road and needed a new laptop

I have been doing a lot of work lately

helping people work on their PC's

and I need my own XP box to keep current

Now I have a newer PC than my Macs

and a more updated MS OS than my version of OSX :(

I relly feel like Anakin Skywalker in the clutches of the Sith

and have named the PC the "Dark Side" :mad:

[ September 24, 2005, 02:08 PM: Message edited by: jeffsmith ]

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So far Steve Jobs seems to be pretty confident the Mac OS for Intel will only run on Apple produced hardware. Knowing him, it will likely be pretty unlikely one will be able to hack any standard PC to work with the Mac OS once its commercially available.

MacOS has been running in parallel on Power PC and Intel chips for years now going all the way back to OSX Beta.

My personal expectation for a base system spec would be a 128mb video card and a 2.5Ghz PPC or 2.8Ghtz P4.

Our old G4s will be left in the CMBO-CMBB dust.

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Supposedly the new OSX for MacIntel machines will be hacked proofed so it won't run on non Apple PC's, but there's some thoughts that XP could run on the new MacIntel's side by side with OSX. That would be very interesting. It'll put Virtual PC out of business (a MS subsidiary)and if that's possible you could possibly play CMX2 on the new Mac's but using XP instead. Weird! I doubt that Apple would allow that to happen.


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Apple allowing (or not preventing!) their new Macintels to boot into Windows XP/Longhorn will give their potential sales a huge boost - many prospective Switchers might take the plunge if they knew they could always fall back on their tried if not so trusty Windows OS.

It might not be so good for the Mac games "Porters" though. Why wait for a Mac version if the PC version is only a re-boot away.

Having said that having to boot in and out of OSX and OS9 is a real PITA especialy as I currently am sharing a Mac with my wife.


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Well the cynic in me suggests that you wont hear anything about Intel Macs until Mac World San Francisco.

The optimist in my hopes that they release an Intel based PowerBook then (as my G4 PB is getting really long in the tooth). But I suspect it will be more iPod / iPhone /iTunes related.

Either way, an OS X only machine (either Intel or IBM based) will only run CMX2 so you will need to hang onto a OS 9 capable G4 based machine to run CMBO, CMBB or CMAK.

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Thats true, and its the main reason I'm hoping that it will still run on my old G4, although that hope is fading since Steve's comments about possible min specs a few weeks ago. That said, I'm saving for one of those Intell Powerbooks (G5 maybe G6 powerbooks?) for CMx2, since I don't wont a new tower at this point.

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