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While the Rivers Run Backwards From the Sea and the Grass Is Blue - I Challenge Peng

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Eh,Nidan, lad. Good to see you still posting. Keep it up.

Otherwise, what the hell am I supposed to do? If you don't post, who's going to tell the little children about Being a Marine?

You know, of course, that I don't like to...well, actually 'like' anyone. Just don't, you know, actually go away.

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Every once in a great... great while, you actually say someonething worth hearing

Semper Fi Seanachai... now you may return to the worthless ****e bag we all loath so much

A testimonial, dear friends!

Keeps me posting, Berli lad, that it does. The day I lose your respect (or its approximation) is the day I give it all up, and go away.

When he himself might his quietus make,

With a bare bodkin; who would fardels bear,

To grunt and sweat under a weary life

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Eh,Nidan, lad. Good to see you still posting. Keep it up.

Otherwise, what the hell am I supposed to do? If you don't post, who's going to tell the little children about Being a Marine?

You know, of course, that I don't like to...well, actually 'like' anyone. Just don't, you know, actually go away.

Seanachai you daft bugger you...I learned long ago that pouting is not a cure for what ails the soul. Whining might work in some cases, if you get a sympathetic ear...pouting however only works if you are a contestant on "Project Runway"..BTW when is Heide Klumm due to have that kid anyway...she is immense.

Has anyone noticed that "Bravo Network" in spite of showing re-runs of "THe West Wing", and a train wreck of a show called "Being Bobby Brown"...has devoted hours and hours of programing

to reality shows promoting alternative lifestyles?

I find it amusing, but I am sure Seanachai would be intrigued by "Blowout".

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So there I was reading up on the subject of toilet paper (and a very interesting subject it was as well) when I remembered I hadn’t checked my emails.

Doing so I find a rather pathetic one by Boo who, just cos I’d had the audacity to knock out two of his tanks, had decided to surrender complaining that ‘he’d gotten it all wrong from the start’ (how many years has it taken him to finally figure that one out).

And yet the flipping idjit still had tanks left & he still outnumbered me in infantry… rather disappointing sport in my opinion & it’ll deserve an extra special AAR.

Now back to the reading… Where was I… ah yes scraping crap off Chinese backsides with Bamboo strips

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Joe, Joe, sometimes your understanding falls short of your grasp. You are a classic. In fact, you are Classical. You are our Cerberus. You keep safe this little bit of Hell. You keep out those who do not, and cannot, belong. Fools come in, they piss you off, and they get you to show your teeth...

... in the jar on your nightstand.
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Dear Mr. Emrys ,

I hope you are enjoying the rain. They say days and days of rain can make one “gloomy” but in your case it seems to have no effect. I bet the ladies at the open air mall start a hoppin’ and boppin’ when they see you strolling down the avenue towards the store fronts. As I grow older I wonder what makes a gentlemen constantly talk of sex? I rarely discuss the subject outside of a female’s company. Still I am glad to see that maturity is calling you and you have removed that awful self-quote from your signature. I am sure you finally agree it was rather silly when we all know you no longer attend High School.

Now your barroom fantasy eeks its way onto the Internet. Have you considered discussing this with the lady who works the register at the corner drug? Maybe a gleaming smile and some witty banter would let an actual female know what is constantly on your mind instead of a mostly male forum?

Good luck with that,


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What the hell? Why are Rleete and Boo both up and posting?

Oh, Christ on a crutch. It's morning again, isn't it? ****e.

Just a second, while I check something...

Good. It didn't snow again. I don't have to go and shovel.

Not that I wouldn't be quite up and capable of shoveling. I'm like a figure from myth.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Now, all that's been said and done. Where is my large, thuggish henchman, Boo? How I long for...well, when you get right down to it, he's the worst goddamn henchman in all the known Multi-verse.

Mene, mene tekel Upharsin! Oh thou gods, when will I be free of this sort of thing? When will my large, thuggish henchman finally justify all the time and effort I've spent abusing his hulkishly awkward form, and make me proud?

Have I not spilled out my very soul to him? Have I not named him as my own? Have I not threatened to kick the very soul out of his overly large and Calibanish body if he doesn't get a wiggle on, and make me proud?!

Was ever a more demanding and obnoxious master more poorly served by a lazy and useless servant?!

Boo, as you love Me, my Lady, and the Respective and Varied Personifications of an Ultimate Being That May or May Not Exist, my horse!

He shore do have a purty mouth, don't he?

As for being the worst large thuggish henchman in the known universe, well... you get what you pay for.

If you had bothered to check the rate card I gave you at the beginning, you would have seen that vague praise, tepid turn sending and IOU's written in Crayola on peeled off beer bottle labels... don't buy you much love.

And what about your horse? It's comprised of a rubber head and a wooden stick. It's out in the back yard where I've been using it to practice my bunker shots.

Oh, and I'm supposed to welcome the Lady Bugged. Welcome Lady Bugged and watch where you sit, some of those nondescript piles of rubbish are actually brave Kaniggets of the MBT (Don't Tread On Me Or I'll Give You Such A Hit!)

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

So, Boo...does this mean that you aren't going to fetch my steed, Rosinante? Or are you just pissing around?

Rosinante, indeed! There is nothing about tilting at windmills in my job description, Olde Man! </font>
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

So, Boo...does this mean that you aren't going to fetch my steed, Rosinante? Or are you just pissing around?

Rosinante, indeed! There is nothing about tilting at windmills in my job description, Olde Man! </font>
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My day just turned into a bigger pile of poo than usual. We are having some fairly crappy weather here in Pennsyltucky, and the roads and flood containment thingies are all overflowing and now the power has gone out at one of our plants. My network backbone is still up, and all of my servers in the other plant are fine, but typically if one plant goes out the other is soon to follow. So, everyone else gets an early and extended lunch while I get to sit around and wait for all of the UPS devices to lose power. Some of our stuff is smart enough to shut down gracefully when the UPS says so, but other stuff has to be let down by a person or pod, and that would be me. Of course when the power went out everyone who isn't operating on battery (everyone other than me) will have a fun time dealing with whatever files blew up in the middle of things - or rather they will tell me about their files that blew up in the middle and I get the pleasure of assisting them. Most will be fine with any results, but there is a subspecies of end user that are the stuff of pure evil who will make my afternoon a living hell.

How I hate computers and the people that use them.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

I see Lars has the time to post on the GF, but not on the Peng Challenge Thread.

When I'm at his house on Saturday I'm going to pull a 'Dalem' with every bit of kitchenware he eats off of or drinks out of.

I just posted, you temporally challenged manky git!

Don't make me go into time stamps!

Oh, and please bring a turn on a floppy, as it seems you can't be arsed to e-mail them anymore.

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Originally posted by Bugged:

And you, vigilant bar-keep, the next time you're in the house, come into the room and say hi, why dontcha.

Helllllll-looooo. smile.gif

I thought you might like these. The chocolates were flown in from Switzerland by special supersonic courier, I believe they are still warm, and the orchids were picked in Hawaii not more than six hours ago. I thought you deserved something special.



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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Bugged:

And you, vigilant bar-keep, the next time you're in the house, come into the room and say hi, why dontcha.

Helllllll-looooo. smile.gif

I thought you might like these. The chocolates were flown in from Switzerland by special supersonic courier, I believe they are still warm, and the orchids were picked in Hawaii not more than six hours ago. I thought you deserved something special.


Michael </font>

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