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De plane! De plane!

AAR: Juan Gigante vs. Stoat


I had been looking forward to this battle. The young stoat had been spoiling for a fight, and I was prepared to give it to him. As the generous and wise elder of us two, I allowed him to set the parameters, demanding only to attack and to be in Italy. Strangely, he had our QB purchases as “unrestricted” in force type, quality, and all that. As the Germans, I immediately dug into to two companies of Fallschrimjagers, supported by a Panther and 5 of those 75mm halftracks that I used so well against Sir 37mm. The companies came with 6 60mm mortars and 4 MGs. It was a good, balanced force.


I was surprised when the map came up. It was far more wooded than I expected. My Panther and HTs wouldn’t have those long lines of sight that I wanted to provide proper overwatch. But I’ve always been a bit of an knife-fighting infantryman in my command style anyways, so I didn’t dismay. In fact, I looked forward to getting to point-blank LOS and swarming over stoat’s helpless Americans. I divided my forces in three groups – one to go up the middle, one to flank right, and armor to support as needed. The middle group would pin stoat in place, and the flankers would crush him in hand to hand combat. I had a few loose mortars and MGs to take up overwatch positions and cover the advance of both groups.


The first few turns were uneventful. Until turn 12, when a strange sight loomed overhead. My foe had actually purchased a plane in a QB! Naturally, after the second pass it turned sissy and ran home, after having scored one non-damaging partial penetration on my Panther. For the rest of the game, stoat would mourn in his e-mails that it wouldn’t return to drop any bombs. I thought he should count himself lucky it didn’t blow his units up.


I continued to advance. I was getting exceedingly close to the objectives with little contact, so I expected a large-scale ambush. I happened across and killed a BAR team and a bazooka team, but the game was fully uneventful until…


Turn 18! My left flanking force was brought under frighteningly accurate artillery bombardment (later revealed to be 75mm). As my troops were up and advancing through trees, they took heavy casualties. In their panic, they bunched up closer together, only causing more death. In turn 19, a treeburst actually killed one of my HTs! Alas!



Continued in the next post...

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Strangely enough, however, the artillery was the only thing defending his flank, so after the bombardment was lifted, my troops easily walked over to the objective there. I proceeded to advance to the center objective in the town itself.

I felt I was doing well. Though my right had taken heavy casualties from the arty, they were maintaining cohesion. The center was solidly in place and prepared to advance on the town. I was keeping my armor back – LOS was too short, and I didn’t want an unseen AT team to get an easy kill.

As I advanced towards the town, I received a new surprise – enemy armor! Stoat had cleverly placed a trio of what were later revealed to be M8 howitzers behind his lines to slow me down. They were placed in such a way that my overwatch was unable to see them, yet they could hit my infantry. I tried to attack them with the HTs, but failed – I lost 3 HTs and didn’t even scratch the paint on the M8s. I created a 3 part plan to get them.


Part 1 – Move through areas out of LOS, attack the enemy infantry, and force the M8s away as they lost infantry support.

Part 2 – Move up Panzerschreks and kill the M8s.

Part 3 – I sent my Panther on a wide flanking move to get around behind the M8s. The terrain was such that if the Panther went straight for the M8s, it would show its side armor as it got within LOS, and I didn’t want to lose my Panther to something dumb like that. The move for the Panther would end up taking about 5 or 6 turns, and by the time it got into position, Panzerschreks had finished off the M8s, though at great loss to my own infantry.

With the M8s either destroyed or busy dueling my Panzerschreks, my infantry advanced on stoat’s main defensive position. He had set up a series of trenches in tall pines right next to a church that was the objective. I immediately brought the trenches under fire from 60mm mortars – the treebursts would cause heavy pinning and some casualties, allowing me to get my infantry to knife-fighting range. I also put my last remaining HT and all the loose MGs I could muster in pinning the enemy.


My infantry assaulted the wooded area starting around turn 25. The enemy infantry, demoralized by the mortars and from being led by a baboon like stoat, broke almost instantly. His forces retreated back to the far edge of the woods and the church, whilst mine occupied his now-empty trenches. We then entered a several turn long Wild-West-style shoot-out.


I had about 4 platoons, supported by mortars, MGs, and now the Panther, which was just beginning to enter the battle, against his 2 platoons or so, supported by an M8 which was cowering out of LOS with pretty much anything and was destroyed by a Schrek with no sweat. I slowly but surely pushed his infantry back, first into the church, and then out to the surrounding houses.


It was in turn 37 that a most interesting thing happened. As I was preparing to assault the church which held the objective, an MG team of stoat’s quite sensibly decided to vacate the premises. Unfortunately, they did so in clear sight of a full platoon of mine, who had something to say about it. The following events are shown in screenshots below. The MG team left the church and walked about 10 meters. At this point, they decided they had had enough of stoat’s incompetent leadership and surrendered. However, my men were not in the mood for prisoners. They promptly threw a grenade and finished their captives off! I was proud.




Continued in the next post...

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Little happened for the rest of the battle. Stoat’s force was in shambles, fleeing the center village as quickly as they could, while my men occupied their positions just as fast. The end of the game at turn 40 found me firmly in control of the center objective, and a brief look at our forces at the end shows that I unquestionably held the battlefield. Despite this, the gods only awarded me a minor victory, likely for my needless loss of the halftracks.


The battle was a strange one, especially so because of stoat’s reliance on the M8s and artillery to accomplish anything, and my infantry’s near-magical ability to break his nearly instantly. That said, I always enjoy a good rout, and pursuing a poorly-equipped, poorly-trained, and poorly-led force through a ramshackle village is the best sort.


Stoat and I are currently playing a new game. I have, gracious victor that I am, allowed hi to attack this time. Despite being handicapped by an “Armor” force type, I am confident my defense will hold. So far, the game has consisted of one of my MGs pinging away at his bumbling infantry at long range while his StuGs idly stand by.

Thank you for your time, and praise be to the MBT.

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Originally posted by dalem:


If Stacy from that What Not To Wear show advised me to jump into a volcano, I would do it without a second thought.

Hubba hubba.

Hold on. I just got a phone call. It was Stacy from What Not To Wear and she was looking for you, but was real busy and had to go. But she wanted me to tell you to go jump into a volcano, and in case there aren't any in your immediate neighborhood, jumping in front of a speeding train will do.

Always glad to help a buddy.



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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:


If Stacy from that What Not To Wear show advised me to jump into a volcano, I would do it without a second thought.

Hubba hubba.

Hold on. I just got a phone call. It was Stacy from What Not To Wear and she was looking for you, but was real busy and had to go. But she wanted me to tell you to go jump into a volcano, and in case there aren't any in your immediate neighborhood, jumping in front of a speeding train will do.

Always glad to help a buddy.


Michael </font>

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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Bugged:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by NG cavscout:

Looks like a Churchill to me, but I could be wrong, it has been rumored to happen in the past.

I agree. Specifically, I think it's a Churchill Mk VII.

;) </font>

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Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:


If Stacy from that What Not To Wear show advised me to jump into a volcano, I would do it without a second thought.

Hubba hubba.

Hold on. I just got a phone call. It was Stacy from What Not To Wear and she was looking for you, but was real busy and had to go. But she wanted me to tell you to go jump into a volcano, and in case there aren't any in your immediate neighborhood, jumping in front of a speeding train will do.

Always glad to help a buddy.


Michael </font>

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:


If Stacy from that What Not To Wear show advised me to jump into a volcano, I would do it without a second thought.

Hubba hubba.

Hold on. I just got a phone call. It was Stacy from What Not To Wear and she was looking for you, but was real busy and had to go. But she wanted me to tell you to go jump into a volcano, and in case there aren't any in your immediate neighborhood, jumping in front of a speeding train will do.

Always glad to help a buddy.


Michael </font>

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Originally posted by Bugged:

Churchill Crocodile. That's my guess.

I agree with Lady Bugged.

The barrel sure looks as if it has the muzzle brake of the 75mm, which was fitted on later models including the MKVII. What one can see of the turret makes it appear to be a Churchill, absolutely no way for me to tell if its a Crocodile.

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