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Those (not so) backward Syrians--and their powerful friends

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It appears a reassessment may be in order. Take a look at this super SAM/antitactical ballistic missile system the Syrians got from Russia. You may or may not agree with now dead investigative reporter Joe Vialls' political views, but I believe

his military analysis is must reading. The system described is no monkey model piece of junk. Rather, it is a state-of-the-art frontline system with capabilities far eclipsing the Patriot. That the Russians have provided Syria with such a superb weapon speaks volumes as to Russia's commitment to Syria. It further suggests that other high tech nastiness has been/will be supplied.


Here's a description not only of the havoc the Kornet has wrought so far in Iraq, but the entire

defensive concept being used in Iraq (with rather obvious applications to a Syrian scenario). Note well the extremely clever and perverse accounting procedures being used by the Pentagon to keep us from learning the full extent of Iraq combat fatalities. This has been separately reported elsewhere.

If the reported "man portable gas plasma weapon" really exists, then it appears the Russians are continuing their time honored practice of battlefield testing new weapons, just like they did in Afghanistan where all manner of

unpleasantness got a heavy workout--from automatic grenade launchers and mortars, through MLRS size MRLs, multiple war gasses, and into energy weapons.


It is also worth noting the new alliance and the players therein. Not only does it include countries with highly credible conventional capabilities, but some exotic ones as well. Russia, China and Brazil all have either scalar and/or the much nastier quantum potential weapons. India either has or is working on antigravity systems (not sure about scalar or QP weapons) and is on the bleeding edge of breakthrough energy technologies, China has working antigravity platforms, and a major oil and gas player, Venezuela, is on board, too, driven there by an assassination attempt against Chavez and a parade of U.S. threats, reportedly including keeping an invasion fleet off Venezuela's coast. The antidote for that has been described in the Sunburn and Onyx links at the bottom of the first URL. Not that it matters much, but three of the four are nuclear powers, too. High tech, exotic weapons, nukes and virtually unlimited manpower, coupled with huge energy reserves in several of the alliance members. Urk!


John Kettler

[ December 23, 2005, 08:37 PM: Message edited by: John Kettler ]

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American Abrams M1A1 tank (serial # L13170) in Baghdad, after being hit by an 8-mm speed-of-light man portable gas plasma weapon. Plasma ball entered through skirt armor covering right track, cut through main hull armor (right side), then grazed rear of gunner's seat and control panel before gouging a 2" deep hole in main hull armor (left side). Just like sliding a hot knife through soft butter. Sadly for America, Los Alamos hasn't got anything even remotely like it.

This is from John's link in the above post...

There are pics on the link page...

What the hell is this thing????

"hit by an 8-mm speed-of-light man portable gas plasma weapon. Plasma ball entered through skirt armor covering right track, cut through main hull armor (right side), then grazed rear of gunner's seat and control panel before gouging a 2" deep hole in main hull armor (left side). Just like sliding a hot knife through soft butter."

Sounds like science fiction to me

Please tell me more...

-tom w

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First wiff brings to my nose the scent of something that doesn't smell right. (Googles the guy)... Yuck! Second wiff is clearly noxious. Internet conspiracy nut. I can't take anything this guy has to say seriously. Before I even THINK of taking this seriously, is there any other verification of this information?

BTW, it is fun to watch the parnoid, conspiracy nuts on the Internet attack each other as being part of conspiracies themselves. Here is one "exposing" Vialls as a Mosad disinformation alter ego:


Now, I wonder if Vialls (or whoever he is) played Spot the Boeing. Hmmm... well, not exactly. He does apparently think the plane hit the Pentagon, but that it was flown by remote from NORAD.


So yet another bunch of conspiracy theorists going at it; those that say the plane never hit and that it was a bomb planted by secret US government covert ops, and Vialls who claims that it did hit, but flown by robotic control. Cool!

The great thing about conspiracy theories is you don't need any real evidence or credentials to be "published". Just access to the Interenet, some creative writing skills, and probably being dropped on one's head as a child. It is truly scary how much of this crap there is on the 'net. At least with the old printed conspiracy theorists, it took some effort to spread their diseased thinking. Now it's just a couple of key strokes and clicks away.


P.S. I tried to find some independent verificaiton that Vialls even exists. He supposedly died, but all I've seen is "reports of his death". That's my contribution to the conspiracy theories!

[ December 23, 2005, 09:41 PM: Message edited by: Battlefront.com ]

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Sigh. Once again, the trees supplant the forest. May I suggest a different approach? Let's crosscheck the purported data. Here, for example is a scholarly analysis of major Syrian missile capabilities.


And here's the history of Syrian missile acquisitions, acquisition plans and contract activities. See particularly 1994 on.


Then we have the Syrian shopping list as of early January of this year, per WorldTribune.com


Here's something very recent from www.abovetopsecret.com which was originally sourced from www.debka.com


This is a detailed discussion of the origin and subsequent of the S-300, including the very version under discussion. Note that the S-300PMU-2

was specifically developed to appeal to Middle East customers.


Shall post more such links shortly.


John Kettler

[ December 24, 2005, 01:59 AM: Message edited by: John Kettler ]

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Dear John Kettler,

Your first link to 'subliminalsuggestions' is not only ludicrous, but -frankly- rather disgusting.

And, Steve, "Creative writing skills" are not to be found in that drivel, unless you understand "creative" in a different way that I do :)

"While in Palestine, Russian President Vladimir Putin paid a diplomatic 3-minute visit to the Jewish "Wailing Wall", located provocatively below the Muslim Al-Aqsa Mosque, then went on to spend four times as long at the tomb of Yasir Arafat. In direct contrast, American President George W. Bush, who continually called Yasir Arafat a "terrorist", makes a mockery of his own professed 'Christianity' by paying homage at the mock shrine of those who murdered Jesus Christ."

"the Jewish "Wailing Wall", located provocatively below the Muslim Al-Aqsa Mosque"?

My god. Does he know some elementary history?

"the mock shrine of those who murdered Jesus Christ"?

I can only puke when reading such drivel.

"You may or may not agree with now dead investigative reporter Joe Vialls' political views" writes Kettler.

That's a heavy understatement. It puzzles me that someone in his right mind would agree with statements like

"The reason for this cowed western response is simple enough. Washington and Tel Aviv fear President Putin, and rightly so. For this is the man who provided the Iraqi Republican Guard with a massive quantity of laser-guided Kornet anti-tank missiles, each of them man-portable and easily capable of destroying an American Abrams battle tank for 1/2,000th the cost of the latter."

This kind of bloated mental masturbations, as we all know, is actually a direct insult to the cleverness of Putin & co.

My god. I don't believe that someone cold be so gullible and read such crap for more than a couple of lines.

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hit by an 8-mm speed-of-light man portable gas plasma weapon
I have not yet found any web reference to this thing?

What this heck is a " speed-of-light man portable gas plasma weapon" and why do the Allies and the US not use such a weapon?

(if such a weapon acutally exists?)

I am open minded, you can just call me Mr Curious smile.gif

But this one sounds like it borders on Science Fiction in a BIG way!

-tom w

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It is unfortunate that this forum is linked to an article IMHO of such unmitigated crap. The fact that the Russians are selling/giving High-tech military equipment to Syria is no excuse for such an antisemitic/antiIsraeli/anti USA tirade.

It may be that one of the problems with a simulation (game) set in a modern conflict zone is that political and ethnic feelings may be negatively reinforced.

I can usually look forward to an informative and witty read when logging on here...........let's try and keep it that way


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Originally posted by aka_tom_w:

What the hell is this thing????

"hit by an 8-mm speed-of-light man portable gas plasma weapon. Plasma ball entered through skirt armor covering right track, cut through main hull armor (right side), then grazed rear of gunner's seat and control panel before gouging a 2" deep hole in main hull armor (left side). Just like sliding a hot knife through soft butter."

Sounds like science fiction to me

To me it sounds like the radical repackaging of an incident that got discussed at some length in the GF several months ago. An Abrams was apparently hit by an advanced RPG. There was some puzzlement over the event, and I don't know what the current status of it is as I haven't heard anything about it since. The plasma thing sounds like some weirdo took the opportunity to read his own fanciful interpretation of it. Surprised that he didn't mention that it was done by Galactic Justice Agents firing from a UFO. I thought everyone knew that by now.


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The mere fact that something reads like science fiction does not ipso facto make it so. Sad to say, the average person on this planet is almost totally ignorant of the true state of military technology on this planet, which, frankly, meets Arthur C. Clarke's description of being indistinguishable from magic. The U.S., for example, has been doing for years the kinds of far future stuff described in books like WAR IN 2080.

It's not at all uncommon for weapons to be developed in secret, live out their service lives utterly unknown, then be quietly retired with no one the wiser.

The Germans had a death beam in trials in 1945. The skipper of the U-977 was invited to see the tests by an SS buddy, but had to decline because he had to put to sea. The U-977 was one of those U-boats that showed up in Argentina to surrender some four months after the war ended. Just the other night the History Channel, in a program on weird Axis weapons, indicated that the Japanese were so engrossed in using microwaves as killing tools against troops and equipment that it badly hurt their air defense

radar development. They planned to cover the landing beaches in Japan with high power microwave

weapons. It appears that they did live fire tests on humans.

When doing primary research for the Oscar winning documentary "The Panama Deception" I read description after description from technically unsophisticated Panamanian locals indicating that the U.S. used energy weapons there.

Later on, some friends of mine independently learned that "guys dressed like RoboCop" were running around with backpack lasers. That was what? 1989! Soldiers who were in Panama for Operation Just Cause and later saw the film also reported using chemical weapons there.

In 1990 for Desert Storm the U.S. operationally employed antigravity craft armed with apparent neutral particle beam weapons, turning Iraqi equipment and troops into "blackened smears on the desert floor' according to those who saw the firing footage and the results, including a Marine general. You can read about those and other exotic craft at www.drboylan.com under Articles.

Operation Iraqi Freedom saw the use, per the description of an Iraqi engineer and confirmed by an investigative reporter, in Baghdad of what sounds like a vehicle mounted version of a giant Klingon disruptor weapon, with horrific effects on the targets. That writeup appeared at www.rense.com among other places.

I don't know whether the Russians have a gas plasma weapon or not, but I can assure you that when it comes to high energy physics, they wrote the book, and they've got the hardware to prove it. Their physics papers alone reveal a vastly richer electromagnetic theory than is taught here, and the things they've done--gyrotrons, phase conjugation, scalar weapons, tactical and strategic high energy lasers etc.--show they're about real world combat applications. We found out about phase conjugation when a visiting Russian scientist innocently put the equations on a blackboard. As soon as we realized what was there, the room was cleared and the blackboard classified! Naturally, this dramatic move showed the Russians how scientifically ignorant we were.

Lt. Col, US Army, ret. Tom Bearden, Ph.D. (former DIA expert on Soviet air defense C3I and CSC's go to guy on applying AI to automated air defenses) is the man on much of this stuff, his site, www.cheniere.org is a must visit for exotic weapons and the whole advanced energy field. Slides from and the text of his trailblazing FER DE LANCE: Soviet Scalar Weapons are there, and those of you with a deeper interest will want to order FER DE LANCE, 2nd Edition.

What I've given here, mind blowing as it may be to some of you, is but a fraction of what's really going on.


John Kettler


How I wish people here would learn to stop rejecting potentially priceless data simply because they don't like the packaging, politics, etc. One of the best investigative reporters ever,

the now deceased Mae Brussell, used to subscribe to some 200 newspapers and magazines from all around the world, of all kinds of national, political, social and ethnic views . By doing so, she was able to predict many events well before they actually occured, to ferret out hidden dynamics, identify

the real stringpullers operating behind the scenes, etc. Didn't sit well with those her research outed!

If you are so naive as to think you're reading and seeing the truth in the mainstream media, I invite you to compare

the carefully researched, incisively analyzed European coverage of Whitewater with the sensationalist pabulum presented in U.S. papers

Those of you who think that relying on mainstream pubs will save you would do well to remember that the same group founded and controls all of the following:

The American Psychological Association, the American Historical Association, THE NATION, and NATIONAL REVIEW (William F. Buckley's mag). And what's the motto of the NEW YORK TIMES? "All the news that's fit to print." IOW, someone there decides what you get to read about, and you have no say whatsoever in the matter.

[ January 16, 2006, 02:44 AM: Message edited by: John Kettler ]

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I like to think I am open minded but this Philadelphia Experiment takes the cake on stretching my level of believability or credibility...

from here web page

Notes on the Philadelphia Experiment

The Philadelphia Experiment, otherwise known as Project Rainbow, has been a subject of long controversy and debate. It was an attempt by the Navy to create a ship that could not be detected by magnetic mines and-or radar.

There was also talk of invisibility projects and mind control experiments. The truth behind this project will never be known to the public. It is just one those triggers that we encounter that propels into awareness as who we are on a soul level.

However, results of these experiments became far different and much more dangerous than the Navy ever expected. Although the story itself seems too bizarre to be true, far too many coincidences have occurred for it to not be based upon some small iota of truth. The technical data that has also been presented upon the subject hold far too much credence to be ignored. Many of the stories associated with this infamous experiment are wild: whispers of men 'freezing' in time for months, rumors of men traveling through time, and horror stories of men becoming stuck in bulkheads or even the floor of the ship itself. (In the movie of the same name - the visual of the men being part above the deck - and part buried in the deck - is amazing. This sort of things has been done on 'X-Files' as well when they did a storyline about temporal anomalies.

In the 1930's Nikola Tesla got involved with a group with was experimenting with moving through the Time/Space continuum. In the early 1930's, the University of Chicago investigated the possibility of invisibility through the use of electricity.

In 1939 this project was moved to Princeton's Institute of Advanced Studies - this is not far from Philadelphia. There they were able to make small objects invisible. They presented this technology to the government. The military, because we were at war wanted to pursue it in their direction.

Tesla had come to the same conclusion that Einstein did that this technology if developed would not be used for the benefit of mankind.

In 1943 the government conducted a test using domestic animals on a ship. The ship that was eventually used for the experiment, the USS Eldridge, was commissioned at the New York Navy Yard on August 27,1943 (Department of the Navy). The animals were placed in metal cages on the USS Eldridge. The ship became invisible but when it materialized many of the animals were missing on had radiation and other burn marks on them. Humans were not to be tested.

Yet on August 12, 1943 the USS Eldridge with a full crew aboard reportedly underwent the Philadelphia Experiment. The men did not know what was to happen. The generators were fired up. The switches were thrown. The ship disappeared and all seemed well.

However, others claim that the experiment took place on October 28, 1943. Substantial evidence points to the October date as being more accurate. The Navy has released the Eldridge's deck log and war diary and at no time was the Eldridge in Philadelphia. However, the records could have easily been changed.

The Eldridge's war diary reads as such: The Eldridge remained in New York and the Long Island Sound until September 16, when it left for Bermuda. From September 18 to October 15, it underwent training and sea trials. On October 18, it left in a convoy for New York and remained there until November 1. From November 1 to the 2, it went on a convoy to Norfolk and on November 3 left in a convoy for Casablanca. The Eldridge arrived in Casablanca on November 22 and stayed there until November 29, when it left for New York again in another convoy. The Eldridge arrived in New York on December 17.

From December 17 to December 31, it traveled to Norfolk with four other ships (Department of the Navy). Although this is not the entire war log, it is the log of the ship during the suspected time the experiment took place (October 28, as mentioned above).

It would seem that the Navy never did experiments on the Eldridge at any time, but the government has been known to cover up because of national security before. An example of such a situation would be the Manhattan project. This secret project was the building of the atomic bomb and no word was ever said about it until it was obvious that we had an atomic bomb.

The Navy, in a search for a plausible answer, has suggested that perhaps the Philadelphia Experiment was confused with experiments done attempting invisibility to magnetic mines. This was a process known as degaussing.

But the ship was gone from the harbor for about 4 hours, not just a few minutes. Legend has it that the ship was transported through space and time. It arced through Space/Time.

Four hours later it returned to its original place. There was a greenish haze on deck. Some of the sailors were on fire. Some seemed insane. All were sick. Some had heart attacks. Some were dead. Some were part of the super structure of the ship, buried in the deck or walls of the ship. Some reports said that men just seemed to disappear and were never seen again.

But where had the ship gone for 4 hours? Some witnesses placed it in Norfolk Harbor. Others say it voyaged 40 years into the future and wound up at Montauk, New York.

The Navy denied everything and said the men were lost at sea. Perhaps one day the truth will be known.

The Montauk Experiment purported links several of these sailors to Montauk, New York with a time loop to 1983.

The Navy performed another experiment on the USS Timmerman's generating plant in the 1950's. The experiment tried to obtain 1,000 Hz instead of the standard 400 Hz from the generator (Department of the Navy). It resulted in light discharges. These light discharges may have been witnessed by Carlos Miguel Allende and caused him to start writing letters to prominent men in the scientific community. The Navy believes that Allende mistook the experiment on the Timmerman for the Philadelphia Experiment.

Carlos Miguel Allende, also known as Carl Allen, was an odd man. He was born on May 31, 1925 in a small town outside of Pennsylvania. On July 14, 1942, Allende joined the Marine Corps and was discharged on May 21, 1943 (Taken from the book titled The Philadelphia Experiment, pg 99). He then joined the Merchant Marine and was assigned to the SS Andrew Furuseth. It was upon this ship that he claimed to see the Eldridge in action.

Allende's story was bizarre; he stated that he had witnessed the Eldridge being transported instantaneously to Norfolk from Philadelphia and back again in a matter of minutes. Upon researching the matter further, he learned of extremely odd occurrences associated with the project and wrote a basic summation of his newly learned knowledge in a letter to Dr. Morris K. Jessup. Dr. Jessup was an astronomer and Allende had been in the audience of one of Dr. Jessup's lectures. Apparently having some respect for the man, he decided to entrust Dr. Jessup with his knowledge. The letters were written oddly: with capitalization, punctuation, and underlines located in various places.

The letters were also written in several colors. In his letters, Allende revealed horrifying details of the Philadelphia Experiment to Dr. Jessup. Because Dr. Jessup was something of a believer in odd phenomenon he did not entirely dismiss the ideas presented to him. He wrote back to Allende and requested new information. The return address upon the letter never existed according to the mail service, yet Allende still received Dr. Jessup's reply. Allende responded with more detailed letters but the correspondence eventually discontinued because Dr. Jessup dismissed it as a hoax.

During the time of Dr. Jessup's and Allende's correspondence, Dr. Jessup had just recently published his book titled The Case for UFO's. After Allende had written to Dr. Jessup, this book was sent to the Navy and had hand-written notes inside the book. The notes were in the same writing as in the letters sent to Dr. Jessup and eventually Dr. Jessup was asked by the Navy to view the notes.

Dr. Jessup recognized the writing immediately, but he was somewhat astonished, as he had concluded earlier that it was merely a hoax to trick him. The notes in the book were more detailed than in the letters and were highly insightful, so Dr. Jessup eventually believed them and researched the matter. Unfortunately, Dr. Jessup could not find any new leads. Only one tantalizing clue had shown up.

Two crewmen had been walking in a park when a haggard looking man approached them. The man told them a fantastic story about an experiment done in which most of the crew died or suffered terrible side effects. He said that the government then claimed the entire crew was insane so that when they came forward, they would merely be dismissed as a group of crazy people who had merely concocted some fantastic story. After the conversation, one crew member was convinced while the other was not. Eventually, the member that had been convinced contacted Dr. Jessup and told him the story. Although this was a substantial lead, Dr. Jessup was not getting very far and he found that his reputation in the scientific community was worsening. Faced with overwhelming odds, Dr. Jessup eventually committed suicide on April 20, 1959, believing "another existence of universe being better than this miserable world." (The Philadelphia Experiment, 79). Some believe that his suicide was actually an assassination by government agencies to keep the experiment quiet.

Unfortunately for Dr. Jessup, a major clue in the puzzle turned up shortly after his death. This clue was a man by the name of Alfred D. Bielek.

Bielek's story is even more bizarre than Allende's. He claims that he was transported in time to the future and that here in the future he was brainwashed by the Navy. This brainwashing led him to believe that his name was Alfred Bielek, rather than his true name, Edward Cameron. Upon discovering his true identity, he tracked down his brother who had also participated in the experiment. Bielek claims that his brother time traveled to 1983 and lost his 'time-lock'. As a result, his brother aged one year every hour and eventually died. Bielek then claims that his brother was reborn. Needless to say, only a small group of people believe Bielek and nearly everyone thinks that his stories are based on some truth, but he's exaggerating the truth for personal reasons. This popular opinion seems to be reinforced when Bielek starts remembering things only after having seen the movie "The Philadelphia Experiment". Bielek has a Ph.D. in Physics, so he does have some technical experience. He is also a retired electrical engineer with thirty years of experience. Because of his obvious intelligence and skill, he cannot be discounted entirely. Bielek stated that the technology used in the Philadelphia Experiment was given to us by aliens. However, the germanium transistor, which was what Bielek said had been used, was invented by Thomas Henry Moray.

Bielek also stated that Dr. Albert Einstein, Dr. John von Neumann, and Dr. Nikola Tesla were involved in the project. Some controversy has arisen as to the participation of Tesla because he died in New York city on January 7, 1943, which was only a two month period of time after the project took place. Einstein, on the other hand, suggested such a project as this to the Navy on several occasions. Because of this, he was probably involved in the project. As for von Neumann, there is no evidence to refute or promote his active participation in the matter. There is evidence that supports the fact that he later continued on the experiment at a different time.

The principle that lay behind the Philadelphia Experiment was the Unified Field Theory. This theory states that gravity and magnetism are connected, just as mass and energy are connected through the formula E=mc2. Einstein never solved the Unified Field Theory, but the very nature of the Philadelphia Experiment suggests otherwise. It is probably that this theory has become a government secret because it is capable of doing many things, possibly even space travel without the assistance of rockets.

In a search for actual technical data on the experiment, not much information can be found that isn't tainted with doubt and speculation. The basic design has two large Tesla coils (electromagnets) placed on each hull of the ship. The coils are turned on in a special sequence and their magnetic force is so powerful that they warp gravity itself. Bielek also says that on August 12 every twenty years, the magnetic field of the Earth reaches a peak and allows the synchronization between the Tesla coils. The oscillator which Bielek claims to have run the coils in a special pattern looks more like an Army field kitchen refrigeration unit than anything else. Many believe that's exactly what it is and Bielek's story is just a hoax. Bielek gave it a technical name however: the "Zero Time Reference Generator". The oscillators would synchronize with the adjustable phase angle and created a scaler type wave (Anderson). Several scientists today have attacked Bielek's testimony on this, as they believe a vector wave would have been more efficient and probable. Bielek also does not make clear if the power used is AC or DC, pulsed or rotating, and what the Microwave and Radar frequencies are. In other words, Bielek provides almost no accurate technical information that can be used.

Rick Anderson however, may be able to shed some light upon the subject. He states that four RF transmitters were phased to produce a rotating field. This field was pulsed at a 10% duty cycle. Instead of two coils, he says that four coils would have been set upon the deck of the ship and would be run by two generators that were pulsed in a counter-clockwise motion. Anderson states that the Tesla coils use a total of 7,500 feet, or 1.42 miles of #16 magnet wire. Because of this enormous quantity, no one has privately undertaken the experiment; the wire would be too expensive and also must to be wound in a special way (Anderson). Other scientists believe that Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and the science of the Philadelphia Experiment are connected.

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance is also known as Magnetic Resonance Imaging, or MRI. Yet another scientist named Alexander S. Fraser believes that everyone is wrong about the electromagnetic qualities of the experiment. He believes that it was never done with electromagnetism, but with thermal fields. This thermal field could have caused the optical mirage effect which several witnesses reported. Fraser says that Allende had spoken of a 'scorch' field, fire, and optical wavering, all of which are products of a thermal field. As for the part about the Eldridge disappearing in front of their very eyes, certain weather conditions have been known in the ocean to cause islands to disappear as well. These weather conditions were taking place the day of the experiment. Yet another scientist believes that sonic and ultrasonic waves were used.

The sonic waves could have been used to create an 'air blanket' around the ship, which is consistent with reports. There were many experiments done in the 1940's with high power ultrasonic waves, which indicates a high probability of the Philadelphia Experiment being one of them. Strong sonic fields are known for having bad side effects upon humans, which is also consistent with reports. The green haze which was presumably around the ship was caused by "exciting the surrounding sea water with powerful ultrasonics - 'sonoluminescense' and related phenomena." (Anderson) The ultrasonic field would have caused the crew to pass out and make the journey from Philadelphia to Norfolk seem to last only a couple minutes. Needless to say, the technicalities of the Philadelphia Experiment are a matter of hot debate among scientists and no one seems to be able to provide any solid evidence. As Rick Anderson aptly puts it: "An electronics person knows that, without a DETAILED, comprehensive THEORY behind bench set-up, he is not going to know how to set up voltages and currents, power levels, frequencies, wave forms, pulse widths or duty cycles. If there's a chance a circuit won't work, Murphy's Law dictates that it WON'T more often than not."

If the technicalities of the experiment are vague and a matter of controversy, the results of the experiment are just as foggy. One fact which everyone seem to agree on is that a field was extended many yards, up to perhaps one hundred, outside of the ship and into the water (Anonymous). Everything inside of this sphere was vague in form and the only visible shape was the hull of the Eldridge in the water. This field seemed to have a greenish color and was misty. Another fact everyone agrees was that the Eldridge did not function properly after the experiment and became a source of trouble.

The last item everyone believes is that terrible side effects were manifested upon the crew members. However, when one delves deeper into that particular subject, no one agrees on what the specific details are. Some witnesses, Allende and Bielek in particular, state that matter itself was changed and that men were able to walk through physical objects. When the field was shut off, some crew members were found stuck in bulkheads, others in the floor. Some were found with the railings of the ship stuck through their bodies. It was a horrendous sight. The sailors supposedly went crazy after this and raided a bar.

They told the bar maid their story and completely terrified her. According to Allende, a newspaper article was written upon the raid, but no specific date was named, so the article cannot be found. Most crew members went insane, but a few retained their sanity, only to be thrust into worse situations. One man sat down to dinner with his wife and child, but then got up from the table, walked through the wall, and was never seen again. Two others simply disappeared into thin air and were also never seen again. Another crew member vanished in the middle of a fight, much to his opponent's astonishment. All three incidents had several witnesses.

Yet the worse side effects were when men got 'stuck'. Getting stuck consisted of becoming invisible and being unable to move, speak, or interact with other people for a period of time. This was told of by Allende in his letters to Dr. Jessup. Getting stuck by the crew members was known as "Hell Incorporated". (The Philadelphia Experiment, 42). It was also known as the Freeze. A common freeze would last minutes to hours and was damaging psychologically, but did not cause madness. A man would only come out of the Freeze if other crew members laid their hands upon him to give him strength. Unfortunately, in one instance of the "Laying of Hands," two men who attempted to lay hands upon the man burst into flames and burned for eighteen days (The Philadelphia Experiment, 44). The fires could not be stopped, despite multiple attempts to quench the flames. Needless to say, the Laying of Hands was discontinued from that point on. Then, men started going into the Deep Freeze, when a man would be frozen for several days to several months.

During this time, the man is completely aware of others and their actions but was unable to communicate to them or interact with them. Men in the Deep Freeze can only be seen by other crew members. It only takes two days for a man to go completely crazy in the Deep Freeze. The first deep freeze took six months and five million dollars worth of research and equipment to correct (The Philadelphia Experiment, 43).

The man who was stuck for six went completely insane by the time he got out. Carlos Allende wrote: "Usually a A Deep Freeze Man goes Mad, Stark raving, Gibbering, Running MAD, if His freeze is far More than a Day in our time." (The Philadelphia Experiment, 42) Rick Anderson uncovered research that states this disappearance or freezing of people is the Zeeman Effect. "Zeemanising - the Zeeman Effect is defined as spreading out of the spectral lines of atoms under the influence of a strong magnetic field." (Anderson) The few remaining sailors have a high PSI factor which is intensified by fear or hypnosis. Unfortunately, they have all been discharged from the Navy as mentally unfit.

The Philadelphia Experiment has become a saga of strange occurrences and peculiar coincidences. It should be noted that Allende firmly believes the Navy was completely unaware of the side effects the Philadelphia Experiment would produce on the crew members. Allende is also quoted as saying: "I believe that further experiments would naturally have produced controlled transport of great tonnages at ultra-fast speeds to a desired point the instant it is desired. "(Allende). A full report of the Experiment was given to Congress and the members were so horrified that they disbanded the project immediately. However, research continued at the Montauk Project, a.k.a. the Phoenix Project, which was headed by Dr. John von Neumann, who also directed the Philadelphia Experiment. The Montauk Project centered mostly on how the mind reacts to interdimensional travel. It took place at the Brookhaven National Laboratories. Von Neumann attempted to link computers with minds and was apparently successful beyond his wildest dreams. Using this computer-human link, Von Neumann could affect others minds and was eventually able to open a time vortex back to 1943 to the Philadelphia Experiment. He even made claims that the mind could created matter at any point in time. He also claimed to have sent a man named Preston B. Nichols through two times lines, a fact which was actually confirmed by Duncan Cameron in 1985 (Montauk). Cameron was trained by the National Security Agency, so his testimony is valid. Many people believe that the Montauk Project is continuing to this day, although much of the information available about it is only rumor.

This entire scenario is filled with questions that will never be answered as the people involved have their own version on the events.

My soul is linked to WW II Germany - an escape from an underground lab after stealing papers with mathematical formulas about time travel - fleeing by ship to Philadelphia and working with others in a lab - hiding the papers in a canister in Philadelphia - then dying in the lab when it blew up.

The Eldridge Today - Some reports say that the ship was dismantled. Others report say ot was taken to Greece and renamed the Leon. A man named George N. Pantoulas maintains that the was given as military aid from US to Greece sometime between the late 40's and early 50's where it served in the Greek navy until 1990 and is sea worthy today. It is purported located in the Suda Bay Naval Station in Crete. George says he has visited the ship. He has seen strange wires that go nowhere. He says that men who serve on the ship feel strange energies and have strange illusions.

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While we are at it here is some more "stuff" on the edge...


AND this guy is Canadian!





The phrase "Hutchison effect" is used except about John's levitation experiments also about these weird pieces of metal. John tells that the deformations have taken place in room temperature as a result of a complex combination of electromagnetic fields. Left above: Steel. Left below: Aluminum with coin marks and one coin inserted in the partially opened crack. Middle: completely cracked aluminum bar. Right above and below: Aluminum block partially cut open to show a piece of brown material cold melted in. John tells it is wood.

"Getting the effects is like opening an electromagnetic combination lock. I was actually so busy with adjusting the controls that I had no time to observe how the test pieces behaved in the combination of fields."  About his levitation and cold melting H-effects John likes to think their origin connected with external dimensions. This explanation is fascinating. Now one may be manipulating with some Interdimensional wormholes within matter and it's basic particles.

If you ask the other residents of a certain apartment building in Vancouver, they may admit to being curious about John Hutchison. They see a tall, muscular man who carts old consoles of electronic equipment onto the elevator nearly every week. Their curiosity increased the day a Japanese television crew showed up and disappeared inside his apartment for a few hours. And in the summer of 1995, Hutchison further puzzled onlookers by sitting on the curb and picking out stones, Why would a rockhound sort through ordinary street rocks?

What the neighbors do not know is that John Hutchison is well-known in new-energy circles, and is even known to some who move in the circles of established science. His visitors have included distinguished physicists. But unlike Shoulders and Lambertson, he is a self-taught scientist. As a boy in Vancouver, he read about Nikola Tesla and then startled neighbors with Tesla coil experiments in his backyard.

While in his twenties, he developed a medical problem that resulted in his living on a small disability pension. For years, he lived a generally reclusive life, digging for rare electrical equipment in military surplus stores and junkyards, and carrying his finds home on the city bus. Apart from time spent as a volunteer at a local ecology center, he spent hours in his bedroom-turned-laboratory, patiently rebuilding equipment. He considered opening a museum.

Antigravity and the Hutchison Effect

Hutchison's life changed drastically in 1979 when, upon starting up an array of high-voltage equipment, he felt something hit his shoulder. He threw the piece of metal back to where it seemed to have originated, and it flew up and hit him again. This was how he originally discovered the Hutchison effect. When his Tesla coils, electrostatic generator, and other equipment created a complex electromagnetic field, heavy pieces of metal levitated and shot toward the ceiling, and some pieces shredded.

What is the Hutchison effect? As with much of the new-energy field, no one can say for sure. Some theorists think the effect is the result of opposing electromagnetic fields cancelling each other out, creating a powerful flow of space energy.

A Vancouver businessman heard about the Hutchison effect, contacted Hutchison, and brought in a consulting engineer to form a company that would promote technology developed from the effect. Despite demonstrations to potential customers from both Canada and the United States, things did not work out, and Hutchison and the company parted ways in 1986.

After a couple of other abortive business tries, including a sojourn in Germany, Hutchison returned to Vancouver in late 1990 and again lived a relatively reclusive life. Piece by piece, he sold what remained of his laboratory equipment in order to pay his bills. It would be several years before he could reestablish his collection.

Hutchison wanted to connect with other researchers, but the local media had given his work the weird-science treatment, and didn't take him seriously. However, material on the Hutchison effect was included in a Japanese book on Hutchison's life and work that sold well in Japan. Living in a country with almost no natural resources has led the Japanese to take new-energy ideas very seriously, as we will see in Chapter 8.

As a result, Hutchison was asked to speak in Japan, where thousands of people paid to attend his two lecture tours. These tours were organized by Hiroshi Yamabe, a well-known Tesla lecturer who made his fortune in such advanced engineering fields as robotics and artificial intelligence. Yamabe offered to set up a laboratory for Hutchison, but the Canadian was ambivalent about the prospect of moving to Japan.

Beyond the Hutchison Effect:

The Dirt Cheap Energy Converter

Hutchison was undecided about what to do. He had moved beyond the Hutchison effect and into the field of space energy, and had acquired a Canadian business manager. The winter before his 1995 Japanese tour, Hutchison built a working space energy device about the size of a microwave oven. The Hutchison Converter was based on Tesla's resonance principle. Tesla demonstrated this principle by steadily pulsing bursts of energy into his electric coils, each burst coming before energy from the previous burst had time to die away. This led to higher and higher amounts of energy, like a child going higher and higher on a swing.

Hutchison captured the same pulsing, rhythmic energy by using crystals of barium titanate, a material that can capture the pulses of certain electromagnetic frequencies in the way that a radio can pick up certain radio frequencies. When the crystal pulses, or resonates, it produces electric power.

I saw a demonstration in which the converter put out six watts, enough to power a motor that kept a small propeller spinning furiously. The whirring of a tiny propeller looked rather silly, until one realized that the apparatus contained no batteries, no fuel, and no connection to a power outlet It worked continuously for months.

One day while experimenting, however, Hutchison cracked a crucial part and decided to take the unit apart.

He built a smaller, more portable model to take on his speaking tour. Resembling an Oscar statue in size and shape, the portable converter put out slightly more than a watt of power. It lit a tiny lamp as a demonstration and also ran a small motor.

At the end of the tour, in front of an audience of about 500 Hiroshima residents, Hutchison slapped the device onto a table lit by the bright lights of a television crew. He quickly unscrewed all the parts and revealed its inner details, while the camera zoomed in for a closeup and a pair of chopsticks provided a scale to show the size of the device. It was clear that the converter contained no batteries. Afterward, men crowded around Hutchison, offering him their business cards and asking him to sell them a supply of barium titanate.

Back home, Hutchison's business advisor fretted that the inventor had given away his secrets. But Hutchison shrugged his shoulders; he had gone beyond the prototype technology he had taken to Japan. He now had a new secret - the stovetop process he called Dirt Cheap because the ingredients included common rocks.

The new process grew out of his use of barium titanate. He wondered, "Why can't I make a material that works even better?" Hutchison knew that other researchers had put electrodes on certain rocks to show that the rocks generated a tiny electric current, somehow soaked up from the cosmos.

So Hutchison sorted through small stones on the street in front of his apartment and threw them into a test tube-sized metal container. Next, he added a mixture of low-cost, common chemicals, he won't reveal which ones and put this rock soup on the stove to simmer. This allowed water to evaporate and tiny pockets of air to rise from the stones so that the chemicals could enter them. Before the mixture cooled into a solid, he added specially treated posts to draw electricity from the crystal-like substance th at had formed. Again, no one is entirely sure as to how the Dirt Cheap method works, although one physicist told Hutchison that the Casimir effect, used by Ken Shoulders to create charge clusters, may be at work (see page 61).

When he first discovered his Dirt Cheap process, Hutchison didn't bother to patent it. He had heard from other inventors how their laboratories had been vandalized and their property had been stolen once the Patent Office had been notified, and he was not eager to be the first inventor to take a bold step by manufacturing a large home- or factory-sized unit that could restructure industries. Besides, in the 1980s - when he was still working with the Hutchison effect - he had received a few threatening comme nts from strangers.

How could Hutchison enjoy his peaceful life and still get a space energy product to the public in a low-key manner? He says he has hit upon an unusual strategy: building miniature flying saucers powered by Dirt Cheap-supplied electricity, and selling them as space-energy children's toys. Hutchison hopes an environmentally safe toy that lights up without batteries will intrigue the public into buying Dirt Cheap devices that could power large appliances. And perhaps, the Dirt Cheap process could help lead to a world of nonpolluting new energy.


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Originally posted by John Kettler:

It appears a reassessment may be in order. Take a look at this super SAM/antitactical ballistic missile system the Syrians got from Russia. You may or may not agree with now dead investigative reporter Joe Vialls' political views, but I believe

his military analysis is must reading. The system described is no monkey model piece of junk. Rather, it is a state-of-the-art frontline system with capabilities far eclipsing the Patriot. That the Russians have provided Syria with such a superb weapon speaks volumes as to Russia's commitment to Syria. It further suggests that other high tech nastiness has been/will be supplied.


Here's a description not only of the havoc the Kornet has wrought so far in Iraq, but the entire

defensive concept being used in Iraq (with rather obvious applications to a Syrian scenario). Note well the extremely clever and perverse accounting procedures being used by the Pentagon to keep us from learning the full extent of Iraq combat fatalities. This has been separately reported elsewhere.

If the reported "man portable gas plasma weapon" really exists, then it appears the Russians are continuing their time honored practice of battlefield testing new weapons, just like they did in Afghanistan where all manner of

unpleasantness got a heavy workout--from automatic grenade launchers and mortars, through MLRS size MRLs, multiple war gasses, and into energy weapons.


It is also worth noting the new alliance and the players therein. Not only does it include countries with highly credible conventional capabilities, but some exotic ones as well. Russia, China and Brazil all have either scalar and/or the much nastier quantum potential weapons. India either has or is working on antigravity systems (not sure about scalar or QP weapons) and is on the bleeding edge of breakthrough energy technologies, China has working antigravity platforms, and a major oil and gas player, Venezuela, is on board, too, driven there by an assassination attempt against Chavez and a parade of U.S. threats, reportedly including keeping an invasion fleet off Venezuela's coast. The antidote for that has been described in the Sunburn and Onyx links at the bottom of the first URL. Not that it matters much, but three of the four are nuclear powers, too. High tech, exotic weapons, nukes and virtually unlimited manpower, coupled with huge energy reserves in several of the alliance members. Urk!


John Kettler

Is this choice as a source a joke? A mean the politics and ideology undermine plenty on their own, but the man doesn't even know how to use words properly. Unfortunately, being stupid is a sure fire way to lose credibility when claiming intelligent understanding and analysis of complex data.

And for the poster? Bye, bye credibility...

Please don't ever, ever link such nonsense again. So happy that I got to see some dead U.S. soldiers used as propaganda on Christmas Eve.

[ December 24, 2005, 03:42 PM: Message edited by: akd ]

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Sigh. Once again, the trees supplant the forest.
Well, you're the one that posted links to crazy people, not me. OK, I did as well, but only to prove my point ;)

May I suggest a different approach? Let's crosscheck the purported data. Here, for example is a scholarly analysis of major Syrian missile capabilities.
Nice bait and switch. I asked you to back up the information you originally posted, not introduce different information. You went from "faster than light" AT weapons and anti-balistic missile systems that have no equal to mundane balistic missile info that doesn't even raise an eyebrow.

One of the best investigative reporters ever, the now deceased Mae Brussell,
According to who? Other conspiracy nutters? The 10 minutes I spent looking at her work caused me to put her firmly in the "nutter" column. Nazis killed Kennedy... it all makes sense now! And a friend of her's, Paul Krassner, supports her views. He also claimed that Lyndon Johnson had sexual contact with the corpse of John Kennedy aboard Air Force One returning from Dallas to Washington, D.C., on Nov. 22, 1963. I don't normally judge people by the company they keep, but there are times when it is unavoidable.

The mere fact that something reads like science fiction does not ipso facto make it so.
Just because someone writes it doesn't make it fact. One should be EXTREMELY skeptical when they read stuff on the Internet. All I have to say is your threshold appears to be horribly low.

If you are so naive as to think you're reading and seeing the truth in the mainstream media,
So the truth can instead be found in conspiracy theory websites? Wow, great thinking there.

So tell me John. When you have two uncorroborated websites, written by people who might not even be real people, attacking each other's credibility... how do you figure out which is the nut and which isn't? I posted a link to a website that claims Vialls is a fraud and a plant. Why don't you take that as seriously as Vialls' claims that robots were used to fly the planes of the 9/11 attacks?

John, some advice to you. Save your paranoid conspiracy rantings for some other venue. Like your heros of the world of whack, you mix fact and fiction together as if they are one in the same. I can't take anything you say seriously, not even when it is spot on. I suggest you check out the old story "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" if you don't understand why. Then again, I am sure the story was writen by the CIA in order to throw people off the scent of the truth, but a good story none the less.


[ December 24, 2005, 04:15 PM: Message edited by: Battlefront.com ]

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We've got to have this in CMSF.
We'll get right on that after we put in the faster than light blowjob machine. Highly placed sources within the Pentagon have confided in me that the Syrians have a device that can simulate a blowjob at a range of 1000m. The fear, and this is a real fear here so run around with your head cut off in terror, is that as our troops go advancing into Syria they will suddenly stop, drop their weapons, place both hands in front of their crotch, moan with pleasure, then be so embarrassed by the wet stains in the pants that they will go back to their jumpoff point and get a change of clothing before returning to the field. Meanwhile, mutant children (the creation of Dr. Whana Lobot'omy) will reassemble themselves from the things that look like rocks, but are really parts of their body (see the movie Galaxy Quest, which was based on leaked CIA documents) and seize the dropped weapons. When the freshly changed soldiers come back to collect their weapons, they will be ambushed and wiped out.

It's a brilliant plan and totally foolproof. Much better than the old fashioned "whore with STDs" strategy that worked far too slowly to make a difference to the war in progress.

That happened long ago, for those of us who remember the wild conspiracy discussions in the general forum a couple years back.
Around October 2001 IIRC.


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Found this great quote from a debunking article (in this case a physicist nutter):

One of the characteristics of a reasonable explanation is that it be a likely story. To be reasonable, it is not enough that an explanation simply be a possible account of phenomena. It has to be a likely account. To be likely, an account usually must be in accordance with current knowledge and beliefs, with the laws and principles of the field in which the explanation is made. An explanation of how two chemicals interact, for example, would be unreasonable if it violated basic principles in chemistry. Those principles, while not infallible, have not been developed lightly, but after generations of testing, observations, refutations, more testing, more observations, etc. To go against the established principles of a field puts a great burden of proof on the one who goes against those principles. This is true in all fields which have sets of established principles and laws. The novel theory, hypothesis, explanation, etc., which is inconsistent with already established principles and accepted theories, has the burden of proof. The proponent of the novel idea must provide very good reasons for rejecting established principles. This is not because the established views are considered infallible; it is because this is the only reasonable way to proceed. Even if the established theory is eventually shown to be false and the upstart theory eventually takes its place as current dogma, it would still have been unreasonable to have rejected the old theory and accepted the new one in the absence of any compelling reason to do so.
This is the sort of logic conspiracy theorists completely and utterly reject. Why? Because they can't satisfy this simple logic, especially this bit:

The proponent of the novel idea must provide very good reasons for rejecting established principles.
Taking the JFK assassination for example... it doesn't take much to highlight real problems with the official conclusions of how he died and who killed him. I think most people agree on that point. The problems really start with which parts are wrong, what is real instead, and how it ties up the lose ends.

Since the event actually happened, there obviously must be a single real explanation. There can not be multiple explanations, so if the official one is wrong then that means something else must be right. Yet conspiracy theorists can't agree on a single theory, and therefore create more confusion than they do plausible replacement candidates. Worse, nearly all of the theories lack any REAL evidence. So 40 years later there is still no good explanation to replace the official one, and therefore the official one must stand in place (tarnished and spit on as it might be) as the truth.

What does this tell us about conspiracy theories? From one event there are dozens and dozens of contending replacement "thruths". By definition only one theory can actually be the truth, therefore making the rest totally, mostly, or perhaps just partially untrue. Therefore, statistically speaking, when one is presented with a theory on JFK's assassination one should presume that it is most likely untrue.

Conspiracy theorists, however, do the opposite. If it runs contrary to the established explanation, then it is credible until proven otherwise. This is the exact opposite of what should be done. The beauty of the conspiracy theorist is that they can reject any rational contrary evidence as "being a part of the conspiracy" and therefore not credible in their minds. Therefore, they can not be reasoned with because they inherently reject reason.

Conspiracy theororists also like to paint anti-conspiracy theorists as "naive", "duped", "lacking critical thinking skills", or what have you. The irony is that is exactly what they are. They naively believe any tripe trotted out and therefore are duped into believing through the lack or applied critical thinking skills.

Truth is often stranger than fiction. But fiction is still fiction. Personally I don't believe Lee Harvy Oswald killed Kennedy alone (or at all), but that doesn't mean I think Nazis did it as John's "source" thinks. The difference between me and a conspiracy theory nut is that I can live my life not knowing the answers to questions like who killed Kennedy. While I would really like to know, I don't have to invent my own reality to continue living.


[ December 24, 2005, 05:11 PM: Message edited by: Battlefront.com ]

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Gee, Steve, I am surprised at the depth to which you have been taken in by the Establishment. ;) LOL.

Seriously, I wonder if you'd mind if I quoted you the next time I run into some nut case who is convinced (and means to convince the world) that FDR with Churchill's connivance suckered the Japanese into attacking Pearl Harbor because he wanted to go to war with Germany.

:confused: :D


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Steve and troops,

Seeing as how I have practically a chapter's worth of text to respond to here, let me see if I can at least make a stab at it.


The information I have is that Tesla was scientific director of the original incarnation of Project Rainbow, which at first was being tested aboard a battleship to house the necessary gear.

He knew that the invisibility was doable, but came to realize that the crew problem was real, incredibly dangerous, and had no solution then. When the Navy wouldn't listen and insisted on going forward with manned tests (now aboard the tiny destroyer escort, the battleship having been sent to war, necessitating putting much of the equipment on the dock), Tesla not only quit in disgust but did the best he could to sabotage the project. Von Neumann was brought in to replace him. Based on what I was told, the invisibility tech, based on rapidly rotating microwave and magnetic fields, disrupted the dimensional locks of the crew relative to the ship, resulting in the horrors described. A great analogy familiar to Star Trek fans would be the dreaded accidental beaming into solid rock, etc.

I've met Al Bielek and talked with him at fair length. A remarkable, highly educated and articulate man--wherever he came from! I've also read two of the Preston Nichols books and have talked to people who've been in and videotaped the Montauk underground areas, to include a considerable number of man sized cages, as reported by quite a few victims of the covert experiments there. You may also be interested to know that Montauk, at its most fundamental level, was all about folding Space-Time, precisely what would have to happen in order to teleport the Eldridge, and the way that the alien craft and their cruder U.S. counterparts (see below) travel.

People can say what they like about the Project Rainbow story, but it is a matter of record that before the now deceased Tesla's papers were delivered to the Tesla Museum in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, U.S. Naval Intelligence went through them top to bottom, removing quite a bit of material. This strikes me as being significant. Even so, research by Tom Bearden has found that it was in precisely Tesla's papers that eventual Soviet Nobel laureate in physics Petr Kapitsa found enough of an idea that he was able to ultimately create an entire new science, energetics, in response to Stalin's demand for a full-blown scientific breakthrough in weapon technology. From this breakthrough sprang

not just scalar weapons but a host of related sciences and applications. See Bearden for details. Conceivably, scalar weapons could've been built by WW II, for Tesla offered the British a death beam for defending the country, but the British didn't understand and wound up going with

Watson-Watt's newfangled radar instead.

I have two independent data points to confirm at least part of the technology described. In the 1980s, a U.S. carrier skipper, tired beyond measure of his tag along flotilla of Russian spy trawlers, activated some highly classified technology and simply disappeared. That much is also confirmed in open sources. Now, I'm not talking about jamming a radar satellite and disappearing that way, I'm talking vanishing and can't be located by any means. Period. Since aircraft carriers were highly mobile nuclear strike assets and thus top priority monitoring targets for Russian strategic reconnaissance, the effect of this was beyond electric. A source of mine with terrific intel connections characterized the reaction as being "like they stomped an anthill." Evidently, every

available vessel and aircraft was pressed into the all-out hunt, and when the carrier was finally located, it was a LONG way away from where it disappeared. Quite a coincidence with the Philadelphia Experiment, wouldn't you say?

I own a video copy of footage shot by William Cooper in the 1980s from Tikaboo Peak, Nevada, into Area 51, using a professional 70mm movie camera on a tripod. The film shows what other sources have separately identified as an ARV (alien replica vehicle, i.e., a U.S. built antigravity craft) in flight there. There are mountains in the background for visual reference, speed calculation and the like, and there were bino equipped multiple eyewitnesses there as well.

What you can clearly see on the video, even running it frame by frame, is that in one instant the brightly glowing craft is there, and in the next it has vanished, a fact confirmed by those bino equiped eyewitnesses who can only see the stars where the craft was. Next thing you know, the craft has equally abruptly popped back into sight, well away from where it was before. Basically, what's happening is that the craft pops briefly into hyperspace, moves through it, then reenters our dimension. And when the ARV leaves, it goes horizon to horizon so fast that Cooper's barely able to keep it in the frame. Engineering drawings of the ARV are in Cooper's BEHOLD A PALE HORSE, and the video for Project Redlight (the flight footage above) isavailable at the Hour of the Time (www.hourofthetime.com) site under Store, then, HOTT videos, Project Redlight 1 & 2. That such craft were flying was separately and earlier confirmed by Bob Lazar and people he told of the test flights, witnessed from the famous mailbox outside Area 51. Believe that was over a dozen people before security got wind and came down hard on him.

According to Al Bielek not only are aircraft carriers fitted with the invisibility gear, but so are the planes. Separate reports over a period of years indicate the B-2's got those and even more astonishing capabilities.

I am fairly familiar with at least the first part of Hutchison'w work and have been since the mid 1990s. I own video shot originally in his lab showing the effects on different materials and purported antigravity effects.


I did NOT bait and switch. Rather, since the information about the S-300PMU2 was being so hotly challenged because Joe Vialls said it, I made the not unreasonable suggestion that we go looking for

our own independent evidence as to the original statement's veracity or lack thereof. If you go through the material in the links, much of which may be useful to you for scenario and orbat purposes, the material presented by me clearly shows that the S-300 series (SA-10 for Cold War types) has been on the Syrian shopping list since the mid 1990s and was nearly bought back then. The S-300PMU2 is far better in every respect than the vanilla S-300s previously under consideration. What I have not been able to do, though, is definitively confirm the actual purchase status of this system for Syria.

May I therefore respectfully suggest that before tarring and feathering me you might at least make sure you're not going off halfcocked while operating on spurious assumptions?

As far as the purported gas plasma weapon, I was extremely candid in detailing not only what I did and didn't know about the specific device, but I was at pains to sketch in the underlying superb Russian tech base in high energy physics, as evidenced in both scientific papers and fielded hardware.

As far as conspiracy theories go, I am thoroughly familiar both with Occam's razor and with Sherlock Holmes's eloquent restatement of the matter. That said, even the scientists will tell you that new theories take root only when the adherents to the previous one die! And it was only last year? that the Vatican finally decided Galileo was right. Nor do I believe that everything's a conspiracy, either, but the accidental school of history has holes in it the size of a continent. The Bastille, for example, was not full of political prisoners

and was not stormed in a popular uprising. In fact there were about a dozen prisoners, and the small group doing the storming was paid in gold. See

Epperson's THE HIDDEN HAND for details. Likewise,

the Bolsheviks did not come to power through normal political means. Rather, they not only lavishly spent foreign supplied gold to buy supporters, but they did it in such a way that other groups, such as the Mensheviks, made documented written protests.

Apropos of the Kennedy assassination and any number of other things, some of you here seem to be dizzyingly ignorant of such things as layered cover stories, compartmentalization, cut outs and need to know.

To paraphrase my father, who at one time held Top Secret Crypto and a stack of Special Access tickets, if he were running a sensitive program, there'd be so many cover stories and false trails that you'd never figure out what was going on. It is routine in the world of espionage and covert ops for assets to be deployed and used without their having the faintest clue as to who is actually ordering things to occur. Terrible things have been done by agents who thought they were working for Country X when in fact they were working for bitterly opposed Country Y. They're called false flag ops, people! This is bad enough, but when you inject into that mix things like mind control and sworn allegiances to a host of secret societies at critical nodes in the government and intelligence, then it becomes almost incomprehensible to all but the most dogged researchers--by design. In fact, it starts to resemble the old Steve Jackson Illuminati game (i.e., the Fiendish Fluoridators, aided by the Church of Discord and the IRS, attack to control the Gnomes of Zurich).

If you wade through the many info rich hours of the History Channel's "The Men Who Killed Kennedy"

it's a snap to show that all of the following were involved: Cubans from the antiCastro hit unit

ZR RIFLE, Mob, in the form of imported shooter or shooters, not to mention Jack Ruby and mopping up Oswald; FBI division 5 (that Free Cuba stuff), Naval Intelligence, CIA over and above ZR RIFLE,

Army Intelligence (removal of special advance ground teams over the objection of the unit commander), Secret Service (wholesale and gross contravention of practically every established security procedure--route change, car slow speed, drinking before duty, stripping off tail security from presidential limo, etc.), Dallas PD, the Pentagon, sending Fletcher Prouty on an inspection tour away from the very busy special ops communication center before the assassination, and so forth.

Instead we're asked to believe that a terrible shot (shot "Maggie's drawers" in Marine marksmanship quals), armed with a weapon so cranky that even an expertly gunsmithed one jammed repeatedly in tests, equipped with a loose scope

dangling from one mount, fired through a big in- leaf tree, at a moving car, and scored repeated hits. And never mind the expended rifle brass found on the roof of the building across the street!

These are but a few of the knowns in the equation, but they don't tell us the real answer. The only way to get that, short of an insider telling all while having reams of ironclad documentation (and people have been briefed by the CIA on the precise mechanics of the actual hit, to include the locations of multiple shooters, established crossfires, etc.), is to keep asking who benefits from the assassination, all the while looking for tendrils of higher control and purpose.

If you don't understand the difference between the exoteric, what the stringpullers want you to believe, and the esoteric, what's really going on, the hidden purpose, then not only are you NEVER going to solve the case, but the insiders, who flatly describe most of us as ignorant cattle fit only to be eaten as steak, will LAUGH at you while you chase one carefully sown red herring after another. Meanwhile, they're intimidating and even liquidating witnesses and evidence on a grand scale.

To show how the game is really played, I suggest you read Michael Hoffmann's seminal work SECRET SOCIETIES AND PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE, paying special attention to the little known topic of occultic processing, itself a form of trauma based mind control practiced at the societal or even, thanks to modern communications, global level.

If you don't like Internet sites, I refer you to a stack of works by then Hoover Fellow (as in, the Hoover Institute for the Study of War and Peace, Stanford University) Antony Sutton. For a glimpse at just a small part of his massively researched and meticulously sourced findings, (three volumes alone on how the Soviet Union was carefully built into a military superpower via massive tech transfer, some highly illegal) to include interviews with members, diaries, membership rosters, etc., please see Kris Millegan's FLESHING OUT SKULL & BONES: Investigations Into America's Most Powerful Secret Society.

How powerful? Members swear an oath of allegiance to Skull & Bones which cancels all past oaths and all future oaths. You might want to consider the Constitutional implications of that as regards our current president, a Bonesman like his father and grandfather before him.

I totally grok that many of you are absolutely unwilling to even contemplate, let alone accept, the sorts of things I've described. It's human nature, denial, and no one wants to admit to being hoodwinked (a Masonic term, by the way). Those who manipulate you and yours into endless cycles of boom and bust, send you and your progeny into one "accidental" war after another, rape the planet and rigorously suppress all manner of technology and techniques which could help us fervently hope you'll stay that way.

I spent over eleven years in military aerospace doing what I thought was war prevention work, motivated by a brother in the Army scouts covering the East German border, a brother in law flying Hercs, and several friends flying F-16s, helos, etc., only to eventually wake up and realize I was in the war fomenting business. I have had the horrible sensation of watching weapons I helped develop slaughter innocent people.

And I bitterly resent beating me with dead American soldiers, considering my brother buried a bunch of friends in Iraq, had a slew of buddies shot up or blown up to various large degrees, and was nearly blown sky high by an IED himself.

It is only when we give up denial and rose colored glasses, wake up and take back our power that we will ever be able to break this cycle, reclaiming

ourselves, our minds, our sovereignty and the planet from those who run the entire planet to suit themselves and for their own benefit.

I can't and have no desire to MAKE any of you believe anything, but I do believe it's my responsibility to at least give you a glimpse into what's going on, how, and why. What you do or don't do thereafter is up to you, but now you can't say "no one ever told me; I had no idea."

I didn't want a big conspiracy discussion here to begin with. Why not? It detracts from my primary purpose in this thread and elsewhere: ensuring the Syrians get the proper gear and capabilities despite what appears to be a pronounced mindset that they're too backwards and too poor, plus making a case for simple, relatively cheap homebuilt or easily obtained energy weapons which could be high leverage assets for the Syrians, weapons which I believe can and should be represented in the new game. I also think that we need to keep a weather eye on the new alliance I described and the weapon transfers and sales to Syria therefrom. The supplier list is now much bigger! The Level Three and Four threats (as portrayed in the CM:SF and REAL Force Capabilities thread) are chiefly there for context and perspective.


John Kettler


Not only will I read (have already read some) all the Joe Vialls stuff you provided, Steve, but I'll share it with the friend who first told me about him. How's that for fair?

[ December 26, 2005, 03:36 PM: Message edited by: John Kettler ]

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It detracts from my primary purpose in this thread and elsewhere: ensuring the Syrians get the proper gear and capabilities despite what appears to be a pronounced mindset that they're too backwards and too poor, plus making a case for simple, relatively cheap homebuilt or easily obtained energy weapons which could be high leverage assets for the Syrians, weapons which I believe can and should be represented in the new game.
I've asked you directly, several times now, to explain why your theory did not, and does not, apply to Iraq. By your simple logic of "it exists, therefore it will be used" we should be seeing all sorts of new, nasty things in Iraq. We are not. Instead of these quantum leaps in technology and tactics we are seeing very small modifications to time honored capabilities and their application. And if you believe some of the talk in intelligence circles, much of this is coming DIRECTLY from Syria. So if we aren't seeing EMP bombs and what not in Iraq in 2005 going into 2006, on what basis do you build the case that it will be evident in 2007?

Remember, there is often a huge gap between possible and probable. Some, and I stress SOME, of the things you have mentioned are possible. In order to get any treatment in CM:SF it must also be shown to be probable. I've asked and thus far haven't heard a peep on that all important point.

Not only will I read (have already read some) all the Joe Vialls stuff you provided, Steve, but I'll share it with the friend who first told me about him. How's that for fair?
Honestly I don't care. Arguing with a conspiracy theorist fan is pointless because that person has already created an alternate form of reality that no amount or rational thought or logic can break through. I've argued with people that KNEW that Clinton was going to have the UN seize power when the milinium bug shut down society. After all, he'd seen the documents! I have to listen to nuts around town that talk about how corrupt our local government is, in public and in print, yet can not even give one tiny hint of an example. I've argued with people who I later found out have bi-polar disorder. There is just no point.


[ December 25, 2005, 09:01 PM: Message edited by: Battlefront.com ]

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