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Any confirmation on modules?

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I heard a rumour (did a search and can't seem to find it confirmed)...is there going to be a British Forces add on for this?

Also, any other Red Forces?

As for the Marines module, I see it's almost done. Will I be able to use it with my GamersGate download? I presume it will be sold on GamersGate?

And lastly, with the add-on, will there be water in the map maker?


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I think things are always subject to change, but Steve has pretty definitively stated that the next Module after Marines is going to be British forces, followed probably by some sort of additional NATO force module (German/Dutch/Canadian, or something like that).

It is also my understanding that each module will include at least a few new Red units/OOBs.

I'm not sure you will see the modules on Gamersgate. IIRC, the modules will *not* be licensed through Paradox, as the base game is. This makes me suspect that it may only be available from BFC directly. BFC has stated that the modules will work with all versions of CM:SF, though.

As for water, definitely not in the Marines module. I doubt we'll see it in either the Brits or other NATO modules, either; it's a very large feature and Steve has stated that the modules will me mostly about new units and OOBs, not new terrain and engine features.

Steve has stated that water is a must-have for CMx2:WWII, though, and that there is a *possibility* that some features like this will get retrofitted to CM:SF, once CM:WWII is out. I'm keeping my fingers crossed, anyway. . .



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From the way it sounds the line of products might not be all the CMSF modules followed by a switch over to the next title. It almost sounds like they might do title / module / title / module, etc. That might mean WWII could come after Marine module, British CMSF comes after after WWII, unknown WWII module comes after that. Keep both theatres active at the same time.

God knows how far we should project this into the future. Eventually the icecaps will melt and inundate the coastline of Maine, and the world will become a Mad Max-style wasteland fighting over the little remaining food that hasn't been converted over to ethanol production. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by MikeyD:

From the way it sounds the line of products might not be all the CMSF modules followed by a switch over to the next title. It almost sounds like they might do title / module / title / module, etc. That might mean WWII could come after Marine module, British CMSF comes after after WWII, unknown WWII module comes after that. Keep both theatres active at the same time.

No way, that would mean maintaining two different engines (was once said that WW II will have different data format, e.g.) at the same time.

I do not think they have the nerves to do this!

Best regards,


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It is the same engine for CM:SF and CM:WWII. The whole point of the CMx2 engine is that they can concurrently develop multiple titles with modules interspersed.

I presume the Marines and British modules will be a lot easier to get done than the WWII titles since new features are planned for the WWII title that will require extensive coding and testing. Even if BFC plans to release the WWII title before the British module, I wouldn't be surprised if doesn't work out that way.

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Billy Riley, I agree. I'm all for the modern and cold war eras. Especially since it's been said that the WWII games will be a lot more narrow in scope than the CMx1 games. The news about an upcoming modern, temperate-setting game pleased me to no end.

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I would figure that with parallel title paths, the "modern" world will not be forgotten. It will simply have annual (or whatever regular interval) modules.

Get tired of M1's & BMP's? Fire up the WWII title. Get tired of the bocage? Go back to the "modern" world.

The engine, AI, etc. remain constant.

The question I have is:

If the AI, or some other major engine component, gets a significant overhaul, say at CMx2 title #3, will there be a way to update CM:SF or CMx2 title #2 (aka CMx2: WWII - Normandy, or whatever it'll be called) with said improvements?

An example would be bringing engine improvements from CMAK into CMBB (if the engine allowed this).

No need to have to re-write an entire theatre when something gets fixed (like the CMBB bunker bug).

I'm sure this has been thought out, but, at some point, we'll need to move on to CMx3, and it'd be a shame to have to waste man-hours rewriting duplicate theatres everytime we get a major engine upgrade (CMx4, CMx5, etc). I'd rather see those man-hours spent on engine/AI improvements.

Maybe that kind of flexibility won't be possible until we're at CMx5?


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Sometimes it is good to have an excellent memory. One of those times is when you can help the forum out by remembering all of Steve's posts.

Post people probably missed

Work has begun on the first two modules (Marines/Brits) and WWII. So yes, they will work on multiple games at once. I imagine the order will be they come out when they are done.

Steve has said that if things get added into the new games they will try and bring them back to the older ones. The engine is designed to handle this, however he does not know how difficult it is. If it is difficult they will either A) not do it or B) charge for it. There is no way to know for sure until we get there.

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