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The Peng Challenge: Now, With Retsyn!


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This is Pengworld.

Here on Pengworld, I make the best thread titles, I make the best versifications, and my opponents are often seen writhing in the grip of my superior play.

So what do YOU do on Pengworld?

If you're still reading this you are no doubt an SSN - which means you are weak and formless, a Scum Sucking Newbie. You will be witty without being twitty. You will dance for our amusement - you will challenge something of equally low stature to a game and report on't. You will sound off as if you've GOT a pair, without sounding off ABOUT your pair. You will treat the she-kaniggets, i.e. Ladies of the Pool, with respect.

Most importanly of all, you will Sod Off.

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Here is a shot of the front end of the boat, Earl calls that the Bow. Earl’s wife calls it the pointy end. Everyone else just calls it the front end of the boat. People usually sit up thar when they drink n fish but you can also set on the air conditioner on the roof. Earl don't mind cause it dosent work. You got to be careful crawlin up ther and watch where ya step. Sometimes the roof is a bit spongy. Just watch fer the dents and thatll show you where the folks who aint allowed up ther no more stepped.


Now this is a thing of beauty and real ingenuity on my cousin Earl’s part. It took a bit of steel for the hull but that didn’t stop Earl because he has a buddy who works at the scrap yard. While Earl’s kids weld up the hull Earl himself come up with the idea of instead of building the houseboat part of the houseboat that he could just park his huntin trailer on it when he wasen’t a huntin! Brilliant! One look at this beauty and them bass and trout aught to flop into the boat faster then Earl’s wife hits the bar when he leaves town.


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Your name is too short and your location is "iowa", which is almost exactly what I say when I see cretins like you do stupid things and get hurt on below-par reality TV shows. Taken independently, these sins are horrific in their own right, but when considered hollistically the answer is clear. There is only one correct course of action for you, lad, Sod Off.

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Originally posted by v42below:

Your name is too short and your location is "iowa", which is almost exactly what I say when I see cretins like you do stupid things and get hurt on below-par reality TV shows. Taken independently, these sins are horrific in their own right, but when considered hollistically the answer is clear. There is only one correct course of action for you, lad, Sod Off.

Powerbomb for you and the horse you rode in on...


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What do I do on Pengworld???

I hunt down and shoot genetic throwbacks to Pleistocene times like you... gills and all. Then I stick you on the barbie (doll, as in Vlad the Impaler) before feeding you to my dogs... mind you even they cannot stomach too much blackened Dalem before vomiting up their dinner. Thankfully,m they aren't the ones sitting at the computer, and I have better control of my stomach than they...

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I hereby declare my crushing defeat at the hands of HaggisHead McBairrrrrrrrrrrn a victory.

He had more things that made 'splodey bits and stuff. And he was a gamey edge-huggin' Campbell to boot! He was so close to the edge I think some of his skirted lads fell off onto my hard drive, and are raping and pillaging helpless sectors as I type.

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Originally posted by dalem:

Why is every place in Australia named Buggerabaloogaroobagong?

Because we could either name all our towns and rivers and stuff with names already used in Europe and the US, or we could ask the local indigenous people what they call something and use that instead.

This of course had the added advantage of allowing more time drinking and less time thinking about a name.

Still, we have no idea what the indigenous people meant. After all they could have responded in their dialect 'p*ss off, you silly drunk white person', but it still sounded cool.

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Nice rules, dalem. They couldn't have been more clear if they had been written in idiomatic Guatemalan and then translated with the help of AltaVista's BabelFish by an illiterate Dachshund named "Cyril".

Oh, and Aunt V? It's so nice to see young men interested in the manlier forms of physical competition. Tell me, do you like Gladiator movies, too?

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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

Why is every place in Australia named Buggerabaloogaroobagong?

Because we could either name all our towns and rivers and stuff with names already used in Europe and the US, or we could ask the local indigenous people what they call something and use that instead.

This of course had the added advantage of allowing more time drinking and less time thinking about a name.

Still, we have no idea what the indigenous people meant. After all they could have responded in their dialect 'p*ss off, you silly drunk white person', but it still sounded cool. </font>

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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

Why is every place in Australia named Buggerabaloogaroobagong?

Because we could either name all our towns and rivers and stuff with names already used in Europe and the US, or we could ask the local indigenous people what they call something and use that instead.

This of course had the added advantage of allowing more time drinking and less time thinking about a name.

Still, we have no idea what the indigenous people meant. After all they could have responded in their dialect 'p*ss off, you silly drunk white person', but it still sounded cool. </font>

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Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

Boobillabong is probably a place too far

Good idea Yeknodathon so I went over to Earl's. His wife answered and said he was out in the shop hittin the mayonnaise jar trying to drown out the fire from the chili she fed him for breakfast. He usually has some pretty fine corn liquor to fill that jar with. Anyway I said Earl, I think Iv got a name fer your boat and its Boobillabong. He said not now I’m trying to concentrate and I looked over and he had the news on tv. They were saying a bunch of stuff about Iroc and we began to wonder…didn’t Chevy quit making those Cameros years ago?

I was kinda hungry so I asked about the chili his wife made fer breakfast. Earl said: You might want to pass on that it was so hot this morning I had to wipe my ass with a snowcone. So we went back to talking about his Houseboat and Earl said he used to think that nothing could compare to the luxury and freedom of a Mobile Home that is until he started building his new boat. I told him Lars would know exactly to a tee what he was sayin. He also said he would consider Boobillabong for a name but he wasen’t sure what the folk down at church would say about naming his boat after Reverend Bill’s bong.

[ October 19, 2005, 11:07 AM: Message edited by: Red Necked Dollar ]

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Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

Boobillabong is probably a place too far, even for Australia.

If you mean it would be like Heaven on Earth, where all men are strong and handsome and all women are demure and beautiful, while all children are well behaved and quiet, especially in restaurants and supermarkets and cel phone usage is greatly limited and jewel cases are simple to open and places like Radio Shack don't ask for your phone number when you go in to buy a battery, for crying out loud, and even though you're on the preferred non caller list, those damn telemarketers STILL call every night right when you're sitting down to dinner and where when you're paying beaucoups dollars for gasoline and your home heating is going to go right through the roof, somehow, SOMEHOW, the oil companies DON'T post a fecking third quarter profit, then I'd have to agree with you, Yecky, old bean, and say that it WOULD be a bit too much to expect!

A place like that would be a feckin' taste of AMBROSIA! It would be stinkin' MANNA with whipped cream and a bloody cherry on top, is what it would be!!!

But don't be holding your breath, waiting for it, because the corporate fat-cats will be too busy embezzling everything they can from it, becuase all THEY have to worry about if they get caught is what color ankle monitor will they have to wear, while they serve out their 6 months house arrest in their 10 million dollar homes, THOSE BASTARRRRRRDS!!!!!

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Blister AAR: A Messianic production

THE original, unadulterated, 100% genuine Sir 37mm world renowned Peng blessed Messiah of the One True Thread


The infamous ‘rub a rock’ Boo

Few have anything good to say about my former liege & that is as it should be, however occasionally he can find an enjoyable scenario.

This was just one of those scenarios… it was forged in the deranged mind’s of two of our own; the lovely Kitty & the ‘unusual’ Mace. It was a scenario as stupid as “Noba & Nidan1 combined” & involved me & Boo brutally hunting each other in a pitch dark wintry town.

My forces started out in the South East corner of the map, they split themselves into two equally sized group’s one prepared to defend the nearest flag (occupied without trouble) & the other went off, rather cautiously, towards the main Western flag.


It wasn’t long before I spotted some of Boo’s damn fool’s & so I gave chase!


However my malfunctioning half track was quickly knocked out by his dastardly Sherman. My forces fled before the Yankee beast...


Till one of my Brumbar’s arrived on the scene, it quickly brought peace & sanctity to the battle


And then Boo ruined it all with a scabby gun hit!


Of course he didn’t seem to notice what he’d done & once my 150mm artillery started falling amongst his infantry escort he quickly buggared off


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