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Can A German Find Happiness Without the Peng Challenge?


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by michael_wittman44:

They are trying to give it the almost universial name of football.


Screen name is borrowed from a dead, overblown German tanker. Appended with a "44" just in case the WWII theme wasn't clear.

Then some babblage in its sigline about a Tiger tank, no doubt one of the overengineered hunks of wreckage that the Nazi "tank ace" himself put-putted around some battlefield or other at some time.

I have decided to hate this one. </font>

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Originally posted by michael_wittman44:

I may not like what the Nazis did or Stalin but heck Wittman could have taken it easy, gone into a training course and survived the war but instead he gave his life. I'd say he's was a better bloke than you Seanachai Mr I'm so popular. Its a war game man where the heck do you get off judging people you don't even know. Maybe I respect honour and don't buy into the American bull**** that they are the best at everything. I could have got the nickname VC_Jacka after a WW1 hero.

1) Your diaper is dirty.

2) To answer your question "where the heck do you get off judging people you don't even know", I'm pretty sure Seanachai stands in the middle of his living room when he gets off doing that, but I could be wrong, as he needs at least a little bit of privacy for that sort of thing.

3) Comparing Seanachai to a dead Nazi is a rather silly thing. Seanachai is many things - among them short, gnome-like, and with a temperament that would compare unfavorably to a drunken wolverine - but he is far better than a dead Nazi.

4) But then taking a screen name evocative of a dead Nazi is likely to put one on the fast track to comparisons of live persons (and gnomes) to dead Nazis, which is one of the reasons that I mocked you in the first place.

Get it?

You may not be a Nazi-Germanophile-"If Only Hitler Wasn't Crazy The Germans Could Have Won!" kind of fellow, but then your screen name puts you that one giant step closer to that kind of fellow, doesn't it?

All that is completely separate from the fact that I hate screen names like "PanzerWerferJerkerOffer" and "Pattons_Testicles_Were_Huge" and "unclejoewasapuppydog".

Hate 'em.

Always have. I consider it a personal failing.

Not that it's any of my business which particular dead guy you want to pretend to be when you're sitting in your darkened room with your johnson stuffed into a jellied sock, your pale face bathed in the harsh glow of www.howmanyrivetsonthemantlet.org.

I mean hell, we all do it. Or at least you do it. Hell, somebody's pigging up my server. Are the background colors too bright?

Anyway, back to your deeply-rooted psychological problems.

So, you dive into a silly place like the Peng Challenge Thread, barrel on ahead with your quippage and your japeage, and when one of us overeducated and egotistically smarmy knuckleheads points at you and laughs a little, you are silly enough to take umbrage?

Ha! You let me construct a sentence where I could actually use the phrase "take umbrage"! I've always wanted to do that.

Perhaps I should sum it up with the following suggestion:

Go Away.

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Another pearl of nothingness from dimwitted and as I suspect closet Anti Hero worship said:

It fills me with rage. I know it's probably just one of the neighbours, but I don't like people being able to approach me that closely without permission. I keep telling myself that it would be 'wrong' to go get the 12 gauge and pump 6 shots through the screen, but another part is offering the very helpful advice: "No, it would be wrong to go get the composite bow. You couldn't hit ****e with the bow in the dark, because it is an aimed weapon, and, moreover, the window screen would probably seriously impact the flight of the arrow, even if you use a target point, as opposed to a broadhead. Even using #6 gameshot, you'd do serious execution to everything within a 120 degree spread, and the screen wouldn't have any impact on that at all. Especially after the third shot or so...

Tut tut when alcoholics come out. ;)

dalem, are you joined to Seanachai at the head. Half a brain for both of you, a full brain and you'd be dangerous.

overeducated and egotistically smarmy knuckleheads
Yeah right more like a grade two education and a job drivelling ****e about other people who are better than them. Another smelly bleeding heart drivel from dalem. COuldn't think up a decent name could you. Your parents name you dalem HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you should sue them. I bet you're a no friend loser on welfare living in trailer trashville USA. Even your pres is a inbred halfwit! They neuter people for less in China! dalem we are on a site devoted to a game about ww2, what I do and what I am is none of your transmogrified faecal matter's business! Klar!!

[ September 20, 2005, 10:08 PM: Message edited by: michael_wittman44 ]

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by my erstwhile liege dalem:

a temperament that would compare unfavorably to a drunken wolverine

That makes Seanachai sound disturbingly... cuddly...

Unless, of course, the wolverine is an angry drunk

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Originally posted by michael_wittman44:

Another smelly bleeding heart drivel from dalem. COuldn't think up a decent name could you. Your parents name you dalem HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you should sue them. I bet you're a no friend loser on welfare living in trailer trashville USA. Even your pres is a inbred halfwit! They neuter people for less in China!

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Hehe I have to apologise! I took things too seriously oops! I didn't choose the nickname because he had supposed "Nazi affilations", I chose it because we all have good qualities nobility, courage, inner strength, respect, honesty and love among others. I'd probably have chosen an Aussie rules player. From what I have read was that whatever you could say about Michael Wittman was that he was loyal, hardworking and courageous. Things we all strive for! I could have chosen Dolly Parton because when I was growing up she was sorta... Enough said!

[ September 20, 2005, 10:22 PM: Message edited by: michael_wittman44 ]

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Originally posted by michael_wittman44:

From what I have read was that whatever you could say about Michael Wittman was that he was loyal, hardworking and courageous.

Reminds me of a joke I heard a comedian do a few years back.

He's riffing on his dad for a bit, says that one of the things most notable about his dad was that he could always find something postive to say about everyone, no matter what.

Comedian challenges his dad to say something positive about John Wayne Gacy. His dad thinks for a bit, replies, "He was a homeowner."

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Originally posted by michael_wittman44:

(snip) Another smelly bleeding heart drivel from dalem. (snip)

Now this is something I never thought I'd see, someone using "bleeding heart" and "dalem" in the same sentence. To honor this momentous occasion...smilies!! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :D:D
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Originally posted by Dave H:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by michael_wittman44:

(snip) Another smelly bleeding heart drivel from dalem. (snip)

Now this is something I never thought I'd see, someone using "bleeding heart" and "dalem" in the same sentence. To honor this momentous occasion...smilies!! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :D:D </font>
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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Noba:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by PondScum:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

Rushing a fast-turret tank with assault guns...

Tank grog. </font>
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You know Boo, your time under Joe-Shmoe really did kindle a little spark, didn't it ? I mean the kindling is sopping wet so it never stood a chance.

I'm sure that when Joe tells us he is "going away", you two meet in some dirty dark motel room and work out when to post your oh-so-similar dribble together !

Whose turn is it tonight ? Oh! that's right, it's yours. Joe's away !...


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Originally posted by Noba:

Late as usual Boo. My setup was a week ago, and much more refined. And with deference to your idiocy, simple.


But what you posted wasn't a set up. It was a tired piece of slapstick humor. Something Laurel and Hardy did decades ago.

What I posted was a true set up, where the victim (i.e. you) expects one thing (usually positive), but gets something entirely different (definitely negative).

See? That is how you are setting him up.

Hopefully, you understand what I'm saying here and I won't have to go to a Kiwi to translate.

You're a good lad, Noba, for the most part.

Dumb as a sack of doorknobs assuredly, but a good lad nonetheless.

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The Apocalypso draws nigh! I owe The Bard a turn instead of the other way round, I feel the need to defend dalem from a fecking outreboarder AND I don't mind so much that MrDaveHaitch soiled the place with those nasty little emoticon thingies... AND I'm sober and have been for more than 12 hours. I guess I will have to process a turn, think of something nasty to say to dalem foam at the mouth a bit over smilies and then go have a beer; else the next thing you know dorosh or worse could happen. Nothing worse than a dorosh on the last day of summer to put a nasty end to the season. Hell, nothing worse than a dorosh, not even a dalem.

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Originally posted by michael_wittman44:

Hehe I have to apologise! I took things too seriously oops! I didn't choose the nickname because he had supposed "Nazi affilations", I chose it because we all have good qualities nobility, courage, inner strength, respect, honesty and love among others. I'd probably have chosen an Aussie rules player. From what I have read was that whatever you could say about Michael Wittman was that he was loyal, hardworking and courageous. Things we all strive for! I could have chosen Dolly Parton because when I was growing up she was sorta... Enough said!

I can't believe it you come across some half arsed feckless comment in a foul mood & proceed to destroy it line by line & then, just before you post it, you realise the buggar has already apologised further down the page...
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