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While downloading Shock Force via BitTorrent one day


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A friend of mine told me recently that he found a pirated game from "that Battlefront company" on BitTorrent and asked if I knew about it. The latest Combat Mission?

No - they've been working on that thing forever. They made a big whoop-de-do that they were working on this brand new game engine that was going to be Windows and Mac OS X compatible. That was the excuse they used for not updating the original Combat Mission games to Mac OS X. I haven't logged in to the message forum in ages because all they do is pimp other company's Windows games now. They can't have finished the latest Combat Mission. I would have read all about it on the Mac gaming sites.

So, where's the Mac OS X version? You know - that story you told months and months ago about this super-duper game engine being Mac OS X compatible and it was better for Mac gamers to work on this than update the first Combat Mission games to Mac OS X?

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Originally posted by Destraex:

If you have a new MAC can you not just pay $600 and downgrade Vista to XP on your mac?

Besides, I saw the TV adds, Macs just work with anything and can do anything a PC can. The cool guy in the adds told me so

That's right while some poor aging PC boob get's a camera tied to his head. Any good will I had toward Mac...went right out the window with those ads...
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Most forums destroy posts/threads like these at the first sight of piracy talk, is this allowed here? My stomach starts hurting and I get the runs when I think about pirating a good game developed by a good developer that deserves to get payed for their work. On the flipside, If I dont like a game I just dont buy/play it. Software piracy is to the point now that if you dont do it, alot of people think you are uncool or something. At work I talk to people all the time about PC games they have downloaded and I tell them I never pirate any software and they stare at me with a look of "you are uncool" disbelief and ask WHY? I just stare at them b/c explaining would not do any good. I need to vent, I FKIN HATE SOFTWARE PIRACY AND FART ON THE PEOPLE WHO DO IT !!!

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Everything eventually makes its way 'out there', it's hardly surprising. I'd think it a larger insult if CMSF hadn't been pirated.

Mature consumers know to buy a product in order to support the company that creates said product. I've trusted Battlefront since CMBO was first released, and even with the bumps in the road that we're encountering with CMSF, I'm confident that they will set this right eventually. I didn't buy CMSF with the expectation of perfection out of the box, and when the hue and cry was raised over an incomplete game, I still wasn't worried. A little patience and we'll see this game advanced a long ways. That's why I and likely many of the other wargamers here (silent as they may be) didn't mind dropping a couple of dollars for CMSF.

The mindset of most software pirates has them acting as nomads, moving from game to game. Most probably played CMSF for at best a day before moving on to something flashier and somewhat more instantly gratifying.

Well, IMHO of course.

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So, where's the Mac OS X version? You know - that story you told months and months ago about this super-duper game engine being Mac OS X compatible and it was better for Mac gamers to work on this than update the first Combat Mission games to Mac OS X?
Don't know what you've been smoking, but we've never said anything like that. Any company that would spend months upgrading a product that was commercially dead would be out of business faster than the eye can see. So no, we never ever said we were going to update the original CMx1 family of games to OSX. Seems you've invented something in your head and are trying to hold us to it.

We also said that CMx2 would not be Mac compatiable out of the gate about 2 years ago. It is set up to port, but we aren't ready to do that yet. Apple blew it again. With CMx1 they screwed us by telling us that RAVE would be supported in OSX, then they went back on their word. With CMx2 Apple helped kill off the only cross platformable development environment at the time, so Charles was forced to develop on the PC first since developing for 5% of our customer base first seemed like an idiotic idea.

CMx2 will eventually run on OSX native. The tools are there now and Charles is itching to get off the dang'd PC. So he's going to switch over soon despite the fact that most Mac users with enough of a computer to run CMx2 happen to have an Intel based Mac and can run CM:SF already. That's what I've been doing.

As for the piracy thing... it happens. Not much we can do about it this time, though we can (and will) do something more about it next time. I'm not going to elaborate on that :D


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