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The Peng Challenge Thread hits rock bottom

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Originally posted by Stuka:

Who are you talking to Mace?

I didn't hear anyone speak....there might have been a gust of fetid wind but that was all.

Just let it be Stuka, people in his office have been asking him that question for years ... hell, strangers on the street have been asking him that.

It's rather disconcerting when he responds by snarling, "Just never you mind mate, this is between me and GOD!"


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Originally posted by dalem:

I'm gonna give Joe a wedgie.

Of course you are. Wedgie's are part of your standard greeting ritual. Along with threatening the guests by brandishing a firearm in one hand and a sabre in the other.

This is why I always create a diversion on your front steps (Joe's arrival should work nicely for that), then slip in the back way.

And some folks wonder why dalem spends so much time alone.


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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by stoat:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

For all you losers out there, today is merely Wednesday*, but for me, it's Friday because I'm taking the rest of the week off! A well earned 5 day vacation, where I will rest and relax and laze about in the sun and look at clouds and quaff golden ale and perhaps have someone peel me a grape occasionally.

Yeah, that's pretty much the next three months for me. So you can kiss my flabular buttocks and enjoy going back to work next week. </font>
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

It's like he just does the same old needle drop on his own hobby...

You do realize that this makes NO sense whatever right?

Joe </font>

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Originally posted by stoat:

I was under the impression our current contest had escaped the tenuous reaches of your memory, as I can't help but believe the plasticity of your cranial neurons has been significantly diminished either by your rather advanced age or by your propensity to eat the packets of desiccant found in new pairs of shoes.

Then you would be wrong, wouldn't you?

Regardless, a turn has been sent, and I'll try to get this game finished up before I leave the country at June's onset.

INS finally going to toss your flabby butt out of here, eh?

Bout damn time.

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Hell, I gots an extra bedroom with Joe's name on it. I also happens to bee steeped in poison oak and yellow-jacket pheromones.

Please come stay (for a very limited while) with us. Pretty please?

I promise to start taking your proclamations slightly less seriouserly.

See how accomodating I (we, because my better-half would be drawn kicking-and-screaming into any unholy meeting) can be?


I know I owe BRadley a turn, as well as Needing-one. Under normal circumstances I'd apple-ologize to each one, but really, that impinges on my schedule a wee bit.


It Goes.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Yeldar Oob:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

10,000 what?

10,000 race horses </font>
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Originally posted by Nidan1:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Yeldar Oob:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

10,000 what?

10,000 race horses </font>
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We interrupt this, um, whatever for a message of cataclysmic importance to the upside down contingent of <font size=1>penguins</font size>. Today's Sydney Morning Herald reports that a 2 am lockout time for all licensed drinking establishments is being considered.

Adding insult to injury - both well deserved in the case of Aussies - a ban of fruit-flavored and confectionary-flavored cigarettes is expected by December 2009.

Fruit-flavored cigarettes? redface.gifredface.gifredface.gif What kind of degenerates put fruit flavor into cigarettes? Is that to broaden the appeal to the juice box age group? Oh wait, you're already stuffing them with Vegemite. :eek: :eek: :eek: Can't we simply erase that continent off the maps and pretend it doesn't exist? Would anybody miss it? :confused:

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Ahh, Friday.

Leave work around 11pm-ish, head home, stop off and pick up a pizza.

Get home, let the dog out, and enjoy the newest Rifftrax - "LOTR: The Two Towers".

After wolfing down some pizza, it'll be a drink or two, a fine Partagas Black Gigante cigar, and 2+ hours of Mike, Kevin, & Bill poking fun at a fine film.

Good times, good times...

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Tonight, my friend Smaller Nora introduced me to a great new game. I think we should call it 'Mountain Climber/Enforcer'.

Silly little bugger climbed into my lap, and stood there, taking my hands into hers. And laughed the sort of laugh that is normally laughed before shouting 'Igor, throw the switch!'

Then, she put one foot onto my rather substantial stomach, and then, the other. Then she climbed up onto the shelf of my stomach, still holding my hands, and stood there, upright, laughing like a very small loon, as if to say 'Ha! Look at how tall I am, two years old as I am, on the belly of this silly old man!'

It was tres cute.

But then, she firmly planted one foot against my throat, and, while I was choking slightly and saying 'Nora Nu, let's get down now, honey', she put the other foot alongside it, and, still clutching my hands, she straightened out like a surfer or snow-boarder, both feet on my damn throat, at a complete right angle to my neck, and put every bit of her not inconsiderable strength into riding the wave of my ability to swallow.

Try to imagine having a 35 pound child standing at right angles to your ability to swallow, and laughing merrily.

Silly little bugger. I had to swing her around (vision graying a bit around the edges), and drop her down onto the couch. She did this several times. I'm still a bit hoarse.

I bought Small Emma an Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs (from Dorling Kindersly, who make great kid's non-fiction books). Her Dad informs me that at bedtime, he has to read her a chapter of 'Bone' (a strange graphic novel), and then two pages of the new dinosaur book.

She's a little chatterbox these days. We now watch 'Fantasia' together, and when it gets to the 'Sorcerer's Apprentice' bit with Mickey Mouse (my hated nemesis), she insists we act out the story, with her as Mickey, and me as first 'the Wizard', and then 'all the brooms'.

Every few days, I flood their sun-porch with imaginary buckets of water, and spend a lot of time marching in place.

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