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Ghost Campaign


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My report, first 3 missions.

Great campaign so far, thank you Webwing!

All missions ended with the surrender of the red forces. My losses are listed. No reload except one early in the third mission, doing some trials about the "slow" command.












A little difficult the start of mission 3, a lot of flat ground around and the sniper ahead. Maybe a mortar would help? I don't know.

Machineguns Elite RT 300/100 Total V. 4 KIA, 12 WIA, 2 MIA

Bridges Elite RT 500/100 Total V. 5 KIA, 18 WIA

Sweep and clean Elite RT 250/50 Total V. 4 KIA, 24 WIA, 4 MIA

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Cpt. Wasp,

In my experience roof tops with the low wall, not the ones without any walls, give you slightly less protection than a normal low wall.

***********Spoiler Alert***************







I advise you to retry this mission.

The key to victory is to wait and ambush the enemy. Since you have cover(and the high ground) in the buildings and the enemy must expose himself to try and cross the bridges, he will be extremely vulnerable. Also the BRMDs are very vulnerable at closer ranges.

Patience pays off in this one. And the HIDE command and cover arc techniques too!!!

Good Luck


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The hide command seems to be unreliable if on roofs or balconies; I'm right? Another question: when do hiding troops open fire? Only when under fire themselves? Give me some hint about cover arcs and hiding please, usually I attack so I have less experience defending/ambushing.

I must say you have done a great work, very instructive about CMSF mechanics, and I hope you will give us other campaigns like this one!

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Hiding troops should in general not open fire at all, this is more or less a "keep down and hold your fire" command, but they will return fire to preserve their lives if enemy units start getting close or they take a lot of fire. I can't say for I've ever noticed that hide provides a bonus to concealment, but I assume it does within the bounds of the terrain they are in.

A hide unit with a cover arc should break hide and fire upon whatever strays into the arc, the prerequisite obviously being that your unit spots the enemy. It's easy to manually break hide in RT, WEGO ambushes can be slightly imperfect if the unit hiding hugs the dirt they sometimes can't spot over obstacles and you can't unhide them until the start of the next turn.

In my experience it's better to be unhidden if you want an ambush to go off well in WEGO. What you lose in cover and concealment you gain by having all your guys ready to open up instead of eating dirt.

As others have said a cover armour arc would be handy to ambush armour instead of opening up and giving away your position for whatever 3 man scout team wanders into the arc.

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Hoolaman has given a great explanation.

There is also a thread from MarkEzra where he explains in detail how to use them both to your best advantage.

I have tested a lot with the Hide command and cover arcs in this specific mission. Since this is crucial here.

The way you will proceed depends upon which mode you are playing RT or WEGO.

RT works better in this mission since you have more control.

Although in theory troops with the Hide command will only react on extreme situations in this mission they usually react well, firing when the enemy is at the right distance WITHOUT the need to use cover arcs at all. Most of them only with the Hide command will react as you would want them to, no need for the cover arcs. But it takes a bit of experimenting to see what works best for you in each situation.

Charles has tweaked this quite a bit to make the Hide command just right, so that troops wouldn't be there hiding in an almost suicidal way but would open fire when the threat is close.


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Originally posted by CptWasp:

Thank you Hoolaman. So you can set a cover arc in hiding mode... interesting.

I have noticed that hiding troops are less able to spot enemy; I'm right?

That's true.

If they are hiding behind something they can't really see the other side.

BUT, the great thing about CMSF is that the troops can hear!!! So when the enemy gets close, specially with vehicles they will react.


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Ok, I decided to go on after ending the fourth mission with a draw, 8 KIA and 53 WIA (I must pay for my errors!).

The fifth mission: no losses and a 300/0 and Total Victory.













I think this scenario is fun, but should be a little rebalanced: I took the hill but not the hideout and got still a major victory. Maybe it would be better to give points to the enemy for the hideout, 150 or so on. But I see that in the next mission you should attack the hideout, so my question is: if the hideout is taken in the first mission what happens?

Yes, it's far away, but I think it's possible.

Another thing. Enemies on the hill don't open fire unless at very close range: this is due to the fact that blue forces have night seeing equipment (thermal sights and so on), but red are lacking such equipment? Or you have defined cover arcs very close to the red forces?

[ March 13, 2008, 12:17 AM: Message edited by: CptWasp ]

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I've done it smile.gif




















Tactical Victory.

I give you some feedback!

The campaign is very funny, I give it a 9/10 smile.gif

Only 2 missions have some little problem.


The game, at the present, put in great disadvantage troops on high ground. This is a small game limit, but in this mission it's a problem. I got a Total Victory using air support and artillery, they surrendered... but I was far from reaching the hideout.

The Palace

IMHO the worst mission of the campaign for 2 reason:

- where you start you are not in cover, and in less than a minute 4 Strykers where gone

- you really need more troops, IMHO. Some replacements for A company and 1/2 platoons from B company at least.

I had an incredible bug in The Palace mission: Javelin friendly fire! I open another thread about this.

The best mission is "The Bunker": wonderful work.

But I have a small suggestion. AI surrenders too fast, put some well hidden infantry in the rear area of the map, so they will remain in place till the end!

My results in a tabular format (Elite):

Machineguns 300/100 Total V. 4 KIA, 12 WIA, 2 MIA

Bridges 500/100 Total V. 5 KIA, 18 WIA

Sweep and clean 250/50 Total V. 4 KIA, 24 WIA, 4 MIA

Bridges Count. 200/200 Draw 8 KIA, 53 WIA

Hill 440 300/0 Total V. Nothing!!!

Hideout 300/100 Total V. 11 KIA, 30 WIA, 1 MIA, 1 Stryker

The Bunker 120/0 Total V. 24 KIA, 59 WIA, 2 MIA, 1 Stryker

The Palace 0/300 Total Defeat 32 KIA, 14 WIA, 1 MIA, 6 Stryker, 1 Humvee

TACTICAL VICTORY 88 KIA, 210 WIA, 10 MIA, 8 Stryker, 1 Humvee

Enemy: 592 KIA, 496 WIA, 38 MIA

Thank you Webwing... please do another campaign for us smile.gif

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Cpt. Wasp

Thanks a lot for the feedback. I'll sure take it into account when updating it.

I was surprised about the Bunker. I never had them surrender too fast. By the way, what do you mean by too fast? How much time did you have left?

Did you think the missions with a full company were a bit too much, controlling all those units?

After playing the missions for several times I was really tired of having to micromanage dozens of units for hours on end. I was thinking of having a smaller number of troops in the future.


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About 15 minutes left, and I had a full platoon approaching the top of the hill. But they had a bunch of RPGs and snipers defending the palace.

Missions with a full company: yes, maybe less units and more replacements would be better. In the bunker I had a lot of units with 1/4 survivors, and I never used them.


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This thread seems to have disappeared from the scenarios forum, but anyway . . .

Back in after a long break, and it's good to be back! I've noticed a few small differences: not all enemy troops are in the same locations as the earlier version - is this to catch out returners like me, or is there a random element to AI setup?

In mission 2 I stumbled into a minefield which either wasn't there in the original, or I was simply lucky and walked straight through it unharmed. Anyway, this time it took out three of my brave boys.

The enemy AI seems much smarter with 1.08, and significantly more aggressive and accurate. I've had a few nasty scrapes and some great full-on ambushes and assaults.

Just completed Sweep and Clean (again). More cover on the ridgeline helped the lads over the crest. The (added) Apache was fun, though not entirely necessary. I think the time is too long - I finished with an hour to spare, though of course I had the benefit of knowing more or less what to expect. Even so, there's alot of free time there.

Great scenario though. Feels quite epic with numerous small-scale but quite lethal skirmishes, and then the final battle for the village.

Now I'm about to begin Counterattack - which is where I had to abandon the campaign some weeks ago due to ctds. None of them anymore, so it's unknown territory from here on.

A blast!

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Originally posted by CptWasp:

About 15 minutes left, and I had a full platoon approaching the top of the hill. But they had a bunch of RPGs and snipers defending the palace.

Missions with a full company: yes, maybe less units and more replacements would be better. In the bunker I had a lot of units with 1/4 survivors, and I never used them.


15 minutes is not too bad IMO.

Every time I look at it there is something I want to change though! :D


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Originally posted by handihoc:

This thread seems to have disappeared from the scenarios forum, but anyway . . .

Back in after a long break, and it's good to be back! I've noticed a few small differences: not all enemy troops are in the same locations as the earlier version - is this to catch out returners like me, or is there a random element to AI setup?

In mission 2 I stumbled into a minefield which either wasn't there in the original, or I was simply lucky and walked straight through it unharmed. Anyway, this time it took out three of my brave boys.

The enemy AI seems much smarter with 1.08, and significantly more aggressive and accurate. I've had a few nasty scrapes and some great full-on ambushes and assaults.

Just completed Sweep and Clean (again). More cover on the ridgeline helped the lads over the crest. The (added) Apache was fun, though not entirely necessary. I think the time is too long - I finished with an hour to spare, though of course I had the benefit of knowing more or less what to expect. Even so, there's alot of free time there.

Great scenario though. Feels quite epic with numerous small-scale but quite lethal skirmishes, and then the final battle for the village.

Now I'm about to begin Counterattack - which is where I had to abandon the campaign some weeks ago due to ctds. None of them anymore, so it's unknown territory from here on.

A blast!

Great to have feedback from you!

I have changed some units, support and position of a few troops.

Added some additional plans in some missions as well.

Mission 2 always had a minefield. I guess you just got lucky the first time around.

I'm curious to see how far you go.

The counter attack at the bridge seems to be where most people have trouble. Let's see how you deal with it! smile.gif


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Originally posted by handihoc:

Just got totally wiped in Counterattack. It's mean, it's nasty, but it's gotta be winnable. Time to rethink my tactics. . .

I told you! :D

Some observations

Your situation:


- You are in a protected position with good visibility.

- The enemy does not know where you are

- The enemy needs to expose himself in open terrain to get and cross the bridges

- Quality of your weapons and troops

- You don't need to move


- Big and aggressive enemy force.

- You don't know the size of the enemy force.

- Enemy has armored vehicles.

- Enemy will try to flank you, as expected.

- Too much time.

btw in mission 3 I noticed a couple of enemy units named Tiny Combatant and Huge Combatant.

What's all that about? ]

What do you mean?

They are Uncons!

Fighters, Combatants and Specialists...

Well, I could have changed the names. I should have actually! :rolleyes:


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Originally posted by handihoc:

btw in mission 3 I noticed a couple of enemy units named Tiny Combatant and Huge Combatant.

What's all that about?

Those are just the default names for enemy formation groups when you are using unconventional Combatant formations. It's the equivalent of the US "Stryker Infantry (MOUT)" for example.


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Now I understand what handihoc felt was strange.

If you see a 1st Squat/ 2nd Platoon, for instance, that sounds ok. But Tiny Combatant group sounds weird! :eek:

I got so used to them that never occurred to me that I should change them. Maybe Combatant group 1 or something like that only. The size specification is what makes it look a bit strange.


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