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1 : 1 unit representation and arty?

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Has anyone given this any thought?

What will the game look like when HE or Arty explodes in the middle of the a squad?

In CMx1 we only saw three (rather static) incons represent the whole squad and no real visual effects of the blast. OK a crater but no impact on the 3 little men other then sometimes it went from 3 down to 2 or 3 down to 1 OR the three men just turned into a body on the ground. (rare)

Now in CMx2 we have full-on 1:1 unit representation and we should be seeing "something" happen when the arty or HE goes off in the middle of the Squad.

I am not talking about blood, but it looks like Steve has described the various health states of each man. I am really wondering what this will look like in the game ???

Steve says:

"Condition - This is simply a state of being. Right now we have 4 states, but that could change. The states are Healthy (including superficial wounds), Minor Wound (still functional, though less so), Major Wound (out of action), and KIA (completely out of action). This status has an effect on combat capabilities within the game, but it also has meaning for scoring and campaign play. Guys who end up with Minor Wounds might come back for the next battle, might not. Guys with Major Wounds will not, and could possibly be tallied up as KIA. KIA is obvious."

-tom w

[ September 04, 2005, 02:22 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]

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I would assume that it will come off pretty much just like it does now, just with all the men represented. I.E., five guys lay down on their backs, three don't. ;)

Though I've continually underestimated what The Guys are doing for the new version, and I could be again.

Or am I not getting your question? When you say "seeing "something" happen", do you mean like, bodies doing triple Lindys through the air and such?

If we get that, then I want to see a Matrix Effect with it :D

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Yes, bodies will definitely have to fly through the air. A medic will then briefly hover over the wounded. For KIAs we will see a light wisp rise from the body, representing the soul as it leaves the body. I agree that there should not be any blood in the release version, but the game should be coded so that someone can do a Kill Bill mod.

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  • 1 year later...
Originally posted by aka_tom_w:

What will the game look like when HE or Arty explodes in the middle of the a squad?

Charles included pant crapping to the release version. Note that this is not a visual effect, but Creative Smellblaster users will be knocked out.
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No, there's no 'blown to pieces' animations or any such. Which is a good thing. When you're playing your PBEM turn on a Saturday morning with a mighty hangover, the less guts and blood you see, the better. redface.gif

Still, I think the animations and terrain effects of a barrage are going to please people.

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Originally posted by Sergei:

No, there's no 'blown to pieces' animations or any such. Which is a good thing. When you're playing your PBEM turn on a Saturday morning with a mighty hangover, the less guts and blood you see, the better. redface.gif

Still, I think the animations and terrain effects of a barrage are going to please people.

Oh ... bummer. I was so looking forward to something like I saw in one of the COD mods ... everytime someone got hit his whole freaking HEAD got blown off and went rolling on the floor.


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I want the current CMx2 to be dumped in favor of the Soldier of Fortune engine. This might not be the right time to express my concern. But I wish you goodspeed with complying with it, as it is my terms for your survival.

Have a good day

- GamerBorg1337AB and moose

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You notice in the video above one lightly wounded man (yellow base) is able to stand and resume the fight. Red means badly wounded and will get buddy aid if anyone's available - or he won't if he's a gonner. New 'casualty' animations just got dropped in recently (you 1.0 guys upgrade ASAP!). Now you really do feel sorry for the little feller when he takes a hit and keel's over.

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I'm terrible sorry for making a question about something that would, if present, perhaps be a tad bit gamey. It was just an honest question and I've taken no offence at your redicule. Still pondering over the thing. Is it just there for the simulations or will there be any game benifits from achieving this aid?

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Apologies as well, for being a bit snippy. You see, there's just no way my current computer is going to run the darn thing, so I'm out of the action until I can get around to upgrading. So I'm a bit jealous.

I have no first hand knowledge, but especially for the US player, I would guess that KIA vs. WIA can have an effect on victory conditions, if the scenario designer wills it -- the US public is much more willing to accept wounded heroes returning home, than it is body bags.

That's my SWAG, anyway.



Edited to add: Might also effect morale -- that is, you might see a heavier hit on the morale of soldiers still fighting, if they see they're buddies bleeding to death on the field for lack of aid, rather than bandaged up and taken to the rear for care. . .

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Originally posted by Pvt. Ryan:

Yes, bodies will definitely have to fly through the air. A medic will then briefly hover over the wounded. For KIAs we will see a light wisp rise from the body, representing the soul as it leaves the body. I agree that there should not be any blood in the release version, but the game should be coded so that someone can do a Kill Bill mod.

That is fine and all !

But the important question is...

Will my cleric be able to cast RESURRECT spels on KIA, and RAISE DEAD spells on enemy KIA so they rise has skelleton warriors and join our side ? :rolleyes:tongue.gif

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Originally posted by Razer:

So if a wounded soldier is granted buddy aid. Will he be able to fight?

The buddy can't fight while granting buddy aid - he is temporarily noted as being 'medic' rather than 'rifleman', or somesuch.

The wounded soldier does NOT get back into the fight after his buddy has given him a shot of magic juice. In fact, he disappears from the map altogether, the assumption being that he has been evaced. No, there is no evac animation. He just vanishes. No, no other soldiers are temporarily missing to perform this evac. It's an abstraction. Deal.

Also, only buddys from the same in-game unit (ie, the squad or team) can give aid. Finally, they might not start giving aid immediately, figuring that it's better to return fire than apply first field dressings. Or the rest of the squad might be cowering and in no mood to risk themselves for a bleeder.

The practical in-game effects all relate to scoring. Having someone evaced counts for a lesser penalty than just letting him die. Also, I _think_ in the campaigns that evaced soldiers _may_ have a chance of coming back in latter battles.

Note that if you move away from the fallen soldiers and come back later your chance to buddy them is gone - you either stay put and give them aid immediately, or carry on with whatever you were doing. This creates a series of great dilemas for players:

* what is more important right now - saving this guys life, or crossing the road?

* Is it better to stay here and give aid, or is the risk of additional cas in this location too high?

There is an additional visceral benefit that has nothing to do with the scoring. I, personally, always try to save guys by leavng the squad in position until all the cas have been evaced. It just seems like the right thing to do smile.gif



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Thank you JonS for going deep on this feature. You made it all crystal power up clear to me and I can see this as one of the great little details that will make combat seem more real and intriguing.

I want to ask about so much more, but frankly, there is no point in doing so.

So once again, I thank you for taking your time to share this knowledge for us to feed on untill the tomorrow.

Good night.

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Marines (and U.S. Army soldiers, for that matter) are well known for going through hell and high water to help a wounded friend. So I hope an appropriate modifier has been applied in CMII to the Marine squads and teams to greatly lessen the chance of "the squad might be cowering and in no mood to risk themselves", when it comes to giving medic/corpsman aid to a wounded Marine.

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