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Originally posted by poesel71:

Austrians speak austrian, not german. At least they spoke nothing I would recognise as such.


This is patently untrue :mad: , well partly untrue anyway, There are at least 9 main german dialects spoken in Austria (corresponding roughly to the 9 provinces), 8 of which belong to the "bayuvaric" and 1 to the alemanic dialect overgroups and.... tongue.gif
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AAR for Nexus6 vs ThePhantom, as reported by Nexus6.

Two tense, fabulous games where the final ten minutes of each game were nail-biting experiences. These are my recollections - hopefully ThePhantom will correct any errors.

Game 1 : ThePhantom Attacking

I put down a distributed defence across the map, including jammed AA turrets liberally scattered over the northern side of the map. The south side of the bridge was erratically mined, to slow the advance of ThePhantom's tanks and turrets were placed to try and catch the flanks of the advancing forces.

Of course, all good plans go out the window once the game started. Rather than attack from the south, ThePhantom landed in force to the NW and overwhelmed my AA defences. It then became a cat-and-mouse game of trying to flank the attack as it pushed SE to the bridge, which worked fine up to a point but eventually broke down and ThePhantom owned the bridge. With my neat arrangement of forces shattered, I was in deep trouble.

With about five minutes remaining before the game ended, I played my joker. I drove a Hermes down the side of the gorge and parked it right under the bridge. This provided me with anti-missile support and a vehicle in a scoring position. I then switched out into my bots to maximise the damage to ThePhantom's forces and managed to repel the tanks for long enough to scramble for the narrowest of wins.

Result: Nexus6 wins.

Final score: Nexus6 667 - 506 ThePhantom.

Game 2: ThePhantom defending.

Not knowing what lay in wait for me for a Dropship assault, I opted to bring my team in at the deployment zone - three Thor Mortars, one EWV and a Cutter (driven by yours truely). The Mortars immediately went into the attack but I redirected their fire at the nearest SAM base and levelled it.

Meanwhile, after rolling three Cutters trying to ascend the southern slope of the western-most base, I finally made it to the top, took out the three turrets and captured the base. Immediately I brought in Collins in a Thor H to provide cover, and dropped a Thor H for myself. Adopting hull down positions on the base (myself on the wall), Collins and I took pot shots at ThePhantom's forces well deployed below, while the other bots pushed up to south of the bridge to develop a wider field of fire.

ThePhantom had laid a heavy minefield to the NW of the bridge, with turret support around the bridge itself and further jammed emplacements to the north. Tanks were arrayed mostly on the north side of the bridge.

After a few minutes pounding at the forces around the bridge, I realised that it would take a bigger push to seize the bridge in time. Switching to a Mercury, I EMP'd and Fire'd the bridge defences, bringing in a SAM unit to block further Air recovery. I also took the opportunity to lay groups of jammed turrets at strategic points, dropped AA coverage beyond the SAM unit's range and generally went into porcupine mode.

The bots pushed up successfully to the bridge, and the holes made by the earlier artillery bombardment proved useful in digging in with two Thors, an EWV and a ATGM to sit out the final minutes once my SAM support had bought it.

Final result: Nexus6 wins

Final score: Nexus6 1089 - 66 ThePhantom

Nexus6 advances to the next round.

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After Action Report Nexus Vs ThePhantom

First - Phantom Attack

I knew Nexus was going to be tough (I didn't know he'd be so "tricky!!!"). H Hour - I decided to mass assault in the NorthWest. Started with a light Recon Force of expendable units. Mission to clear the LZ of AA positions.

Success was achieved early.

With limited losses I was able to drop the first assault group of Thors and 14mm AA's. I grabbed the lead tank and started the "aggressive assault" to the bridgehead. Defilade fire from my left flank showed Nexus in a hull down position. I pushed North to confront him and allowed the main force to continue the advance.

Luckily, I got the upper hand and his flanking force was pushed aside. The bridgehead was in view. Rounds were flying everywhere and my eyes started burning. Mission now - knock out everything I see until they take me out. Just weaken the defending units. Mission accomplished.

I dropped assault group 2 to the South East and started the push to the other end of the bridge. The enemy units were eliminated. I felt victory was at hand. 3 minutes left, total control of the objective.

No, suddenly the score started shifting to Nexus. What was happening? I saw a enemy dropship under the bridge. I smoked it. But, the score continued to go to his side. No way! He won..... How????? All is fair in war.........

Second - Nexus Attack

The Nexus attack was new to me. It wasn't the head to head slugfest that I was looking for. Nexus went to a more passive attack. First a barrage of heavy mortar fire. Semi effective but more annoying, while my Defense waited.

Then I noticed a cutter moving up the far slope of the fortified small city to the Southwest. Something I never pay too much attention to when I play this map. I called ESD strike and dropped a few 90mm AT guns. Thinking I had stopped the problem. The problem showed up with twenty minutes left. Nexus, again defilade, on that hill. I couldn't touch him. HE/AP bounced off. At first I gave little attention to him. My mistake became clear when he started becoming extremely accurate with his shots. Myself and the bots were being removed one by one. Slowly he removed my strong defensive position. He put my force in panick mode when he launched a full scale assault from the South.

My defensive position that I felt so confident about for most of the game was now "Shattered!"

I didn't have any forces left at the objective. I rushed to get a counter attack ready, as I watched the score tip over to Nexus. He truelly showed me something new. I was defeated hands down. His plan worked perfectly.

I tip my hat to you with that one, Nexus. Good job.

The first battle, I put my middle finger up...... But all's fair in war........

Good games, Nexus.

[ August 18, 2007, 08:18 PM: Message edited by: ThePhantom ]

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The more I play this game, the more depth there is in the strategies available. In some respects, it's like rock, paper, scissors. EWV trumps ATGM. Thors crush anything non-Thor. Apollos can crack Thors. ICs can annoy the hell out of anything and can weaken even the strongest tanks to being vulnerable to lesser tanks. Paladins can get into areas fast and gain points. ATGM can knock out heavy tanks from vast distances. Mortar can crush any weaker units and most buildings. EWV trumps Mortar. Mercurys are useless in general combat but can be decisive when used to turret storm or EMP defenders.

Recently, I've become more enamoured of the 90mmAP turrets. These little devils are fabulous anti-Thor units. Stuck in strange places with narrow field of view and jammed, they can surprise many players and blunt attacks.

I had to use most of these tricks against ThePhantom. Great games. We need a way to record these matches for posterity - a replay function would be deeply cool, and would be a fraction of the size of recorded video.

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Nexus is downright tough to beat. That said, I've gotta have two cents about the old vehicle under the bridge trick: it's a cheapo way to win and should be trumped by any vehicle in position on top of the actual bridge itself.

As a matter of honor I pledge to not break the terms of the New-Geneva Space-Viking Convention and avoid accumulating victory points through any means other than brute force and open domination of the bridge itself. A pox on you jby (should we end up playing in the first round) if you attempt such shenanigans.

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We need a way to record these matches for posterity - a replay function would be deeply cool, and would be a fraction of the size of recorded video.
It's *quite* funny that you should mention that. Just today I finished getting the replay feature up and running. Maybe I'll have it deployed in time for my match with Phonan, so instead of just a simple AAR, we can all actually watch the battle afterward (once from Phonan's point of view, then a second time from mine). Even better than a spectator sport - you get to be right there in the battle! Kind of like having helmet cameras on every player in a game...

Right now it looks like the average replay file size for an entire game is about 3 megabytes. Not bad...

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Originally posted by Junglist:

Nexus is downright tough to beat. That said, I've gotta have two cents about the old vehicle under the bridge trick: it's a cheapo way to win and should be trumped by any vehicle in position on top of the actual bridge itself.

As a matter of honor I pledge to not break the terms of the New-Geneva Space-Viking Convention and avoid accumulating victory points through any means other than brute force and open domination of the bridge itself. A pox on you jby (should we end up playing in the first round) if you attempt such shenanigans.

but, but,... smile.gif

There is one snag with the New-Geneva Space-Viking Convention. The bots didn´t sign it. More often than not they will trundle into the gulch, the tracked ones with a greater chance of survival since 1.30. So if you want this rule, the defender has to mine the gulch on both sides to make accidental bot access impossible. i guess one could also alter the height map to make vehicle access impossible...

Clay: replay...very cool. I wouldn´t worry so much about file sizes as the performance hit.

BTW I had thougt about "embedded war reporters" for the finals. Each side would have a non playing player (sitting in a mercury in a corner) record the match with game cam.

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Originally posted by Junglist:

Nexus is downright tough to beat. That said, I've gotta have two cents about the old vehicle under the bridge trick: it's a cheapo way to win and should be trumped by any vehicle in position on top of the actual bridge itself.

Actually, I think that the unseen scoring vehicle trick (or the Troll Bridge technique as I like to call it) is completely valid. Partly because you have to protect all approaches to the objective and partly because the score is a good indicator that there is something out there in scoring range. Just because one side can't see it is no excuse :)

It goes without saying that I usually put mines and turrets under the bridge on this level :)

Which reminds me - are we going to switch map for the next round of the 1v1 tournament? We've all shown some of our strategies for Gulch - how about we switch scenarios? SlugFest is a good Objective map. So is SeaCliffs (although I think I'm disqualified from suggesting that one).

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That "Evil Troll under the bridge" is valid, Nexus. You're right - However, I wish one of you guys would of shown me that before I played IN THE TOURNAMENT!!! I never knew you could grab points like that.... But, it's ok..... I'm not holding any grudges.

God help the next vehicle that sits under the bridge when I play in the next one!!!! I'll show you what happens to Fat Troll's under bridges!!! Enough said - Let's start a new tournament, soon.

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