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My Thoughts on the Demo

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Well, I sampled the baby, 2nd game I fell asleep last night before I could really try it and I'm half awake this morning. I crushed Norway without a breath, Denmark a corps killed the strength 1 corps there. That was a cinch. I found it a bit logistical pain in the rear to take France as fast as I'd like. Though pretty much like clockwork, I lost a tank because I was reckless and I gathered around 2000 MPP by the time Italy came in in Fall.

I couldn't buy anymore airfleets, which I wanted to because I was ultradeadly with them... They're quite powerful... So far the RAF is worthless but the Royal Navy is deadly. I can tell the Convoy routes are strong points of focus, If U-boats get out there it will be hell for the UK. Germany is very rich and very able to tech and experience. People will tweak Allied Resources for the UK at least... N.Africa so far as I can tell is similar to before you will want to evacuate it. I crushed the tiny UK Navy there with my Italian fleet. I was rich enough and strong enough after that to Take on the USSR so I DOWed and it sayed Demo over ;)

I guess the AI isn't a challenge for me.

All in all, mobility of units with their upgrades is neat. Upgrading units is nice. I like the ability to keep lowgrade and highgrade.. Something annoying by SC. Also the fact that you can see the Model of Unit you get ;) A german tank looks like a Panzer II and a French like a Somua or a Char.. the 109 is VERY accurate, from the E to the F Model... ;) the yellow and grey noses I haven't researched further. I did however place the Bismark before quitting...

It seems there will be incentives not to invade Sweden finally. I have not see anything Diplomatic about this baby yet. Though I'll get to that later, I'll tweak the hell outta spain and turkey.. have to edit the Allies some more initial spending cash if war doesn't start in Russia till late '41 as in SC I can tell you as much... There are a few bugs I noticed, some of the item bars should have titles over them and not to the side of them, but that cosmetic, all and all operational and mechanical bugs are lower... And some newer features impleneted such as I noticed Airfleets being bombarded didn't damage the shipsI saw two Ships bombard from the same hex. Movement after combat. Etc.. Etc.. the Sigfried line, there is much much more all that I will summize to say that the game looks greatly Improved and we really appreciate the fact she takes after her predeccessor in a fine way. I can feel SC in this game I will not called in SC2 I'd call it Strategic Command 3-d Enhanced ;) in other words SC on Heroine

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Liam, thanks for your thoughts.

have to edit the Allies some more initial spending cash if war doesn't start in Russia till late '41 as in SC I can tell you as much
Keep in mind that the full 1939 campaign plays a bit differently than it did in SC1 and that the economic curves can play out quite differently as well, especially for the Allies. I think you'll find, especially in head to head competition a much more balanced game without the need for bids. I could expand a bit more but I'd rather leave the few extra surprises, especially the added diplomatic checks and balances, to self discovery (for now) until after the game fully ships.

There are a few bugs I noticed...
Can you be a bit more specific? I only ask as this term is often used loosely to describe disagreeable design decisions etc., and not necessarily something that is working incorrectly in game. This way I can know for sure.


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Bids will be nonexistant, anyone that plays with bids is missing the whole point of the editor and gimping the game experience.

Give the Allies more initial spending cash and the Axis will be crushed. You have not discovered the beauty that is Industrial Technology for USA.

Norway, Denmakr AND Africa will go down EASILY by any Axis player that knows what he is doing as you have just attested. Nothing wrong with that.

FYI, I did a game of a all out defense of N. Africa and it is a viable option, I'll let it to the players to find out how smile.gif

And the AI will not be challenging on normal level vs. anyone who has played SC. A more challenging AI will surely arise as people like Edwin add more and more scripts to cover its weaknesses.

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Thankyou for the feedback Hubert and Blashy. I would hope that longterm Russian and US MPPs do outweigh German and Axis MPPs, as you say giving you the ability as is historical to play it out at D-Day and Barbarossa. Though Germany strong Balances early game, Sea Lion difficult due to the Royal Navy, Much like SC is when you allocate resources around, the Extra MPPs are to offset plunder, all those Minors easily conquored. I can see Many Needs and Expenditures to keep a nation up to date in this game, that part I have seen.

I did research a bug first one it appears I could be wrong, I doubt it. Unloaded Amphibious units do not take damage when they say they will. That is rather minor likely already picked on. There were a couple other things I noticed I will post them up when I play again. Also real Minor the AI didn't target the Sigfreid, odd?? Even with my cities open and advanced AI it left it be.. Nothing major not as the first.

Also I personally found it slightly confusing to navigate the Bars in the game at first. Though that is a mild point. Some will have confusion... The subject then the bar was a bit disorienting but I'm certian I'll get to it. ;)

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rambo jr, low key, sorting things out:

Going to take some time to figure balance out.

Yep, for everybody.

Teutonic Myth, included.

Then again, once that's done,

It can change with a tiny little flick!

In that unprecedented! Editor.

Everybody gets to start all over again! :cool:

Still getting use to reading the map.
Dig out one of yer old gold-mine maps,

When you were a Prospector?

And, practice with that?

BTW, I got just the one for you.

VERY old gold deposit rumoured to be secreted

In Sangre de Christo Mountains.

Sell it to you for a song.

I've got Spring Fever
Time to find another one a' them great gals

Can make them red hot tacos.

'Course, you'll need REAL Salsa,

Not that ersatz Idaho stuff.

Tell you what,

Come down South to Desert City

In yer... over hill & dale Land Rover,


I'll GIVE you some home-made salsa,

With green chile from Mesilla Valley,

Ain't nothin' like it! ;)

And, while yer here,

We'll negotiate over that gold map I got.

Start at, oh, $10,000, give or take.

... so we'll see how much time I dedicate.
Better be a bunch,

Years maybe.

NO WAY anybody can dominate

This game.

One man has got as good a chance

As the next.

Why is it called "Benelux"?
Curious Euro short-hand for:

BElgium, NEtherlands & LUXembourg.


Maybe Hubert... made it up?

Do you get to know all the research advancements of all the countries?
Only yer own side.

Unless you are blessed with ESP?

It appears you do, in a sub-menu.
You win the Teddy Bear!

Like at Idaho State Fair!

No Mid-Way like that one's got,

Here, there or - anywhere! :cool:

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Originally posted by Blashy:

Unloading Amphibious does not always mean you will have damage, it is a percentage chance.

Oh, it said it had taken damage blashy but the unit remained at strength 10 in 3 or 4 instances.. Whilst unloading an amphibious assualt. In particular that happened in Norway, I didn't recall eslewhere I'll check that
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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

Why is it called "Benelux"?

Because that's the official name for the group of those three countries. The Benelux is not just an abbrevation, it's an actual political body that defends the intrests of those three countries.

It was created in the early '50s -before the original European Union- and was the model for the first European treaties. The three countries that make up the Benelux were all three in the original European Union group of 7 countries and up until today political functions are often assigned to "a member of the Benelux" by Europe, after which the three countries divide the posts among them.

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umm... well, figured I would stick my impressions of the demo here but not sure the posts in this thread are about demo impressions.

In any case, Bottom Line: I had a blast playing demo last night. No technical or graphical issues at all. SC2 demo was really enjoyable and like SC1, I found it to be still a fairly intuitive game in terms of how to play and how things worked.

Some random points:

I liked panzer general a lot and would consider analogies to PG to be a good thing. I think the scripting and ability to mod/vary scale and conflicts make this a better game then PG. (but as an aside, I enjoyed the campaign aspect of PG with bringing along my core group of units as they gained xp. Kind of the RPG angle improvement thing with my units)

I look forward to seeing what the fans do with icons and scripting! The demo was great for me, and I can only imagine how much better it will get as the game taps into the brains/knowledge/energy of 20 (or more!) SC2 fanatics.

Thanks for the great game Hubert. I am very happy I pre-ordered so as not to lose a single day before I can play the full version. smile.gif

I know everyone has them and HC's list is already longer than Santa's but here is mine...


Left click -> Drag = grabs map to scroll the board. Edges of my screen are a long way away, and the mini-map is very mini. Sometimes I just want to re-center the screen a little bit.

Have you seen the feature above in other games? Very handy and intuitive. That's my vote! :D

Thanks again HC and all those who helped HC. I trolled the boards since SC1 and remember when SC2 boards first sprang into existence. I dont post much but I have really enjoyed both SC and now SC2 (demo).

Woot! --AOM

p.s. Looks like it's time to change my sig... "This space for rent for SC*3* pre-order $$" ;) *joke*

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@ Rambo and Tao


Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

Why is it called "Benelux"?


Because that's the official name for the group of those three countries. The Benelux is not just an abbrevation, it's an actual political body that defends the intrests of those three countries.

-- Partly right, it is a customs union, and yes our country's do cooperate on an international/political level but that cooperation is more often done on an informal basis.


It was created in the early '50s -before the original European Union- and was the model for the first European treaties. The three countries that make up the Benelux were all three in the original European Union group of 7 countries and up until today political functions are often assigned to "a member of the Benelux" by Europe, after which the three countries divide the posts among them.

-- It was creatted in 1942 by the governments in exille. they feared that after the war, rebuilding their country's would be made more difficult if every European nation would pull up tarrif walls. to sett an example (which nobody relly followed until the creattion of the ECCS and the EEC) they formed a customs union.

There acctually were only 6 founding members of the EU predecessor the ECCS/EEC/Euratom. France/Italy/Germany and Benelux(3)

BE-lgië NE-derland LUX-emburg BENELUX

All three country's are individual members of the EU and the latest part of your post is downright untrue

Sincerly, your edicator tongue.gif

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Once upon at time there was no Belgium, but the French people there don't particularly like Dutch, neither do the Dutch particularly like the French Belgian Culture. SO well, it's a good trade off look at the USA country the size of China is an Island tongue.gif we only get a few cities

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