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Legend's Give War Chance Tour is over! 41 Win 15 Lost 66 Yodl 1 Coward 3 Draw 1 MIA

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Sounds good, lets PL mirror mode PBEM. I am on night shift, leave for work 2:15PM eastern, home usually 1:00am eastern. So we can PBEM during the week and try to hook up weekends for some TCP for both games. I will e-mail you. I have added you to my ICQ list and await your approval, also my e-mail is on the tourney thread, I am ready for some legend training... smile.gif

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

Lost to Taojah as Axis, ouch! Got swarmed by Russians after multiple raids by UK/USA. What happened?

Yeah, those raids costed you alot of MPPs, hehe.

- First the UK in Africa. You pushed it back, but it costed alot of MPP. You amphibied German troops from Spain to Africa and then trasport them back to Spain.

That costed alot and I don't know if it's needed : what can the UK do around Casablanca anyway if they don't have Gibraltar ? I think I would have build a fort north-west of Gibraltar, put a unit in it and let the Brits have their tea in Casablanca and tangiers, who cares ? If they drive to Algiers, that's another thing, but there is plenty of time to defend that later.

- Then a small raid from the UK on Kiel, so that the navy could come in and sink the German navy. That could have been prevented by putting a fortified unit in the Kiel strait.

- After me taking Sweden, there was the UK raid late '41 on Koningsberg, with the help of my airplanes in Sweden. Again, you operated 4-5 corpses to it, not much of a choice there, really. All UK units were killed, but my HQ got away...

- Simultanious in late '41 a landing of the US in north-east Germany, taking Hamburg, Kiel and Essen, all undefended. That could have been prevented by putting units there, no ? Now you had to operate a bunch of troops there and operate them back once their job was done. Alot of MPPs wasted...

Unfortunatly, the Russians couldn't really take adavantage of the gaps that were in the frontline, due to a terrible, terrible timing of the '41 landings : winter striked and the Russian were imobilised...

1942 came and went, with the US and UK building all the lost troops back up, the Germans pushing Russia back, eventually attacking and more overtaking most of the Kharkov line, but then another landing...

- In the srping of 43 the US and UK landed between a defended (but bombed) Brussels and (again an undefended) Kiel and Essen. Hamburg fell to, due to a non-entrenched low level guard unit there...

Once again, you had no choice and operated alot of troops to drive the American and British troops back.

But that left the Russian front weak and this time the Russian were ready to take full advantage ! In no time they stood in Warshaw (ignoring the 10 Axis troops that camped around Minsk and Smolensk) and the Axis conceded the game...

Somewhere during the Russian push west, the Allied retook an undefended Finland with an American amphiby from Sweden and landed after some bombing in Bordeaux too, just for the heck of it.

All in all I think you left the north-west of Germany too undefended : put some high level German troops there in the beginning of the war and leave them there, entrenched. A couple of fortifications there can do wonders too, you can leave low level troops in those.

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Lost to Liam. Ouch. I had Axis. Had Stalingrad, Lennigrad, Moscow...and everything else except Scando & Turkey. Things were rolling...until I went to the Urals. Got bogged in the winter of '43/'44. Kept sending troops to their death. Exchanging with the Russians instead of planning better. Had too many troops stationed around Berlin, Rhineland, and other places...tied up for the Allies.

Then, when the weather finally broke, the Russians got the first crack at real weather. Russians had gotten Jets+4, and wore out my Jets+3.

Game was different, Liam had the "no limit" builds on.

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Have had an unreal game against Rambo so far.

It has been back and forth the entire game. It is now 1946, almost 1947, and still no sign of a letup. I'm Allies, Rambo is Axis.

It began with a see-saw battle in North Africa; a quick British advance to Tripoli which was beat back by a massive German attack. Eventually the Germans took Egypt and the Middle East, and attacked the Caucasus. The withdrawel of the British troops was succesful and most lived to fight another day.

Barbarossa was weak at first, partly because of the MPPs and units devoted to afrika and partially because Rambo was quietly investing in massive amounts of rockets and rocket tech. He used Malta as target practice and eventually took it.

The Allies maintained firm control over the North Atlantic for the most of the game, with a few sub clashes. Rambo then retreated the sub fleets to base and began investing big time in sub tech, planning on surprising me with lvl 5 subs. The lid was blown off of the secret operation when a British commando raid on Marseilles uncovered lvl 5 subs in port! Anyways, at current time Allies have positive control over their vital waterways, thanks to long range Brit carriers and American bombers. Most of the surface fleets on both sides have been destroyed.

After a year of back and forth fighting in Russia, eventually the full weight of the German Wehrmacht came to bear, and the Soviets were pushed all the way back to Stalingrad. After almost a year of vicious fighting the Germans took Moscow, Stalingrad, and advanced on the oil fields. The southern attack was immedietely repelled, and with winter coming the Germans retreated to the Stalingrad-Rostov line to dig in. The rockets, produced in mass and trained by attacking malta, were dealing terrible blows; they are KILLING me!

Meanwhile on the western front, Britian launched an abortive 1943 D-Day that saw the brief liberation of Brussels and Brest. The United States landed in Morocco and Patton and O'Conner with three US Corps and two UK Corps began driving up the coast, within a year reaching and liberating Egypt and Syria. The soviets crossed the mountain range, and hearing of impending liberators, the Iraq partisans wreaked havoc, keeping the city efficiency below five until a soviet army arrived and liberated Iraq and Iran.

In 1944 Sardinia and Sicily were taken; the year marked a protracted battle in the southern half of Italy that was a meatgrinder for US and German troops. Meanwhile Russia was taking advantage of the lull to quietely move a large armored force to the Moscow region and inside the Finnish border...

In the winter of 1944 all hell broke loose on the Eastern Front. Soviet lvl 4 tanks with airplane and HQ support surrpounded Helsinki and laid seige. A large sweep of soviet troops descended south from the Interior and liberated Moscow and Vorenezh. The Germans, knowing that they were about to be encircled, performed a retreat and the Soviets gave chase, re-armed and reinforced russians springing from the Grozny region. Losses were exceptionally high on both sides, but the Russians took back Stalingrad, Kursk, and the mines, pushing the frontline to the river. Meanwhile Finland surrendered and Leningrad was liberated. Things looked good for the Soviets.

At about this time, Germany had concentrated the full power of their rocket and air forces on England, and in a quick fight German forces captured the English Isles, forced Britain to rebase in Canada and Egypt, and ceding control of the North Atlantic.

But the Allies weren't done yet! While German forces were tied up in Russia and England, the Med front had been very quiet... too quite. For the last few monthes the Americans had been quietely assembling an invasion land force and air force and putting them in range of Rome. In one turn the USA lands and takes Rome, and Italy surrenders!

The year of 1945-6 is generally not good for the Allies. The Germans rockets and air force are pounding anything that moves, rockets and planes usually causing 3-8 damage per hit and usually not taking any themselves. Switzerland is briefly liberated by the Allies, and battle line forms along the Alps, but it dissolves iwth the Spring snow and the Allies are quickly pushed down the peninsula. At the current time Rome has recently been retaken by the Axis at a substantial cost in German lives, and the Allies are once again evacuating from the continent.On the bright side, Russia has managed to liberate Sweden and Norway! Yes, that's right, the Russians own Scandinavia. On the Russian fron the Russians have suffered bad casualties from rockets, but the front lines are holding.

It is now approaching 1947. Something needs to happen soon!

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wow, very nice game indeed ! GG to both of you guys!

play Rambo and you'll most likely see weird weaponry come to life, whacky strategies and strange places to fight for...play Yoda and you'll want to uninstall SC2 and start playing counterstrike or something cuz nothing seems to work against his calculated gameplay smile.gif

Only in my current game vs Rambo, I noticed a strange behaviour of his Allies - in depth defence of Russia and only probing the western axis defences - not very typical for El Legende as I did not consider patience as one of his virtues...perhaps his 'Yodls' record served him well :D

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Rambo vs Normal Dude:

This is an absolute classic. It's currently August 1946.

1) Standard Poland, Denmark, LC, France

2) Did not ever bother with Spain, matter of fact, they are still neutral. Franco never joined when I dumped London.

3) Bought rockets for no particular reason. They took practice on Malta for a couple years, since USA had late entry with no Spain/VF.

4) I took Africa had a fierce fight, had to send some serious airpower to get him out of there. Think it was barely before Barby when UK was booted from there. I got Iraq/Iran/Syria of course.

5) Somehow I got Norway/Sweden...kind of forget how/when? LOL smile.gif

6) Once Barby got going, I sent the kitchen sink towards Stalingrad. It was a tough go, but aided by 3 badass Luftwaffe, 2 Italian fighters w/HQ, Romanian Air, and of course....4 Rockets, I was able to slip pass the Volga, cutoff all his southern units.

7) Meanwhile, the USA enjoy free reign in Africa. They took it all back. From Casablanca to Saddam's birthplace & Iran.

8) UK landed some halfass stuff into Brest, but got headcracked when the mud set in, no fighter cover.

9) Eventually Patton came thru Sicily, along with all kinds of LR air...name it, was pounded the Boot. It was getting old & the weather in Russia was cold, so I bought back my air & some rockets to to get USA of the mainland. Patton got his ass blasted to death in Southern Italy by rockets smile.gif

10) With all my power center out of Stalingrad, the Reds chased me back to Dneiper, where I had some forts.

11) Sensing the Americans weren't leaving the MedFront. I decided to put all my power around Paris. The rockets blasted London to bits. In a matter of a couple turns, my paratroops opened on the harbor, and I poured in the ground power. I went thru UK like butter, and Ireland, this was good. 4 experience rockets with +5 tech, with fighter support, paratroops, etc....that's all it took.

12) As mentioned, I like to roll the dice, I bought some subs, and got lucky with tech, +5 subs! I as going to spring them on him all at once, but Normal Dude paratroops spotted him in Southern France the turn place! His carriers did a good job finding my subs because he had some LR. I was able to trashed 3 or 4 boats when I took England, they didn't stand a chance against those subs. Eventually, the subs had to run, the MedFront has too much American LR stuff flying around.

12) With UK gone, the Americans were busy planing Anzio, Casino Station, etc. Nope, he went right for the cheese, Rome. In one turn, Italy was gone. This sucked, bad. I had lost HQ with those 2-fighters which were great support following the Luftwaffe scraps. We basically traded UK for Italy. The Yanks took the Swiss back....I couldn't have that. So I brouht all my crap to the Alps. MY operand costs are a bitch.

13) In Russia, they just kept coming at me. I had a firepower center station like 'Nam in the marsh area/Smoltz. All kinds of dead on both sides. More battles near the mines, name it.

So, the game is in Summer '46. Americans were just kicked out of Rome, but the Russians are coming. This should be interesting with one year to go.


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