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I see that Finland gets its own HQ... And a ton of stuff to work with.

So can HQs control any allied unit regardless of origin, or is it that only German HQs can control German units, but any minor HQ can control any minors? Or is the minor HQ restricted to only controlling the units that originate in its home country?

One more thing, does Italy and Germany start out with more naval units than they did in SC1, or have you been just building naval units to show off the expanded Atlantic and naval combat?

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Norway was a miss. I tried with just 2 armies and 1 AF, the Corps was killed but no troops could move in, next turn the other Corps op'd on the Capital and has not been killed.


The Allies made the most of the situation, they took the two other cities to secure them in case the Capital was taken.

These are the troops from Africa.


Again the Germans are not moving as fast as they wished because of mud/rain/fog and soviet winter is about to strike, not good.


Soviet winter arrives, so do units from the queue AND the siberian transfer. The German high command is not feeling good about the situation, despite the better technology.


This is what the Germans see, they are in for alot more trouble than they expect.


Soviets decide to move in with the tanks and press the enemy. A few German units are destroyed, costly since they had max tech possible in every area but the anti tank prooves damaging to even heavy level 2 tanks.


This is for Rambo, USA's forces in March 1944. You are not seeing 1 BB and 1 CA who are close to UK.

USA's tech is starting to pay off.


The Germans escape the winter in ok condition, but they'll have to take some Russian resources to slow down production. The AFs will now be able to attack at ease which they intend to use to decimate the Russian armor.


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Originally posted by NumLock:

I see that Finland gets its own HQ... And a ton of stuff to work with.

So can HQs control any allied unit regardless of origin, or is it that only German HQs can control German units, but any minor HQ can control any minors? Or is the minor HQ restricted to only controlling the units that originate in its home country?

One more thing, does Italy and Germany start out with more naval units than they did in SC1, or have you been just building naval units to show off the expanded Atlantic and naval combat?

1- HQs only control units from their country. It would cause imbalances if they did not, Hubert considered the possibility.

2- They start with the same amount of units, but they have a few extra in the production queue.

Germany gets: 2 BBs and 1CA in the early 40s.

Italy gets one extra BB a little later on.

UK also has a few ships in production and so does USA.

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The Germans get a surprise, the UK AFs have long range air, they spot a cruiser, attack it and a BB comes in to finish it off. Too bad the BB was intercepted by kriegsmarine and destroyed.

But the lost is not good for Germany, who was hoping to rely on their navy to help hinder allied invasions.


Russians had to pull back after vicious German counter attacks with a powerfull AF, causing them to loose a mine and some units.

It was clear for a few turns and the Germans made the most of it.


Things are once again dire for Russia, they miss winter... more units get destroyed. 6 Corps in production.

Notice the little partisan up top, I love that little icon, go little ones :cool:


A Major victory for the Allies in the West, the German navy is forced to flee the safety of the French ports and they can't go towards Benelux as they are now aware of UK LR AFs will spot them and the british navy will pounce.

Norway was finally taken, but the Allies have most of it's countries resources.


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Yessir, summer is not good times for Russia. What you see on the pic is ALL of Russia's military, it just got decimated. Word to the wise, put your tanks on cities and do everything possible so they can entrench to maximum, let the Germans move forward. The russian offensive was too soon vs. elite german troops.


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Originally posted by Bill101:

I've noticed the Free Polish forces putting in a couple of appearances in the screen shots. A very nice touch!

Ahem, hate to disapoint you but they are no free Polish forces. Where to do you see this? Right click on the pic you saw it and look at its properties, tell me what number it is.
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The fleeing German navy is spotted by a well placed level 3 long range carrier. The final days of the German navy is at hand.


The rebuilt British armada is out to proove it is king of the seas after it's devastating loss earlier.


The Italians are feeling brave


OK, this is simply to show the power of a fully entrenched tank (with HQ suppor).

The 4 German units you see had 8-8-10-10 STR, the russian level 2 tank came out unscathed and pummeled the attackers with ambushes all over the city. Morale of this story... AFs, leve5 tank has the same defense as a level 0 tank vs. AFs.


Germans are stuck in mud season, things are progressing slowly and pesky partisans are poping up continually. Once again, weather will give the Russians a breather to maybe survive their initial mistake of going on the offensive so early.


Here is a pic of the battle honors, it displays which unit it has killed and the year.


The Germans resupply before making another push, although winter is about to hit and the Allies are getting nasty with their AFs in the West. Germany ops 3 of their AFs (German) and prepares them for a surprise attack on the british air (elite reinforcements in progress).


This shows those pesky partisans poping up. Also it shows how much German can't cover the whole of Russia and they are now paying penalty for corps, they also can't move their high tech units away from Russian cities until new units arrive, for fear that partisans will take the city.


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NOTE: for Sweden to join via diplomacy it cost me 450mpps, which gave me 2 Armies, 1corps, 1AF STR5 and 1 cruiser. A good deal? Price wise yes, but all they can do is take Norway and hold it with troops.

Germany is also investing in Spain, after it was staling in Russia it started to invest in Spain to hopefully have an Ally for the Western front. Cost so far 350mpps and they are at 60 some %.

This could have been 2 extra AFs and change.

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Interesting game Blashy. It looked like you are going to pay your win in Africa with defeat in USSR but now I am not sure.

JJR you are becoming real pain in the ass. Man, dude, you are NOT selected to be a test player and this is hard reality which you must accept. Maybe Hubert will select you in the future but if you ask me you’ll never be a test player because of your bad attitude. From all people you are saying that this is Axis worship game? With you as a test player it will be Allies worship game so what is the point to select you? You should make your own game where US will be prepare for D-day in 1939.

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vveed, no negative talk tongue.gif

where is the US 1 million man Army fully supplied hitting the Normandy Beachhead by now smile.gif

It's time for the West to make a move or this game is through. Look at the map? The Reds are smooshed like polish sausages. The Axis have superior tech, the West can only pray that their airfleets are uber and if not that this game is in the bag for the Axis.. I suppose the Reds pushed too hard and should've gone defensive for a least a year to let the USA and UK get a foothold somewhere and also the fact the UK had no naval dominance has prevented this... IMO: Game Over Blashy has not shown Axis domination just superior strategy. Allies need to be defensive till after '41...and semi-defensive through '42...unless they have overwhelming superiority... This Ally wasted resources defending N.Africa, lost his Fleets, Let Russia get overrun and has nothing much to admire

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Ok, I agree. No negative talk. JJR should do the same. I didn’t want to offend someone but JJR sometimes pushing to far with this Allied (or should I say US) funboy standpoint.

True, Axis in this game are in wining position but not because game is not balanced. It is because, as you said, Allied player have made too many mistakes. Actually, I have seen lots of similar situations in SC1. Allies should stay defensive in 1942 and then in 43, 44 and 45 should be offensive. But D-day should be happen in 44 (maybe late 43) and not before. As I see now is January 43 and Allied show should start soon.

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Originally posted by vveedd:

Ok, I agree. No negative talk. JJR should do the same. I didn’t want to offend someone but JJR sometimes pushing to far with this Allied (or should I say US) funboy standpoint.

True, Axis in this game are in wining position but not because game is not balanced. It is because, as you said, Allied player have made too many mistakes. Actually, I have seen lots of similar situations in SC1. Allies should stay defensive in 1942 and then in 43, 44 and 45 should be offensive. But D-day should be happen in 44 (maybe late 43) and not before. As I see now is January 43 and Allied show should start soon.

I wonder though honestly, could the Allies have gone all out in '42 and risked losing a lot of men? Could they have opened up a second front at the cost of say a million men? Did they have the Manpower, ships, etc...???
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Blashy, image numbers 33, 47 and 57 where a number of allied units appear to be carrying something which is very similar (although not perfectly identical) to the Polish airforce insignia.

Here's a link to a web page where the aircraft have the insignia on their tails:


If not Polish (and now I've seen more there seem to be too many to be free Polish) what does this insignia mean in SC2?

[ November 12, 2005, 01:29 AM: Message edited by: Bill101 ]

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Originally posted by Bill101:

Blashy, image numbers 33, 47 and 57 where a number of allied units appear to be carrying something which is very similar (although not perfectly identical) to the Polish airforce insignia.

Here's a link to a web page where the aircraft have the insignia on their tails:


If not Polish (and now I've seen more there seem to be too many to be free Polish) what does this insignia mean in SC2?

That insignia is for the Allied minors, when you see the insignia it means it has not done anything this turn, it is an easy way to browse over the map and see which units are still "active".
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I'm glad you are seeing that there was no game imbalance. The cause of the Allied defeat is the russian offensive.

Remember that even a few turns after that offensive I thought the Axis were going to loose.

What the Allies did in Egypt was the cause of the Axis being in a dire position. The Axis were late for barbarossa because of this.

That one initial offensive by the Russian is what killed them. In SC2 if you have tanks for Russia, you want to protect them so they entrench to the max in cities, I showed you how damaging they can be.

It was a very close game. The end pics are coming.

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UK lands a unit to try and cut off Brest, they are now pressed to do something in the West (too late).

The German AF have elite reinforcements, that's a 15 AF with 5 bars XP...


The end is near for the Russians, they've lost all their superior armor, all of it within a few turns after their initial assault.


Axis units move in to free Brest.


The Allies managed to take Brest and land more support, but they lost an AF and the other 2 were brought down to 3&4.


The Allies land more units but they are without air support.




A few units destroyed due to Axis aif power.


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USSR Surrenders, plunder of 1656mpps. Game over. Germany now has 4 AFs and 2 more in production prior to surrender.

If USSR surrenders in SC2, the UK/USA forces had better be at the gates of Berlin with France, Benelux and all of Africa liberated as well as Italy surrendered. If not, give up.

Ending screenshot, a little bonus:

Notice the convoy for USSR is gone (surrendered) the nice feature, you can adjust convoy % for USA to UK and when Russia is active from UK to Russia (max 40% for that one).


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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

Cakewalk for Axis? Or is it just Blashy?

John, I think it is fair to say that everyone sees your posts for what they are... so I ask you, is it really that hard to post constructive criticism rather than constant insults?

As I've said before many times on this forum, I am open to constructive comments and in fact encourage it, but your recent posts have been nothing more than drivel and my patience is honestly wearing thin.

Please consider how hard everyone is working here, much of it on their own free time, as I politely ask you to reconsider your tone.



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