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  1. The interface could use quite a bit of improvement, but otherwise I think Dozer's comments were out of line. Try to give people something for free and they will find a reason to insult you.
  2. Is it possable to script a random starting location for certain units? IE: The US carriers were undamaged after Pearl Harbor because they were away on training exercises, and the Japanese were unaware of this. But in a Pacific war campain a human playing as Japan could simply "camp" the location that the carriers appear in once the United States enters the war. Or if the campain beings in 1942, hunt down the carriers easly since he knows were they start, perhaps even ignoring the Pacific Fleet at Pearl entirly in favor of destroying the USA's carrier force. It would be nice to have a random starting point for the US carriers when the US is AI. Or at least a certain number of start points based on some percentage, like 10% they are still at Pearl, 20% at San Fransico, etc...
  3. I see that Finland gets its own HQ... And a ton of stuff to work with. So can HQs control any allied unit regardless of origin, or is it that only German HQs can control German units, but any minor HQ can control any minors? Or is the minor HQ restricted to only controlling the units that originate in its home country? One more thing, does Italy and Germany start out with more naval units than they did in SC1, or have you been just building naval units to show off the expanded Atlantic and naval combat?
  4. Only if Germany starts with level 5 jets. I suppose that a few corps would accuratly repersent the condition of the US army at the time, but what about the Atlantic Fleet?
  5. Did the USSR have any naval presence in the Pacific during WWII? I would think they would have at least attempted to build up a force after the Russo-Japanese war.
  6. You can buy and position troops in non-active Majors. I think its perty neat as now the German Player doesn't know what to expect when he DOWs Russia. But what does that number next to the type of unit in the "Select Unit" menu mean?
  7. How about just making Italy a German controled minor and making Japan a Major faction? While that would pose the problem of Japan never entering unless the Russian player attacked them. But if the Russian player doesn't attack them (or the German player doesn't trigger a Japanese DOW) all that map space and the nations in asia would seem to be a sideshow without effect on the real theater of war. So how about making it a "War in Siberia" senerio were Japan DOW on Russia sometime after Germandy invades Russia. This sort of makes Japan the Axis version of the USA, in that they can come to save the day if the German player is having trouble in Russia.
  8. Wouldn't India just be under British control from the very start? Would it make a huge difference if Eurasia was shortened by 40 or 50 tiles so that Japan itself is included? Are we really going to see the Russians fighting beyond the Urals? Perhaps if so the Japanese would declare war on Russia to grab up Siberia, since the Russians likely would be on their last legs. The reason being is that with the expanded map size, the Russian player might be able to sweep Manchuko before the German player could take advantage of the reduced focus on the Eastern Front (East of Germany that is, not Russia). The Japanese army wasn't very organized and poorly equipped by the standards of the 1940's, unlike their Navy which was very good on both accounts. So it would be quite a stretch to give them an HQ unit (I'm not aware of any Japanese General who was notable for anything other than brutality). Combined with their lack of heavy tanks I don't think they would put up much of a fight. With the Island of Japan it would be much harder for the Russian player to wipe them out early, and invading Manchuko might be a double edged sword if they have to keep significant forces there to prevent the Japanese from retaking it. Though I suppose that you could script it in that a group of Axis controlled ships and transports appear off the coast of Manchuko every 5 to 10 turns, possibly depending on the amount of troops the Russian player has in the area. Less Russian troops = Greater % chance of Japanese counter invasion. Perhaps less of a chance once the USA is in the war.
  9. Any chance of you guys posting an AAR for one of these full games? Maybe even acouple of screenshots to go with it?
  10. One thing I am wondering, can you have a nation with no capital, or even no cities or land? I've been thinking about a Battle of Midway scenario. The only land would be Midway and possibly Hawaii, so there’s no possibility of placing a Japanese capital without altering the historical quality of the scenario.
  11. I wonder how you could make it hard for the Russian player. It would seem to be easy if the only nations in your way was a weak Germany, a bunch of neutrals and France. Once you got all the resources east of France I don't see how you could possably lose.
  12. I've been wondering if it's possible to play as one of the minor nations such as Spain or Sweden in multiplayer or is it limited to the Major powers (France, USSR, US, UK, Germany and Italy). I figure it would be interesting to play as Spain or Sweden to see if you can successfully go your own "3rd" way, resisting Axis and/or Allied domination. I ask this because it would probably be more interesting than playing France only to sit out the vast majority of the game. Spain has a couple of candidates for conquest like Portugal or even Vichy France if the German player is tied down in Russia. Sweden could create a "Nordic Empire" up in Scandinavia. I suppose the German player can continue on into Spain after conquering France, but could he/she afford the delay it would take to conquer a Spain being commanded by a human player? The Allies might be willing to throw in any Free French forces into the fray, delaying Barbarossa to the German player’s disadvantage. In any case, I highly doubt the long term viability of playing one of these nations, and you can always make a custom "What if" scenario. But to my main point, is it possible for a human player to control a minor nation in the "Europe" scenario or to take control (With the other player’s permission) of another nation during the game? Or are the nations available to player limited to the Major Powers? BTW: I've been playing SC1 and I have no idea how you guys do half the things you pull off against each other.
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