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SC 2 at West Point?

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According to WalkOn media publishing, West Point has voiced interest to use SC2 for the strategic - tactical training of recruits! How cool is that! :eek: Imagine HC operating with a huge budget or terif giving lectures at West Point smile.gif

But seriously if that turns out to be true, the good man HC should eventually get a really nice paycheck (Just to invest it in an even better SC3 of course).

BTW the same game magazine that posted this news has SC2 listed for february 23rd. Hope at least one of the news turns out to be true (preferably the West Point Part of it).

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And wouldn't it be cool to have a West Point grad as a playtester? ;)
But Bill,

I didn't get enny of my degrees from West Point. :confused:

Ah, correct me, please, I see,

YOU did.

Jump school besides! :cool:

Just like Jimi Hendrix, God rest his great & half-crazy 60's soul.


Which might explain?

WHY you are the best SC player in the World, bar none.

**(... for all them young guns, bar none = BETTER than Yodle or the lost ghost of Model or rambo junior or first trumpeter in the Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club - Band! LOLOLOL!) smile.gif

[ January 30, 2006, 09:53 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

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I don't know what use SC2 would be at West Point. SC2 is about grand strategy, which applies on a world war scenario, but in the future any wars are likely to be small scale firefights and 'police' actions in unstable areas (e.g Iraq). The age of 5 star Generals/Field Marshals commanding army groups of millions of soldiers has gone forever. A future world war, if it ever happens, will be fought by computers, with generals only needing to click on a few buttons.

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I think that since IRAN now has Very-large Oil contracts with CHINA & RUSSIA...as well as IRAN having mixed in... a STRONG 'Muslim-Extremist' Ferverish-Attitude,...that they will now feel that no-one will Dare bother or threaten them now!,...not even the U.S.!.

As then CHINA & RUSSIA would have justification to rapidly respond to protect their VITAL OIL interests in IRAN,... this will NOW give the IRANIAN'S the security to develop their Nuclear Weapons to Efface 'ISRAEL' from the Map!...as is their intended AGENDA!...and give JERUSALEM to the Hamas PALESTINIAN'S!.

CHINA ... will in 20 years time become the World's leading Economic & Military SuperPower ... and i predict that they will begin their Muscle-Flexing by first taking back TIAWAN to begin with!...and DARE the U.S. to try to stop them!.

The U.S. at that point may or may not be in a postion to counter-act CHINA'S move!. The Chinese want TIAWAN back very very badly!... .

So here are but two unpleasant Hypothetical situation's...that may likely not just be Small-Scale-FireFight's!...at least, not to begin with!. SO!!!,...Major Mid-East Turmoil! & a Future Expansionist/Militaristic CHINA!...are in my view two future actions!.

Granted...these are just my personal opinion's...just a 'Gut-Feeling'...and i hope i am entirely wrong in my Premonition's!.

However!,...i would like some TALENTED MOD-PERSON to make these hypothetical situations for SC2 or SC3 game-play!.

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I have been into strategy since i was 13, learning wargame strats, watching rommel and patton movies, ww1 and ww2 history movies (we are talking 100s...).

Im currently 17 and I want to enlist into West Point.

You said in 20 they would attack right, well talking with local engineers at the css navy base(Panama City,FL), there already building up there navy and soon will pass the Indian Navy (Largest navy in the world... im serious). Ofcourse its for Taiwan, and other islands most likely. In my opinion, it could be within the next ten years if they liked, especially with all the fronts we are in (I live in America, so I mean america + allies when i say "we"). But thats my opinion. You can find out the number of enlistments of each chinese divisions,corps,armies.

Last year i read on one of the chinese websites and they have around 2-3 million men, which comes to no surprise if you know ancient chinese philisophy or ancient chinese history (I read sun tzu and modernized tactics /w sun tzu). But, thats just numbers. I havent really looked into there actual fighting experience or looked at tank speed/armor and there technology yet.

But who is to say its just the Chinese we are going to face, probably North Koreans and maybe Iran (They would push Iran for multi-front and would be wise to crush us like that). Now remember guys, im only 17 but I do know a good bit, so dont burn me too bad on info tongue.gif

[ February 03, 2006, 09:19 PM: Message edited by: MullinsR ]

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Btw, much love to Sc1, been playing single player for 2 years! LOVE that game! HoI was fun, didnt wanna waste money getting sequel. Cant wait for Cbm sequels and your Sc2. Keep it up.

Btw, if ya guys like ww2 stuff, i highly suggest trying out WW2 Online, its great, loads of fun. At first it was slow and glitchy, but its been patched up for the past 5 or 6 years and its awsome, will be re-released in stores soon, or just order from there site. www.wwiionline.com

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Some insightful comments here.

Definitely a candidate for SC2 scenario designers.

As far as 20 years down the road, examine the progress of the military infrastructure. Always a key element if you want to project strength and perpetuate a war like condition.

It is very difficult to maintain a large deployment of humans over a great distance especially when they are consuming at an extraordinary rate.

My take is pay attention to the establishment of the robotic military element. It removes the human element for a more efficient projection of destructive capability and detracts from the other sides' ability to maintain the conflict.

Definitely a costly undertaking, but then again, the nations with the best infrastructure have the tools for implementation.

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