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Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Arrrg i'm old! Kids these days!! Listening to their Rock'in and Rollin music, growing hair past the tip of their ears...grumble grumble piss and moan .


Does anything please this troglodyte? How did he become a villiage elder when i have yet to readon a single amusing post from this grumpy arthritus ridden little hemoroid.

I have a challange for you Mr.Spnkr, remove the small furry woodland creatures who'm you hold hostage within the confines of you rear end try to break a smile instead of wind for a change,

If Seanachai is the jolly garden gnome, Then Spnkr is the bitter old drunken dwarf, who sees everyone as outsiders trying to steal his precious mold</font>

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Originally posted by chrisl:

People have been watching a lot of protons for a long time.

Umm let's see.

Proton's came into existance when the temperature of the universe cooled enough after the big bang.

Even so, that was a extremely long time ago. Even Seanachai's and Joe Shaw's age, when summed together, is extremely miniscule in comparison.

This leads me to summise that there are either a lot of extremely old Physicists out there, or people with no lives.


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Originally posted by Buzzsaw:

Peng, Croda, Marlow, and Simon all posting! Has someone been stirring the Cesspool? You know, these turds don't really get better with age. True, each one is still, individually, better than the combined lot of all the recent entries in the Pool, but it is still safest to let them rest at the bottom of the Pool. They make a nice foundation for the rest of us to stand on.

Get your mothergrabbin' lips off of my ass, boy-o!

Your noobiosity is showcased by the four handles you've placed together in ignoble chuminess.

MrPeng is an Olde One™ and eternal.

Yours Truly is a Senior Knight full of piss and vinegar, but not nearly low enough in member number to sit with the Olde Ones.

Marlow is a...what the hell is Marlow anyway? I remember when he showed up, but I thought he left to play twitch games. Oh wait, that was me.

Simon. Who the hell is Simon and why should I give a flying Frenchman?

It is obvious that the better part of you is still a light-colored stain in the back of some Chevy Nova. You've got the wit of Dr. Joyce Brothers, and I imagine the vericose veins to match. If you are not the biggest waste of ATP in this forum, then Rob/1 must be back to visit.

Send Boo Radley the following setup or face a Crodaburg™ challenge match with another SSN of the Pool's choosing:

700 pt Attack

Allies - you - French Inf - Defending

Axis - Boo - Mech - Attacking

June, Light Rain, Small Hills, Light Woods

Any parameters I missed, make them up and put yourself at a disadvantage.

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Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by athkatla:

QUOTE]You spelled athritis wrong you pillock, hope you fight better than you spell!

That is Mr. Pillock to you Alfalfa .[/QB]</font>
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Roxy puts down her scrub brush and slowly rises to face the glimmering sabre perched on the mantle. She moves toward it with awe, her eyes fixed in wonder at the beautiful, and lethal weapon of war.

Grasping the weapon firmly in both hands, she raises it high over head. With the fury of the gods she chops her imaginary enemies to pieces. Again and again she beheads and impales them. She knows what it is to be a Knight! Fully in touch with her masculine side, she cries out:

"Holy Shi&tte, this is one funny thread!!"

[ August 16, 2002, 07:49 PM: Message edited by: Roxy ]

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Originally posted by Mace:

Even Seanachai's and Joe Shaw's age, when summed together, is extremely miniscule in comparison.

This leads me to summise that there are either a lot of extremely old Physicists out there, or people with no lives.

Well, you picked out two of them.
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Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

Spanish champagne is very cheap... and very effective. Pity that most of yer pillocks don't have a local Sainsburys doing a 3x for 2x offer.



This Pillock does though!!!

Hey Yeknod does it taste as cheap as it sells for?

I'm all for effective but it has to taste good.

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Ethan: Send me a fecking file.

Peng: Send me a fecking file.

The Hiram: Send me a fecking file.

CO of AoS, GS: Nice going. Beware of French truck drivers.

I'm off to buy some filmjölk, there'd better be something splodey in my inbox when I return. My Fallout 2 CD gave up the ghost today. I really wanted to play some Fallout 2 today. I was going to name all the jetheads in New Reno after some of the drivel-posting debris that's turned up here in the MBT and shoot them with a Really Big Gun.

Did I mention that my Fallout 1 CD was dead too? No? Well it is, and I blame The Bard for it.

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Now this I shall not abide! A Squire, A SQUIRE for the love of GAWD, attempting to wiggle free of the lawful and established hold of his liege through legal trickery and posting some nonsensical rules that never existed (and I should know because I've created most of the one that do exist ... out of the whole cloth but what's a Justicar to do).

Seanachai, enough of this shilly-shallying around. It has already been established by precedent (YOURS, not to put too fine a point on it) that Squires may be required to alter their sig lines at the behest of their liege.

For how long? Until such time as the Squire fufills the quest set by his liege, that's how long. In this case I set Papa Khann's quest in the time-honored tradition of The Shavian House as completing FIVE (5) CessPool games at which point I shall proudly submit his name to the CessPool as a Knight of the CessPool.

And is it too much that I ask? That a Squire acknowledge his house by bolding it's name? He has bolded the name of his liege, is it not reasonable to also bold the name of the House? I think it is extremely reasonable.

A Squire has NO right to choose his Knight, nor may he alter the terms under which that Knight chooses to set his quest. This has been well established in CessPool tradition.


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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

No one informed me that I was entitled to a recount!

Note: This morning I was sitting in my office, feet propped up upon my desk, fending off phone calls from old friends running for elected office who had heard I got a raise and therefore might be in a position to donate money to them, flirting with the secretaries, etc., when my reverie was rudely interrupted by Roxy and She Who Must be Obeyed.

It appears the two of them were at Neiman-Marcus purchasing a rather long list of clothing, accessories and other merchandise when Papa's, err Roxy's newfound credit card was declined. Both ladies were irate and demanded to know what I was going to do about it.

Fortunately, my loyal secretary, seeing the jam I was in, pulled the fire alarm. I was able to lose myself in the crowd and have been hiding out in a storage closet four floors up, behind a locked outer door to a disused lavatory with a sign on the door reading 'Beware of the Leopard'.

Fortunately, this has given me ample time and motivation to focus upon this interesting question of law Papa has brought forth.

Papa, it appears you may be, no, indeed you ARE correct -- you were entitled to notice that you could demand a recount of the Olde Ones' decision. The undisputed evidence before me seems to indicate that indeed you were not informed of this right.

However, the failure to inform you of this right was, at best, a technical error unlikely to have influenced the outcome of your particular situation. The Olde Ones' decision would not have changed one iota had you been informed of and demanded a recount.

It is a well settled principle of law in this jurisdiction that if an animal be killed or injured by a person in the necessary protection of his property, after he has ineffectually used ordinary care to otherwise protect such property, such killing or injury will not be deemed either 'wilful or wanton' within the meaning of the law. But that's not important right now.

It is also a well settled principle of law that a decision will not be reversed for harmless error. Harmless error is that error which, though wrongful, does not give rise to such a level as to affect the outcome fo the decision.

In this matter, failure to inform you of your right to demand a recount was, Papa, harmless.

You are still on the hook. Next.


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Originally posted by Geier:

My Fallout 2 CD gave up the ghost today.

Did I mention that my Fallout 1 CD was dead too?

My two Fallout CDs still work fine.

Sucks to be you. (but then again you were aware of that since birth, weren't you).


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

In this case I set Papa Khann's quest in the time-honored tradition of The Shavian House as completing FIVE (5) CessPool games at which point I shall proudly submit his name to the CessPool as a Knight of the CessPool.

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Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

Does anything please this troglodyte?


How did he become a villiage elder when i have yet to readon a single amusing post from this grumpy arthritus ridden little hemoroid.
Where did you get the idea he was here to amuse you?

I have a challange for you Mr.Spnkr, remove the small furry woodland creatures who'm you hold hostage within the confines of you rear end try to break a smile instead of wind for a change,
Back up the mountain with ya
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Sheesh I miss a night of reading this God Forsaken Thread and another one has started and almost ended, now that's loyalty for you, or just plain bloody sad.

And what do we have here !! Joe taking Papa Aka as his squire, now that's the best news I've had all week.

Is it true what Seanacoochie posted?

That the one and only Justicar Sir Joe (gives a deep curtsey) sometimes dresses his squires in FROCKS !!!!!!!

You see I have this rather horrid little number right at the back of my wardrobe just to remind me of what not to buy (not that I bought it myself of course,) it was given to me by some well wisher who thought it might come in handy someday.

Well that day has come, ohhhhhhhhh please Joe sweet and lovely knight of the pool Sir Joe *bats eyelashes* can I offer you this rather ermm frightful frock to dress Papa in?

It won't stop him from bending and kissing your feet as I have cut it up the sides a little and added a rather garish looking belt, I thought it would look pretty good over some green tights and a pair of plimsoles.

All I ask is that you send me a pic of the end result just for a keepsake.

I'm sure Papa won't mind, I can think of quite a few guys who would like to slip into one of my frocks :eek:

Did I really say that?

Damn I must remember to wear a skirt and high heels while at my comp these jeans bring out the Madam in me tongue.gif

Edited to add:

Thanks for the sing song athkatla I'm still humming it now. And talking of sing songs ....

Seanacoochiecoo did you not promise me some Scottish lyrics?

I've scrolled through this whole thread and the last one looking for sign of that sing song surely that deserves something? If I missed that then point me in the right direction.....

[ August 16, 2002, 05:36 PM: Message edited by: YK2 ]

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Originally posted by YK2:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

Spanish champagne is very cheap... and very effective. Pity that most of yer pillocks don't have a local Sainsburys doing a 3x for 2x offer.



This Pillock does though!!!

Hey Yeknod does it taste as cheap as it sells for?

I'm all for effective but it has to taste good.</font>

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If you really want Fallout 2, you can have mine, complete with manual. It won't work on my 'puter.


How dare you serve me a Mai Tai with a smiley attached! Do you see any smileys in this thread?! Take this garbage away, and make me another one.

...and don't be lazy, boy! Make Persephone her own Mai Tai. Don't forget the umbrellas either.

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Dame YK2 you know that I can refuse you nothing ... except this. In short and with no intent to offend or cause dismay ... not just NO, but HELL NO! The Shavian House has it's dignity to consider.




[ August 16, 2002, 05:33 PM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Oh Justicar!!!

Leave Papa Kahn alone for a minute and look over here.

Croda's sig from ICS:

I'd make a counter-point but you'd probably just give up.

Gaylord Fokker's sig:

"I'd make a counter point but you'd probably just give up." -Me

I'll be warming up the hot coals, Sire.
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