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Peng Challenges a Bottle of Vodka!!! or "Drink, Brother, Drink, We Need The Bottle"


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Looks around the new CMBB MBT

I see Persephone has already made this poor excuse for a home more comfortable.

And I especially like the new portrait of baby Speedbump he's so........... so cute?

I sure hope his mum didn't have any lasting side effects after giving birth. :eek:

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[life lesson]Y' don't need to rip off stockings Guano - that's why they're stockings and not panty hose!![/life lesson]

Poopsy Con has graciously admitted defeat in our very little tete a tete. Graciously in that it only took 30 or so HE rounds and 2/3rds of his troops coping it.

Now he wants to play this Stare monstrosity. He reckons it'll be fair me being teh poor half starved desperate German defenders of the Western Way Of Life 'cos he can't beat the AI as the Russian.

But then I can't beat the AI as the Germans, so it looks like this drag-em-out-and-knock-em-down match of underachievers will start later today.

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Originally posted by Goanna:

It's Official.

The Army of Scaliness Group Süd will be ransacking Denver on 12 and 13 September.Residents are urged to flee the city in an orderly fashion. In typical AoS fashion our host OGSF will be treated to at least one humiliating defeat at the hands of our cunning and ruthless leader. Well, that is, unless we spend too much time on the range or in the pub.

Tha's rright laddie. At'll bae a grim gra' nicht tha' nicht an all....cam aintae ma cosey hoose, drape thas hankerchief across ye shoulders, an' warm yersailf aroond thas rrroarin' candle!

Ah'll gi' ye a wee dram o' Lagavulin as soon as Ah find mah eye-dropper. Noo expainse spared, mon!

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[sincere]T'day indicates ten, that is, TEN LONG, LONG years I've spent in the company of the same woman. Oddly enough, she's also my wife. These years include heart attacks, cancers, multiple deaths, 'mulishness', Critters from the East, massive amounts of booze, and for the last two years, Combat Mission.

Of those last two years, she's also had to share me with all of y'all. A few grumbles, a few snide comments about "those Cesspool guys", but we've made it through.

Thanks to her, and thanks to all of y'all; all this time....[/sincere]

Now, Lars, MrSpkr, Speedbump: please join that long line of those that oh-so-require that extra-special butt kicking... why? Well, 'cause if you don't deserve it, who does? Bite me.

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At long last have sent out the file to the Lizard King for the start of our BB battle.

He should be able to handle me easily. Unless of course he is just a big sissy girl. Oh wait, he is just a big sissy girl. This should be a murdalization of him then.

In other news -

AJ sent a very silly thing that he made that apparrently has a bit of arty in it. There certainly isn't any Art in it, but we are giving it a go. He is notorious for foisting his own scenarios on others and claiming great whooping victories - big fat hairy deal - he knows where everything is and who has what. Still I will give it my gamey cesspool best

Elvis is still at me in our Death's Head SS operation we are both on our last legs. the current game has been a vicious arty fest in the rain and woods. Almost all of my infantry is gone, and I have only a tank or two left. He claims a company plus, and still has a few Shermies and Churchills lurking around. The highlight of the current game was when he blundered almost his entire compliment of 2" mortars into one of my platoons - dead mortar teams everywhere, and a bonus dead spotter team. It was glorious. I'll leave out the bits where about three turns later he shredded nearly two platoons with an ambush and then another platoon was destroyed by arty.

Seanachai has been setting a break-neck pace of a turn every 5 days, whether I want one or not. We are doing some strange thing in the dark. I wasted all of my resources mucking around with his probing forces and am about to be overrun most horribly.

G-F I know I know, what is the mighty Peng doing playing such a wet behind the ears, worthless weak pantynibbling girlyman? Kicking his feckless butt, that's what. Sure he has gotten a lick in here and there, but his precious tiger will soon meet a most timely demise, and the little pesky ACs are also going to be dogmeat. I ask you, Who brings a damn gun to a meeting engagement? I sure would like to see what he used to drag it there.

Fionn, promised me a re-match after our draw, disappeared into real life for a month, resurfaced to taunt me in email saying "'ho's turn is it to make the map then?" and then just as quickly dove down deep into the abyss when I said "why it's your turn you filthy, sodding, petulant, cranky, pontificating, useless Irishman." So who the hell knows if we have a game on or not. He really is just about the most maddening human on the planet. Almost as irritating as hiram, equally if not more horribly pompous as Dorosh, as nit-pickingly insane as only a grog can be, and about as reliable returning files as the Bard himself! Go pound a sack of sand up your butt Mr Kelly, maybe that will refresh your memory. WE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE FIGHTING YOU TWIT!

I need a drink.


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Arr....a sighting of the elusive and semi-mythological (we wish) Mustard Pong at last!!

So you silly old man - whatever happened to the gmae we were suposed to be playing?? I sent you a wonderful little operation authored by none other than Aussie Joke himself 4 or 5 weeks ago and nary a nibble received back!!

Scared of a little whipping from the South Seas are you??

Or just forgotten how to read?

Never mind - either way you owe me a front up for a game or an abject apology for wasting oxygen by existing - your choice!

[ September 05, 2002, 10:35 PM: Message edited by: Mike ]

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Originally posted by Goanna:

Really, I think PK fits in both the cheap and easy categories. Especially if you rip those fishnets.

HEY! That's MY Squire you're talking about there pal! I'll have you know that he's neither cheap nor easy ... I've heard that he's affordable ... and probably user friendly but NEVER cheap or easy.

Speaking of Colorado, too bad (for YOU) that you're not going to be there earlier in the week as the Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread (that would be ME) will be in town Sunday through Tuesday. I'd thought of calling OGSF but reason prevailed.

Papa Khann, don't you have a quest you need to be performing for me?


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Originally posted by Mike:

Arr....a sighting of the elusive and semi-mythological (we wish) Mustard Pong at last!! .. I sent you a wonderful little operation authored by none other than Aussie Joke himself ..

At least SOMEONE in this Hell Hole has some appreciation of fine Aussie art...

CHRIST ON A CRUTCH!! WHAT AM I SAYING??? IT'S A KIWI!!! {*Gaack*......*bwaughhh* ... *spit* ... *ptoo-eee*..} Phew, that's better...

Now, where was I....??


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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Mike:

Arr....a sighting of the elusive and semi-mythological (we wish) Mustard Pong at last!! .. I sent you a wonderful little operation authored by none other than Aussie Joke himself ..

At least SOMEONE in this Hell Hole has some appreciation of fine Aussie art...

CHRIST ON A CRUTCH!! WHAT AM I SAYING??? IT'S A KIWI!!! {*Gaack*......*bwaughhh* ... *spit* ... *ptoo-eee*..} Phew, that's better...

Now, where was I....??


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Listen up, lads. If we are going to cut the mustard in the CMBB forum amongst the plethora of outerboarder grog posts raining down 'pon our wiser heads, we really must not let the MBT sink like a stone to HALF WAY DOWN FRICKIN' PAGE DEUX!!

Trust <STRIKE>us</STRIKE> this EVER VIGILANT Aussie<STRIKE>s</STRIKE> to rally round the VL flag, while the northern hordes zzz-zzzz-zzzzzz mindlessly into drunken, fitful oblivion as per usual!!

Sir Flamin' AJ


[ September 06, 2002, 04:56 AM: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]

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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Mike:

Mustard Pong at last!! .. I sent you a wonderful little operation authored by none other than Aussie Joke himself ..

At least SOMEONE in this Hell Hole has some appreciation of fine Aussie art...


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Originally posted by MrPeng:


Right-o. I'll be sending out some turns to SOME people but NONE to a pod since it doesn't return my fecking files does it? No it does not. Gimme gimme gimme. All night long.

Mostly posted to annoy you, yes YOU and to check out my original very cool sig line. Back to stay methinks.

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