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WWII footage of axis crew trapped in burning tank

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Please disregard the awful site it's hosted on (unless you're into this kind of stuff...then you're probably grateful lol). A friend of mine knows how much I like WWII combat footage and sent me the link. I've never seen this one before.

This short clip shows what looks to be a Panther tank moments after being hit. The tank is brewing up like crazy, and after about 10 seconds, somebody finally manages to pop open the hatch and get out (or more precisely, fall out). Judging by the way he's smoking and the smoldering corpses shown at the end, it looks like he ended up a crispy critter anyway.

Right-click and save it...the link only brings you to the Ogrish newspage.


Thought somebody might find it interesting.


[ May 23, 2002, 02:33 AM: Message edited by: GreenGriffon ]

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Front turret penetration at weak point.

Knocked Out.

Poor buggers. Does the panther have internal fire extinguishers? The fire seems to go out quite quickly and the next thing you know someone is actually getting out - given the intensity of the flames I did not expect to see anyone be able to get out.... or does brewing up only last a very short time?

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Originally posted by Sir Uber General:

Front turret penetration at weak point.

Knocked Out.

Poor buggers. Does the panther have internal fire extinguishers? The fire seems to go out quite quickly and the next thing you know someone is actually getting out - given the intensity of the flames I did not expect to see anyone be able to get out.... or does brewing up only last a very short time?

it's possible the film has been spliced - first the guy gets out, then it brews up. In fact, I think I have seen this footage in the World at War series - you see the tracers from an MG in the foreground - and it seems the guy tumbles out, then an explosion, and then the flames. So I would say the film was doctored by the sick bastards who run that website.
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I agree with Michael on this. I know I have seen this footage several times. When I have seen it prior, the commander is seen escaping out of the cupola BEFORE the tank fully brews up. In fact, there is quite a bit of other footage with this scene, including a round from an allied tank in the foreground seen penetrating the side lower hull of the tank (I believe just right above the track). A couple seconds later, you can see the hole clearly as the fire starts to burn inside. At roughly the same time the commander escapes, and then the thing really starts to burn.

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As I recall the Panther is in Colone (sp?) and after having taken out a US tank it is then ko'd by a Pershing.

Free to correct me if I'm wrong...been a long time since I've seen it.

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If it is the Pershing/Panther duel in Cologne (and I have no desire to view the movie), the Panther ambushed an M4 and then the Pershing put three rounds into the side of the Panther as the Panther was turning it's turret to engage the Pershing.


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Micheal is right. The footage here is spliced. The actual footage is much longer. Basicly the panther start at another street. It's parked by a vorner with it's turret faced into the street. A pershing approaches and the panther starts to move away. While it's moving away, it blows away at some buildings around it to prevent the pershing following it.

Finnally the Pershing catches up and blows a hole in the panther. But after that, the panther fires back, but misses, so the pershing fires once more and hits, it. Where it starts brew up, but you see the driver, commander and another guy jump out. When they are running away, the Pershing fires again, and when the panther is hit the third time, it explodes. And you can see some of the crew that are runing fall down as a result from that that blast.

I saw all this footage on the history channel a long time ago. It was alo narratod by the guy who recorded it all and the pershings commander.

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There is a lot more footage of this, including the Americans climbing out of the Sherman that is originally taken out by the Panther. At least one of the American tankers has lost a foot, and its pretty gritty footage seeing him climb out of the tank.

There was a Tom Hanks hosted show on combat filmmakers a year back or so, I think I may still have it on tape. It has an interview with the guy who filmed this footage. I recall a couple of things: 1) the guy called the Panther a "Tiger" 2) the guy said that the German commander had lost his legs before climbing out of the turret, and did not survive. In fact I think he said that the commander's body was on top of the burning tank. 3) the Panther burned for a few days.

BTW, I know the site with the link is pretty odious, but I would hope the topic/footage itself isn't worthy of a lock. I find the footage to be some of the most amazing combat film I've ever seen, and after all most of us are knocking out Shermans and Panthers in CM on a daily basis.

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Originally posted by Spanish Bombs:

There is a lot more footage of this, including the Americans climbing out of the Sherman that is originally taken out by the Panther. At least one of the American tankers has lost a foot, and its pretty gritty footage seeing him climb out of the tank.

There was a Tom Hanks hosted show on combat filmmakers a year back or so, I think I may still have it on tape. It has an interview with the guy who filmed this footage. I recall a couple of things: 1) the guy called the Panther a "Tiger" 2) the guy said that the German commander had lost his legs before climbing out of the turret, and did not survive. In fact I think he said that the commander's body was on top of the burning tank. 3) the Panther burned for a few days.

BTW, I know the site with the link is pretty odious, but I would hope the topic/footage itself isn't worthy of a lock. I find the footage to be some of the most amazing combat film I've ever seen, and after all most of us are knocking out Shermans and Panthers in CM on a daily basis.

It was on history channel not long ago. Not tom hanks the footage and it said exactly what you have written. ;)
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Originally posted by Enoch:

Hi Mom and Madmatt!

What's with the "hi mom"?

My only intention was to point out some good WWII footage for you people, thinking somebody might find it interesting. Yes the site it's hosted on is offensive...that's why I said IGNORE it. Right click and save the damn file if you're so sensitive...I don't have any webspace to host it myself.

Sue me for thinking I was doing something nice. Next time I won't bother going through the trouble.


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Originally posted by GreenGriffon:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Enoch:

Hi Mom and Madmatt!

What's with the "hi mom"?

My only intention was to point out some good WWII footage for you people, thinking somebody might find it interesting. Yes the site it's hosted on is offensive...that's why I said IGNORE it. Right click and save the damn file if you're so sensitive...I don't have any webspace to host it myself.

Sue me for thinking I was doing something nice. Next time I won't bother going through the trouble.


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Because this site was linked in a thread I started about the Daniel Pearl video last week. Moon or Kwazydog (forget which) specifically stated they were locking that thread down because someone (not I) posted a link to the ogrish.com site.

And you are right - they are sick bastards.



Legitimate footage on a "controversial" website. My mistake...sorry.


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Excuse me, but we are looking at that vid like it's some soap episode.

I find that pretty much disgusting, there are young men dying a horrible death in that tank.

The most horrid thing is, this is real, they were really in there, and you can freaking see one of them, struggling for his life (probably mowed down cowardly as well as i saw tracers flying). But perhaps that's just me..



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But that's how real war is.

I remember Sigfried Knappe noted it best in "Soldat"...

In 1945 he commented on how his perception of death because so null that it didn't bother him anymore.

He noticed this mainly on the smell of death in Berlin and how he noticed a artillary round drop into a line of people waiting for bread. The people calmly moved the wounded and the dead to the side and got back in line.

To us people say it should bother us, but maybe our society has already disacciated itself.

But mostly because movies don't let us smell the death and usually invovled people from another place and time.

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AhhI see a longer film. I would dearly love to hear the interview with the cameraman and pershing commander. Anyone know where I can DL the transcript if that is possible? What videos feature the duel?

Im not morbid or sick or anything, it is simply very unusual to see combat footage of that vintage

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ok..... green griff you have proven useless in my question, im not watching this video in hopes to masterbate and cheer at the carnage, im vastly interested in footage of actual engadgement of knocking out of tank armor in circa ww2 period.... lose the drama queen act, anyone got a link to the full video ? cheers

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make no mistake, many people my age(17-21) are very desensitized to seeing death. i dont know how different i, or the people i know would react to seeing someone die in real life. but of the people i know, only 1 or 2 are really affected by seeing someone die on camera(i'm talking CNN, the RVN officer shooting the guy in vietnam that sort of thing).

its kinda scary, but its what is.

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In response to your post (i'm 19 btw) Patgod, i think it's because of movies. Not that i'm some kind of freedom fighter striving to ban all violence on tv and in games, heck i wouldn't even play this game if i was, but if you think about it rationally. We are confronted with so much killing in movies that it has become quite "normal" to see someone die on tv, real or not.

Also ignorance and individuality play a big part today. Other than these reasons i wouldn't know..



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There's a big difference between a make believe hollywood killing and footage of someone actually dying. People freak because American kids are exposed to the dramatised hollywood stuff, but other kids, all over the world, are seeing the real thing. Does it screw them up?

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