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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lord General MB:


Well lah de dah. What ever.<hr></blockquote>


That's your entire response to my deeply-thought-out, if-somewhat-obscure-and-addled post?

Christ on a crutch, I'm off to the Peng Challenge Thread.

why the hell I ever leave, I just don't know...bugger...lackwits every where you look...no sense of dignity, humour, or fun...post a bloody useless topic, and then can't maintain it...sod that for a game of tin soldiers, says I...pillock

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lord General MB:


In correct Sea-Na-CHI, I simply can't abide you, and your cult within a cult of worthless helloens....<hr></blockquote>

Er...while I can't fault your stupidity, and even find it admirable, what the bloody hell is a 'helloens'?

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lord General MB:


In correct Sea-Na-CHI, I simply can't abide you, and your cult within a cult of worthless helloens....<hr></blockquote>

... worthless? Well, I should feel a bit better for that, but I don't. Though if a helloen is worthless, it can live we me and we can be worthless together... fun.


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CM is like a medieval city. Most people on the board are peasants. Steve and Charles, etc. are the lords in the castle overlooking the town. They occasionally throw tidbits (screenshots, etc.) down to the peasantry to keep them from getting too unruly.

The role of the church is played by the grogs. The grogs have no direct way of forcing the lords to do anything, but if they show the lords that what they are doing is against the grog religion (so to speak), they can persuade the lords to change things, as was the case with the M3 halfsquad heresy.

As was historically, the case, however, the church of grog is not monolithic. While almost all of the groggy clergy support Pope Rexford, and many believe that Pope Rexford is infallible, some complain about the fact that the pope has *so many* revelations. Mostly concering the blessed virgin of Isigny (with a lot of discussion about whether the apparation at Isigny was really a virgin, with some suggesting that the "virgin" had actually been previously holed, (possibly even burned out), and was then just patched, painted, and passed off as new. (The virginal status of the Isigny apparition is, however, quite important for part of grog doctrine).

There are numerous factions within the church of grog, however, some of which bear mention. One group is the Opticians, nominally lead by Bishop Tom W., who believe that German optics were divinely inspired, and thus far superior to optics created by mortal man. The Statisticians, lead by Bishop Jason, essentially postulate (in prose that makes Heidegger and Adorno read like Clancy and Grisham by comparison) that there is a new way of "knowing" things in CM, and that this new epistemology should be applied across the board. Bishop Tero and the Uberfinnish Heresy (sounds like a rock band) is a very small group (consisting almost entirely of Bishop Tero), but has been able to widely broadcast its vision, although the heresy has won no converts.

The lords in their castle are mostly able to ignore what the various groggy factions say, although Lord Steve is often unable to resist the temptation to leave the castle and engage in theological infighting with the clerics.

The architecture of CMville was created by a large group of loosely organized craftsmen known as the Modders' Guild. While CM was originally built by Lord Steve and Lord Charles, and their original structural work remains, due to the activities of the modders' guild, almost nothing of the original CM architecture remains, except for those parts which can't be changed. Some Lords were originally members of the modders' guild, and were elevated to nobility on account of their artistic virtue.

The final important element of CM town is the Cult of Peng, a large mysterious establishment on the outskirts of town, near a swamp. No one really knows what goes on in this cult (or if they do, they're not saying), and none of the lords dare approach the swamp. Nevertheless, perhaps on the theory that it's better to keep these people in one place, where you can keep an eye on them, the lords have refused to shut down and disperse the cultists, even upon request of the more pious members of the peasantry, who would prefer more groggy churchgoing CMville, and less impious invective by the cultists. However, the lords do not hesitate to strike swiftly and decisively when he cultists leave their swampy enclave and start roaming around the town proper.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Andrew Hedges:

Nevertheless, perhaps on the theory that it's better to keep these people in one place, where you can keep an eye on them. <hr></blockquote>

Yes, yes, with the virgins, please, more of the virgins, we want to know about the virgins again.


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Wow Andrew!

that was VERY creative, dare I say BRILLIANT!

what a good analogy, VERY inspired, you should write more often with good stuff like that! smile.gif

entertaining stuff like Andrew's post makes this board WAY Better than ANY other internet forum, chat room or "cyber" community.

Nicely put Andrew

Next time don't forget to mention the most important role of town scribe and archivist and give yourself a plug!

-tom w

P.S. I am PROFOUNDLY honoured by your mention as the leading Bishop of the Opticians Sect with respect to those devinely inspired (and under modeled, [although the Lords claim to have made some adjustments for CMBB] smile.gif ) German gunnery optics!! smile.gif

[ 01-26-2002: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]</p>

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A county we be, and a county we shall remain!

If religous grog cultists are the best we can do in the from of influeance to the Lords, we're in trouble!

We need a sytem of parliment to enforce change, an elected assembly roughly pre-Cromwelleon. Something that can bitch and whine, but never really FORCE changes, as the Lords can simply disolve the parlimentry body. Then we'll need a house of Lords, who can advise the greater Lords...Royals, as to the grog implementations of each parliment suggestion. The beta furom should siffice for the closed house of lords, or privy counsel. Of course the parilemnt will be open the people! As for the grog church, we shall simply disolve it, for it can do nothing but bore the towns folk to death, with clergy tieths, and land grabs.

The cult of Peng can remain, as it is an essaintail part of the dutchy of CM, but it must remain under tight rule, never allowed to spiral out of control, and attract more poor souls into its bissare ritualistic cloutches.

What we need is a good democratic revolution! All for the parliment say, "I" ;)

[ 01-26-2002: Message edited by: Lord General MB ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lord General MB:


The cult of Peng can remain, as it is an essaintail part of the dutchy of CM, but it must remain under tight rule, never allowed to spiral out of control, and attract more poor souls into its bissare ritualistic cloutches.


...spiral out of control? Like an Il-2 Sturmovik? Oh, dear, oh deary me, bad form,... bad Yeknod, stop it, stop it.


[ 01-26-2002: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lord General MB:


Get back to the swamp ye cultist! Police! Police! One of them got loose! ;) <hr></blockquote>

Bugger, right, right okay...hmmmmm... er, got a question, right, ahem... yes, got to say that yer platoon hqs are serverely undermodeled.... er, ahem... yes, been doing tests, right... and no matter how many times I fire at yer Tigers, don't get a ko from a shot trap... please do somefink....


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*Walks to town center with large bell*

Hear yeh! Hear yeh! I propose the vote for members of parilment open! I lan on running on the bases of Peng cult control. There shall be no more slacking off, hidding from the hidoes face of Peng and his swamp followers! ;)

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Lord General Mr. Bill-

You might not know it, but the Justicor of the Cesspool is none other than your ancient nemesis, Mr. Sluggo. Seeing as you have invariably been dismembered, folded, spindled, and mutilated every time you've squared off with Mr. Sluggo, I would recommend against this course of action.

Furthermore, the Cesspool is protected by the Elder Gods. Attempts to destroy it will only bring their displeasure upon you. So if you don't want to be carried off by nightgaunts, I think you should cease and desist.

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