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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Er, well, no, I doubt that sheep have anything to do with whatever the hell you are trying to spell. Sheep are ruminants. You are more a 'Hello, I'm here to read the gas meter. Surprise! I have no pants, and must use an humourous and silly attempt at English in order to speculate about the existence of hamsters!'

Meanwhile, the householder now dialing the police to inform them of a halfwit standing pants-less in their foyer debates the existence of causality and speculates on the role of half-naked idjits in the Combat Mission cosmos.

While this debate rages, you will, perforce, devour several fudgesicles. The Universe, which continues to allow you to exist, will eventually be vindicated when it's discovered that Reality needs more unpassed roughage in its daily dose of CM posting.

Eventually, a group of CM Newbies will appear within this, and any other thread in which you post, dressed in baggy pants, figured shirts, and bearing hand-kerchiefs, which they will extend to each other, and, with a certain solemnity, begin moving in a paced circle to the strains of a bazouki.

You, of course, will be regarded with a sense of wonderment normally reserved for the appearance of UFOs, and intelligent postings by SSNs.

Eventually, a cult will form. They will regard you with loathing.<hr></blockquote>

Admit it Seanachai - you type out "foyer" as if you are some erudite and witty charmsman, but you probably pronounce it aloud as "foy-rrr" rather than the proper "foy-yay".

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