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Who's For a Jolly Sing Song, and Another Go At the Peng Challenge?

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Alright Olde Ones, time to drag your feeble carcasses out of the bottle and do some work for a change.

Rune just doesn't seem to Get it. I've tried my best to explain that he can have Buzzsaw (spelt but not bolded) when and IF he is declared worthy of being made Squire. Until then he's a Serf of the entire CessPool. Now comes YOUR part in this whole mess.

Kindly explain to this poor, wayward fool the facts of life regarding Squires, Serfs and so forth. Thank you for you attention to this important matter.


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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH...............I love it when a plan comes together :D

*skips through the woods with his band of frogs, swatting all before him*.......eh Bo? Eh Bo?

[ July 11, 2002, 02:50 AM: Message edited by: athkatla ]

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by athkatla:

I love it when a plan comes together :D

Now edit your post and insert a linebreak before we have to spread your entrails over the floor.
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Originally posted by PondScum:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by athkatla:

I love it when a plan comes together :D

Now edit your post and insert a linebreak before we have to spread your entrails over the floor.</font>
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Originally posted by Leeo:

No reason not to impose Coventry upon the un-learning chap, is there? Has anyone been entertained by his feeble thrashings?

Hear, hear. Justicar, do your duty.

edited, due to lack of proper bolding.

[ July 10, 2002, 08:58 PM: Message edited by: R_Leete ]

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Originally posted by Leeo:

...No reason not to impose Coventry upon the un-learning chap, is there? Has anyone been entertained by his feeble thrashings?

Coventry is serious business Leeo, let's see if he's bright enough to KNOW how to edit his post and remove the offending length ... if not THEN Coventry. Mind you I tend to agree with you.


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Originally posted by dalem:

What's this about DonkeyLad being demoted to Senior Kanigget? Did the Venusian climate last weekend bake the slight nerve cluster that Seanachai calls a brain into flan?

Wid ye noo bae a wee bit JEALOUS, ya mangey carrrpet licker? Noo ainly as ye're soggy bummed squire Pondscum tae inneffective tae take tha last 11 points fraim mae whain hae's already gamily using *tactics* and such, boot mah ex-Squire as bin elevated tae SENIOUR KANNIGET!

O' course, mah ex-Leige as LORD o' tha stankin' POOL!!! Af'n there were e'er a hoose o' quality Cesspudlian's at's surely tha Lorak - OGSF - Yeknodathon lineage.

Ye kin swap soggy tissues wi' ye squeaky squires all ye leek laddie, at widnae change tha fact tha Ah'm GRRREAT Ah am!

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It has come to our Pod Attention that there is a bit of talk aboot making Yeknod a Sr. Kaniggget. Firstly, since I didn gno he was already a regular strenth kaniggit, and beely since I stopped reading the vast majority of your utterly worthless posts aboot a decade ago, (at least 2 to 3 months anyway), I care a bit less aboot Yeckie's status on this utterly worthless thread than I do aboot the status of a road-killed squirrel {Squire - ell?} Wot the ell? hello dolly jello biafra be a friend be very a friend a friend to the end ends well well well what did the man say when he saw three holes in the ground round is meat is murder by numbers squared cubed steak give me one medium rare birds of a feather boa constricter than a school marm a lade bills of lading truckers haul ass or grass no one rides for free bird and this bird you cannot change.

OK so we'll just transplant that bit to the eternal justice word association thread needle camel smoke fire one two three stooges.

Quite agree. Yeknod is a goddam Sr. Kaniigget and let there be no more talk of it. Except the party of course. Champion of the thistle and defender of the paddock it is. Now where is the booze?


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Stalin on a crutch, this must be the apocalypse! The three signs have been recieved. Firstly, a Donkey (or so he says) has been elevated to Seniour Bouncy trouncy KAAAHhh-Nigget. Then the Euro-Grogs get a bee in their bum and piss off B-Effing-dot-C, and now MrPeng finally makes an appearance.

All I have to say is that I'm glad to have a closet full of ammo.

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Originally posted by Mace:

eep! I think I've been (aussie) Jeffed!


No truer words thus sheepishly spaken. Feast yer peepers on this lot ......



How the gamey bastiche AI managed to lift the eMACEiated Hunsheep to a paltry 40pts is beyond belief! Do they hold any VL's?.. NO!! Are any huns within 3.2 light years of any VL's ...thrice NO!! BTSF, please fix or do somefink!!

Now, never let it be said that AJ is generous to the extreme - I have kindly offered to let Macey gain some revenge by playtesting another stunning creation by - MOI!

I'm sure he'll do well.



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And now for some gamey updates from Panzer Armee Khann!

Scenario 1: Foothills of Froid

Axis Player: The glorious Hun infantry is commanded by none other than my humble self.

Allied Player: Joe Shaw commands not only his usual assemblage of Wall Mart Greeters, but also some French troops. Yes, the French!! The bleeding d*mn French!

And to make matters worse - Joe is winning, I'm not (oh the utter humiliation). Russian Front, here I come.

Scenario 2: Field of Trouble

Axis Player: Pantless Leader. (It should have been me, but the shameless git pulled seniority on me and demanded them.)

Allied Player: Papa Khann. Hot dogs and fireworks on the 4th of July. Oh boyo, oh boyo.

It's still early but Pantless' Hun infantry is starting to feel the weight of my HE fire and flanking infantry.

Wait, what's this? A post from Pantless Leader himself....

Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Goodbye everyone! I am moving tomorrow and must disconnect my sacred computer from its cyber-link! God knows when the next planetary alignment will allow my many electronic devices to once again co-habitate peacefully, but I'm hoping by Saturday.

Moving. Right.

I smell a rat. This stinks of cowardice. Something smells awful. Oh wait, Joe is back from vacation.

Very well then, Pantless, go hook up your computer thingie again and send me the next turn.

Scenario 3: Claustrophobia

Axis Player: Yours truly commands the glorious forces of the fatherland's own Panzer Armee Khann.

Allied Player: R_Leete

We've just begun this little bocage laden nightmare and already he's whining about stuff that I have thats blowing up stuff he used to have.

Send me a turn, Are_Late.

Quick Battle 1: Axis Attack on American held village.

Axis Player: Panzer Armee Khann. Need I say more?

Allied Player: Boo_Rattly

In his emails for the first few turns, Boo expressed dissatisfaction with the pace of my advance. In his last email (still very early in the game), he asked if I actually had any troops in this scenario.

Apparently the poor sod has been incarcerated in Akron for eons and can no longer tolerate a single moment without electronic stimulation. Either that, or he has grown accustomed to playing against Ass Master and wonders why I don't rush blindly into the teeth of his guns.

Patience, Boo-Boo, patience. I know you like to see the pretty colors, and I tried to oblige you by blowing up your M8, but just trust me. The Huns will be along shortly.

Quick Battle 2: Meeting Engagement near a small village.

Axis Player: Panzer Armee Khann rolls confidently onto the battlefield.

Allied Player: Nobutt is using Canadians. Can you believe it? Canadians!?!

This one is just beginning to roll. Nobutt is spending most of his time thus far under the artful observation of my artillery spotters. Now if he would just stop moving every time the shells start coming down...

Oh yeah, send me a turn, you Aussie git.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Harv you have my permission to play this Serf but I shall require that you post relevant portions of his emails to you so that we may all judge his worthiness vis-a-vis (and come see, come saw) to play against us in the future.


I have found one good thing that came out of my stinking draw with Harv -- we were able to start and finsh our game before Joe Boy was able to get in one word edgewise. (Seems almost nothing happens in the Cesspool without his Lordship's comment). Well, phhhhtt!, Joe. We've already finished it, and you'll get no game reports or snippets of emails. Actaully, maybe I can find something in my outbox for you ... here it is:

Originally written by Buzzsaw in a private email:

Please tell Joe to stick a sock in it.

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Originally posted by rune:


Who ever said I would send you the CMBB CD? I specifically stated it is my weapon of choice, and if you don't accept, you forfeit. Now you may think this isn't fair...and that IS the point.

Joebob has declined my compromise, so the Blood Hamster Feud remains. I will send you a setup this evening. You have three days to respond, or you lose.

Berli , will be so kind as to create a QB for me, so that I may forward it to Joebob ?


This is not on. In this I must step forward and restrain young Rune.

Blood Hamster does enjoy a special...nay, reverential place in the tales, traditions, and mythology of the Peng Challenge Thread. Blood Hamster may always be called, and, if agreed upon, shall be in force.

But something as...Holy as the Blood Hamster match cannot be made mock of by sending one opponent a setup to which he is unable to respond.

Rune, I am surprised at you.

I know that you're just having a bit of a go at the Justicar, but issues such as these should not be mocked.

If you care to challenge the Justicar to a Blood Hamster match in CMBO, I'm sure, after you wade through a certain amount of verbiage, that you'll find him quite amenable.

But to call Blood Hamster knowing that all means of legitimate reply are impossible...

It is not right.

I, at least, will not sit and see injustice done.

Not, at least, to the traditions of the Peng Challenge Thread.

[ July 11, 2002, 01:49 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Originally posted by OGSF:

... boot mah ex-Squire as bin elevated tae SENIOUR KANNIGET!

O' course, mah ex-Leige as LORD o' tha stankin' POOL!!! Af'n there were e'er a hoose o' quality Cesspudlian's at's surely tha Lorak - OGSF - Yeknodathon lineage.

*sniff* of course its all down to yer expert tutelage, me swift and shiny boot. The finely-tuned quests that led from one revelation to another, the night-long debates over small points of language, the exemplary skills at taunting and martial feats upon the field.

*sigh*... now if only Harv were given the same attention and correct instruction? What cruel fate. One can only watch the lad's eagerness turn to confusion... *sniff*... and, well, what next, eh? The record is not good. But he might pull through. Being a Cannuck and used to hardships the frozen and uninhabitable desolation of Joe's company may be survivable, though I see no igloos or blubber chewing. *sniff*

Needless to say, if the Justaexcruciate were to attend the paddock I could fit him to do some pre-evaluation before a really good work-out. Harv may attend too, there's value in dealing with couples and the lad may get some relief as the Justicar comes under me instruction.

Yeknod o' tha Thistle and Defender of the Paddock

[ July 11, 2002, 02:58 AM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]

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Originally posted by PondScum:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by athkatla:

I love it when a plan comes together :D

Now edit your post and insert a linebreak before we have to spread your entrails over the floor.</font>
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Leeo:

...No reason not to impose Coventry upon the un-learning chap, is there? Has anyone been entertained by his feeble thrashings?

Coventry is serious business Leeo, let's see if he's bright enough to KNOW how to edit his post and remove the offending length ... if not THEN Coventry. Mind you I tend to agree with you.


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Originally posted by athkatla:

Huh? Linebreak? What the *&%# are you on about man? Must be one of those stupid American halfwits hallucinating after his caffeine fix! Only got one thing to say to you man!


Enough. Edit your post. No one likes scrolling back and forth just to keep caught up on the Thread.

'Up Yours' is not a taunt, it's stupidity.

We all get carried away, from time to time. You've shown some promise, and have met some opponents here.

A little more imagination, and a little less ****e.

I leave for Canada in 3 hours (why, oh why, can I never get everything done before 2 AM?)

(Justicar, please keep your eye on this one. In a community of chaotic individuals, no one can have any respect for the chaotic individual who doesn't acknowledge the right of all other chaotic individuals. The basis of community is belonging.)

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> ...FISH MONGERS with French 17th Century literary pretentions...

Scoundrel! You, sir, have stepped over the line with what was obviously a reference to myself. I demand justice! I demand vengeance! I demand BLOOD!!!!

Yeknod o' the thistle, you may liken yourself to Eeyore, but I am going to play pooh-sticks on your skull. I am going to go tiggerific on that mange-hide of yours.

You will need Rabbit and ALL his relatives to pull my honey-jar out from under that buttoned-on flap you call a tail!

Choose your weapon, will it be the Heffalumps or the Jagulars?]

Will we fight in the Hundred acre wood or in Pooh's Thoughtful Place?

I am gonna find out just what yer stuffed with, Yeknod-OTT</font>

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