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Who's For a Jolly Sing Song, and Another Go At the Peng Challenge?

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Some remedial kindergarten would be in order, Berli, you seem to have missed some of the important basic lessons in life. But if you're worried about rivets popping out of the forum's hull and water caving in on us, sure, I'll bring her back to the surface. As soon as I finish my morning coffee. Everything's still too blurry...

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Originally posted by CMplayer:

Some remedial kindergarten would be in order, Berli, you seem to have missed some of the important basic lessons in life. But if you're worried about rivets popping out of the forum's hull and water caving in on us, sure, I'll bring her back to the surface. As soon as I finish my morning coffee. Everything's still too blurry...

Hmm, 'Play Nice' comes immediately to mind.

The egregious halfwit known as CMPlayer is still waking up, and Berli actually longs to be asleep.

How about a group hug?

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the gibbering idiocy and back-slapping stupidity of Texans
MrSpkr, I think he speaks about you. Of course, he left out; lard ass, big mouth, gum flapping no-account lawyer.

But he was close.


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Morning Everybody , I do hope we are all well today

Here are some updates hehe

Lars Nearly done here , The wreath of defeat will go to his survivors , if there are any

Lurk Thanks his artillery's accurate and timely support fire , The wreath of defeat will go to his survivors , if there are any .

Harv Half way through this and the fighting has not really started .

The Capt awaiting a turn here .

More good/bad news

Nice to see donkeyfishes grandson doing so well

I might have to go to the Isle of Fionn to work for 6 weeks , which I don't want too .

Its raining too

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

We, as Minnesotans, will finally be free form having to deal with the useless, whining, aggressive swine of the East Coast, the daft and drooling hicks of America's South, the bumbling lackwits of States like Ohio and Illinois, the 'aura fed' idiocy of Californians, the gibbering idiocy and back-slapping stupidity of Texans, the...Well, I think you get the picture.

Seanachai, ya, you Minneasoteans with your snow and wood chippers think you are soooooo much better than us friendly Illinoisans...but to call us bumbling lackwits? I'm so offended. Now as for people from Ohio...well, they are bumbling lackwits.


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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

Hmm. I was pretty sure that Yeknod was a Knight. But a Seniour Knight?

Should Young Yeknod be named 'Knight of the Thistle', and raised to Seniour Knight status?

No need to wait on Peng... we have a majority

So it is said, so it is done.


Sir Yeknodathon, Knight of the Thistle and Defender of the Paddock</font>

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Satan on a stick!!

Sir Donkey Kong now a Seniour Kanigget??

Why, within 6 months he will be plumbing the depths of an Anciente One, let alone Olde!!

Be-grudge, be-grudge, winkle, winkle,


[ July 09, 2002, 08:37 AM: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]

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Originally posted by Persephone:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

We, as Minnesotans, will finally be free form having to deal with the useless, whining, aggressive swine of the East Coast, the daft and drooling hicks of America's South, the bumbling lackwits of States like Ohio and Illinois, the 'aura fed' idiocy of Californians, the gibbering idiocy and back-slapping stupidity of Texans, the...Well, I think you get the picture.

Seanachai, ya, you Minneasoteans with your snow and wood chippers think you are soooooo much better than us friendly Illinoisans...but to call us bumbling lackwits? I'm so offended. Now as for people from Ohio...well, they are bumbling lackwits.


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Originally posted by Simon Elwen:

Harv Half way through this and the fighting has not really started .

Watch out for that Harv fellow! His troops just keeping dribbling forward like a leaky faucet. The whole time you think you're winning and suddenly you're soaked in his bodily fluids. It's kinda gross.
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Originally posted by others:


Sir Yeknodathon, Knight of the Thistle and Defender of the Paddock

And Unofficial Mascot Of Scunthorpe FC.

Right then. Files are out tonight. I've been a bit of a bastard for a few ... months. Sorry.

Ethan. Nevermind the tcp/ip. Return the file. Or I'll send you another. Ha!

Simon Foxgrog: Yes. Sorry.

Peng: I'll send you one. Again. Is your email from last century still valid?

mensch: You didn't return the last few files I sent oh so long ago. Let's call it quits then. You won, obviously.

Mark IV: I can feel it in the water, you are not really dead yet. File is in hibernation still.

Mr L. Morningstar: No game going between us but please remember that Battle No 13 in CM:BB is booked.

[ July 09, 2002, 09:41 AM: Message edited by: Geier ]

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So I get this set-up from cmplayer last night and it has an attached list of "Anti-Gamey Parameters" that would'mnt made Fionn proud. I felt like a crook being questioned for suitability of parole reading that list.

"Thou shalt not use the flakwagens." ****! Have I done that, was I thinking I'd plaster him with the flak?

"No Kingtigers." Huh? My tank of choice is the lynx.

"No gamey flag rushing of crews at the end of the game." What the hell do you call the last turn of our last game? You had flipping arty-spotters in the vangaurd!

You know, in the last ASSAULT we played, I did'mnt have a single puppchen, 20mm flak or SMG troop, relying on the classic effectiveness of 75mm IG and MGs. Oh, was that 250/9 and Stug combo what caught your "gamey" craw?

I'm half tempted to spend my entire 4,500 points (!) on nothing but the konigstiger and the Kubelwagen. Oh, except for the company of Wirblewinds that is.


Seanachai truer words have never been said. You have pierced my mystery like an arrow of truth. 'Tis true that I began my life with the lilting voice of a Cyrano, but all too quick the earth, in all its mighty strength, soon brought me to its level. Now I am happy just to be grubbing in the mud for tasty worm morsels. No more does my voice aspire to heights that others refuse to achieve.

Like the man who assaulted La Pieta with a hammer, because none were pure enough to view that raw, eternal beauty, so too do I add a bit of "Beavis" to my repertoire in order that I "keep it real, man."

Yes, please send that turn, and note: you already did the fecking set-up. I had my first "s" turn already, and am('nt) waiting on your first ORDERS turn, my first MOVIE turn.


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Now, Harv, the reason I know, respect, and even like Canada is simple: I'm a Minnesotan.

And it has long been the dream of our State to secede from the American Union and, after Conquering Canada, form a new nation that will finally achieve perfection.

{Harv looks up at the sky, and begins to pray}

Oh please, oh please...

Our dream has always been to take control and provide the leadership necessary to turn Canada's smiling, friendly, lackadaisical populace with the drive to achieve World Domination that only Americans have (however poorly executed).
Oh please, oh please, oh please, oh please...

Now, once we are back on track with our plan for a New World Order, championed by Canada under the leadership of Minnesotan Warlords, can I count on your support?
Support? H#ll, I'll give you my province. Not that you'd want it, but hey, it's a package deal or nuthin. We do have miles and miles of...well...miles and miles that you could build a very nice parking lot on. Or something. Of course if you didn't want to take Quebec that would be fine by me. Or Ontario either. Or British Columbia, seeing as how they're so Pom wannabe (kinda like Mace). Be cautious in Alberta though, as our entire submarine fleet is docked at the West Edmonton Mall. And the mosquitoes in Manitoba have been known to carry off small children and large hamsters so remember to take a large can of something extremely bad for the environment along.

For more tips on how to conquer Canaduh, just ask any Canukian. We're always striving to help in any way we can.

Sir Joe Shaw's loyal trustworthy squire.

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Originally lied by Panzer Leader:

"No gamey flag rushing of crews at the end of the game." What the hell do you call the last turn of our last game? You had flipping arty-spotters in the vangaurd!

I didn't say that. And I didn't do any gamey flag rushes either, you silly boob. And if I did rush any flags there weren't any arty spotters in the vanguard. They were on the flanks distracting your shooters. But it wasn't gamey. It was tenable. Not that there's anything wrong with gamey, of course.

You know, in the last ASSAULT we played, I did'nt have a single puppchen, 20mm flak or SMG troop,
Liar liar pampers on fire! You had a puppchen and SMG troops but did I complain? Noooooo. Did I ask you not to use them in our new game? Nooooo. You're just mad cause you gave me 20 turns to assault across 2000 meters of sanddunes and I whupped you anyway -- with the POMS -- and now I own your .sig. (can't think of anything to put in it that would demean you further tho)

You silly boob.

And I've got photos to prove it.

P.S. I've thought of something for your .sig. Please insert following:

If the Green Berets are Coke, the Marines are flat Pepsi.

And then put your home telephone # and address for good measure.


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I'm back from vacation and presented with too much MBT to catch up on, so I won't. I start here with my loathing and my general disapproval. Turns will go out by lunchtime. Or close of business today. Something like that, because I have to do laundry.

Papa Khann! - a synopsis of the MBT since I left to frolic in lands vaguely mitten-shaped, please.

[ July 09, 2002, 11:37 AM: Message edited by: dalem ]

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OGSF is a complete and utter gamey bastard (but you knew that already). He buys a uberkitty, parks it in the far back corner, and proceeds to lay waste to any tank that dared poke its nose out. Then the uberkitty hiding in the other corner piles in to knock down any building worth hiding in. The two armored cars were, in comparison, just annoying.

If he didn't suck so bad with infantry tactics he could have had a total victory in this one.

Chalk up a defeat, O Lorak!

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Originally posted by CMplayer:

If the Green Berets are Coke, the Marines are flat Pepsi.

And then put your home telephone # and address for good measure.

That one is going to leave a mark, Panzer Leader.
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