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Who's For a Jolly Sing Song, and Another Go At the Peng Challenge?

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Guest PondScum

The Battle of the Glowin' Tongs o' Redempshun® is over.

In the greyish-blue corner, the forces of House Persiflage, attacking with the armor of the dastardly Hun. Losses: 45 casualties, and one Hetzer that took a 25lb shell through the side (that smarted). A riotous stomping through the tulips, aided by big boomey things.

In the reddish-brown corner, the forces of Groundskeeper Willy, defending with his native Scots infantry. Losses: 157 casualties, 23 captured, 3 mortars, and 10 guns. 71 men bravely executed a retrograde maneuver, forcing an auto-surrender.

If we're keeping score, this would be a TOTAL loss for OGSF, to the tune of 11-89. I offer the ears of his wee spaniel to mon petite liege, dalem. Who knows, what with recent advances in transplant surgery, your earless dog might be able to use them...

Oh yes, and that sizzling sound you hear? It's the Glowin' Tongs o' Redempshun® being applied to OGSF's swampy bits. We apologize for the smell.

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Originally posted by OGSF:

{Sickeningly twee sentiments} and AJ, ye mangey weasel fondler, ye kin saind mae a setoop as waill af ye leek. An' none o' ye ain rubbish - make at a QB, same as fer Arthkack aboove.

Festerin' pillockin' clumps o' yak spit, both o' ye.[/QB]

You might regret that SLANDEROUS comment in oh, no more than 10 turns from now, you haggis-bloated, off-cambered, ill-festering pile of poodle-poop!! CHARGE!!!!!!


[ July 07, 2002, 11:57 PM: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]

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Rememberr wha Ah said aboot Pondscum! Didnae believe a worrrd o' at! Tha gamey bastaarrd spends half haes teem fightin' an' armoured attack wi' ar-feckin-tillery an' scads o' stankin' pixel truppens'. Ainly tae gamily rrrooll oot haes armoured hordes at tha back o' tha map whain haes murderin' infantry-teams hae put tha poor wee AT crews tae tha sword. A shifty NITPICKER an' nae tae bae trusted! He e'en used SMOKE!!! Bastarrrd! Ye cudnae gi' those last 11 points tho, eh? Eh?? Noo guid enough are ye? Ha!

Some bastaarrrd better saind mae a bleedin' turrrn, Ah'm ain tha mood tae KILL SUMTHIN'!

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And now its time for some gamey post-vacation UPDATES!

Lars just got a bunch of new clankety thingies and little pixelated Frenchies to go with them. I am already beginning to render his men like a butcher on a busy Thursday morning. Sigh - the French: when you absolutely suck enough to play the very worst, accept no substitute.

Leeo has thus far successfully demonstrated the proper use of Der Fuhrer's Inviso-meter-truppen-thing-a-ma-jigger. It's midway through the game, I have seized the objective, and have yet to see ANY enemy troops. I did see a short fat old fellow in a red hat and blue overcoat, just before I began hearing the faint tunes of some sort of sing-a-long.

Speedbump is flawlessly failing to assault my prepared positions. He is also dying quite nicely.

dalem is really REALLY wishing XXX Corps would hurry up and arrive. Unfortunately, as in real life, XXX Corps is having a bit of tea. Meanwhile, dalem is doing his best to kill off as many of his men as he possibly can through sheer and utter incompetence.

Joe is whining about minefields. Okay, so I can see a bit of complaining when you first set off the minefield. I can even understand a bit when you set it off a second time. But the third time in the same field in as many turns? Only Joe could display such ineptitude.

Yeknod hasn't sent a turn in two weeks. Get with the program, lad - surrender now and avoid the rush.

Oh yes, the rest of you (particularly the cricket morons) should go stifle yourselves.


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Originally posted by Persephone:

<big>Slappy's day job...</big>


...Arresting notorious criminals like the Mini-Apolis Gnome...

Oh, another note and photo has been thrust into the paddock detailing an incident outside a liquor store on a point of drinking. The protagonists have been disguised to preserve their anonymity

Aunty Slap: This is a very important drinking violation and I want you to accompany me down to the station.

Seandragon: No, its not very important. Give me proof.

Aunty Slap: Is so.

Seandragon: Is not.

Aunty Slap: Is so.

Seandragon: Is not and you smell like a nightime go-go dancer.

Aunty Slap: Ah, I smell like a strawman vagrant? Preposterous conclusion.

Seandragon: Where did I say "strawman vagrant"?

Aunty Slap: Did.

Seandragon: Did not.

Aunty Slap: Did. And you are a smelly gnome.

Seandragon: Well, that just proves it, doesn't it?

Aunty Slap: Proves what?

Seandragon: That yer trying to engage me on a point of history.

Aunty Slap: So, yer admit yer part of a secret socialist KKK seperatist Trotskyite rabble-rousing coalition of seditious flamers and... and

Seandragon: Na, na, na, na, na, na...

Aunty Slap: ... the world is in extreme peril unless...

Seandragon: Na, na, na, na, na, na... use yer handcuffs, truncheon man

Aunty Slap: *smack* *smack* *thump* don't argue with me, sonny

Seandragon: Not

Aunty Slap: Am

Yeknod o' tha Thistle

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Chalk up another loss for Harv by my hand. A few piats, one 6 pounder and quite a few gammon bombs wrecked most of his attacking force of 8 assorted AFVs, squishies and tons of that stuff that falls from the sky and blooms orange and pretty on my monitor.

However I noticed something very disturbing. At certain points in the game it appeared that Harv was giving his moves some thought. Once or twice he even seemed to employ tactics. After thorough vetting of the lad I'm happy to report that it was a coincidence and the documentary evidence is far from water-tight. Just as monkeys can write snippets of Shakespeare, Harv can combine two or three arms into a coordinated pattern...a medallion of momentary order that swirls into being from the fractalic vortex that is his force, and disappears again as the various elements diverge (or are annihilated).

Luckily he didn't appear to have noticed it himself, even though he ordered it, so on the presumption of innocence Harv's reputation is intact, though I recommend that his opponents keep an eye on him, in case this coincidence begins repeating itself.

Finally, I would like to heartily recommend Harv as an opponent, though perhaps not at harvest-time. He returns many turns a day. So many I'm beginning to wonder how cushy the life of a farmer can be.

[ July 08, 2002, 03:30 AM: Message edited by: CMplayer ]

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Originally posted by Harv:

Reprimand noted and filed my wise Olde One. My apologies to The Fair Lady Persephone.

I did think it was rather cute myself, but I will now sit in a noisy smelly slow moving tractor for the next 16 hours as my penance in any case.

Squire to Sir Joe Shaw. At least until he gets back and sees what I've done.

Spoken like a Gentleman, and you can't ask more fair than that.

Now, Harv, as the closest...nearest...well, as the only Canadian currently on the Thread of threads (at least at this hour), let me just tender my heartfelt apology for making any sort of ironical, or joking remark about the liklihood of anyone in Calgary being at the Winnipeg Folk Festival.

The distance between these two, fair, Canadian cities was pointed out to me on the General Forum, and I'm afraid I made light of it all, and reacted poorly to the person who let me know that the two were 'a long ways apart'.

I would hate for my jocular remarks regarding the ability of a person in Calgary to nip on over to the Winnipeg Folk Festival to somehow imply a lack of knowledge regarding Canada.

If you could find it in your Canadian heart to understand that I'm not completely ignorant regarding your country, nor belittling of its majestic grandeur, then I am willing to welcome you onto the Peng Challenge Thread, and accept the fact that although you're a bloody farmer living in the flatest and most appallingly 'unsuited for anything other than farming or supporting bison' place on earth, you're one of us.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Yeknod's a Knight, isn't he?

If not, I demand that Yeknod be a Knight.

Knight of the Thistle, perhaps.

I like his patois. It amuses me to hear him speak.

He is indeed a knight. But to give him the title 'Knight of the Thistle' would require us to raise him to senior knight (and wouldn't that piss our justicar off)
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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

He is indeed a knight. But to give him the title 'Knight of the Thistle' would require us to raise him to senior knight (and wouldn't that piss our justicar off)


In that case, I second Yeknathod being made senior knight!

*that should annoy a lot of people*


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Bo rambled on incessantly, like the demented old fool he is, till he came up with something almost akin to the truth!

Or perhaps your men mistook them for enemy soldiers. I've heard that can be quite a common occurrence
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Originally posted by Persephone:

<big>Slappy's night job...</big>



...one of the Village People.


Well, if you have the bod, which I do, then falunting it a little should be ok. Even if you Audience is mostly Australian.

As for the picture of Seanachi, of course we arrested a pinko like him, almost as he stepped foot in our state. And he was versifying to the tune of YMCA to the population of Richland County Detention Center in five minutes -- we had 17 complaints of cruel and unusual punishment alone. Later I learned that even the corrections staff was a bit peeved with him, he kept getting back in the intack frisk and probe line, wanted to "do that funky than again". I guess there is only so many times you can look up the north bound side of a south bound gnome and retain sanity. But I am just as happy that the jail staff does that sort of thing.

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Originally posted by OGSF:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by athkatla:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by OGSF:

Just tae forewarrrn ye....didnae believe a worrrd tha gamey tactics usin' bastarrrd Pondscum says. Didnae bae taken ain...ye've bin warrned.

Hey Jimmy........Getifa.......yabasa

It's bad enough living within 150 miles of the heathen jocks, without having to try and decipher their, whiskey sodden ramblings. The caber tossing, haggis eating, kilt wearing celts should be shot at dawn!!</font>

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Originally posted by athkatla:

No.....now SOD OFF!!! tongue.gif

Hey, indiscriminate Sod Off directed towards a Senior Knight, and blatant use of a smiley.

Boy, are you going to cop it when the Justicar returns.


[ July 08, 2002, 06:48 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]

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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by athkatla:

No.....now SOD OFF!!! tongue.gif

Hey, indiscriminate Sod Off directed towards a Senior Knight, and blatant use of a smiley.

Boy, are you going to cop it when the Justicar returns.


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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

Yeknod's a Knight, isn't he?

If not, I demand that Yeknod be a Knight.

Knight of the Thistle, perhaps.

I like his patois. It amuses me to hear him speak.

He is indeed a knight. But to give him the title 'Knight of the Thistle' would require us to raise him to senior knight (and wouldn't that piss our justicar off)</font>
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Originally posted by Persephone:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

After our little fun, we'd be stuck with the Donkey as a Senior Knight. Do we really, really want that?

Yes, I want the Donkey to be a Senior Knight, Boo Boo!


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Originally posted by CMplayer:

Chalk up another loss for Harv by my hand.

WhooHoo!! Another beating!! That makes four already! Lorak, are you there? Are ya? Wake up demmit and get me on the unladder with 4 (count 'em...2 and <sup>20</sup>/10) glorious losses. Now if only there was some way to get Lurker to win somehow my life would be almost complete.

And I do proclaim my innocence in the matter of tactics. I have not (and probably never will due to large quantities of stupidity) used anything remotely resembling tactics, strategy or even actual thought in the course of a game. Or something. So there.

Still a loyal trustworthy blah blah blah Squire to Sir Joe Shaw I guess he isn't home yet

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Originally posted by Persephone:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

After our little fun, we'd be stuck with the Donkey as a Senior Knight. Do we really, really want that?

Yes, I want the Donkey to be a Senior Knight, Boo Boo!


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