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I Have Been to the Mountaintop, and Found the Peng Challenge, And Some Old Beer Cans

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

[serious]The sad thing is, the most original newby to the Muthah Beautiful Thread in quite some time is now going away for good. Say what you will, she was entertaining, and the absence of Lady Roxy from the One True Thread will be our collective loss.Sigh.

Adios Roxy - we hardly knew ye.[/serious]


Really? You are only sad because you have lost a potentially lucreative client!

Solicitors. Almost as useful as the French.


Humble HoBKnOb

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Originally posted by Mike:

You got that the wrong way around - it's us SSN's, so necessary to the proper running of the Pool who are endangered by the vicious pandetrings of the power-puff set!!

Occupational Safety & Health are investigating The Ladies for endangering SSN's and Pool Boys with their unhygenic practices and unsafe work environments.

where would the Pool without the constant reflux of SSN's to be derided, booted and generally set upon at every available opportunity? Where would Berli get his exercise if there was no skicking to be done? Who would Pancho's Leader lead? Who would there be to donfirm that Dalem feels all funny like??

all these essential services are provided by SSN's - rewarded, as is only proper, with heapings and lashings of scorn and derision.

SSN's have been about since time immemorial.

The MBT could not survive without us.

Mike-you-plagiarist, how dare you use my ‘SSN’s are the life-force of the pool’ argument. Ok, so I stole it myself last week and it has no doubt been used as an entrance strategy by many a newbie in the past, but <big><big> that’s not the point!</big></big>

Come over here, that I may chastise you with Panzers and for god’s sake change out of those blush pink hotpants that Roxy gave you beforehand. In the ‘olde country’ we still maintain certain standards of decorum!

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I too, would like to thank Roxy (spelt correctly but not bolded 'cause I have no idea what proper protocol is anymore) for showing up. She was clever, could push back, and was willing to take on Grogdom in honorable combat. Also, there is a weird and yet satisfying sense of irony that our already effeminate poolboys (not that there's anything wrong with that) were gushing over a guy the whole time. he hehehe HA! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

On the other hand, that whole cabana imagery was getting out of hand. Had it continued, we would have ended up with a bunch of slack-jawed, badly dressed outerboarders hanging out by the pool drinking their little froo-froo drinks and taking home stupid souvenirs for their kids saying, "My Dad went to the Cesspool and all I got was this lousy T-shirt!" To this possibility I say, "NEVER!"

The Cesspool needs to remain a place of fear and amaze, where those who wander in carelessly are never heard from again. A dark place, warmed only by the dying flames of the guttering torches. A place where iron sharpens iron, or the wet sewage rusts it out completely.

So, in honor of Roxy's brief visit and partially to get that now corrupted pool-boy imagery out of my head, I submit as proper homage to the lady in waiting, the comic book version of herself. Based on the few clues (and by clues in mean lies) dropped about clothing, Stiletto heels, skin-tight leather, blonde (or Red-head). Roxy, I always imagined you as the Emma Peel ala The Avengers type.




Look for the upcoming "Combat Gnome" in the near future.

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Of course it's not original - but it is the OLDE Ones I'm addressing, and they do need reminding every so often - pretty much as often as they need their incontinence pants changing.

And as for points - here's one:


Hope that helps.

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Originally posted by Mike:

Of course it's not original - but it is the OLDE Ones I'm addressing, and they do need reminding every so often - pretty much as often as they need their incontinence pants changing.

And as for points - here's one:


Hope that helps.

Careful, you'll break a nail. Or are they extensions?

And don't even think of going for me with those 6 inch stilettos of yours - they're banned by international treaty.

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Careful, you'll break a nail. Or are they extensions?
He broke his nails long ago with all the mis-typing problems he has.

Poolboys are well known for their bad personal hygiene. Something to do with the speedos and the pink hot pants, and getting exited !

Also an update....

Joe sent two turns in two days !! Miracles do happen. You would think, maybe some of you - but certainly not Mike - the - idiot/poolboy; that Even Joe could handle the decision making in a 300 point extravaganza. But no, he takes days to decide on the micro-managment problems he faces. (And not those that relate to brushing his teeth).

He waffles about being busy. He waffles about work, his Justiakarate work, his wives, (bolded 'cos they deserve recognition living with him), his dog, anything !

BUT....he did send two-in-a-row. Perhaps he his finally getting a grip.


[ August 20, 2002, 09:03 AM: Message edited by: Noba ]

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Squire Lurker. I just wanted you to know that we are quite pleased with your artisitic contributions to the thread.

When I think about it (usually when I'm really, really hammered), I thank your mother for splurging and buying you the big, 256 box of Crayolas®.

It was indeed a good investment. Why she agreed to let you go to Kent is beyond me, though. Some weird fascination with black squirrels would be my guess.

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Originally posted by Roxy:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Mace:

Treeburst (bolded out of respect), have you ever seriously considered a sex change?


Would that be "man to woman" or "man to sheep"?</font>
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Shame you felt it time to blow your cover, I'm pretty sure things could have gone on a lot longer.... almost as sure as I am that quite a few of the Poolers thought Roxy was for real or at least hoped she was....

Like Persephone I will also miss Roxy because even if The Bald One does let you stay on it won't be quite the same now that everyone including those Outer Boarders knows you're Treeburst can you imagine???

Still it was nice while it lasted and nice being in on that, thanks for trusting me.

And in the words of the Man himself

YK2 Out.

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Okay, mostly this is done to save us from the evil of dropping to page two, but ...

AP: Justicar Goes To Minneapolis

The recent visit of the Pope to Poland and the President going on vacation in Texas have all faded into insignificance with the announcement today that the Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread will once again be gracing the fair city of Minneapolis, Minnesota with his presence.

Representatives of the Governor, Jesse Ventura, were unable to comment on the rumor that the Governor would not be meeting with the Justicar out of fear but instead did state that "The Governor is very busy right now doing ... uh ... Governor stuff."

The Office of the Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread has issued a press release in which the Justicar has issued an invitation for all residents or visitors to Minneapolis to meet with him at a mutually convenient location on the afternoon and/or evening of Sunday, August 25th. He will be staying at The Doubletree Minneapolis Airport at the Mall. Interested parties should contact the Justicar via email at their earliest convenience.

[ August 20, 2002, 04:05 PM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Roxy Sues The Cesspool For Discrimination Against Transsexuals!

Demands She Retain Her Female Status


Roxanne Marden, 31, has filed a lawsuit against The MBT for discriminatory practices and policies regarding those who have undergone sex change operations. "I'm a woman now", says Roxy; "and they're MEANIES".

Representing her is the able Mr Spkr, 35?, of Texas. Unwilling to disclose the legal strategy he would pursue, he did hint at precedent in the cases of the eunuch knight Panzer Leader, and the he-sheep, Mace.

"It will not be easy", says Mr Spkr , "because, in the eyes of some, Roxy has made flagrant attempts to circumvent the rules of The Pool. This complicates the discrimination issue."

The hearing is expected to include a dozen stenographers. Reasons for this have not been disclosed by the trier of fact, The Justicar, but are no doubt steeped in tradition.

The Justicar, known for his conservative stance, enjoys wide support among the Pooligans. Courtroom watchers don't think Roxy has "a chance in Coventry" of retaining her status as a Lady In Waiting. Says one, "She'll be lucky to get the status of He/She of Yeknod's Paddock."

(continued on page 4.3 of yesterday's paper)

[ August 20, 2002, 04:18 PM: Message edited by: Roxy ]

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To all you laggards and blaggards who have not years of experience in the MBT, Treeburst155 is no newbie. He is a serf as still listed on Lorak's site. Should he desire to post in the pool and the powers-that-be grant such occurrence, then he shall be my Squire, not a serf, upon his return.

And should he opt to return as Dame Roxy, well, I'm an equal-opportunity oppressor.

[ August 20, 2002, 04:24 PM: Message edited by: Moriarty ]

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Originally posted by Moriarty:

To all you laggards and blaggards who have not years of experience in the MBT, Treeburst155 is no newbie. He is a serf as still listed on Lorak's site. Should he desire to post in the pool and the powers-that-be grant such occurrence, then he shall be my Squire, not a serf, upon his return.

And should he opt to return as Dame Roxy, well, I'm an equal-opportunity oppressor.

Not so fast there Moriarty, it is YOU who are behind the times on this issue (big surprise). A serf is a serf until they become a Squire and Squire is allowed to become a Squire when taken to Squire by a Knight BUT said taking shall only occur upon the agreement of the Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread who, acting on behalf of the Olde Ones, has full authority to approve or disapprove the elevation of Serfs to Squire even in those instances in which a Serf has been taken to Squire by a Knight in which case the Serf shall remain a Serf but said Knight shall first rights of refusal to said Serf. Clear?

As to the case of the Serf Treeburst155 (spelt but not bolded) the issue at hand is rather more complicated by the dual nature of the individual. MrSpkr is quite correct that the Justicariate has typically held a most conservative view of the procedures and policies of the MBT, but in this case I would seek guidance from the Olde Ones.

It is my PERSONAL as opposed to public view that one should join the CessPool as oneself and not as someone else. If we can't trust each other after all ... oh wait ... never mind I was just about to say something silly.


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Originally posted by Roxy:


Roxy Sues The Cesspool For Discrimination Against Transsexuals!

Demands She Retain Her Female Status


Roxanne Marden, 31, has filed a lawsuit against The MBT for discriminatory practices and policies regarding those who have undergone sex change operations. "I'm a woman now", says Roxy; "and they're MEANIES".

And all this time I thought you wanting to borrow some of my clothes was all pretence.... :eek:
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Joe Xia, all the appropriate conditionals are in place, if you had taken the time to A) learn to read and B) read what was written.

If Treeburst155 chooses to and is allowed to post in the MBT as Treeburst155, then he shall be my Squire.

If he chooses to return and is allowed to do so by our hosts as Ms. Roxy, then I'll consider but most likely ignore anything you have to say on the matter.

[ August 20, 2002, 04:47 PM: Message edited by: Moriarty ]

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Originally posted by dalem:

I'll say something nice about you, Joe. I think it's really nice that you live far away and my chances of randomly bumping into you in public are essentially nil.

Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Okay, mostly this is done to save us from the evil of dropping to page two, but ...

AP: Justicar Goes To Minneapolis

...with the announcement today that the Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread will once again be gracing the fair city of Minneapolis, Minnesota with his presence.

The Office of the Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread has issued a press release in which the Justicar has issued an invitation for all residents or visitors to Minneapolis to meet with him at a mutually convenient location on the afternoon and/or evening of Sunday, August 25th. He will be staying at The Doubletree Minneapolis Airport at the Mall. Interested parties should contact the Justicar via email at their earliest convenience.

dalem, I am sure all of the other Minneapolis Pooligans are real happy that you opened your mouth...


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