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CMBB on a Dual platform disk?

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This may be possible if the CD is setup in the ISO-9660 format. But I'm not familiar with the exact drawbacks of that format (other than filenaming limitations). On the CMBO CD I believe the disk is setup with two different 'partitions' (not an accurate term for a CD, but it's the closest thing that comes to mind at the moment). The PC will only see the PC-related files, while the Mac will see the Mac-related files. Together these two 'partitions' take up almost all of the available 650Mb on the CD.

My brain is a bit fuzzy on the differences between the encoding of files for each platform (like Mac files requiring 'resource forks'), but I'd guess that this may lead to some problems with putting both versions on the same CD, despite the large pool of common textures and sounds. I don't know BTS's exact plans on this and maybe it has yet to be completely decided, but I wouldn't be surprised if you had to specify which platform you want to play on with CMBB.

[ April 30, 2002, 09:47 PM: Message edited by: Schrullenhaft ]

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Originally posted by benpark:

Will CMBB be released on a Mac and PC friendly disk, as CMBO was? For those of us with both (home/ work), it is a great thing (just a hassle shuttling all the mods back and forth on)

i'm pretty sure the bts team said that there will be a separate mac and pc disc due to space.
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I believe CMBO's being sold pc-only over the counter in Britain because of issues with the distributor's copy protection software (or some-such problem).

If they stop doing dual-use CDs for CMBB (and that's a BIG if), the copy protection issue might be as big a factor as the disk space issue. Maybe all pc disks will be copy protected one way, and all mac disks protected another?

Just speculating. :D

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If CMBB were to use the same BMPs and WAV sound files for Mac and Windows there is an option when making Mac/Win hybrid disks to share data.... Using TOAST CD burning application,

The data on the Windows portion of the CD... if it were BMPs or WAVs would be shared across both platforms. If it would save BTS CD printing money, PLEASE let me know. I'd be happy to show them how to share data on the same CD. I've used it for cross platform database installations.

Scott Karch


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