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German for beginners, 2nd try

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Ok, this is strange. I just posted a new topic and now it's gone! Vanished, disappeard! Never saw this happening before.

Well, 2nd try.

Since in CMBB we'll hear many new languages and sound files, I start with providing a translation of the german wav files of the CMBB demo.

Some might not be 100% accurate because some terms are hard to translate, but you'll get the point.

If someone wants to post them on their site, feel free to do so.

00030000 "Ziel ausgemacht, Feuer!" = "Target sighted, fire!"

00030001 "Schütze, Feindziel, Angriff!" = "Soldier, enemy target, attack!"

00030010 "Achtung Pak, Richtschütze Feuer!" = "Attention AT gun (crew), gunner open fire!"

00030200 "Schütze, Feindgruppen, Feuer!" = "Soldier, enemy infantry groups, fire!"

00030201 "Neues Ziel, feindliche Infanterie, Feuer!" = "New target, enemy infantry, fire!"

00030300 "Lade Panzerbrechend, feuer frei!" = "Load AP, open fire!"

00030301 "Schütze, feuer frei auf Feindpanzer!" = "Soldier, open fire on enemy tanks!"

00030500 "Feindkontankt!" = "Enemy contact!"

00030501 "Feindliche Einheit, Feuer!" = "Enemy unit, fire!"

00030600 "Pak, Feuer!" = "AT gun, fire!"

00030700 "Feindliche Schützen voraus, Feuer frei!" = "Enemy soldiers ahead, open fire!"

00030701 "Feindschützen, Feuer! = "Enemy soldiers, fire!"

00030800 "Feindlicher Panzer, Feuer!" = "Enemy tank, fire!"

00030801 "Feindpanzer voraus, Feuer!" = "Enemy tank ahead, fire!"

00031000 "Volltreffer, Ziel vernichtet!" = "Dead hit, target destroyed!"

00031001 "Ziel tot!" = "target dead!"

00031100 "Guter Schuss, der brennt aus!" = " Good shot, he's burning!"

00031001 "Das war's, der brennt aus!" = "That's it, he's burning!"

00031200 "Nochmal feuern!" = "Fire again!"

00031201 "Noch'n Schuss!" = "One more shot!"

00031300 "Nachladen!" = "Reload!"

00031301 same as above

00031400 "Feuer einstellen!" = "Cease fire!"

00031401 "Ab jetzt Munition sparen!" = "From now on conserve ammo!"

00031402 "Nur noch auf Befehl feuern!" = " Only fire on order!"

00031403 "Munition sparen!" = "Conserve ammo!"

00031500 "Wirf mir Munition her!" = "Throw me some ammo!"

00031501 "Mein Magazin ist leer!" = "My clip is empty!"

00031600 "Feindbeschuss!" = " Enemy fire!"

00031601 "Handgranate!" = "Handgrenade!"

00031700 "Volle Deckung!" = "(take) full cover!"

00031701 same as above

00031800 "Ich bin verwundet!" = " I'm wounded!"

00031801 "Hilfe, ich bin getroffen!" = "Help, I'm hit!"

00031802 "Oh Gott!"= "Oh god!"

00031803 "Hilfe, hilfe!" = "Help, help!"

00031804 "Sani, Sani!" = "Medic, medic!"

00031805 "Ich bin verwundet!" = "I'm wounded!"

00032000 "Deckung!" = "(Take) cover!"

00032001 "Verdammt!" = "Damned!"

00032002 "Volle Deckung!" = "(take) full cover!"

00032003 "Unten bleiben!" = "stay prone!"

00032004 "Achtung, unten bleiben!" = "Attention, stay prone!"

00032100 "Wir werden alle sterben!" = "We're all gonna die!"

00032101 "Wir sind umzingelt!" = "We're surrounded!"

00032102 same as above

00032103 "Los, alle raus hier!" = "Come on, let's get out of here!"

00032200 "Bei mir sammeln!" = "Rally here!"

00032201 "Kämpft fürs Vaterland!" = "Fight for the fatherland!"

00032202 "Steht auf und kämpft!" = "Get up and fight!"

00032203 "Kämpft, Ihr Feiglinge!" = "Fight, you cowards!"

00032300 "Feindeinheiten voraus!" = "Enemy units ahead!"

00032301 "Feind voraus, halt!" = "Enemy ahead, stop!"

00032400 "Achtung, feindliche Infanterie!" = "Attention, enemy infantry!"

00032401 "Kontakt, Feindinfanterie!" = "Contact, enemy infantry!"

00032500 "Feindpak gesichtet!" = "Enemy AT gun sighted!"

00032501 "Pak voraus!" = "AT gun ahead!"

00032600 "Da hinten sind Feindpanzer!" = "Back there are enemy tanks!"

00032601 "Panzerfahrzeug voraus!" = "Armoured fighting vehicle ahead!"

00032900 "Gebt auf oder Ihr seid tot!" = "Surrender or you'll be dead!"

00032901 "Waffen fallen lassen, ergebt Euch!" = "Drop your weapons, surrender!"

00033000 "Nicht schiessen Kamerad, Kamerad!" = "Don't shoot comrade, comrade!"

00033001 "Wir ergeben uns!" = "We surrender!"

00033100 "Ah (Ja?), Waffe klemmt!" = "Ah, weapon jammed!"

00033200 "Rohr gewechselt!" = "Barrel changed!"

00033300 "Machen Sie Meldung, Gefreiter!" = "Report, private!"

00033301 "Die Flanken absichern!" = "Secure the flanks!"

00033302 "Leise jetzt!" = "Silence, now!"

00033303 "Jawohl!" = "Yes, Sir!"

00033304 "Aufpassen!" = "Stay alert!"

00033500 "Nahkampf!" = "Close combat!"

00033501 same as above

00033600 "Steigt auf!" = "Embark (vehicle!"

00033700 "Alle absitzen!" = "All, disembark!"

00033800 "Vorwärts, und die Augen offen halten!" = "Advance, and keep your eyes open!"

00033801 "Ausschau halten!" = "Keep observing!"

00033802 "Beobachten!" = "Observe!"

00033900 "Schneller, Leute!" = " Faster, guys!"

00033901 "Vorwärts, vorwärts!" = "Move on, move on!"

00033902 "Sprung auf, los los los!" = "Get up, go go go!"

00033903 "Los geht's Soldat!" = "Move on, soldier!"

00034000 "Angriff!" = "Attack!"

00034001 "Und los!" = "Go!"

00034100 "Vorwärts, anfahren!" = "Advance! (vehicles)"

00034101 "Vorwärts marsch!" = "Advance!"

00034101 "Auf geht's!" = "Come on!"

00034200 "Rückwärts, los, rückwärts!" "Reverse, come on, reverse!"

00034202 "Zieht Euch zurück!" = "Withdraw!"

00034300 "Los, los!" = "Go, go!"

00034301 "Weiter, weiter!" = "Move on, move on!"

00034302 "Vorwärts, vorwärts, Männer!" = "Move on, move on, men!"

PS: Warphead, some of the voices sound very familiar... ;)

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They all sound a bit negative and violent dontcha think? "Shoot this, fire on that, hey my guts are showing" and so on. Those crazy german kids should learn to relax more, eat some cheese, drink some wine, catch some rays. You know?

{Thanks for the marvellous and fast effort. Great job. My first try at replying to this topic ended up in a thread about machineguns.}

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Thx Geier. Since I'm not very talented when it comes to mods, at least I can do a little bit for the comunity this way.

Patrick, guess I'll see you on Saturday! Looks like I'll pick up tools4fools in Mannheim, as usual...

And it looks like mike8g found a nice Biergarten this time. :D

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Where is "mein bein, mein bein!"?

Thanks for the list. It seems that the speech gives us more useful information than we got in CMBO. Hopefully someone can do a Russian translation as well.

[ September 04, 2002, 02:20 PM: Message edited by: Pvt. Ryan ]

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Originally posted by ParaBellum:

As I stated earlier, Michael, if someone wants to post it on their site, they're welcome.

I think it would be a good idea, since there are so many new posts in this forum that it won't stay within sight very long...

I posted the CMBO list on my CANUCK site, so I will go ahead and put this up on my site also. Hopefully others will as well. Now about those Soviets...
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Furthermore, I believe the Russian exclamations are probably in the same order.

The first ones all end with the same word ('agoin' or something), just like the first ones in German end with 'Feuer !'.

Looks like we're already on the way of figuring out what the Ivans are on about...

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