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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Boo Radley, you are a GIT of the highest order. You are a Scunthorpe on the Ass of the World. Your mindless blatherings (to wit: posting almost as much as myself) leave a bad taste in the air and a feeling of discontent among us who must bear (bare?) the brunt of your ham-fisted keyboard-pounding.

Are you coming on to me? You are, aren't you?

It is with a sense of disgust that I feel I owe it to all that is holey to call you out, to challenge you, and to give you a smackdown of truly epic proportions.

You mispelled "holy".

Do not try to scurry and flee like the curr you are. My set-up will wing its way to you like a Magic Missile, i.e.: no saving throw, you're hit.

This is the part where I'm supposed to be scared, right? Well, I hate to let you down, Sunny Jim, but if your playing is anything like your posting, I will expect tactics with all the skill and cunning of a Chinese Fire Drill.

Now to reflect the depth of meaning you bring to this forum, all (and I mean ALL) settings will be set to Random.

Ever since kindergarden, when you would show the little girls that you liked them by pushing them down on the playground, you've had a problem expressing love. I can see that and want to tell you that there is still hope, but only if you get yourself into therapy right now!

Oh, Dalem, if you are taking notes, this will be a C-M-B-B-Battle.

Why involve him? You know he's functionally illiterate.
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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Are you coming on to me? You are, aren't you?

You think that any time the word "ass" is mentioned.

You mispelled "holy".
Au contraire mon frere.

This is the part where I'm supposed to be scared, right? Well, I hate to let you down, Sunny Jim, but if your playing is anything like your posting, I will expect tactics with all the skill and cunning of a Chinese Fire Drill.
I have won many battles with the Krasny Oktyabr Fire Drill.

Ever since kindergarden, when you would show the little girls that you liked them by pushing them down on the playground, you've had a problem expressing love. I can see that and want to tell you that there is still hope, but only if you get yourself into therapy right now!
Sorry, still not coming on to you. Perhaps you need to start watching the refreshing Rated G coming-of-age-show Gilmore Girls. I think that you would be subtly surprised at how many of their trials and tribulations mirror your own.

Why involve him? You know he's functionally illiterate.

He's asked that we make it clear in ou posts which game we are talking about (like there are more than one or somefink.) I think it is for a school project: What my Friends Did Over Summer Break.

Or maybe he is making an Excel Spreadsheet in an effort to finally disprove once and for all "all those damn whiners, whingers, boat-rockers and long-hairs!" (You see he is trying to reform. He cut his hair and shaved, but he does still have the Emu ranch, sigh...)

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

how do you keep a pillock in suspense?

You don't send him a turn.


Turns out tonight after I find the proper bourbon to mix with Nyquil. Yes, I have a cold. Expect a virus with your e-mail.

SSN Hint Of The Day: Tell the endings of movies.

Now sod off.

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

<font size=-1>I think that you would be subtly surprised at how many of their trials and tribulations mirror your own.</font>

Panzer Leader, you unutterable and yarbleless pillock, how can your view of the world be so warped as to expect SUBTLETY from Boo? What crippling head wound has led you to this delusional outcome? Take your tattered cardboard sign and go scratch your message on the sidewalk somewhere else.
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Hey hey hey

Ba de ya - say do you remember

Ba de ya - dancing in September

Ba de ya - never was a cloudy day.......there was a

Ba de ya - say do you remember

Ba de ya - dancing in September

*This Earth Wind And Fire funktastic moment has been brought to you by Phil Donahue, smart enough to be a pan, but definetly a woman.*

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

He's asked that we make it clear in ou posts which game we are talking about (like there are more than one or somefink.) I think it is for a school project: What my Friends Did Over Summer Break.

PL, remember to place the rock all the way into the little glass pipe before you fire up, otherwise you're just inhaling Brillo fumes, which is clearly what's happening, as I have never cared nor commented on what kind of labeling people use or don't use in their game posts.

Or maybe he is making an Excel Spreadsheet in an effort to finally disprove once and for all "all those damn whiners, whingers, boat-rockers and long-hairs!" (You see he is trying to reform. He cut his hair and shaved, but he does still have the Emu ranch, sigh...)

Oh man, he's calling me a hippie again. Why I oughtta.....
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Originally posted by Leeo:

Alright, I'd like to propose the following:

Let us preface the name of turns intended for CMBO with the letters "C M B O;" henceforth, let turns intended for CMBB be prefaced with the letters "C M B B." Some of us may have games going in both genres.

Really, that's not so hard, is it? If so, perhaps you can ask your favorite pet to explain the intricate details.

See Daleeom
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Originally posted by PondScum:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

<font size=-1>I think that you would be subtly surprised at how many of their trials and tribulations mirror your own.</font>

Panzer Leader, you unutterable and yarbleless pillock, how can your view of the world be so warped as to expect SUBTLETY from Boo? What crippling head wound has led you to this delusional outcome? Take your tattered cardboard sign and go scratch your message on the sidewalk somewhere else.</font>
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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

See Daleeom

Oh I get it now, PL. You've obviously had some sort of hideously disfiguring accident, but the mad scientist you were having an affair with has rescued your brain and kept it alive in a jar until he can stitch together a suitable set of corpses to reanimate with a jolt of Jolt Cola.

And clearly he's forgotten to change the water in your brain jar for awhile. Yick.

I'll let everyone know when the transformation is complete, and from that day on you will be known as



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Originally posted by Noba:

Dining out will never be the same. Oh for the wide choices you get over in good old USA. Home of the "never let good taste get in the way of food".

Or should that be 'into food'.


Yeah, Vegemite was such a hit over here. Soooo good and nutritious, too.

Disclaimer: For the record, I detest the steamed Play-Do that constitutes the "beef" in Sliders.

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Leeo:

Alright, I'd like to propose the following:

Let us preface the name of turns intended for CMBO with the letters "C M B O;" henceforth, let turns intended for CMBB be prefaced with the letters "C M B B." Some of us may have games going in both genres.

Really, that's not so hard, is it? If so, perhaps you can ask your favorite pet to explain the intricate details.

See Daleeom</font>
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Originally posted by dalem:

Oh I get it now, PL. You've obviously had some sort of hideously disfiguring accident, but the mad scientist you were having an affair with has rescued your brain and kept it alive in a jar until he can stitch together a suitable set of corpses to reanimate with a jolt of Jolt Cola.

Hey, that sounds eerily like the plot line for "The Brain That Wouldn't Die", a cheesy Sci/Fi "B" movie from the late '50's.

The classics just never go out of style.

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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

Hey, I also found on the Net that there is another Rutherglen - in bonnie Scotland no less! I reckon that's where you hail from YK2 lassie? What a coincidence. When I was stationed at Bandianna (near Wodonga) during my Army years, Rutherglen (the Victoria, Australia variety!) was one of my favorite drinking holes ... as you might gather from the postcards I sent ya!

Anyhoo, Emma {may I call you Emma?} it was a pleasant interlude to imagine you as me "Sis for a day". And whether it's factual or not, you are at the very least an honorary bonzer Aussie sheila in my book! ;)

Have a good one,


Yep..... Rutherglen, Glasgow, "Bonnie Scotland" tis indeed a real place, infact my parents still live there, so you see AJ it does exist.

Lady Emma or Emma ? I'll leave that entirely up to you, after all you are my "Big Bro" so who am I to argue?

That said... I wouldn't want to undermine Seanachoochicoo. After all he did go to great lengths to make sure we Ladies have our full title..... So be it on your head :eek:


YK2----Honorary Bonzer Sheila

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Dame Emma, where is Pawbroon? I haven't seen that mad Frenchman around these parts in quite some time.

Please do not refer to the Lady Emma(known as Hey, You! to her friends) as Dame Emma. Not only is it an incorrect appelation, but it conjures up images of over-the-hill transvestites in outrageous eyewear. Lady Emma, as we know full well, is all woman.
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Hmmmmm, this is starting to look like the PantyEater gets in over his head and takes on too many thread.

Time to fire up the Taunt-O-Matic®, I suppose and get a few matches going myself before I end up playing wallflowers and SSN. Let's see, I've already got underway a few of the most vile opponents, but I need to add some pommy flavour. Someone who I failed to sink the boot into sufficiently last go round, someone from the land of bad teeth and boiled chicken. And most of all, someone who pumps out turns like a hyperactive shrew. In short, the imperialistic Pondscum should look down to inspect his nice shoes as I have just deposited a quivering lung oyster there as a means of calling you out.

Then, since I also have a slot available for another of the send a turn every month whether you need to or not crowd, I also would like to identify Agua Perdido as a wuss of collossus proportions. I have it on good authority that he is personally responsible, through work for his employer, for arming the Iraqis as well as now selling the western world the means to defeat the Iraqis. He is the conniving lickspittle that foments arguments and battery between persons at social engagements, then scuttles off to the edge of the action to snicker. He is the lowest form of scum (notwithstanding those identified above) and must face the wrath of the AoS.

You know, provided neither of you two gents is too busy. Either side is OK and no cause is too lost for me to champion (besides that whole (hee hee) quest the Bard has going).

[ September 30, 2002, 07:02 PM: Message edited by: Goanna ]

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Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Dame Emma, where is Pawbroon? I haven't seen that mad Frenchman around these parts in quite some time.

Please do not refer to the Lady Emma(known as Hey, You! to her friends) as Dame Emma. Not only is it an incorrect appelation, but it conjures up images of over-the-hill transvestites in outrageous eyewear. Lady Emma, as we know full well, is all woman.</font>
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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Do not try to scurry and flee like the curr you are. My set-up will wing its way to you like a Magic Missile, i.e.: no saving throw, you're hit.

Still waiting, or do you just know how to talk the talk?</font>
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Originally posted by YK2:

Yep..... Rutherglen, Glasgow, "Bonnie Scotland" tis indeed a real place, infact my parents still live there, so you see AJ it does exist.

I'll have to browse up on it some more now I know there is a "sister town" in bonnie Glasgow. My Scots grandma would surely have known it well!

Lady Emma or Emma ? I'll leave that entirely up to you, after all you are my "Big Bro" so who am I to argue?

That said... I wouldn't want to undermine Seanachoochicoo. After all he did go to great lengths to make sure we Ladies have our full title..... So be it on your head :eek:


YK2----Honorary Bonzer Sheila

Hehe. Methinks to "keep the peace" around here I shall needs defer to you as Lady YK2 or Lady Emma, but with a "bro-sis" inflection. A bit like the Royals, eh? ;)

Have a grouse one,


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