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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

This from a guy whose idea of a "swell time" consists of watching Dallas episodes he taped on his Beta.

While DRINKING. If you're gonna gossip about my social life, get it straight, eh?

When it comes to the spice of life, you're the equivalent of a Taco Bell.
Could be worse. Could be {shudder} White Castle.

And remember, I can always upgrade to VHS. You, on the other hand, will always be an Ohioan.


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Huh? :eek: Where am I?? GAWD! What a hangover!! It's all that bloody Pansie's fault. I should never have trusted his "Here - pop these crystals into yer Tawny Port - it will improve the flavour" quip. I didn't know "acid" was still in vogue!

Man, what a weird trip! I seem to remember "discovering" that YK2 was my long lost sister from Rutherglen. Jesus wept! I was born in Sydney and don't ever remember HAVING a sister! But hey, it was a very nice hallucination while it lasted, "Sis" *hug* smile.gif . Awww, I figure you must have been imagined as the sister that I never had *sniff*.

Hey, I also found on the Net that there is another Rutherglen - in bonnie Scotland no less! I reckon that's where you hail from YK2 lassie? What a coincidence. When I was stationed at Bandianna (near Wodonga) during my Army years, Rutherglen (the Victoria, Australia variety!) was one of my favorite drinking holes ... as you might gather from the postcards I sent ya!

Anyhoo, Emma {may I call you Emma?} it was a pleasant interlude to imagine you as me "Sis for a day". And whether it's factual or not, you are at the very least an honorary bonzer Aussie sheila in my book! ;)

Have a good one,


PS: Mace old chap! Not a good idea telling Pantie Lecher to "bring some goodies" to the booze-up! With his/her other nickname of "The Little Tramp" I should have guessed wot might happen! Next wingding at YOUR place ok?

[ September 29, 2002, 08:57 PM: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

And send me a move, ya southern-fried git.

Sent it twice. Hotmail bounced it back twice, the second time with a note saying something along the lines of "Not even Bill Gates will take HIS money."

Dunno what that means, but maybe you should cough up for a REAL email account?


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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

This from a guy whose idea of a "swell time" consists of watching Dallas episodes he taped on his Beta.

While DRINKING. If you're gonna gossip about my social life, get it straight, eh?

When it comes to the spice of life, you're the equivalent of a Taco Bell.
Could be worse. Could be {shudder} White Castle.

And remember, I can always upgrade to VHS. You, on the other hand, will always be an Ohioan.


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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

Hey Boo - sorry, I mean Doktor Robert. I found this link to a famous Akron site that carries a photo of you, a co-founder!


Geez, mate. You look a mite older than the snaps you supplied to Persephone. But given what you are involved in there, I can't really blame you for wanting to keep it all a "big secret"!

Good luck with the rehab. It must be hell. Berli would be sure to agree.....


First of all...

(Here I am about ready to reason with an Australian. I'd have as much luck trying to teach a fish to tap dance)

Forget it...never mind.

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

And send me a move, ya southern-fried git.

Sent it twice. Hotmail bounced it back twice, the second time with a note saying something along the lines of "Not even Bill Gates will take HIS money."

Dunno what that means, but maybe you should cough up for a REAL email account?


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Originally posted by Noba:

Cool, the 2nd TD was a good one.


You could at least use a laptop while watching that strange Merkin "measuring" game so's your turns would not fall behind you Vodka-swilling, edge-hugging, gamey-gamer you!


[ September 29, 2002, 10:03 PM: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

My teeth still hurt damnit ...

I have turns that will just have to wait ...

But in the meantime I can at least provide ...



Hope you feel better soon Joe. I'm sure you'll be smiling like this by tomorrow... :D


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I agree, any company/service/goverment that blocks my connection to the MTB should be voted roight out!

As for my opponents, (notice I quite obviously left out the esteemed0 your turns will process Monday.

In said email you will also recieve a CMBB battle, Yes, even you Aussie types that don't have the damn game yet, you will soon you whiners!.

Just try to have all three synopes firing that day and send both battles back, labels correctly and NUMBERED in hounor of Elvis.

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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

Anyhoo, Emma {may I call you Emma?}


No, you may not.

You will call her Lady Emma, and that only with her permission.

I will pay any Australian $100 U.S. who will go to AussieJeff's house, and take a 12 pound sledge to his computer until we never, ever have to look at that goddamn pseudo-Libyan landscape again in a screenshot.

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I will pay any Australian $100 U.S. who will go to AussieJeff's house, and take a 12 pound sledge to his computer until we never, ever have to look at that goddamn pseudo-Libyan landscape again in a screenshot.
Throw in a an extra fifty..(I have to buy the hammer) and it's a deal.

Wait ! What's the address ?


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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

Hey, I like this bit in the following link. It helps explain a lot of the erratic behaviour displayed by various Merkins in this thread.

"Fifty percent of America's population lives within a 500 mile radius of Akron". It's TRUE! Read it and weep....



{I'm not stalking... just foraging. Honestly.}

Last off, you lie like a rug and firstly, reading all the wonderful things about Akron, sure makes me proud to live here. Not necessarily happy to live here, but proud I think I can manage.
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Boo Radley, you are a GIT of the highest order. You are a Scunthorpe on the Ass of the World. Your mindless blatherings (to wit: posting almost as much as myself) leave a bad taste in the air and a feeling of discontent among us who must bear (bare?) the brunt of your ham-fisted keyboard-pounding.

It is with a sense of disgust that I feel I owe it to all that is holey to call you out, to challenge you, and to give you a smackdown of truly epic proportions.

Do not try to scurry and flee like the curr you are. My set-up will wing its way to you like a Magic Missile, i.e.: no saving throw, you're hit.

Now to reflect the depth of meaning you bring to this forum, all (and I mean ALL) settings will be set to Random.

Oh, Dalem, if you are taking notes, this will be a C-M-B-B-Battle.

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

My set-up will wing its way to you like a Magic Missile, i.e.: no saving throw, you're hit.

Just when I think Panzer Leader couldn't be any more of a dork... Speaking of which, time for a round of thrilling CMBB


Panzer Leader has yet to make good on his feeble 'challenge'--still waitin' on that setup, ya ol' chum-gargling lackwit. Get with it and send me a feckin' turn.

After much misdirection on both of our parts, jdmorse continues to stall after we finally found the right turn to continue our runeish CMBO abomination, which features an entire regiment of FallingGerbils against my hapless MacKenzie brothers and their dog, Hoser. Get with it and send me a feckin' turn. Hoser is looking a bit off his feed, too.

Speaking of which, Lars is also languishing in the not-sending-turns-much department. I can't see why--the computer gave me an empty stretch of steppe to defend with a couple of flags as the only cover, while his side of the map has lots of lovely hills and trees to hid behind. At least he can't kill me with airbursts. Get this over with: send me a feckin' turn.

And what would an UPDATE! be without good ol' Joe Shaw holding out on us, too. We're starting a loverly little Germanboy scenario whose potential aberrance is possibly explained by Ethan's shocking (but delightfully titillating, except for the part with Andreas in a bra and KevlarHosen) expose.


Agua Perdido

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