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Went to the Dentist ...

Tooth Extracted ...

Many Pain Pills ...

Resultant Fuzzy Head NOT conducive to playing CM ...

Received Hakko Ichiu challenge ... first thing I've had to laugh about in two days.

That is all until the buzz from the pills fades away.


p.s. OH ... am I still buzzed from the pills or did the CessPool turn into some kind of Chick Wine Tasting Club?

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Roight you lot o' pansies! Ya' call that *hic* excrement WINE??

Here's a flagon of *hic* Old Saints Tokay, one of my favorite Rutherglen brews to tickle ya tonsils *hic*. Once ya get that lot down ya', let's have some rubber duck races round tha pool.

"Wey hey!! LAST ONE IN IS A PILLOOOOCK ......*hic* !!


"Ewwwww! It's kinda thick, warm and smelly in here guys. Mmmmm... <U>JUST RIGHT</U>!! COME ON IN.. *hic* *gurgle*!!!"


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Merlot or beer. Beer or merlot...so hard to make a decision.

I think it'll have to be the beer.

Beer is a Saturday night drink.

Wine is for Sundays, I think.

And you know it's a shame.

and you pay for the name.

If you drop more than a fiver on the bottle you drink.

Yeah, I know, I used "drink" twice and the last line was five sylables too long. Hey, waddaya want? It was off the top of my head.

It was perched on the point.

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

One case o' Sandemann Tawny Port comin' up, and I mean TAWNY!

"*hic* Hey guysh! Panshie Lecher's gone ta get sum schtripper chick called *hic* Tawny Shandman! Wh00t! Awww, I bet she's a real goer *hic*... *snuffle*

Macey maate - *hic* howsh about doin' a shtrip fer tha girlsh eh? They'll be feelin' a bit left out won't they? *hic*...*buuurrrrp*

Geez, where'sh bloody Nobbits got to? He shaid he wash gonna come t' tha Pool party too. *hic* bluddy piker..... *bleeeech!*"


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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by AussieJeff:

Macey maate - *hic* howsh about doin' a shtrip fer tha girlsh eh? They'll be feelin' a bit left out won't they? *hic*...*buuurrrrp*

Awww, but that means I haf to put my clothes back on.


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Originally posted by YK2:

I'm a bloody AUSSIE

Glad you said it. If any of the rest of us had, it'd be abuse of the Ladies-of-the-pool.

AJ, just how do you know about oil of olay products? On second thought, we really don't want to know. Go powder your nose.

Mace, keep your clothes on. Not an image any of us need to imagine.

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It is always fun to watch Dame Emma and Patch get plastered.

I almost always get new .sig material out of it.

And now, for some extra-gamey UPDATES:

Seanachai is having problems activating his uberFinn Powers, so he is cowering in fear.

Boo_Radley is having to deal with Compaq customer service. Berli, I owe you BIG for that one. It really made my day to hear about it.

Oh yeah, Boo is losing too.

Lars is losing. I am sure glad I'm not in his shoes. They're too small and they smell funny anyway.

Leeo is exploring the ruins of Stalingrad. His men have wandered about, shot a couple of street urchins scrounging for bread amongst the dumpsters, and injured a one-eyed cat named Chintzi. He is losing, but it is entertaining as heck.

Joe is wandering amidst the bocage -- yes, bocage. Apparently, the Allies don't want him fighting on any SIGNIFICANT front, so they're keeping him in France. Serves him right. He's losing, too.

Marlow and Hakko Ichiu, look for your Hit List! setups later this weekend.

Now sod off, the lot of you.


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Now now that isn't fair.... I much prefer my sober quote thank you MrSpkr

I must refrian from drinking wine while online....

I must refrian from drinking wine while online....

I must refrian from drinking wine while online....

I must refrian from drinking wine while online....

I must refrian from drinking wine while online....

I must refrian from drinking wine while online....

I must refrian from drinking wine while online....

I must refrian from drinking wine while online....

I must refrian from drinking wine while online....

must refrian from drinking wine while online....

I must refrian from drinking wine while online....

I must refrian from drinking wine while online....

I must refrian from drinking wine while online....

I must refrian from drinking wine while online....

I must refrian from drinking wine while online....

I must refrian from drinking wine while online....

I must refrian from drinking wine while online....

I must refrian from drinking wine while online....

That should do it.............

Edited because I can't tell Joe from MR SPKR


[ September 28, 2002, 09:25 PM: Message edited by: YK2 ]

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Oh yeah, Boo is losing too.


You lie like a rug. Oh wait, you're a lawyer so that's a redundant statement.

[strange interlude]

"Department of Redundancy Department. With what may we help you with?"

[/strange interlude]

I'm not losing because your guys have yet to show up. I'm just hoping my area fire is hitting you in a sensitive area. Now that would be justice.

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Geez, where'sh bloody Nobbits got to? He shaid he wash gonna come t' tha Pool party too. *hic* bluddy piker..... *bleeeech!*"
I'm-a-here... PoolBoy ! Get off the floor you retch. Gawd, anywhere else and they'd arrest you.

Why is Mace walking around, correction, staggering around without clothing ? Who are those two wimmin passed out on the lazy-boys ? Oopsie. Shh. I see NOTHINK ! Sorry Ladies.

Thankfully the sing-song is over. Couldn't stand anymore catterwalling. Watch out for the ambulance chaser. I think he's after some business. He keeps slopping water and baby oil around hoping someone will slip over and sue ! By the way, there was an enormous crash from the wine cellar a few minutes ago. I think the waiter karked it.

I'm off to the beach. 27 (Celsius) today, must fly.



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Something tells me its wayyyyyyyyyy past bed time for me..

Could it be the blurred screen?

Could it be hte wine?

Could it be that I am totally and utterly in such a tired and slightly drunk state that I don't know if it's SAT OR SUN?????????

Oh what the hell

Nighty night to each and every one of you.

Especially to my partner in crime THE LADY PERSEPHONE

Sleep well whenever it comes.............


YK2 bows out in a not so gracious way

Bloody PL left those empty bottles right by the door..


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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

It is always fun to watch Dame Emma and Patch get plastered.

Now sod off, the lot of you.


Listen up, court urchin, if you have the time to post, you have the time to send a friggen' turn, you pig-licking excuse for a barrister.
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