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Sept. 1, got it...but what time?

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Originally posted by CMplayer:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Ozzy:

The silly sod is you, East Coast is 5 hours later than GMT+1 tongue.gif

In your silly sod of a brain, maybe. Or did the world start rotating the other direction sometime during the last 24 hrs?</font>
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It's just that, well, it's just that I've been refreshing since yesterday just in case the demo goes up extra early. And I recognize YOUR type when I see it. It's like I'll be waiting outside the ticket shop for 72 hours for my Two Towers tickets, with wig cuttings glued to my feet, then you come 2 seconds before they open and cut in line. Then you excuse yourself with some excuse like, 'sorry mate, I'm in my second year of college, you know — exams and all'. Sod. Friggin College boy. Hope you get beat up by REAL people next time you venture off your little idyllic campus.

Oh and I do have a rash, btw. You probably caused it./QUOTE]

In my own defense;

I work on an idyllic campus, I'm not currently a student.

I hold what is promoted as an advanced degree though you could'nt tell it by looking, speaking, corresponding with me, or investigating my finances.

I live off campus in what is promoted as the 'real world' though I can't really see anything real from my living room.

I have been beaten upplenty by real people in the past, though hopefully with my advancing years those days are over.

I've been waiting for this game since I got the original right after it was released and I've been visiting these boards more or less regularly for a year, though I just signed up a couple of days ago. (this may well put you behind me in the download que[sic].)

In America only Popeye or members of the now defunct Village People call anybody 'mate.' I'm neither.

My actual line would be

"Excuse me, but I'M running late and I REALLY want to get this [insert object of desire]. You don't mind if I get in front of you do?"

While I have been known to cause rashes they normally only result from intimate contact. In our case that's not possible. (see 'mate' entry)

Anyway I forgive you. Try sand paper on that rash. It will clear it right up.

Now if the demo would come out I'd get the last word

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Originally posted by Ozzy:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by CMplayer:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Ozzy:

The silly sod is you, East Coast is 5 hours later than GMT+1 tongue.gif

In your silly sod of a brain, maybe. Or did the world start rotating the other direction sometime during the last 24 hrs?</font>
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Originally posted by Firefly:

Even easier for Windows users, who don't trust the BTS board's clock, double click on the Winodws clock and select the 'Time Zone' tab in the display smile.gif .

Man, are you ill???? :eek:

You trust Microsoft MORE than BFC??? ;)

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Originally posted by Firefly:

Even easier for Windows users, who don't trust the BTS board's clock, double click on the Winodws clock and select the 'Time Zone' tab in the display smile.gif .

I have had a look in windows and i cant seem to find a winodws clock.

Should i go to Microshaft and check for any updates. :D

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Originally posted by Ozzy:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by CMplayer:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Ozzy:

The silly sod is you, East Coast is 5 hours later than GMT+1 tongue.gif

In your silly sod of a brain, maybe. Or did the world start rotating the other direction sometime during the last 24 hrs?</font>
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Originally posted by gautrek:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Firefly:

Even easier for Windows users, who don't trust the BTS board's clock, double click on the Winodws clock and select the 'Time Zone' tab in the display smile.gif .

I have had a look in windows and i cant seem to find a winodws clock.

Should i go to Microshaft and check for any updates. :D </font>

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Well, out here in California (PST for all those playing along at home) we're 3 hours behind BFC. I will be well-rested, have finished my coffee, and ready to pound on my computer, scream, and hit the refresh button all day long.

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When did this thread become a junior Peng? But since it has, here is the news

- No the Little Kingdom is not having a crap summer. It hasn't had a summer yet! (And I'll thank you not to remind us of it)

- I'll type this next bit slowly, because I know you are all having trouble understanding. 12:00 noon UK=1:00pm Europe=7:00am East coast of USA.

(and when the time changes in UK, it changes everywhere else as well. Clever Huh?)

- No we don't trust Microsoft. Not 'don't trust them as much as BFC/BTS', just don't trust MS

- why do the Kiwi's want CMBB demo. What's a sheep going to do with it?

Gee, I am bored....roll on 1/9. For the benefit of our rebellious colonials, that is the correct way of writing 1st Sept.


And this ends the news.

[Late breaking item. Sailor Malan can't type redface.gif )

[ August 30, 2002, 04:26 PM: Message edited by: Sailor Malan ]

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Originally posted by Sailor Malan:

When did this thread become a junior Peng? But since it has, here is the news

- No the Little Kingdom is not having a crap summer. It hasn't had a summer yet! (And I'll thank you not to remind us of it)

- I'll type this next bit slowly, because I know you are all having trouble understanding. 12:00 noon UK=1:00pm Europe=7:00am East coast of USA.

(and when the time changes in UK, it changes everywhere else as well. Clever Huh?)

- No we don't trust Microsoft. Not 'don't trust them as much as BFC/BTS', just don't trust MS

- why do the Kiwi's want CMBB demo. What's a sheep going to do with it?

Gee, I am bored....roll on 1/9. For the benefit of our rebellious colonials, that is the correct way of writing 1st Sept.


And this ends the news.

[Late breaking item. Sailor Malan can't type redface.gif )

As you mention the peng thread can you now explain to a layman(even though i an sitting down at the moment).

What goes on in the aforsaid theard.As i haven't dared to dip my toe or anything else into its murky waters(in case i might catch something).

And also could you explian in plain english

thank you

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Originally posted by gautrek:

As you mention the peng thread can you now explain to a layman(even though i an sitting down at the moment).

What goes on in the aforsaid theard.As i haven't dared to dip my toe or anything else into its murky waters(in case i might catch something).

And also could you explian in plain english

They are a rather clannish lot over in Pengland. As a result of many years of isolation, they have developed certain curious customs and beliefs. Among those beliefs is the notion that only they are fit to walk upon the earth. In furtherance of that belief, they have many times attempted to make wars of extermination upon those decent folk in the outer boards and would no doubt have proven dangerous had they ever been able to make out which end of a gun was supposed to be pointed at the enemy.

Many generations of inbreeding of the Peng thread has taken its toll and left them with a community IQ of about 12.

From time to time, missionaries from the more enlightened races (cf. 'Grogs') have ventured into the murky dales and hollows of the Cesspool in attempts to share such blessings of civilization as shoes (admitted a challenging proposition with such a varied number of toes to be taken into consideration). But the savage Cesspooler insists he will not be tamed. So in their infinite wisdom and mercy, the gods of BFC have placed a wall around the Cesspool and drive back those infamous creatures who might slither their way into the outer boards to bother and molest the righteous.


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Originally posted by gautrek:

As you mention the peng thread can you now explain to a layman(even though i an sitting down at the moment).

What goes on in the aforsaid theard.As i haven't dared to dip my toe or anything else into its murky waters(in case i might catch something).

And also could you explian in plain english

thank you

They wait and plan and plan some more and when the waiting is done the feint thump and creaking of shifting masses, rope and tackle can be heard as enormous objects are moved... and some are spotted and some are ignored and some sink back and some rush to the surface to gasp and draw breath. Some roar, some whipser and some smear terrible markings upon their bodies while others drape trinkets and flowers through finely combed hair. Some eat flowers.

And some just wait and suffer because for some it is a constant GMT+8 wait for anything of particular note, which isn't an awful lot, not that they would complain because complaining for GMT+8 would be an awful lot of complaining and not a lot would change. Which just makes it all the more pointless.

Of course a GMT+7 might be different. I haven't tried at GMT+7 wait.

Just wanted to make that clear.


[ August 31, 2002, 04:35 AM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by jeffsmith:

I am willing to bet that in order to protect their investment and not jeopardize the incredibly proffessional nature of their operation or the significant contracts they have entered into:

They have used a considerable amount of the resources available to them to insure that Server Crashes and Refresh Monkeys are a thing of the Past

I'll take $25 of that action.


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Originally posted by Michael emrys:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by gautrek:

As you mention the peng thread can you now explain to a layman(even though i an sitting down at the moment).

What goes on in the aforsaid theard.As i haven't dared to dip my toe or anything else into its murky waters(in case i might catch something).

And also could you explian in plain english

They are a rather clannish lot over in Pengland. As a result of many years of isolation, they have developed certain curious customs and beliefs. Among those beliefs is the notion that only they are fit to walk upon the earth. In furtherance of that belief, they have many times attempted to make wars of extermination upon those decent folk in the outer boards and would no doubt have proven dangerous had they ever been able to make out which end of a gun was supposed to be pointed at the enemy.

Many generations of inbreeding of the Peng thread has taken its toll and left them with a community IQ of about 12.

From time to time, missionaries from the more enlightened races (cf. 'Grogs') have ventured into the murky dales and hollows of the Cesspool in attempts to share such blessings of civilization as shoes (admitted a challenging proposition with such a varied number of toes to be taken into consideration). But the savage Cesspooler insists he will not be tamed. So in their infinite wisdom and mercy, the gods of BFC have placed a wall around the Cesspool and drive back those infamous creatures who might slither their way into the outer boards to bother and molest the righteous.


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What are refresh monkeys and where do I get a couple if I need them?

Will there be a dedicated download source for people who bought more than 2 copies of CMBO?

Will the demon become downloadable at exactly midnight or is the launch time governed by that fussy logic thing?

Seriously though:

How long will it take my humble yet dependable 56k modem to download the demon?

Will the first downloaders get the fastest download speeds over the entire download, or will speeds drop as more people download?

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Thus the Donkey Spake:

They wait and plan and plan some more and when the waiting is done the feint thump and creaking of shifting masses, rope and tackle can be heard as enormous objects are moved... and some are spotted and some are ignored and some sink back and some rush to the surface to gasp and draw breath. Some roar, some whipser and some smear terrible markings upon their bodies while others drape trinkets and flowers through finely combed hair. Some eat flowers.

And some just wait and suffer because for some it is a constant GMT+8 wait for anything of particular note, which isn't an awful lot, not that they would complain because complaining for GMT+8 would be an awful lot of complaining and not a lot would change. Which just makes it all the more pointless.

Of course a GMT+7 might be different. I haven't tried at GMT+7 wait.

Just wanted to make that clear.


Sounds about how our PBEM is going then.
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Originally posted by Walker:

What are refresh monkeys and where do I get a couple if I need them?

Will there be a dedicated download source for people who bought more than 2 copies of CMBO?

Will the demon become downloadable at exactly midnight or is the launch time governed by that fussy logic thing?

Seriously though:

How long will it take my humble yet dependable 56k modem to download the demon?

Will the first downloaders get the fastest download speeds over the entire download, or will speeds drop as more people download?

When I get a good DL speed, I can get about 10mb per hour on my 56k. So thats about 7 hours!!!!!! :eek:

The demo will be avaliable sometime during the 'day'.

I dont know about the rest of you, but tomorrow feels like Christmas!!

Chad Harrison

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