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Everything posted by numskll

  1. In defense of Americans of all ages, most college age Europeans couldn't make or properly operate a beer bong . . . which life skill is more important, I ask you?
  2. What does it mean? I've search through a entire lexicon of geekspeak, leetspeak and er . . freak speak but I see no mention of SSN? Enlightened me, which despite the denotation is NOT an invitation to flame me. Help a brother out . . .
  3. if you go to the CMBB demo page they just stuck up, linked from the main page, you can find a link to the demo, but wait about an hour til I'm finished
  4. Hehehe listen very carefully. Assuming the Battle Front folks are hep to the hole am/pm time thing, the downloads will be post 'AROUND' O-hundred hours, 0:00, that's the September 1st side of the gap between late tonight and early tomorrow morning. All times are EST Since it is past my bedtime, I too will be needing a Refresh Monkey, preferably a nocturnal one, though I have no problem chaining the little beast to my keyboard and shining the 300 watt lamp I use for interogating my GF on it until the download is complete or the monkey dies.
  5. Does this mean that we Mac users won't be able to play CMBB multi-player?</font>
  6. Let me guess, you're in your...second year of college?</font>
  7. I can see it now. Much lauded independant game company crashes the internet. I have to work monday, that is I have to go to work whether I actually do any is another matter, so it is patently unfair that they won't post the demo until 'sometime' during the day Sunday. I'll be cheated of my full day of CM:BB. I demand immediate satisfaction like my life thus far has taught me to expect. I'd challege one of you to a duel but you folks are way to hard core and we all know I'd lose. I just want to play the stupid game. Criminy! is that so wrong?
  8. don't you folks who gave me the non answers have something better to do? Couldn't you be sequencing your back issues of soldier of fortune or something? Face it. Instant gratification is the norm. I, as a wild-eyed caffiene addicted consumer, am accustomed to being able to cry and whine at any retail operation and receiving some form of pacification, if not an actual answer. Those of you who A) ask me to be patient or point out that you've been waiting as long as I (if not longer) clearly don't understand what life is really like. cry,whine, stomp your feet. You get what you want. It's the American way. Now then does anybody have any actual insight to bring to bear on my original question , which all kidding aside, is a fair one? Cranky, cantankerous grognards, as charming as you might be, need not reply. hehehe
  9. When they say Sept 1 do they mean midnight Saturday or whenever they get back from church or wake up from their drunken stupor Sunday morning? EST, GMT, or some other whacky time zone? I know this sounds obsessive, immature, and impatient but I've been waiting forever for this game and I am, in fact, obsessive immature and impatient. Any information you have will keep me from simply hanging out in front of my machine for hours on end waiting for the demo to appear. Hell, If I know it won't be till the afternoon I might even get something productive done . . perish the thought . . on Sunday All I really want is an EXACT time to begin my downloading bliss. Is that too much to ask?
  10. What was said What was meant Gimme a break this was my first post and I'm stuck at work
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