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For the Record, I Am the PENG CHALLENGE Thread

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Originally posted by chrisl:

It's not particularly at the top, but it is sort of where the Michigan hand goes into the body of the US, which would suggest that Ohio is actually closer to the armpit.

Which clearly means that Ohio is the limp wrist with the untanned watchband and bad jailhouse tattoo state of the Union.

Ohio is filled with people that have either eaten too much and are therefore spilling in unsightly ways around their spaghetti stringed whatchamahoosits, or have eaten too little because, hell, when you're doing a lot of cheap barnyard crank, why the hell spoil your stupor by cramming food into your toothless 20-year-old pie hole? Besides, that wife-beater T shirt is just going to come off when the cops chase them anyway, assuming of course that they even thought to hide their skeevy, speed-riddled skeletal torso

from the eyes of the innocent in the first place.

Ah, Ohio. Looked down up on by people in Michigan (Michigan! hah! Like they don't have their own problems), and usually only driven through at great speed to get to someplace interesting, like Indiana. Or Kentucky.

Think about it, won't you?

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Dalem ye wanderin' pillock. Di Ah owe ye a setoop, or di ye owe mae a turrrn?

Eh? EH??

An' tae tha raist o' ye dribblin' poltrrroonitry... Ah'm off tae a clan reunion tadee, sae didnae expaict any turrrns, ye bastarrrds.


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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

What can I say...

Oz girls place GOLD, SILVER, BRONZE in the womens marathon at the Commonwealth Games.AJ

How'd that happen? Were they being chased by male family members with love in their eyes?

Originally posted by Chrisl:

I think you need to look at a map sometime. Maine is at the top of the US, as are Washington, Montana, North Dakota, and even Minnesota. Michigan is also at the top of the US, but Ohio? It's not particularly at the top, but it is sort of where the Michigan hand goes into the body of the US, which would suggest that Ohio is actually cler to the armpit.

Yeah, once again the guy from the worst coast halts his incessant screaming of his three syllable mantra, "Go Niners!!!", and shows why California should just be cut loose and allowed to drift to Australia where it will be treated by the denizens of Perth like some huge, drug induced theme park.

Michigan and Ohio touch just like your hand and shoulder touch. Sure. If you're Flipper!(Yes, I know dolphins don't have hands, you git. I was going to go into this whole thalidomide baby thing, but thought better of it so you'll just have to deal with my crappy analogy. I did it out of good intentions, so bite me.)

And then dalem (name bolded because even if I don't respect the man, I respect the position...which in his case is supine.) lifts his head from the gutter and adds his worthless comments. Go though Ohio to get to more interesting places like Indiana or Kentucky? Only if you've spent all your life in the Motor City and just don't know any better. So, how long have you been drinking Sterno, anyway? And send me a turn.


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Well, ladies, I'm back. I was someplace hot, humid, and stinky for a week (sit down, Bauhaus), and I know there was a reason why, but somewhere in all that I met MrSpkr, and the searing vomitrociousness of that moment has left me so traumatized that I can remember nothing else of what happened between July 21 and 28. Oddly enough, the MBT seems to have changed not a whit and Joe Shaw still owes me a fecking turn.

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Originally posted by OGSF:

Ohio hae ne'er prreesainted atsailf tae mae as anythun interestin', excaipt tae note tha' af'n ye turrn tha worrrd "OHIO" oopside doon, at stull reads tha same.

Tha's uncanny tha' as.

It also reads the same if you rotate each of the letters +-90 degrees and then look at it in a mirror.

But that's hardly a redeeming quality.

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Is this a persistant problem of yours?

You could probably solve it if you painted your mouthpiece flourescent orange or somesuch so they can find it?

[ July 28, 2002, 07:30 PM: Message edited by: Mike ]

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Originally posted by chrisl:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by OGSF:

Ohio hae ne'er prreesainted atsailf tae mae as anythun interestin', excaipt tae note tha' af'n ye turrn tha worrrd "OHIO" oopside doon, at stull reads tha same.

Tha's uncanny tha' as.

It also reads the same if you rotate each of the letters +-90 degrees and then look at it in a mirror.

But that's hardly a redeeming quality.</font>

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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

Oz girls place GOLD, SILVER, BRONZE in the womens marathon at the Commonwealth Games, a feat that NO OTHER NATION has EVER achieved (even in world champs).

Of course they did - they get all the practice they need runing away from ewe, Macey and Stompa-rompa.

Now kiwi girls are a little different - Gold in the trap shooting and silver in the shot put.

Don't mess with them honeys!!

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Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

Well, ladies, I'm back. I was someplace hot, humid, and stinky for a week (sit down, Bauhaus), and I know there was a reason why, but somewhere in all that I met MrSpkr, and the searing vomitrociousness of that moment has left me so traumatized that I can remember nothing else of what happened between July 21 and 28. Oddly enough, the MBT seems to have changed not a whit and Joe Shaw still owes me a fecking turn.

Look, I'm going to say this one more time in the hopes that the slower among you ... actually you're all pretty damned slow so that doesn't help much does it ... anyway in the hopes that THIS time you'll all pay attention.

My ISP is an evil creature, not on the level of Berli of course but it keeps trying. I sent ALL my turns out Thursday but apparently at least some, maybe all, didn't hit the old digital postbox in the sky. IF you need a turn from me KINDLY send me an email accompanied by your LAST turn since my ISP is not discriminatory and serves the same for incoming as well as outgoing mail.

GOT IT! Good.


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At's mah pleasure tae report a severe spotty bum spankin' hae bin handed tae Athkatla bah mah wee GREEN troops. Total Victory, 90 tae 10.

Ah let mah wee span'l press go tha last few turrns, tae mak oop fer tha lack o' forthcomin's fraim Joe Shaw.

Wha hae tha Scots!

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Yeah, once again the guy from the worst coast halts his incessant screaming of his three syllable mantra, "Go Niners!!!", and shows why California should just be cut loose and allowed to drift to Australia where it will be treated by the denizens of Perth like some huge, drug induced theme park.

Once again revealing your lack of any sort of grasp of geography. You'll note in my profile that I am in Southern California. In particular, a part of southern CA that doesn't have a football team (last I checked, which was quite a long time ago. If we got one in the meantime I wouldn't have noticed anyway), probably because nobody really cares. We do have an enormously famous stadium, but people who actually live here try to stay away when there's football there.

Then again, you're in Akron...

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Well i am proud to anounce that i have sent out my turns. I was away for the weekend.

Beman, your challenge was heard and responded to. The fog may be as thick as pea soup, but I assure you it will not be enough to save your pathetic band of brigands you call an army.

PanzerLeader, though you may be a master in the arts of Gardening, landscaping is not a skill that will aid you in our current battle.

It's way past my bedtime, i'm calling it a night!

[ July 29, 2002, 01:44 AM: Message edited by: Gaylord Focker ]

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Originally posted by OGSF:

At's mah pleasure tae report a severe spotty bum spankin' hae bin handed tae Athkatla bah mah wee GREEN troops. Total Victory, 90 tae 10.

Ah let mah wee span'l press go tha last few turrns, tae mak oop fer tha lack o' forthcomin's fraim Joe Shaw.

Wha hae tha Scots!

The haggis-eating pillock failed to mention I gave him a 10% bonus or the fact that he had zillions of arty shells which he continually rained down on my poor squaddies. However, I am still striving on 6 fronts to get my first victory, and My Brave Sir "4 Legged" Knight, YEKNODATHON, I will not give in until I have succeeded!
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ppps. Too a SOUTH AUSTRALIAN team no less....

.....pity they're a bunch of wankers.

Well, there is only one thing worse than a VICTORIAN team, and you picked them both. They are both wankers.

Of course the supporters are even worse. Almost as retarded as Tasmanians and Kiwis and Americans and POMs ... not to forget wannabe Poms, either.

Why don't you wise up. WA is GodsOwn !


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Well, while were stuck in a turn rut.......

Simmo lad. Stop watching those re-runs of Aussies winning GOLD, GOLD, GOLD!! You know the pack drill. SEND A FECKIN' TURN so I can blast ye all over th' map some more...

There's a bad lad,

Sir Flamin' AJ

[ July 29, 2002, 07:09 AM: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]

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To all you useless gits lucky enough to have a current game with me:

My ISP has not been working. Fecking busy signal over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over...well, you get the idea.

So I call my provider, and they say that Qwest has a couple of lines down for technical reasons. I never knew cooking the books fell under the domain of "technical reasons." They said they hope to have things fixed Real Soon Now. I assume they'll be "fixing" things with a red pen. You tell me how long that's going to take.

So, to make the story short enough for your dim comprehension:

No turns out until my ISP pulls its head out.


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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Some of us may have mown the lawn (not me, still trying to pick out a mower - any opinions?)

Panzer Leader, here's a jolly little singsong about lawn mowers just for you...

(I'm Looking Over) My Dead Dog Rover

I'm looking over my dead dog Rover

I ran over with the power mower

One leg is missing, the second is gone

The third leg is is scattered all over the lawn

No need explaining, the one remaining

Is stuck to my neighbor's door

I'm looking over my dead dog Rover

I ran over with the power mower


I'm looking over my minced dog Rover

Who I hit with the power mower

My dog's not eating, he no longer barks

He hit the propellor and turned into sparks

No need explaining, there's no dog remaining

He's part of the grass, you see

I'm looking over my dead dog Rover

Who I sent to Eternity


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