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Dalem the Mean Drunk, A thanksgiving Story

Listen up, you lot, we now Dalem has been having a few... problems lately, so we need to give every effort to coddle him and cajole him back into the fold. Sorta like that Drunk uncle that comes over for Thanksgiving dinner. OK, ok, give him more wine but for GAWD Sakes keep him out of trouble!

Dalem: Hello my name is Dalem, and I think CM:BB is Bollocks!

Us: But Uncle Dalem, we love you, we're all happy here enjoying the Thankgiving plenty. What could be the problem?

Dalem: It's bollocks, BOLLOCKS DO YOU HERE?!?! Why, look at me HMG teams, thy're doing the curly shuffle! What's up with that -hic!

Us: Have you tried Light MG? At least then they could maybe breakdance.

Dalem: I don't want no freaking Light MG!! You think I'm doing this for me health?? I want TRIPODS do you hear? I want MAD TRIX!!

A shuffle from the back room, startled glances, trying to ease the sitiation.

Us: Hmm, it's ok, Dalem, maybe you'd feel more comfortable with Crack troops?

Dalem: CRACK?!?! (A chair falls over as he stands, waving his arms like the MAD HIPPIE he is) First you say to go light, now you're saying CM:BB leads to CRACK?? Why I orta...

A door creaks and out wheels Grampa Steve: I tried to let it go, but you're outta control! Get aholt of yerself, Dalem! You're a hippie with no TACTICS! Try sneaking that HMG up to position, maybe in the pantry, but don't go doping it here in front o' the kids. Maybe try a covered arc or two. Encourage them, lad, encourage them!

Dalem: Covered Arcs! I've got nothing to hide! Encouragement! I want me boys to shoot, if they can't see the whites of their eyes, then shoot'em in the back of the head!

At this point in our story Madmatt the Really mean drunk shows up and gives Dalem the mean (but still a hippie) drunk the bum's rush out the door. Thanksgiving plenty continues in peace and harmony, Dalem's wild misgivings the backdrop of many chuckles.

Moral of the Story:

Do we really want to see it come to this?

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Originally posted by rune:

Marlow, Marlow, Marlow ,

I don't have time to waste starting a battle, to only have Joebob come up with an excuse why he could not send turns.

You, on the other hand, are getting quite uppity. Therefore, young one, send me a qb. Set everything to random, will even allow you to pick sides. I expect you to actually finish the game, unlike others here.

You have my email. Failure to respond will result in my sending Bauhaus to visit you. Literally....


I feel a disturbance in the Force. It is my former sponsor (a rather unattentive one at that. I was the original Latch-key Squire) coming to "teach me a lesson." Well Master Obi-Rune, The Student has surpassed the Teacher. Your doom is at hand.
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Originally posted by SS_Obergruppenführer:

Blaa Blaa Blaa

Does this thing yipping at my heels belong to anyone? I don't think so, as even you cretins have some (albeit low) standards. This creature is what I would expect PL to squire, were he permitted to spawn.
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Originally posted by rune:

Marlow, Marlow, Marlow ,

I don't have time to waste starting a battle, to only have Joebob come up with an excuse why he could not send turns.

You, on the other hand, are getting quite uppity. Therefore, young one, send me a qb. Set everything to random, will even allow you to pick sides. I expect you to actually finish the game, unlike others here.

You have my email. Failure to respond will result in my sending Bauhaus to visit you. Literally....


Oh goody, a road trip.
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Originally posted by Malakovski:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

I find your behavior despicable, and I'm disgusted with the lot of you.

There's a nice little club for people with that opinion. Called the "Outerboards" if I remember right.</font>
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Originally posted by redwolf:

Do I sense that this issue of the cage is making fun of my all-important auto-sneak-exhaustion issue?

Don't be ridiculous. You're a Grog, and you're a German. We couldn't be more in awe of anything you choose to go on endlessly about. I've always said, if Redwolf sneezes, BFC catches cold.

However, we do routinely make fun of you personally. Mainly because you're a Grog, and a German.

Still, it's all in good fun, isn't it? The jolly give and take of playful banter, the arched eyebrow of twinkling ripostes, the 'what the hell is Redwolf sodding playing at? If he's all that bloody exercised about it, why doesn't he just go with tradition and occupy the damn Sudetenland and kick the Czech's around until his demands are met?' sort of thing.

[ November 22, 2002, 09:32 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Still, it's all in good fun, isn't it?
Not quite, mon ami. Why, I hate Redwolf with a passion that courses through me with such intensity to make my flanks quiver. Even seeing the name "Redwolf" makes me howl at the moon and beat my fists mercilessly and bloodily against my desk. I gnash my teeth and for a moment, before reason returns, I lunge at the monitoritself in an effort to tear Redwolf's esophagus out with my clacking teeth.

Yea, when I see that...abortion enter a thread with his uber-grogginess I am filled with such loathing that at times I raise my clenched fists to the heavens and bellow a call for the lords of destruction to rain fire and lightening down on his head. I curse the sun for allowing life to fill his rotting putrescent corpse. I poison wells and streams with the chuckling thought that perhaps, perhaps Redwolf may one day drink from them.

When I pass a small child I glare at it until it howls for its mother in the thought that it might just possibly be a devilish spawn of Redwolf. An when I see it's mother, if she's hot, I know it's not Redwolf's, 'cause no hottie would ever deign to spread her abundant loins for that frankensteinian mutant.

No. Senachai, it's not all in good chortling fun. Why, I will never chortle again until I am snapping his weak calcium deficient bones between my square and bloody jaws. I long every day for the chance to spear him with whatever WHATEVER I am holding at the moment. If I were to be in the dentist's chair, and in walks Redwolf, why I will choke him to death with that little rubber lozenge used to protect your brain from harmful radation rather than pause for that extra second to grab the drill and dril out his beady, squinting eyes.

Of course, I will then gouge away once I have stuffed that lozenge so far down his fat-constricted throat that his hideous visage becomes even more macabre as he turns turnip purple.

Fun? The only fun I will have will be when I string his flayed body from telephone pole to telephone pole by the sinews that I lovingly pluck one_by_one from his still living, shaking wreck of a body.

Fun? Yes, I will have my fun.... one day.

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

If I were to be in the dentist's chair, and in walks Redwolf, why I will choke him to death with that little rubber lozenge used to protect your brain from harmful radation rather than pause for that extra second to grab the drill and dril out his beady, squinting eyes.

They were supposed to protect my brain?
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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> Still, it's all in good fun, isn't it?

Not quite, mon ami. Why, I hate Redwolf with a passion..

deleted in the interest of not over-stimulating our more degraded visitors

...Fun? Yes, I will have my fun.... one day.</font>

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