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Battlefront - Do you think you can release the patch this week?

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You actually think everyone is treated the same here Soddball? I thini the Peng threads are a great example that for the older members exceptions are made...

And if all members were treated the same, then Madmatt and Kwazydog would not be employed by Battlefront...

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Originally posted by japinard:

You actually think everyone is treated the same here Soddball? I thini the Peng threads are a great example that for the older members exceptions are made...

And if all members were treated the same, then Madmatt and Kwazydog would not be employed by Battlefront...

No, I don't think that people are treated equally here - and I agree that the Peng threads are a good example of what might be seen as 'making exceptions' - but that's not relevant.

What you're asking for is for the US version of the patch to be released first - because you bought the game from BFC, not from CDV, and you don't want to wait whilst CDV get their act together. I can see that from your point of view, that's beneficial to you.

I'm saying that BFC should treat all their customers equally - and forum members does not equal customers, not by a long shot.

So it's good for me to see BFC treating all their customers in a similar manner, so that they don't get (for example) frustrated European gamers trying to download and install the US or the Japanese patches. It tells me that BFC is committed to treating their customers fairly.

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Anyone who has been on this forum for any length of time knows very well that BFC will release the product/patch when it's ready and not before. Hassling them to do other than that just wastes their time that could be spent on getting the patch ready.

Furthermore, very, VERY few of us have even an inkling of what is involved in getting the patch ready. While MadMatt mentioned a couple of things that caused delays, I doubt seriously that those are the only issues. Even if the English version were ready, there may be legal issues involved in which all patches have to be released concurrently. Even if that were not the case, however, just imagine the howls from our Euro friends if the English version were released first.

Finally, anyone who has been on this forum for any length of time knows that MadMatt telling someone to have a nice warm glass of shut the hell up is actually an honor. I've been here for years and haven't received that ultimate accolade from him {sniff}.


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Originally posted by Abbott:

May I be the first to honor you Joe.

Joe , shut the hell up.



It's ... it's not the same guys. In the first place it's "Have a nice, warm glass of shut the hell up." and in the second place ... {sniff} ... MadMatt does it special.


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Originally posted by japinard:

...Sometimes I think that developers forget how hard it is to be a gamer - checking each day for a long-awaited patch, and being forced to wait, and wait, and wait. Your patch updates talking abou more features being added is nice, but all it does is tell me that things are being delayed again.

Sorry for trying to remind you it's difficult to keep waiting.

People like you really pi$$ me off. Have you ever dealt with software releases to 10k people? Have you ever had to produce ANYTHING that would affect 10k people? Have you ever messed up something that affected 10k people have them angry at you, all at once??? When you business/income/future is on the line, you take your time and do things right, not right now.

So sit back, relax and let them get it done!


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Why release all the patches at once? The answer is very simple--compatibility. There are already some wierd multiplayer issues that happen between versions, one major part of 1.01 is to address those issues. So the separate versions must be produced, once it is "feature frozen," and then tested. It would suck if we americans were playing with one version while europeans had to wait or vise versa.

Not to mention the whole thing about releasing one good patch is better than a dozen buggy ones. The patch will be here before you know it, why don't you just relax and enjoy the already working game you have. I should note that this 1.0 version works better than a certain other 3d tactical wargame's 1.01 . . .


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Actually Columbus I have. I know what is involved, and my roll-outs were far more *@#*ing difficult than people having to download a patch on their own.

Before I was forced to retire I worked as a systems enginner for CMS Energy, 3rd largest Energy conglomerate in the US with holdings all over the world. AND I was forced to use Lotus Notes/Lotus Mai... when it still sucked. And having to visit 25 cities a month for a rollout is a hell of a lot harder than telling people - download and install. If you've been a Notes person for years (I know your server is Lotus Domino - by the way you know NVidia uses Domino?) - you'd know the crap we had to deal with early on.

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Well, it just goes to show how short some peoples memory is here.

"A WARM GLASS OF SHUT THE HELL UP" was a an old Forum saying here much like oft-uttered "BTS Fix or do somefink".

Its actually taken from the Adam Sandler movie Happy Gilmore and spoken by Ben Stiller.

When used on the forum it was, i thought, meant to mean "just relax, we are on the case". Apparently that meaning has been lost or forgotten.

Having said that, I would remind japinard that you received one (or was it two?) extra copies of CMBB which were we recently found out were a mistake but I never once asked you to send them back. You more than anyone else here should now how hard I work with customers to get to the bottom of stuff.

A thick skin is a requirement here and you guys should know by now that repeatedly asking us something is NOT the way to get an answer. We said the patch will be done soon and we mean it. Its not like we are sitting around a table drinking and smoking and suddenly someone sits upright and yells" OH ****, WE FORGOT TO RELEASE THE PATCH!!!"

No, we are working night and day to get this puppy done and out to you, the paying customers that are waiting for it. We know its got a lot of stuff in it and its kinda big (25 megs or so) but thats all just the support files and textures for the new vehicle models.

The fact of the matter is that we want to ensure this patch is as stable as it can becuase quite honestly we don't want to spend much time continually patching CMBB. After 1.01 you will get probably one more patch maybe two and thats about it.

It's time we set our sights once more on the future, a future we will be talking about more once the time is right.

So, if anyone got their ego's bruised by my seemingly coarse answer they need to know that it was meant in a lighthearted way, a way in which I *thought* people would recognize. I probably should have thrown in a wink or two but that aint my style.

Now, pretty please, with sugar on top, be patient and let me get back to work.


[ November 18, 2002, 11:32 AM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]

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Originally posted by japinard:

...Before I was forced to retire I worked as a systems enginner for CMS Energy, 3rd largest Energy conglomerate in the US with holdings all over the world. AND I was forced to use Lotus Notes/Lotus Mai... when it still sucked. And having to visit 25 cities a month for a rollout is a hell of a lot harder than telling people - download and install. If you've been a Notes person for years (I know your server is Lotus Domino - by the way you know NVidia uses Domino?) - you'd know the crap we had to deal with early on.

Sorry if I jumped the gun on you...I just have a pet peeve about users complaining to developers that they aren't producing fast enough. Sounds like you have a thourough knowledge of project management in the IT world. I apologize for for being rude about this...


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Thanks Matt and Columbus. Matt, actually I totally forgot. I think it's been a long time since I've read one of those. Columbus thanks for responding. You're right though, most gamers wouldn't know what it's like to be on the "developer" side of things.

Whew, now I can stop shaking... tongue.gif

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Originally posted by japinard:

Thanks Matt and Columbus. Matt, actually I totally forgot. I think it's been a long time since I've read one of those. Columbus thanks for responding. You're right though, most gamers wouldn't know what it's like to be on the "developer" side of things.

hehe. . .I do. That's why you will never see me ask for a patch.

MadMatt, LOL about the coffe and smoking visual!!!! You guys ROCK!!

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Originally posted by Soddball:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Shep:

I don't know Japinard as a person or much of his history on this forum. However, just from the actual text, his request was put in polite and respectful and complimentary terms.

To which he receives this reply:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> So drink a nice warm glass of SHUT THE HELL UP and wait with all the others. The patch will get released when I say so.

The only explanation I can find for such testiness is that must be hell to have a successful product, and people who are genuinely eager to see new content and refinement.</font>
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One of the things I really admire about BTS is that they don't rush things out the door just to get sales. The product ships when they feel it's ready, and the patches are done when they are done.

It's such a refreshing change of pace from the business model of developers that work for companies like EA. Battlefield 1942, for instance, had a lot of potential, but they rushed it out the door in a sad shape - five nations, but only the Axis got correct weaponry, full of little bugs (and a surprising compatibility issue with SB Live cards!), etc. The first patch came out the same time as the product was released, and it didn't address the big issues such as client prediction. They said they held off on that because they wanted to "get it right the first time", which to me would have meant the initial release.

Anyhow, the point of my rambling is that BTS does a pretty good job of getting it right the first time; barring that, they show a dedication to fixing it right the first time.

I'm content to wait until it's ready. Let the other companies follow the path of "never enough time to do it right, but always enough time to do it over."...

If only more companies could be like this!

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On a practical note guys, like with CMBO, a patched CMBB will NOT have PBEM compatability. To release partially or a beta release means that PBEM's may require 2-3 CMBB versions on our hard disks to keep the files going till everyone is on the same page. Better all at once then there will be only a need to convert to the new version once.

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Originally posted by japinard:

Well, the last time I checked I did not buy this game from CDV. I bought it directly from Battlefront. As far as I can see, I believe most people would rather have a patch released first, then add the extras in a second patch. Since I did not buy this from CDV, I do not understand why you feel you can not release the American version of the patch "now" or "when complete", and then the multi-language portions later whenever CDV gets around to it.

I think this idea is rubbish. What about us poor euro guys, that are trying to teach you americans some tactics in a pbem ? When my dear opponents ( Hi Strider, Rhudat, Don ) are playing with a 1.1 and I must suffer with a 1.0 ?

Incompatible PBEM files anyone ? :confused:

[ November 18, 2002, 03:57 PM: Message edited by: Scheer ]

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Originally posted by jdmorse:

On a practical note guys, like with CMBO, a patched CMBB will NOT have PBEM compatability. To release partially or a beta release means that PBEM's may require 2-3 CMBB versions on our hard disks to keep the files going till everyone is on the same page. Better all at once then there will be only a need to convert to the new version once.

Actually JD I think they have thought of this...


* Games saved in v1.01 can't be loaded in by the older v1.0. So if you're playing others by email or TCP/IP, make sure you all upgrade to v1.01.

Transferring PBEM files from Version 1.0 to Version 1.01

In CMBB version 1.0, load the pbem file. In an orders phase, save the pbem file as a saved game by clicking on the little SAVE button on the command bar at the bottom of the screen.

Repeat Step 1 for all pbem files you wish to convert.

Install the 1.01 patch

Open CMBB Version 1.01

Open the saved game file from step 1.

Choose Email as the startup option for the saved game.

Place your orders as you normally would in a PBEM, and press “GO”

Congratulations! You have now converted your pbem file.

Repeat as necessary.

NOTE: Once the file has been converted to version 1.01, it cannot be reopened in version 1.0

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