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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Nonsense and fiddledeepoop Goanna. You know as well as I that some of these threads within the thread are just wasted space. They get nasty and contribute nothing to the M.B.T. but unalloyed bile. Note that I said UNALLOYED.

Now bile and spite and venom are time honored traditions within the CessPool, but they need to be tempered by humor and wit. Taunting in the proper CessPool style is not some berserker tirade but rather a blend of many elements that, taken together, make the taunt both pleasing and vicious at the same time.

It's mean to say "You're just stupid, go away." It's a TAUNT in the style of the CessPool to say "I was counting along with Sesame Street the other day, got up to 20 without missing one when it suddenly occurred to me that Goanna is named after a lizard ... I felt better after that."

Note the self-deprecation that concealed the razor edge of the taunt. Let us not, fellow CessPudlians, descend to mere bullying insults, let's rise above that ... well ... those of us who aren't lizards.


Joe a post that honours the Justicar and the Pool with wisdom and instruction and humour too.

Farewell and safe return,

Idjit Yeknod

[ March 04, 2002, 01:04 AM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]

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Originally posted by Leeo:

Evil Pillock! Just get on the two-tiered bus (the upper portion obviously a VW bus welded on to a surplus school bus(and how many more times can I say "bus" in this post?(wait; how about a quick buss on the cheek, oh horned one?))) and ride to Nirvana.

Get on the bus,

forget about us,

put... the blame on meeeee!

Oh tie a yellow ribbon 'round the old - oak - tree,

It's been three - long - years,

Do ya still - want - me?

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Get on the bus,

forget about us,

put... the blame on meeeee!

Oh tie a yellow ribbon 'round the old - oak - tree,

It's been three - long - years,

Do ya still - want - me?


Puhleeze. Now I know why that squire of yours is such a pillock. With that lead to follow, no wonder it's a nightmare. Can't you think of something - interesting - to post.

Now the damn tune is repeating itself in my brain !



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Originally posted by Diceman:

In all candor Yeknodathon and I have already discussed this, and he proved himself to be a true gentleman.

There. If that last remark doesn't put a dent in his reputation nothing will!

I was counting along with Sesame Street the other day, got up to 20 without missing one when it suddenly occurred to me that a certain quire was referring to a private email. THIS IS AN OUTRAGEOUS BREACH OF TRUST AND, AND, AND I'M SO INCENSED WITH ANGER I CAN BARELY KEEP ME BREAKFAST THISTLE DOWN.

At first I didn't know who or what you were talking about. In regards to what you're alluding to: it was a private conversation, and as such has no place on this or any other public forum without my permission. Have you gone daft?

Could you imagine the ugliness that could fall upon the MBT should posting e-mail conversations with intent too stir up trouble be considered acceptable behavior? This forum lost the wisdom and insight of one Fionn Kelly in part because of e-mail message abuse, and I'll have no part of it, and will not discuss this subject further.

But I'm magnanimous and forgiving...


Idjit Yeknod

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Originally posted by Stuka:

I need a turn off the Lizard just so I can surrender.

Makes me feel like a total Croda to say that, but there it is.

Ahhh ...... but then, you had the privilege, nay HONOR to host CHUGEM .....

So, as a totally bent banana, what has it been like to host the CHUGEMFEST (errm... for you uninformed northern lot, just THE singularly <barf!!> MOST IMPORTANT meeting of GREAT, warm-beer-swilling, pretzel-chomping wanker..... err ..... leaders the world has EVER ,<retch!> seen ....... <gasp!>)

Don't tell me ..... it's been a real BALL

Sigh ........ these glorious things we can get for our taxes ...... makes me want to fork out even more ... NOT!!!


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Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

I was counting along with Sesame Street the other day, got up to 2 without missing one (imagine THAT!), when it suddenly occurred to me that I CAN'T PLAY CM FER SQUIDS!! THIS IS AN OUTRAGEOUS BREACH OF SKILL AND, AND, AND I'M SO INCENSED WITH ANGER I CAN BARELY KEEP ME BREAKFAST THISTLEDOWN.

Idjit Yeknod

Greetings, Yuk!Notdatagainhoney.... This hot air emanating from a fine ASS' such as thee is somewhat sonorous. However, let me assure you that you are NOT ALONE in this regard re: your incapacity to mobilise your brain cells to the CM cause.

Moi is also indeed a fine purveyor of utterly useless CM tactics, such as yersef.

So, if perchance you feel like lunching out on a diet of barbed wire, HE and hot lead (just fer a change from that godawful thistledown - catches in yer throat, eh?), feel free to lob a setup moiway. Try a 1500pt meeting engagement first up - for beginners luck.

I look forward to trouncing your hoofed minions, YE POLLOCK. Oh, and NO quitting when the going gets tough - like that blasted LARDARS. Where's me return file, MR TARDY???? NOT happy, Jan!!!



Edited because I am a UBB infidel........

[ March 04, 2002, 04:55 AM: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]

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Stuka I was unaware that you are waiting for a turn from the Forces of Scaliness. I shall resend the last as it has obviously been lost in transit and likely sucked up in the electronic communication vacuums which are monitoring the gulf at present time. I will also pen a cranky note to Dubya to complain about this unwarranted delay in your timely surrender.

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An update.

Due to a grossly, gamey scenario foisted upon Moi by the water boy, I have to report a minor loss. In fact, such a small one that it really wasn't much of a loss at all. Given the fact that my opponent firstly confus-cated my troops by pretending to be Indians... encircling the village in which we were having lunch. THEN, pretending to be waiters before giving the lads a dose of lead at close range. Well it's obvious that they fought extremely well under adverse conditions. Also to mention that the ammo load out of some of the foremost defenders was 5 ! Yes FIVE !! Who can fight with restrictions like that ?

Pondscum- minor victory only.


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Hey AJ, the donkie is not much of a player. If he could play as well as he can type tripe in the 'pool, he'd be king of the CM


Must be something to do with his tryst with the Bard - he can't play for nuts either ! I wonder what rubbed off ? And from whom....

Gee, it's quiet around here without SloJo.

I miss him already.


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Originally posted by Noba:

Hey AJ, the donkie is not much of a player. If he could play as well as he can type tripe in the 'pool, he'd be king of the CM


Must be something to do with his tryst with the Bard - he can't play for nuts either ! I wonder what rubbed off ? And from whom....

Gee, it's quiet around here without SloJo.

I miss him already.


Hmmmm ..... sounds like the Mule definitely needs to be whipped into shape! Too much trysting and turning with Ye Decrepit Bard eh? Where's my Cat?? Ahhh..... here it is ....... I'm waiting, DONKEY/ASS(Please delete whichever is applicable!)

Yes, I have to say I, too, will shed a tear for BlowJoe. Well, a small RIP at least....

Now, friend NOBA, to the matter of GRENADE VS FLESH Round XIVII ....... please desist from disembowelling my brave scumbags with rusty baling wire. They are not impressed ...... not one little bit.



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Well, it's Monday morning here in the Capital of Nonsense. So I get up, sit down on the intestinal rearrangement stool, and reach for the virtual toilet paper here in MBT.

I see the assorted Gits 'n Geeks took a hard bash last night at Poor 'ol Joe Shaw as he heads off to work. You cads! I'll bet he was up all night sewing name tags on his underwear and socks in his excitement. You would too if you hadn't done a lick of work in two years.

Sure, JoeBob's a little testy. He's got P.J.S. Pretty soon today, some innocent Mormon pilgrim will be seated on an airplane in a cramped seat next to Gabby Joe. He/she is going to get an earful about his shabby treatment in the MBT from performing as Justicar. And the smell of excess swamp gas will be strong in the cabin.

Be careful, Joe may not come back if you treat him harshly. Remember what happened last time he quit? You all wailed like a bunch of altar boys jilted by Father Joe, the parish priest. The Whip of Self Flagellation was tattered from the mob of your grasping hands crying "Me first!!"

You must realize that you have to work for Joe's Love to deserve it. Patch, how about a nice picture of Joey going happily off to work on His Very First Day?

It takes a hard lawyer to make a tender statement about Joe Shaw the Justicaw. Don't ask why our Joe is so yellow, ask why the others are so white.

And so on....

[ March 04, 2002, 08:00 AM: Message edited by: Lawyer ]

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Morning. How I hate it. Monday Morning. It is evil squared. I tire of working 6 days a week. My only joy is the time spent sitting in front my computer processing PBEM turns. I see how well I am losing and then click “Go”. I’ve gotten better at losing over the last two years. I used to lose prematurely and would leave my opponent disappointed and left wanting. Now, I lose so thoroughly that the opponent feels as if he did something worthwhile. To simulate this vs the AI, I’m playing as conscript all the time. That way, my troops panic when the enemy breaks wind. I still mutter “damn you, Croda under my breath as I lose, but this time…its vs the AI. We all know that the AI is gamey and not historical. Not that I would have a clue what historical is.

Maybe two of you haven’t read “Panzerleader” by Guderian. I would strongly recommend this one for both of you. I have a tough time putting it down. I’m going to request “Achtung Panzer” from the library after reading this one.

Oh, CM? I’m playing Croda (may his teeth fall out and may older gentlemen request special services from him for a small fee), Elvis (may his Japanese car company be bought out by God fearing Merkins), and Speedbump (may his dog gnaw on his victuals as he frantically denies his heartfelt Adoration for all things N-Sync)

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With the "passing" of the Justiciar to places ... beyond. Perhaps it is time to give an esteemed player in the 'pool a chance to see how the mighty and powerfull in this world carry the burden. To carry the yoke in his place.

I propose to put forth a name that you will all recognise as worthy of such nomination. Someone who has the best interests of all in the 'pool at heart. A player of note. Someone who can hold his head up high knowing that so many look up to him and enjoy his attention. Someone who has shown by his thoughtfull posts in the 'outer boards', his depth of character, his well educated and wordly knowledge. His concern for others.

I give you - CRODA for Justiciar (in waiting).

I await your replies confirming this outstanding choice.

Noba. [Appointed returns officer for THE VOTE]

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I'd like to echo the sentiments of Sir Berlichtingen regarding the matter of electing the fetid personage of Croda as a Psuedo-Joe.

We all know that Berlichtingen said it best and we can add nothing of value after the display of his awe inspiring profundity of prose.

In fact, any more words on this matter would just be silly and should be ignored. So, I question why my fingers continue to type when there should be nothing further said upon this matter. I can add nothing of import regarding this weighty matter. If there was a county filled with people who could add nothing more meaningful to this subject, you'd find my hovel there.

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Originally posted by Elvis:

Dear Hiram,

You are in danger of winning our game....please stop this nonsense NOW!



I know better. If I lose, it's because I'm supposed to. If I win, it's because you let me. If I somehow acheived a Draw, it's because you were suffering from the combination of dropsy and leprousy.

can't fool me

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Originally posted by Noba:

Puhleeze. Now I know why that squire of yours is such a pillock. With that lead to follow, no wonder it's a nightmare. Can't you think of something - interesting - to post.

Now the damn tune is repeating itself in my brain !



Well, if it's made anyone uncomfortable I've achieved my goal. If it's made anyone smile in guilty remembrance, I've achieved my goal. The guilt, that is. If that hadn't worked, I could have always gone a level lower. That's right...

Knock! Three! Times!

On the ceiling if you wa-ant me....

I have been forbidden to versify in the pool (if only by Seanachai), and it pays every once in a while to remind the lower types as to why.

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Originally posted by dalem:

I have been forbidden to versify in the pool (if only by Seanachai), and it pays every once in a while to remind the lower types as to why.

<big>I</big>, however, am under no such restriction;

Every day I get in the queue (Too much, Magic Bus)

To get on the bus that takes me to you (Too much, Magic Bus)

I'm so nervous, I just sit and smile (Too much, Magic Bus)

You house is only another mile (Too much, Magic Bus)

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Originally posted by Leeo:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

I have been forbidden to versify in the pool (if only by Seanachai), and it pays every once in a while to remind the lower types as to why.

<big>I</big>, however, am under no such restriction;

Every day I get in the queue (Too much, Magic Bus)

To get on the bus that takes me to you (Too much, Magic Bus)

I'm so nervous, I just sit and smile (Too much, Magic Bus)

You house is only another mile (Too much, Magic Bus)</font>

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Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Diceman:

In all candor Yeknodathon and I have already discussed this, and he proved himself to be a true gentleman.

There. If that last remark doesn't put a dent in his reputation nothing will!

I was counting along with Sesame Street the other day, got up to 20 without missing one when it suddenly occurred to me that a certain quire was referring to a private email. THIS IS AN OUTRAGEOUS BREACH OF TRUST AND, AND, AND I'M SO INCENSED WITH ANGER I CAN BARELY KEEP ME BREAKFAST THISTLE DOWN.

At first I didn't know who or what you were talking about. In regards to what you're alluding to: it was a private conversation, and as such has no place on this or any other public forum without my permission. Have you gone daft?

Could you imagine the ugliness that could fall upon the MBT should posting e-mail conversations with intent too stir up trouble be considered acceptable behavior? This forum lost the wisdom and insight of one Fionn Kelly in part because of e-mail message abuse, and I'll have no part of it, and will not discuss this subject further.

But I'm magnanimous and forgiving...


Idjit Yeknod</font>

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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Croda:

Looking at my list, the first name which appears is...

oh, yes:

Hiram Sedai

Buy a one-way and hop a train, lad.

And take your ghost and that phoolish phan with you.

Do you really want me to go away?</font>
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