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Since I'm not Peng, How can I be Challenged?


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Originally posted by Sock Monkey:

Hey, which one of you lackwits scared off Pvllvs Maximvs? I've been getting his second tavnting all nice and toasty and have even received a set-vp from him, bvt it appears that one of yov frightened the poor widdle snookvms one time more than his fragile nerves could bear and he's afraid to come back. Thanks a lot. To wit, one of you mvst take his since tavnting Diceman is too easy, especially since Shaw spends more time shanking him than I do. So, in the best (albeit short) tradition of the too-long-departed-for-my-vitriolic-taste Pvllvs:

Ummm, guys. Guys? Hey, will somebody play me a game? Please. Umm, it would be just swell. I'd be, just, gosh guys, I'd be pleased as punch!

Since most of you self-appointed "knights" seem to hide from SSN's such as myself behind your "squires" (and what you're doing back there I'd rather not know, frankly) I'll wait for somebody to be sicced on me. ... Or I'll just wait awhile and randomly launch into ad hominem against one (or all) of you, I suppose. Either way, I want to get another game going.


Sock Monkey

As no one protested my previous nomination, this one goes to Serf status. I may take it to Squire, as I've said before.

I believe, actually, that this one is female. Guys never talk about being a 'kitten' (to men, the whole concept is repugnant, unless applied to women, at which point it becomes almost disturbingly engrossing).

Also, this one uses the term 'snookums', which women use when they want to sound dismissively male. The only men who use the term 'snookums' are men who're afraid they don't sound manly enough, so they over do it, and end up sounding like women making fun of men trying to sound manly.

I rather like Sock Monkey (not yet bolded), because there's such a good, clean use of language.

Of course, the belittlement of Minnesota is uncalled for, and shows up serious self-esteem issues. Anyone who thinks Brainerd represents anything besides a souvenir snow-globe view of Minnesota is wrestling with reality and losing on points.

Lars, are you playing this creature? Keep us informed of their progress.

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Originally posted by Persephone:

Joe, how could you not like a cute furry donkey with his long ears, fuzzy fur and sad eyes looking at you longingly...admit you like the donkey...don't worry...I promise we won't make fun of you...just admit it.


Yes, go on, Joe. Admit you like the Donkey. Make Persephone happy, and confess.

And she's right, Joe, we'll accept your expression of fondness. When he's in plain view, and not sporting that bloody flower behind his ear, I rather like the little chap myself.

Oh, and for info I've recently received, and sod the rest of you if you don't like it, I just want to say:

Shaw, Shaw, Shaw, Oi! Oi! Oi!

Carry on, you piddlers.

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Seanachai, are you sure you don't like this...creature due to the ambiguous nature of his man-/woman-ness? I suggest a long period of introspection.

Wait, you do that on a regular basis. Hmm, perhaps a nice lunch at the Y?

Where have you been? What in God's name is that you're wearing? Is that a tatoo?! Take that out of your mouth, and throw it away right now. Outside.

You might try a period of introspection, oh former Squire. Do you realize how I had to fight to keep you from going the way of Iron Chef Sakai?

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Sock Funky also once referred to itself as once being a schoolgirl, so it either is female, or a male relation of Mace.

The jury is still out.

(Not that its important either way)


(No, I mean it, I don't care)

(Really I don't)

Ahh, sod off!

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Originally posted by PondScum:

chrisl and I are busy exchanging crack squads in the fog - and I didn't know the French even had crack squads. Either he has Tigers or my men are blind, but I've decided to just level the whole area and let Croda sort 'em out.

Funny you should mention that. The french seem to have a national obesession with the blind, even more so than their obession with Jerry Lewis, or the german love for David Hasselhof. So being crack french troops, they probably are blind. That also doesn't rule out the possibility that I have tigers, though to the allies, all german tanks are tigers.

Which brings us to something that I've wondered for a while now is why the germans never had a tank called the smilodon. Yeah, go to dictionary.com or something like that and look it up. They should have had one, and it should have been included in CM:BO. It better be in CM:BB or I'm going to be really pissed. Why don't some of you groggier types go convince BTS that there was a smilodon, and that it has to be included accurately.

At any rate, Pondscum is about to lose another of the islands on our little map to my Tigers.

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Originally posted by Sledge59:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Soddball:

Can one of you knight buggers tell me what the blistering earlobes Mensch is doing in our grog thread on the general forum?

You're an adult, right? Why don't you ask him? Maybe he's teaching you the folly of anarchy.</font>
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Originally posted by chrisl:

Which brings us to something that I've wondered for a while now is why the germans never had a tank called the smilodon.

I'm surprised that no U.S. folks started giving our own stuff names for common use instead of the "M" designations. Of course, our tanks would have all been named after dogs, given the Germans had already gone the cat route. The M8 "Greyhound" was a good start, and they could have had the M4 "Beagle", the M10 "Bulldog", and of course the M18 "Argentinian Water Spaniel".

Oh, and I snatched defeat from the jaws of victory today, as a carefully-built victory blew into dust in two turns, due to the gamey, code cracking, and all other sorts of low-down cheating behavior in favor of his poopy little JgdPzIV.

I swear, I haven't been able to buy a win lately.

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

And here we have ONE vote for:

Beats the ****e out of me.

Let me just add my own vote in favor of Beating the ****e out of Joe.

[ March 01, 2002, 03:45 AM: Message edited by: PondScum ]

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Not much to say as I try to type this with my just-puchased critter on one arm and trying to type with the othre.

Sumarry of events, for those who own a rats ass to give, are at my blog in my sig line.

Interesting note: not too sure, but i think everyone in this hotel -- except we adoptors -- are mobsters. Weird.

And who the futz let Dorosh in here again??

"Just Say: Mao!"

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Originally posted by Stuka:

No worries there, Joe.

A nudge is as good as a wink to a blind man eh?

Move along people, nothing to see here. Nope, nothing at all. Definitely no porn here, no siree no porn at all, especially none of the 3D variety.

3D? Do you know where a hypothetical guy in a hypothetical situtation could hypothetically score some of that? No, not me. It's for a friend.
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I'd also like to comment that while that past incarnation of the thread was filled with bile, gall, and most of all vile and gall, this one has all the passion and tenacity of soggy rice crispies, left in the bowl for 2 days with the milk until the whole mess just turns into a semi-solid lump of blah.

And that's what I have to say about that.

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Originally posted by dalem:

Oh, and I snatched defeat from the jaws of victory today, as a carefully-built victory blew into dust in two turns, due to the gamey, code cracking, and all other sorts of low-down cheating behavior in favor of his poopy little JgdPzIV.

I swear, I haven't been able to buy a win lately.

Oh, and it was brilliantly done! There I was down to my last AFV (of 4), my AT Gun sitting forlornly abandoned, a number of my VG squads panicked or routed, my JgdPzIV facing 5 enemy armored devils, when providence shined upon me. dalem's tactical genius came to the forefront.

Rather than sitting back and shelling the small village in which I was sheltering, he proceeded to advance his tanks sequentially into my SPAT's gunsights! Then as I was maneuvering to kill his last tank his blind Bazookaman was only good enough to get a "side superstructure penetration no effect"!

This valiant JgdPzIV (becoming my favorite German AFV) ended the scenario with 3 M4 Shermans, 1 M4A3(75)W Sherman, 2 M4A1(76)W Shermans and a lone HT to its credit! Now how do I transfer this guy to my next game? BTS fix or do somefink'...


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Originally posted by Speedbump:

Now how do I transfer this guy to my next game?

Immediately press Alt-U in our game. That will take you right to the 'Import Customized Gameyness' screen, from where you can scan whole matchbox AFVs into the game.


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Originally posted by Iskander:

Not much to say as I try to type this with my just-puchased critter on one arm and trying to type with the othre.

Sumarry of events, for those who own a rats ass to give, are at my blog in my sig line.

Interesting note: not too sure, but i think everyone in this hotel -- except we adoptors -- are mobsters. Weird.

And who the futz let Dorosh in here again??

"Just Say: Mao!"

Congrats. Now train the little rug-stainer to sleep. If it crys at night, let it; it'll stop eventually. After you feed it at 3:00 a.m., wipe it, change it, and put it back in it's cage. If it wants love and affection, let it wait until a civilized hour, then give it what it needs. If absolutely necessary, the paci/binky/dummy is your friend.

It's a battle, but the battle can be won. Both of ours slept through the night from 8 weeks. Doing this has several advantages, not the least of which is that your wife might feel like having sex again (with you) before your 50th birthday.

And Dorosh is like that pesky odor that comes from a backed up sewer line: you just can't keep it out.

I loathe you all, but I'm going to see my wife and babies for the first time in six weeks, so sod off the lot of you. And I'm going to have lunch at Peng's Hunan and you're not, so there.

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Originally posted by Croda:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Stuka:

No worries there, Joe.

A nudge is as good as a wink to a blind man eh?

Move along people, nothing to see here. Nope, nothing at all. Definitely no porn here, no siree no porn at all, especially none of the 3D variety.

3D? Do you know where a hypothetical guy in a hypothetical situtation could hypothetically score some of that? No, not me. It's for a friend.</font>
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