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How long is it?

Guest Claymorerigh

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Guest Claymorerigh

From time of order to when I might expect the arrival of CMBO?

I know if was just last week, but I am admittedly the most impatient person about these things. :D

I want to try out all of the stuff I've been reading about.

Seriously, can anyone give me a guess? If it is going to be weeks, then I will resign myself to this and not wait anxiously for the postman each day. :rolleyes:


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Hmmm.. after consulting with my local medium I think he lives in Downingtown, PA, USA...

Which in turn means you can fairly probably stay in "anxiously awaiting the postman" mode smile.gif


[ March 19, 2002, 01:36 PM: Message edited by: Mattias ]

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"How long is it?"

"That's a rather personal question."

"No, no, no, how long have we been in this boat?"

Oh, er, "Three days!"

And now for something completely different...

(Bear in mind this pertains not one bit to your question, simply an obligitory allusion to Python, carry on.)

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You newbies don't know how good you have it. I remember back when I was a boy (imagine me wearing overalls, rocking in my rocking chair on the front porch) the initial releae of CMBO was COMPLETELY sold out twice in a row! BTS had significantly underestimated the demand for the game and it took some weeks for them to catch-up with demand.

Nowadays, they're downright speedy!

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Guest Claymorerigh

I tell them that they have to talk to the sales department :D

To follow on:

"I'd like to eat Johnson."

"I don't think he's kosher."

I'd rather eat Hodges."


I wasn't complaining. I was admitting that I am very impatient once I have ordered something. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Scott M. Blakely:

I tell them that they have to talk to the sales department :D

To follow on:

"I'd like to eat Johnson."

"I don't think he's kosher."

I'd rather eat Hodges."

OK, the man knows his Python. I say he can stay, second?
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Originally posted by jeffsmith:

Dorosh has a book?


Several. He's a published grog. OOOOOOoooooooo....

Which means, when he says "jump," you say "what flavor?" When he says "run" you say "salamander or windowbox?"


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Guest Claymorerigh

"Behold! The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch!"

"One shall hold the Holly Hand Grenade of Antioch in the left hand, and thou shalt pullest the pin with the right. Then shalt thou count to five and then throw the Holy Hangrenade of Antioch at thine enemies and it shall smite them and blow them into little bits"

"One, two, Five!"

"Three, sir"

"Oh. Three!"

Or something very much like it.

This is the long way of saying that I received CMBO today. Installing as I write this.

"Hey Mo!"


"Lookit the grouse, lookit the grouse!"

"Shaddap you"

"nyuk, nyuk, nyuk."

For the person who inquired..... :D

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