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Crouching Seanachai, Hidden PENG CHALLENGE

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Colonel_Deadmarsh:

Just curious...how do you bottom-dwellers support yourselves if you're talking to your pseudo-intellectual friends all day on this stupid thread? Is their some kind of a government system in place to keep you refresh monkeys from starving?<hr></blockquote>

Crumbs, yer mean support as in "stand up on two feet" (some prefer four) or "maintaining an independent lifestyle related to the sale of labour in return for financial reward"? ....hmmmmmm, tricky.... nope, fail on both counts.... Bottom-Dwellersville here I come.

"Intellectual friends...?" bwabwabwabwabwabwa, ooh, ooh, I want to be YOUR very, very special friend


[ 01-17-2002: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Colonel_Deadmarsh:

Just curious...how do you bottom-dwellers support yourselves if you're talking to your pseudo-intellectual friends all day on this stupid thread? Is their some kind of a government system in place to keep you refresh monkeys from starving?<hr></blockquote>

Mr. Deadmarsh, let me begin by saying, 'I understand your pain'. Fortunately, I do not share your pain.

I can only imagine the enervating tedium that plagues someone like yourself, who, as he enters his 'employee number' into the keyboard, has to look up with dead, glassy eyes and ask each customer 'would you like to enroll in our extended warranty plan to insure your purchase against any failure?'. And then, of course, heading out to the bars, night after night, and attempting to impress disinterested young women with the claim that you are 'a web designer'.

It would destroy the soul of even someone with actual intelligence to live the life-style that you are so sadly subjected to.

Mind, I did suffer a moment when I had to, quite sternly, suppress the urge to giggle when you flaunted the term 'pseudo-intellectual'. I have yet to see this term used by anyone except troubled souls who are concerned that plain-spoken stupidity might be mistaken for a lack of 'masculine' ability, and rush into every discussion that is over their head with their fly unzipped and their fists and teeth clenched, shouting "Oh Yeah! You think I'm stupid! Well look at this!"

Now, the folk who post here in the Peng Challenge Thread, are, by my own experience, an extremely mixed bag. I can state quite frankly that they work at many different occupations, including past and currently serving members of the armed forces of several nations, including our own; the professions, ranging from doctor, to lawyer, and even to productive members of society; and that, while we have a paucity of people who can instinctively recite 'do you want fries with that', we nevertheless have a number of people who actually labour and produce.

What we do not have, and for this I am grateful, is a great number of ignorant little tossers who don't think twice about wandering into a thread where they know almost nothing about anyone who posts there, and who feel completely at ease with dropping their trousers and shoving their thumb up their arse in order to display their 'intellectual' superiority and native abilities.

In other words, dear Deadmarsh, we don't have many stalwart individuals like yourself.

So feel free to return to posting yet another 'Colonel Deadmarsh wishes to start yet another thread asking a question about nothing in particular in hopes of becoming a shining star of the community through sheer dint of having started more discussions than there are stars in the sky, in all of which he hopes his rather meager knowledge will not be mistaken for impotence and dissatisfaction with his sorry lot in life'.

We'll keep a candle burning in the window for you, laddy, so that you don't run into the wall of the Thread stumbling through the darkness of your own opinionated stupidity.

I hope you appreciate that I used a number of 'showy' words and expressed myself in a rather poncing fashion so as to validate your half-witted and bigoted behaviour. Now pull up your pants, put the little king away, and go start another discussion about whether anyone else realizes what a keen grasp you have of any variety of issues connected with Combat Mission.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Mr. Deadmarsh, let me begin by saying, 'I understand your pain'. Fortunately, I do not share your pain.

I can only imagine the enervating tedium that plagues someone like yourself, who, as he enters his 'employee number' into the keyboard, has to look up with dead, glassy eyes and ask each customer 'would you like to enroll in our extended warranty plan to insure your purchase against any failure?'. And then, of course, heading out to the bars, night after night, and attempting to impress disinterested young women with the claim that you are 'a web designer'.

It would destroy the soul of even someone with actual intelligence to live the life-style that you are so sadly subjected to.

Mind, I did suffer a moment when I had to, quite sternly, suppress the urge to giggle when you flaunted the term 'pseudo-intellectual'. I have yet to see this term used by anyone except troubled souls who are concerned that plain-spoken stupidity might be mistaken for a lack of 'masculine' ability, and rush into every discussion that is over their head with their fly unzipped and their fists and teeth clenched, shouting "Oh Yeah! You think I'm stupid! Well look at this!"

Now, the folk who post here in the Peng Challenge Thread, are, by my own experience, an extremely mixed bag. I can state quite frankly that they work at many different occupations, including past and currently serving members of the armed forces of several nations, including our own; the professions, ranging from doctor, to lawyer, and even to productive members of society; and that, while we have a paucity of people who can instinctively recite 'do you want fries with that', we nevertheless have a number of people who actually labour and produce.

What we do not have, and for this I am grateful, is a great number of ignorant little tossers who don't think twice about wandering into a thread where they know almost nothing about anyone who posts there, and who feel completely at ease with dropping their trousers and shoving their thumb up their arse in order to display their 'intellectual' superiority and native abilities.

In other words, dear Deadmarsh, we don't have many stalwart individuals like yourself.

So feel free to return to posting yet another 'Colonel Deadmarsh wishes to start yet another thread asking a question about nothing in particular in hopes of becoming a shining star of the community through sheer dint of having started more discussions than there are stars in the sky, in all of which he hopes his rather meager knowledge will not be mistaken for impotence and dissatisfaction with his sorry lot in life'.

We'll keep a candle burning in the window for you, laddy, so that you don't run into the wall of the Thread stumbling through the darkness of your own opinionated stupidity.

I hope you appreciate that I used a number of 'showy' words and expressed myself in a rather poncing fashion so as to validate your half-witted and bigoted behaviour. Now pull up your pants, put the little king away, and go start another discussion about whether anyone else realizes what a keen grasp you have of any variety of issues connected with Combat Mission.


I'm sorry to see you didn't appreciate my use of those 50 cent words which I had brought with me to use in the most intellectual of threads, the Peng. I thought it was my duty as a CM citizen to bring a modicum of intelligence to my post as I paid the cesspool another visit to say hello to all the bigwigs of the board, like yourself. I remember you were at the door the last time I was here and didn't welcome me with open arms then either. Have I offended the Peng people in some way? Did I spout off too soon? Is there some kind of hazing I need to go through first before I start ribbing the group as a whole?

I'm truly amazed though that you know so much about me. Do you keep tabs on everyone here or is it just me inparticular? By the way, I don't tell the chicks I'm a web designer. You see, I do have some intelligence. Has that restored your fate in me or am I past redemption by posting all those dumb threads you referred to? Ah...if only I had your breadth of knowledge...but I can only dream that one day I too can become a legendary figure like yourself and waste away my days and nights masturbating my mind for clever phrases to impress my cronies on the Peng Thread. You are indeed a legend Seanachi...lord of the Peng thread...that is quite an accomplishment. Let us all salute you...

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Colonel_Deadmarsh:

…which I had brought with me to use in the most intellectual of threads


Hee hee he said intellectual.

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Colonel_Deadmarsh:

…bring a modicum of intelligence to my post as I paid the cesspool


hehehe he said MODicum.. oooh dirty.

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Colonel_Deadmarsh:

…didn't welcome me with open arms then either.


Of course we welcome everyone with open arms!! how do you think we can get close enough to pat you down for your wallets!?

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Colonel_Deadmarsh:

Have I offended the Peng people in some way?

Did I spout off too soon?

Is there some kind of hazing I need to go through first before I start ribbing the group as a whole?


to answer that..

your pure existance does


damn SSN still have no clue do they!

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Colonel_Deadmarsh:

I'm truly amazed though that you know so much about me.


remember that open armed welcome.. we found your wallet, cute foto of you and that.. uh dog, say isn't that illegal what your doing to it in 49 States?

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Colonel_Deadmarsh:

Do you keep tabs on everyone here or is it just me inparticular?


don't flatter yourself, we just keep mugshots near the door so we can remember your real name, then abuse you to no end.

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Colonel_Deadmarsh:

By the way, I don't tell the chicks I'm a web designer.


I guess you still use that "hey babe what's your sign" catch then huh? Sap.

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Colonel_Deadmarsh:

You see, I do have some intelligence.


ROTFLMO.. man that was a good one, hey guys at least he says funny things.

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Colonel_Deadmarsh:

...but I can only dream that one day I too can waste away my days and nights masturbating


Ah yes youth, if the PS2 is broken they head off to the washroom with a bundle o Girlie magazines (in your case dog weekly) and enjoy the one eyed snake.

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Colonel_Deadmarsh:

You are indeed a legend Seanachi...lord of the Peng thread...that is quite an accomplishment. Let us all salute you...<hr></blockquote>

we don't salute Senachipoo we laugh mostly at him or fill his shoes with Jello but never salute... sometimes we feel sorry for him becuase he fears women (he frequently visits the washroom though with magazines).


P.S. you sir are a...



[ 01-17-2002: Message edited by: mensch ]</p>

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Rack t'is up! Loud Mouth McYokel (OSGSDKF for you uned'jkated) won by not his master skills, no because I used the Shift-C depriving him from a Glor'us slaughter. May he frolic in the fields barefooted only to find a Prairie Oyster between his toes.

OGSDSMcYokel (win)


Menschy (loss do to surrender)

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Goanna:

And Lawyer can stop spreading his filth here too, even though we are running quite low on filth. I retained jdmorse as cesspool legal counsel (welcome back counsellor) a millennium (in cesspool years) before the best part of Lawyer was even running down the inside of his mum’s thigh.

You lot of Il2ness fans can feck right off to that forum, not to be heard from here again until you realise the error of your ways by your own devices or manage to split your personalities well enough to not speak of it at all here.<hr></blockquote>

Ahhh, the bleating lament of a Mac Owner, stranded on an island of supposed superiority, having a beautiful instrument with little but CM to run on it. Luckily, Steve and Charles share your island, and have taken care of the declining native population by kindly making CM compatible with the Mac-a-doo while selling vastly more copies to actual computer owners.

So, Dear Lizard, you shall not be flying IL-2 or any other mainstream game, even if you would like to, because they are not compatible with your Mac lifestyle. Be a good Luddite and smash the computer crowd one more time, just to show us you still exist.

Some Cesspoolers can do more than one thing at once, although following Dubya's example, we do not eat pretzels and watch TV at the same time. In fact, we have started a new, better colony in another land. We even have the de-throned and too often de-robed ex-Justicar to annoy us there. The Mad Bald One even stopped by to say hi. Our numbers grow like Biblical locusts, and we prosper while flying our fast machines.

But we still play CM, and we still step on Lizards.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lawyer:

Most recently, I've been involved in intense negotiations to return the Justicar to his rightful place here at MBT, in return for a small remuneration from a Lady of Talent.

So don't flaunt your old ways around here. What have you done for the Cesspool lately? Nada. Nothing. Zilch.

You ain't the only Law in town anymore. And you certainly aren't the best. And MrSpkr will always be our Paralegal, although I wish he looked better in short skirts. Perhaps OGSF can give him some style advice.

So look back over the posts during your absence, and you will see the Cesspool has been very well served by Lawyer, the Real and True Embodiment of Justice.

Your pal,


Lawyer, what has happened to our agreement? While you have been busy flaunting yourself to jd you have forgotten to represent your only client Poor Joe and have left him to fend for himself in this wretched place. I am proceeding with my part of the contract and you are to fulfill your part. Remember you signed it, and there were witnesses and it has been notarized! You're not going to try to back out of it now are you?


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Blah blah, blah, blah, feckin' blah.................That's what this thread is a bunch of. First of all, we're cursed with a duplicate thread name. It sucked the first time around and really sucks now. What a bunch of feckin' tripe. I've had it with the lot of you. Bunch of children.

This is the MBT and taunting is where it's at. If you can't handle the abuse, get the feck out. My God boys......"They're making fun of my flying machine game, I can't take it." Well, I've had the game longer than the lot of you and am not going about talking about it's greatness, nor am I whining about it when someone pokes fun of the mention of it. It's an enjoyable game, so what. Get a feckin' life, this is a board not Real Life. If you believe that, get one.....a life that is.

This is intended at no one in particular so if you take offense to it, oh well. I think the name of the next thread shall be:

The Peng Challenge Thread has lost its Mojo or somefink like that.

Now, go kill things, fly into the ground on take off or just sit there and pout.....I don't really care. Piss Off, the lot of you.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by bauhaus:

Blah blah, blah, blah, feckin' blah.................That's what this thread is a bunch of. First of all, we're cursed with a duplicate thread name. It sucked the first time around and really sucks now. What a bunch of feckin' tripe. I've had it with the lot of you. Bunch of children.

This is the MBT and taunting is where it's at. If you can't handle the abuse, get the feck out. My God boys......"They're making fun of my flying machine game, I can't take it." Well, I've had the game longer than the lot of you and am not going about talking about it's greatness, nor am I whining about it when someone pokes fun of the mention of it. It's an enjoyable game, so what. Get a feckin' life, this is a board not Real Life. If you believe that, get one.....a life that is.

This is intended at no one in particular so if you take offense to it, oh well. I think the name of the next thread shall be:

The Peng Challenge Thread has lost its Mojo or somefink like that.

Now, go kill things, fly into the ground on take off or just sit there and pout.....I don't really care. Piss Off, the lot of you.<hr></blockquote>

Bauhaus, you feeble minded twit. Congrats on typing the longest post ever from a twit. Did you have a 5th grader help you out with the punctuation and grammar? I’ll wait while you look up those words. Let me take this time to comment on how the average cesspooler has commented that its not safe to bare one’s hindquarters because Bauhaus has evil intent. “Sit down, Bauhaus” is the most common phrase. There has to be a reason why people fear the intrusion into the nether regions when you are around. Let me expound upon this fear a bit. When did you first display your other than hetero tendencies? I wasn’t around when you first thrust your “thingy” into the Cesspool at large, but by the time I got here, I noticed the surreptitious glances your way when anyone mentioned something sexual. It was a fear that you and your codpiece would plunder and pillage the population at large with much sweating and grunting from the effort. Even I showed a bit of trepidation at turning my back because of the infamous Bauhaus maneuver. I can only guess that you’ve only successfully used and abused one of our population thus far. The fellows at the mens only club call him “Sean” for short. (or short Sean) We know that Seanachai has fallen victim to your rabid thrusting because we hear a squeal and then there is the Bard face down with doilies all over the floor. His usual cacophony of poetic mewlings nauseates us and forces us to look the other way while we consign ourselves that this is just the way of things. So, go ahead and pretend that you have very clean junk (immaculate thingy) and hush up now or I shall taunt you a second time.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Bauhaus, you feeble minded twit. Congrats on typing the longest post ever from a twit. Did you have a 5th grader help you out with the punctuation and grammar? I’ll wait while you look up those words. Let me take this time to comment on how the average cesspooler has commented that its not safe to bare one’s hindquarters because Bauhaus has evil intent. “Sit down, Bauhaus” is the most common phrase. There has to be a reason why people fear the intrusion into the nether regions when you are around. Let me expound upon this fear a bit. When did you first display your other than hetero tendencies? I wasn’t around when you first thrust your “thingy” into the Cesspool at large, but by the time I got here, I noticed the surreptitious glances your way when anyone mentioned something sexual. It was a fear that you and your codpiece would plunder and pillage the population at large with much sweating and grunting from the effort. Even I showed a bit of trepidation at turning my back because of the infamous Bauhaus maneuver. I can only guess that you’ve only successfully used and abused one of our population thus far. The fellows at the mens only club call him “Sean” for short. (or short Sean) We know that Seanachai has fallen victim to your rabid thrusting because we hear a squeal and then there is the Bard face down with doilies all over the floor. His usual cacophony of poetic mewlings nauseates us and forces us to look the other way while we consign ourselves that this is just the way of things. So, go ahead and pretend that you have very clean junk (immaculate thingy) and hush up now or I shall taunt you a second time.<hr></blockquote>

Forgive me for some of my puctuation and the misuse of it's,its....trying to work and post is not an easy thing as is chewing gum and walking. I shan't hush.

What did I do to get such an outburst from you? Hit a nerve? I'd act like I care, but I really don't. Now crawl back into your hole and continue you masturbatory fantasies about me and my thingy.

Am I a twit? I guess I am if you say so. Now I must go cry because I'm so hurt and offended by the mean and nasty things you said to me.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by bauhaus:

Forgive me for some of my puctuation and the misuse of it's,its....trying to work and post is not an easy thing as is chewing gum and walking. I shan't hush.

What did I do to get such an outburst from you? Hit a nerve? I'd act like I care, but I really don't. Now crawl back into your hole and continue you masturbatory fantasies about me and my thingy.

Am I a twit? I guess I am if you say so. Now I must go cry because I'm so hurt and offended by the mean and nasty things you said to me.<hr></blockquote>

Wow!! You really are a dim bulb!! You complain that there isn't enough taunting so I taunt you and then you say "hey, why are you taunting me?"

It's not all about masterbation and holes. There is much more to life than your obsession. Go out and live a little. Find your niche.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Wow!! You really are a dim bulb!! You complain that there isn't enough taunting so I taunt you and then you say "hey, why are you taunting me?"<hr></blockquote>

Hiram, I take it that you hadn't noticed that Bauhaus is not the brightest bulb in the chandelier. He is, indeed, not the sharpest knife in the drawer. When you come right down to it, I am amazed that his brain has enough power to make his heart beat.

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Dag nabbit! Madmatt locked my Blackhawk Down thread! That dirty bird!

Well, if it wasn't for Wack-Off Captain and M. Deush tossing out "Hi, Mom"s to gain the desperate attention they so desire from the Bald One a few more people might have learned of the bravery and honor of our US soldiers. But these two numb-nuts don't have any fricken clue on the proper edicate and use of the "Hi, Mom" phrase. Instead they go running willy-nilly tossing it around like some bald-ass hareni-chrishna passing out flowers at the airport. Fricken hareni-chrishnas. I hate them too.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by jshandorf:

Dag nabbit! Madmatt locked my Blackhawk Down thread! That dirty bird!

Well, if it wasn't for Wack-Off Captain and M. Deush tossing out "Hi, Mom"s to gain the desperate attention they so desire from the Bald One a few more people might have learned of the bravery and honor of our US soldiers. But these two numb-nuts don't have any fricken clue on the proper edicate and use of the "Hi, Mom" phrase. Instead they go running willy-nilly tossing it around like some bald-ass hareni-chrishna passing out flowers at the airport. Fricken hareni-chrishnas. I hate them too.


Shandy Duncan Take some ritalin and go to the General forum. Your thread is there. Yeesh!!

They owe me a commission on the "Hi Mom" phrase.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Hiram, I take it that you hadn't noticed that Bauhaus is not the brightest bulb in the chandelier. He is, indeed, not the sharpest knife in the drawer. When you come right down to it, I am amazed that his brain has enough power to make his heart beat.<hr></blockquote>

Mean and nasty. So hateful. I'm sitting here weeping. I may have to leave work. I'm so sick and tired of you people and your evilness. Though Berli, we should expect nothing less than that.

Hiram, you should be ashamed of yourself. I thought better of you. Why? Oh, why? The shame and embarrassment you brought to me and my family. I must leave town and never come back. You should remember this: Beware, never taunt someone’s misfortune because the deeds of one who taunts are thrown back on his face.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by bauhaus:

Mean and nasty. So hateful. I'm sitting here weeping. I may have to leave work. I'm so sick and tired of you people and your evilness. Though Berli, we should expect nothing less than that.

Hiram, you should be ashamed of yourself. I thought better of you. Why? Oh, why? The shame and embarrassment you brought to me and my family. I must leave town and never come back. You should remember this: Beware, never taunt someone’s misfortune because the deeds of one who taunts are thrown back on his face.<hr></blockquote>

See what I mean? Dumb as a post

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Shandy Duncan Take some ritalin and go to the General forum. Your thread is there. Yeesh!!

They owe me a commission on the "Hi Mom" phrase.<hr></blockquote>

Are you kiddin me? Did you say, "...go to the General forum?" Wait you did, it's right there above my post! KRIIIIPES! Are you sane man? Have you lost it? I will not head out into the [whiny mocking voice]General forum[/whiny mocking voice] as you so put it. That place is a dark, soulless stretch of barren waste land where only the truly hopeless subsist in some evil, twisted, and utterly sad shadow of life as we know it. A pox on you and your General forum. I would prefer my thread be shackled and beaten then to follow it into that place.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Persephone:

You are all a bunch of festering fecking Pillocks!

There...that did feel kind of good.


festering and fecking give a pretty gruesome image when combined, don't they...Like Michael Dorosh on a date. Yech!

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