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I don't understand how the Axis lost 'cos each time I play them I get a major victory!

When I play allies I get marmalised.

My understanding was that the Russians were no great tacticians and in the end it was the winter and sheer weight of numbers that cracked the unprepared Axis. In good weather they were walked over. Seems that they get walked over in any weather in the game.

I feel the fun factor has been seriously diminished by this imbalance but that's only an opinion. I don't feel the urge to stretch my brain conjuring up complex Allied tactics that were virtually never used in order to obtain a marginal victory.

I would much prefer CMBO with the new graphics etc.


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Originally posted by tracer:

Well, back when I was in the military, they always told us that if you take out the leaders,(CO, platoon leader etc..) that the soviet grunt would be lost, and would'nt know what to do. Don't know if that's still true.

That's funny, that's what we are told about the American military today.
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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by tracer:

Well, back when I was in the military, they always told us that if you take out the leaders,(CO, platoon leader etc..) that the soviet grunt would be lost, and would'nt know what to do. Don't know if that's still true.

That's funny, that's what we are told about the American military today.</font>
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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by tracer:

Well, back when I was in the military, they always told us that if you take out the leaders,(CO, platoon leader etc..) that the soviet grunt would be lost, and would'nt know what to do. Don't know if that's still true.

That's funny, that's what we are told about the American military today.</font>
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Hmmm... I almost exclusively play the russians, and against the AI, I lose very rarely, even with odds stacked. I only played the germans a few times, I used to play them all the time in other games, but I found they usually had the best armor, infantry... etc. etc....

Also note, any tactics I use are far from inventive, just run-o-the-mill shiat.

Also try nippy's guide to QB's currently on page 2.

LoL, that didnt work.

[ November 27, 2002, 12:52 AM: Message edited by: Major Jerkov ]

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Originally posted by meditek:

My understanding was that the Russians were no great tacticians and in the end it was the winter and sheer weight of numbers that cracked the unprepared Axis. In good weather they were walked over. Seems that they get walked over in any weather in the game.

Your understanding is wrong - Summer 1943, Summer 1944, and Spring 1945 should tell you differently. As for weight of numbers - which authors are you reading? Sounds to me like you need to broaden that a bit.
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OK OK - Russian commanders were ****ty at best in the winter war 1939-40 (Stalin had pretty much killed all competent officers). So they couldn't take little Finland, just took enough land to bury their dead.

Same thing again in 1941 - they got kicked around by the Germans, but at the end of 1942 the russians had learnt about combat the hard way and in 1943 they developed a better doctrine and I'm willing to say that after that they were just as good as any other western army in strategic terms. The russian soldier on the other hand has always been a tough bastard!

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ER I dont know anything about war an stuff like that, but have you ever met yer average russian.

They are hard mean and tough.

I spent an exchange year in good ol US at LSU in Baton Rouge.

We were told not to walk in certain areas at night. At first I thought this was odd, till I saw the "areas" then I stoped walking.

Did the russians who where also in my dorm listen to this advice.

NO, they walked wherever they liked. Did people try and mug them, oh yes. True there was a bit of a scandal when a russian shot a mugger with his own weapon but compared to the mugging population of BR this was the greatest inconvienance to befall the russians.

True, yanks are soft as shxte and as far as there military compentency goes I can only say one thing: Friendly Fire. But your average russian can easily beat off you criminaly motivated armed and desperate yank 10 times out of 10 with just his bare hands.

Now how this relates to the Ostfront I dont know.Its just having met russians and got an anecdotal grasp of their charachter Im not surprised that they survived all the hardships of the initial years of the war (and all the intense hardships of the years leading upto the war) to go on to eventual victory.

Remember life for the average russian has/was (and probably still is) [been] a lot lot lot harder than it has been for you septics and us europeans.

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There are some months where one side is clearly stronger and some months where the other is clearly stronger.

I think so far I have an exactly equal win chance as Axis and Soviets.

But for some reason my Typhoon example didn't work out: quickbattle-attacking Gravesregistration in a snow blizzard in December of 1941 with rarity on somehow got me stopped in front of his KV. How strange. Oh, yes, I had auto-sneak-exhaustion of my MGs (really!).

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Our army novices dont even know how to use rifle!

I can tell you true, cause I'm living here. Our army is ****, crap.

New guys (how you call them?), who MUST go to army when they have 18-birthday, didt learn to fight, shoot etc. They learn how to build... summer cotteges for generals! Everybody knows this, and nobody can do nothing bout this. Every weak (i'm serius) we are reported about another novice, who just runned out of his division, because he cant live there -- a guy who was in army more than one year started to be

"ded" ("grandfather") -- and "ded" can do what he whants -- if he want

to **** (sorry, but its true) novice, he'll do it. If novice started

to fight he has two ways -- run or die. Every year we loose about 1000 mens in army (i'm not talking about war in Chechna -- this moron Putin called it "antiterroristic operation")...

About areas -- its true. Coruption is huge. When at night a group of scinheads with fresh blood on hands is stopped by a militia -- they can bribe them for 10 (big money for "average" r.) dollsars.

And at day militia like to catch innocent citizens without passport and ask them for money. If "no" -- they can get you in police station, in cage that called "obezzjannik" (monkeycage) for 8h with streetwalkers and drugdealers and other criminals...

Want more about russian reality?

And everything what wants not average russian (who knows how much will be 2+2 or what is universitat ) -- escape!

average russian ( under 30 years) in 50-60% means skinhead or loyal to them.

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I used to enjoy playing against the AI in CMBO as the allies without taking any armor. I found out quickly that in CMBB, playing as the allies that I need to purchase armor in order to survive. One time I did purchase a gun and a truck and hauled it to the battle and barely won.

The difference now is the way MG fire is modeled. You can still kick kraut a** with good tactics backed up with firepower. :D

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Originally posted by marcusB:

Med, are you playing against the AI or against human opponents? If you are squashing the AI on either side its probably time to match wits with a human opponent. Putting a human opponent behind the 'ole Russian troopskies might change your mind...

Hmmm, I'm not squashing the A1 except on the Axis side! Also, I am certainly technically incompetant but, apart from some Russian Commanders, the majority of them were too. (OK bit of a blanket statement). Frankly, I'm nowhere near good enough to risk a human opponent either.However, take say Jagermeister. I played Axis first and marmalised them, then, even knowing the layout of the Axis troops, got slammed as Russian despite popping my tanks up from behind cover. With the force of Axis arms available in this scenario Axis would have to be extremely badly handled to lose imho. Ditto that scenario where the Russians want to get warm and others.

Only source of info I've read is 'Barbarossa' by Alan Clark and that was a year or two back so maybe my memory is faulty. Simplisticly, I thought it was a combination of the winter and the Axis armies being on too wide a front (fronts)that finished them. If Guderian had had full command things might have been different.

Odd though, in CMBO I never played Axis as a matter of principle! Now, my principles seem to have reversed...maybe I don't want to win as Allied!!



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Originally posted by Cpt Kernow:

ER I dont know anything about war an stuff like that

Well, this is an absolutely true statement, as proven by this:

[/qb]True, yanks are soft as shxte and as far as there military compentency goes I can only say one thing: Friendly Fire.[/QB]
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Originally posted by meditek:

Only source of info I've read is 'Barbarossa' by Alan Clark and that was a year or two back so maybe my memory is faulty. Simplisticly, I thought it was a combination of the winter and the Axis armies being on too wide a front (fronts)that finished them. If Guderian had had full command things might have been different.

That's a bit BLACK and white don't you think, remember that it isn't always winter in russia. The german frontage actually decreased around mid-war. And Guderian had his ass kicked by Katukov's tanks (and he was rapidly running out of tanks anyway), no disrespect for Guderian but his battlefield achievements relied heavily on the enemy defense melting away in front of him.

Let's not even get started on Stalingrad, the Kursk-Dnepr operation, Bagration and so on and so forth :D

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