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About freelancer

  • Birthday 02/06/1984

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  • Location
    russia, moscow

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  1. Be aware of Stalin's ghost -- he gonna take your soul! In the war, such commanders, only for imaginating this words, were executed in the next few hours by an NKVD-troops
  2. Our army novices dont even know how to use rifle! I can tell you true, cause I'm living here. Our army is ****, crap. New guys (how you call them?), who MUST go to army when they have 18-birthday, didt learn to fight, shoot etc. They learn how to build... summer cotteges for generals! Everybody knows this, and nobody can do nothing bout this. Every weak (i'm serius) we are reported about another novice, who just runned out of his division, because he cant live there -- a guy who was in army more than one year started to be "ded" ("grandfather") -- and "ded" can do what he whants -- if he want to **** (sorry, but its true) novice, he'll do it. If novice started to fight he has two ways -- run or die. Every year we loose about 1000 mens in army (i'm not talking about war in Chechna -- this moron Putin called it "antiterroristic operation")... About areas -- its true. Coruption is huge. When at night a group of scinheads with fresh blood on hands is stopped by a militia -- they can bribe them for 10 (big money for "average" r.) dollsars. And at day militia like to catch innocent citizens without passport and ask them for money. If "no" -- they can get you in police station, in cage that called "obezzjannik" (monkeycage) for 8h with streetwalkers and drugdealers and other criminals... Want more about russian reality? And everything what wants not average russian (who knows how much will be 2+2 or what is universitat ) -- escape! average russian ( under 30 years) in 50-60% means skinhead or loyal to them.
  3. Well, ampulomet means (if you, Mark, asking 'bout this -- I cant say more then you already sad) what it means: "ampula" means small glass, cup, can also describe a bottle. "met" is simple -- its just a past form from verb "metat", wich means throw. Sorry for my english, guys -- when I learned in school my primary language was german... And, PiggDogg, knocking a tank with this was impossible. But against infantry...
  4. After playing hundrets hours in CMBB, I understand what I really need: a program that can "glue" all in-game-60sec-movies in one. Just imagine: after hard pbem game it can be possible to see 30 (or less. or more. Yes, MUCH more! hour! Two! T... erghmm. sorry ) minutes movie 'bout war, learn your mistakes, opponent's tactic and, hell, that's just interesting! Does anybody know, is it possible to make program like that or, maybe, include such feature in next patch?
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