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One Challenge in the Life of Peng, De Son of a Vich....

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Yeah, I know, terrible pun. But the rest of you lackwits were falling down on the job and should read more Russian Lit anyway.

THE RULES then, short and sweet:

S) Go away.

O) Go even further away.

D) {***sigh***} If you’re still reading this, you’re still too close. But if you insist, PAY ATTENTION!, or go away.

O) This is the Peng Challenge. Challenge someone SPECIFIC, just make sure it’s not Peng. Try a newbie SSN such as yourself, not a Knigget or an Old One. If you don’t know what a SSN, Knigget, or Old One is, go away.

F) The key word being CHALLENGE, sound off like you have inherited a pair from someone other than your pet hamster. If you can’t manage this, go away.

F) Do not sound off about your pair. Try to act like you have a modicum of wit, style and panache OR Half of a Brain. If you won’t keep this thought in your Half of a Brain, we will boot it to the other Half, and you will go away.

!) If you have any questions at all, post absolutely NOTHING! We will get back to you at our earliest inconvenience. And go away (are you starting to see a trend here?).

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Good job my Loyal and Trustworthy Former Squire Lars.


Oh for crying out loud, Dr. Memory! All he did was cut and paste an earlier post.

But looking at the quality of squire you're used to, (CoughPapa KahnCough), you probably lavish praise on them if they happen to put their shoe on the right foot.

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

Your front lines are broken, defeat is as iminent, as i am eminent.

You spell the same word incoreectly twice in one sentence - and different each time! WoW, that is quite a feat there, lass.


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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Oh for crying out loud, Dr. Memory! All he did was cut and paste an earlier post.

When a SSN actually reads and follows the clearly laid out set of rules I post, I'll consider writing a newer version. Until then, I think I'm on fairly safe ground in saying it's not really worth the effort.

Or maybe I'll just enshrine it forever because it actually worked for once.

Besides, the Originality is in the thread title.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

GekeFunnel, you were an idiot the first time you dropped in here ... I see no evidence of improvement ... Sod Off!


***Deke chuckles*** Name twisting and idiot? Come now joey even an ineffectual dolt like yourself should be able to come up with something a tad better than that. My, my, my just not the same old Kinniget I guess.

I recall your bag of never ending excuses with regards to playing when challenged was full to overflowing the last time I had discourse with your le bas du bas personage. Having perused the MBT for the last couple of weeks before making my presents known I can see this is still the case.

I could be wrong of course, it has been a couple of decades and I’m due. If that is the case then please name your terms and I’ll send along something to put you in your proper place.

When the Whuppin' boy speaks, gather round and hearken well. Pain is humanities most eloquent mentor.

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Originally posted by Agua Perdido:

Snip... However, since DekeFentle's return (who persists in using 'humanities' as the possessive of 'humanity,' the illiterate pillock--no manner how many times we whack him with the Meeks brick) you're only the second-biggest idjit in the 'Pool.

Agua Perdido

I do it for you AP.

When the Whuppin' boy speaks, gather round and hearken well. Pain is humanities most eloquent mentor.

[ November 07, 2002, 04:52 PM: Message edited by: DekeFentle ]

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

Your front lines are broken, defeat is as iminent, as i am eminent.

You spell the same word incoreectly twice in one sentence - and different each time! WoW, that is quite a feat there, lass.

Or did you mean to say "I am Eminem." In which case, STFU!</font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

[qb] GekeFunnel, you were an idiot the first time you dropped in here ... I see no evidence of improvement ... Sod Off!


Joe your utter stupidity comes to the fore again...no...it must be still 'cos I don't think we've ever seen any evidence that it has gone away.

Try picking on him for something he doesn't share with you.

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Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

[stands, with head between legs, to gaze at the world wrongside up]

I suppose in me considerations an imminent Panzer Leader is a Panzer Leader that is yet to become...


... and I suppose a Panzer Leader on the way rather than a Panzer Leader here is Panzer Leader... *sniff* led, so to speak, which seems to be comforting... as long as I can move in the opposite direction.

Yeknod o' tha Thistle and Defender of the Paddock

Yeah, yeah yeah -- send me a turn, donkey.


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Originally posted by Leutnant Hortlund:

That is right Malakovski, I am CHALLENGING you...

This one learns quick, he does! I mean, relatively so, for being a complete illiterate monkey, who could not feel the life-pulse of this thread were I to beat out the cadence on his skull with a sledgehammer.

It's really, really an very simple little society, quite natural to those who feel themselves called to it, and furthermore with a clearly posted guide at the door to every meeting.

So, come along, little Horty and we'll walk through the rules (see first post above).

Now, the first three are our trivium, so to speak, abbreviated S-O-D. Sod. That's you, and these rules all involve your going away and never coming back.

You've so far failed in this blindingly obvious task, but that's just fine as long as you follow the last four, the quadrivium. Yes, the advanced rules.

So let's see, you have, after falling down in a pile of muck with your first post, succeeded in the first two points. Good boy! You managed to challenge someone specific. Surprising, I know, but most don't even manage that.

But then you went and dropped the ball again. Let me quote:

Try to act like you have a modicum of wit, style and panache.

Now, run along, find a dictionary, and come back when you're ready to take your next painful, halting step. Alternately, you could just


{Or to put it even more plainly, it's as much about the blather as the battles. If that's not your cup of tea, don't try to drink it.}

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

[stands, with head between legs, to gaze at the world wrongside up]

I suppose in me considerations an imminent Panzer Leader is a Panzer Leader that is yet to become...


... and I suppose a Panzer Leader on the way rather than a Panzer Leader here is Panzer Leader... *sniff* led, so to speak, which seems to be comforting... as long as I can move in the opposite direction.

Yeknod o' tha Thistle and Defender of the Paddock

Yeah, yeah yeah -- send me a turn, donkey.


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GeekFunnel, I'm terribly sorry but as you are an SSN I'm obligated to mangle your name. Serfs names are spelt but not bolded and Squires and above have their names properly spelt AND bolded. I'm scrupulous about it and really can't change my procedure, I do hope you understand.

As to Lorak's questionable inclusion of you on his site ... we've seen neither hide nor hair of his Lordship for lo these many months and his decisions no longer apply so ... you're still an SSN.

Speaking of lo these many months I note that YOU'VE not soiled our carpet for better than a year. While your absence was appreciated by all, it can hardly be expected to enhance your chances for acceptance here. One must earn ones spurs you know (no Bauhaus, no it's just a figure of speech ... really ... you do? ... ah yes very nice, don't they rip up the sheets then?). On a side note, it is GOOD to have Bauhaus back. There are so many possibilities.

As to my "terms", I thought it had been made clear long ago that I play whom I choose, when I choose. In light of that ... I'll have my people get back to you. You might want to hold your breath until they do.

{chuckle ... Whuppin' boy ... oh my}


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Perhaps Ms. Hortense will be unable to find his/her way over here. I see SSN's never change.

And a bilious pox of effulent on you all my breathern.

Updates AqueousPerdition has graciously consented on this 7th day of November, 2002 anno domini to ACTUALLY FINISH a game (From CMBO - lost rune pack - remember that?). Of course he lost, but what the hell, he was employing a little known über gamey tactik of making it last so long to force me to concede after I forgot my password. When last seen his glorious Candian knuckleheads had vacated the flag locations, the bridge to safety, and their bowels,

Seanapeechoo is managing to now vie for longest game, of CMBO as well and easily on a per turn delay has managed to equate an 18 turn battle with that of AP's 30 turn debacle. He loses as well, and for those who actually read this drivel and notice my appearances, bollox you all, I believe that our incestual line of draws comes to a close.

In CMBB, newphew runt Hiram insisted on attacking in Cemetary Ridge....R.I.P. send a turn ya feckiin' piece of turtle dung. You wanted evisceration and I shall appease the voices in your besotted head.

I am sure there mus be more, but my meds are kicking in........

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I must report yet another glorious victory in my penultimate game of CMBO, versus the odious jdmorse. In spite of the most-unbalanced scenario ever, pitting nearly two battalions of FJ against my two (or so) companies of green Canucks at night, the Minions of Perdition pulled off a brilliant fighting retreat. Exacting a heavy toll from the attackers, the MoP cleverly delayed the assault force using a smokescreen from its own burning Shermans, and extracted several squads of survivors. This savvy withdrawal action (down, Bauhaus--besides, it's not an effective method of birth control) inflicted well over 50% casualties on the UglyLegalTruppen, destroyed most of the ULT armor, and managed to prevent capture of the last VL in spite of a 2-1 Axis advantage in numbers at the end (not to mention jdmorse's obviously-hacked copy of CMBO that replaced my Firefly's 't' ammo with Back Bacon, while apparently equipping his infantry with laser-guided Hellfire missiles). That the AI scored this as an Axis Minor Victory is entirely a result of flaws in the CMBO engine that I hope have been corrected in CMBB--if not, we'll have to wait for the rewrite in CMII.

In my final game of CMBO, stevethedimmwitted-even-slower-playing-than-me-plus-he-smells-bad-and-has-poor-dictionrat-faced-git has been sitting on the current turn for something like three months. I've decided to hold Panzer Leader's setup hostage until I get another turn in this game (not because I think it'll make rat move faster, but to annoy PL). I think we only have another 10 turns to go, so we should be done sometime around when CM XXVI:Beyond the Valley of the Ultra-Vixens comes out.

And in my other games: blahblah, Joe Shaw is losing; blahblah, Lars is a gamey pillock; blah.

Agua Perdido

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

One must earn ones spurs you know (no Bauhaus, no it's just a figure of speech ... really ... you do? ... ah yes very nice, don't they rip up the sheets then?). On a side note, it is GOOD to have Bauhaus back. There are so many possibilities.


My thingy was truly lonely. With the wife eight months pregnant, I had to find another hobby for my thingy. But fret not, just because she's pregnant, my thingy is still immaculate. It's not my child.

Now on to the saving of more thingies......I mean souls. Has the pool been blessed lately? I've got a "special" blessing ready to go.

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by bauhaus:

<font size=-1>Has the pool been blessed lately? I've got a "special" blessing ready to go.</font>

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