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That Olde Peng Challenge Has Me In It's Spell

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

If the Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread the ENTIRE thread, mind you, has no authority over the House of Surly (not bolded because the courtesy doesn't apply to the House but only to the individual) then where does it stop? Next even dalem will claim that the Justicariate has no authority over the House of Mucilage ... Hell Berli (note the appropriate reference), even the Australians can claim exemption.

And your point is?</font>
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Originally posted by athkatla:

Bo Diddley You talk the talk but do you walk the walk? Be done with this empty posturing, and get your heathen Krauts moving to their inevitable deaths. My brave French stalwarts await you, ready to dish up a veritable feast of manna from heaven along with a main course of finest French lead, and for dessert.......ummm, well that would be telling......come and get it you delapidated degenerate, be not afraid to die, for surely that is your fate

Calm down boy, calm down. The check is in the mail as is my first move. It's now time to play, "Hunt the Runt!" I intend to be all over you like white on rice, like stink on a monkey, like a cheap suit. Before I am done with you, I will have you crying like a little school boy, "Ohhh mummy, mummy, make the big, bad man stop poking me wif his pointy stick!"

For I am Boo Radley! A valiant knight of House Croda! Stand back everyone, for I take large steps!

Ok, I have to go out and mow the lawn now, so I'll be back later. Bye!

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

For I am Boo Radley! A valiant knight of House Croda! Stand back everyone, for I take large steps!

Miles Gloriosus, A Funny Thing Happened On the Way to the Forum

Fancy yourself 'conqueror of thousands', eh?

[ June 28, 2002, 11:02 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Dear Lady Persephone,

Hath the smurf knewn as {unbolded} Pooper Can {/unbolded} submitted a montage of itself to yourself, praytell?

I am mewst interested in seeing whither this {unbolded} Sanitary Aid {/unbolded} has a personage to match the apparent size of the MOUTH!




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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

For I am Boo Radley! A valiant knight of House Croda! Stand back everyone, for I take large steps!

Miles Gloriosus, A Funny Thing Happened On the Way to the Forum


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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

For I am Boo Radley! A valiant knight of House Croda! Stand back everyone, for I take large steps!

Miles Gloriosus, A Funny Thing Happened On the Way to the Forum


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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

So you've caught me out quoting from "Firesign Theatre", "M.A.S.H". and"Forum". Are you accusing me of plagarizing pop culture? Go ahead, I freely admit it. I am an entertainment whore.

Gee, who would accuse you of being an entertainment whore when you couldn't even come up with a forum "handle" without ripping off one of the greatest books/films ever (IMHO, of course).


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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

Dear Lady Persephone,

Hath the smurf knewn as {unbolded} Pooper Can {/unbolded} submitted a montage of itself to yourself, praytell?

I am mewst interested in seeing whither this {unbolded} Sanitary Aid {/unbolded} has a personage to match the apparent size of the MOUTH!



AussieJeff, the various agents, toadies, school-yard bullies, tattletales, confidence men, stoolies, and other assorted minions in my employ have long since hunted down and destroyed all likenesses of myself. To your great dismay, I'm sure. You perverted, nefarious, dirty old man! Didn't I already say that I'm NOT going to wear tights for you? Aren't the boy magazines Joe ships to you and your Aussie cronies each month enough to placate you?



What is that scraping sound I hear in the background? No, it's not the familiar cacophony of popping and clicking that normally accompanies an AussieJeff post. This is somewhat different.

Could it be that the putrid old sot is attempting to reclaim whats left of his courage and self-respect? I believe it may be! He is trying to dislodge it from the bottom of its barrel with a squeegee!!

Question is, should he manage to pry the congealed matter up, what would he do with it? Could this mean a CHALLENGE is forthcoming?

Nah. Can't be. He'll never retrieve enough of it for that. More likely he'll issue another post filled with his Australian wisdom (i.e. mindless drivel).

Too bad. I would have enjoyed driving him around the courtyard of that maximum security compound his keepers have no doubt incarcerated him in (tied to the rear axle of my PSW 234/1, that is).

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Uh, Papa, your name is no stellar achievement either there, bud. Indian Cricket??

Thats different. Mine was bestowed on me. I could no more shake it now than I could turn myself into a pumpkin. And no, it has nothing to do with Indian Cricket (the sport nor the insect).

So before the lot of you degenerates go there, I may as well just save you the energy. Even you ponces can't possibly outdo reality on this one.

The nickname was bestowed on me by a roomfull of overgrown boys aged 40 - 55, each of whom:

- greatly admires and LUSTS after tiny, colorfully painted lead figures cast in the likeness of soldiers from the medieval era

- rarely sobers up

- is AT LEAST 30 to 40 lbs overweight (not that there is anything wrong with that, but read further)

- was heavily engaged in admiring my newly painted Mongol army

- realized more or less collectively with the others (they do that, I think they're some sort of hive mind or something) that "Papa Khann" rythmes with "Chaka Khann"

- rose up out of his seat (no small feat, mind you) and started not only to sing the d*mn song, (substituting the word "Papa" for "Chaka") but to DANCE

There. Satisfied? Oh, the ungodly visage of those enormous beer bellies wriggling. The horror! THE HORROR!!



Now that I've dredged up those lovely images, its back to therapy for me for sure. And Panzer Leader, I blame you. I'm having my analyst forward you the bills.

D*mn you, Panzer Leader, I'll get you for this if its the last thing I ever do!

[ June 28, 2002, 02:25 PM: Message edited by: Papa Khann ]

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Originally posted by athkatla:

You will indeed be an entertainment whore when your cowardly, dressed-all-in-black, jack-booted thugs decide to put in an appearance. They will dance to my tune and I will laugh as they fall in their hundreds, so shall I be entertained! This will be the biggest slaughter since Lord Lemming invited his flock to take a walk along the cliffs.

Good Lord, would someone give this guy a shove, I think his needle's caught in a groove.

And my jack-booted thugs are NOT all dressed in black. This season they're wearing some wonderful greens and browns to contrast with the pink and yellow chiffon ensebles your collection of poufs are touting.

Originally posted by some git named Papa Doc:

Gee, who would accuse you of being an entertainment whore when you couldn't even come up with a forum "handle" without ripping off one of the greatest books/films ever (IMHO, of course).


You incredible buffoon. I use this nom de plume BECAUSE I so admire both the book and the film. But I don't suppose a thought like that would ever make it's way into that small, rutabaga shaped, used for decoration only, lump of suet that sits on top of your sloped shoulders.

originally posted in a most disturbing manner by Ozzie & Harriet Jeff:

Dear Lady Persephone,

Hath the smurf knewn as {unbolded} Pooper Can {/unbolded} submitted a montage of itself to yourself, praytell?

I am mewst interested in seeing whither this {unbolded} Sanitary Aid {/unbolded} has a personage to match the apparent size of the MOUTH!



BSce vv

First he does an unbelievably horrible Scots accent, then he mutilates a German accent and now he's trying to sound like Dame Edith Evans.

I'm warning you mate, keep it up and I will personally jump on the first available Quantas flight out of here, show up on your doorstep and pummel you to death with a burlap sack full of doorknobs.

Edited because I bloody well felt like it

[ June 28, 2002, 04:13 PM: Message edited by: Boo_Radley ]

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First he does an unbelievably horrible Scots accent, then he mutilates a German accent and now he's trying to sound like Dame Edith Evans. I'm warning you mate, keep it up and I will personally jump on the first available Quantas flight out of here, show up on your doorstep

and pummel you to death with a burlap sack full of doorknobs.

I'm in full agreement with you on this one Boo Radley. Some people can do accents and some can't ... he's bloody hopeless and MUST BE STOPPED!

Can't the Australian contingent do something? Well, obviously not Stuka, I mean there are days when he gets terribly upset because he can't find Mr. Happy when he needs to go only to discover he's had his pants on backwards, but perhaps Mace or Goanna ... no, no I suppose they're pretty much hopeless too. Could we send the whole continent to Coventry?


p.s. I don't think it's Dame Evans ... I'm thinking he's trying for Dame EDNA!

[ June 28, 2002, 04:22 PM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Good Lord, would someone give this guy a shove, I think his needle's caught in a groove.

And my jack-booted thugs are NOT all dressed in black. This season they're wearing some wonderful greens and browns to contrast with the pink and yellow chiffon ensebles your collection of poufs are touting.

{Ripped the other rubbish out, just cos I could!! Anyone got a problem with that?}

Well Bo Diddley I've yet to see what your pathetic excuses for troops are wearing........as you still haven't shown up! I suspect that they are all dressed in yellow, to match the streaks down their backs, get them into battle now, before I am forced to hurl soggy lumps of camel droppings in your general direction, in the vain hope that some of it may find it's way into the biggest orifice in your body, to match that which regularly comes forth from said hole tongue.gif

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

You incredible buffoon. I use this nom de plume BECAUSE I so admire both the book and the film. But I don't suppose a thought like that would ever make it's way into that small, rutabaga shaped, used for decoration only, lump of suet that sits on top of your sloped shoulders.

My point exactly! Had you an ounce of creativity coursing through those hypodermic riddled, vericose, bacon bit clogged obscenities you call "veins", you might have come up with something a wee tad more original Boo-Boo.

Now don't force me to fire up Panzer Armee Khann and unleash my superior tactical awareness upon you. {redneck mode}For if'n I do, you'll be a turnin' as pale as your namesake.{/redneck mode}


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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

I don't know which is worse, the Aussies that come out of the woodwork like Gremlins each night, or the SSNs who seem to spawn like mosquito larva in the swamplands.

The correct answer is you.


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