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Will we have "shockwave bubbles" back ?

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I really miss those, explosions now looks "flat" without them, especially the smaller 75-81 mm arty barrages :(

And it makes it harder to spot "hot spots" on the map when arty go boom ...

Will they be back with the patch ? (best will be they'll be switchable) smile.gif Can't wait for the SturmMonster shock bubble !! :D:D:D

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I really don't think CMBB needs them. The graphics in CMBO weren't so hot ( I know that I'm comparing apples to oranges ) so they were necessary. The shock waves would be overshadowed by the blast from the gun barrels in CMBB ( seems that way to me anyway ). Don't get me wrong I still think CMBO beats the hell out of other western front wargames ( ie. Close Combat IV & V ).

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Out of the goodness of my heart I just added shockwaves to the 'What should be in the next patch' thread. I don't miss 'em personally, but I've got to admit they do have some utility spotting where light artillery is falling on a big map.

I wonder if the CMBB engine has been completely gutted of the ability to do shockwave graphics. There are no more expanding white spheres of ANY sort in the game anymore.

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I think that this is one of these things, like tracers, that is annoying at first (and permanently to some, maybe). Yesterday evening I tried to figure out for a long time where a strike was going in. Biggish map. I got a bit annoyed at having to look for it a few times. Then I thought about it, and I see this as a measure of reducing the effects of borg spotting. I do not know if it was intended, but it certainly has that effect. As do smaller tracers that make it more difficult for me to see HMGs firing. It takes control away, but that should ultimately be the aim of the game - reduce the borg abilities that players have.

YMMV. (and I am sure it will)

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Originally posted by Madmatt:

No shockwaves will not be coming back. All the code for translucent "expanding bubbles" was removed long ago and we arent putting them back in.


Hey Matt, what a bad day, can't you be more positive with our requests ?

Immobile tanks rotation, shockwave bubbles, No, NO to everything ! If at least it was said by a pretty gal ... :eek: !

And why didn't Charles just comment out the code instead of deleting it ? Bad programming practice ! :D:D

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Originally posted by Andreas:

... but that should ultimately be the aim of the game - reduce the borg abilities that players have.

Sorry, but we disagree in this respect! I, as a player, want to have all the knowledge I am supposed to have (through the eyes of my (borg)soldiers) in the clearest and most convenient graphical/interface way possible! This includes shockwaves (to me the single-most impressive graphical feature of CMBO), GRIDLINES!, Move-to-LOS for infantry and so on! Keeping this information from me is reduced user-friendliness and not a "feature", as you see it!



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In my opinion, the game is much harder (and less enjoyable) to play now at view 4 (which itself had to change I know) because I can no longer see anything. I'll either get used to it or have to learn how to play at view 3 and scroll all over the place. Not too bad I guess.


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Originally posted by Rollstoy:

Keeping this information from me is reduced user-friendliness and not a "feature", as you see it!

Indeed, that is where we disagree completely. To me it is a 'feature' - thanks for making that clearer than I did.
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Originally posted by dalem:

In my opinion, the game is much harder (and less enjoyable) to play now at view 4 (which itself had to change I know) because I can no longer see anything. I'll either get used to it or have to learn how to play at view 3 and scroll all over the place. Not too bad I guess.


Thinking about it I realize that you're totally right... I often play at view 4 both games and there was *something* not good with CMBB, didn't know what.

But yes, that's it !! Small tracers, no bubbles, changes in camera positions (again I don't really know what has been changed, but it has !), all lead up to make view 4 much less useful/informative.

And playing at view 3 in the CMBB larger maps is more difficult than in CMBO... Perhaps this is a wanted effect, BFC wanting us to go "nearer to ground" ?

But in this case we lust change our habits, and that's HARD ! :rolleyes:

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Okay, not to be Mr. Negative in EVERY THREAD I post to today..How about some GOOD news?!?

We have addressed the tracer issue in the forthcoming v1.01 patch. They get bigger the higher elevation the camera view now.


[ October 09, 2002, 12:14 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]

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And another thing, everyone keeps saying how all the camera views have changed, espically view 4. Well I got news for you, it DIDN'T change!

I have compared CMBO view 4 to CMBB view 4 and they are the SAME. The difference that you see is that in CMBB there is far more vertical panning (tilting up and down) allowed with the camera and in view 4 it starts out with the horizon still in site (for a average sized map).

In CMBO view 4 was looking downward more at the ground.

If you really want to have CMBB's view 4 EXACTLY like CMBO just give it one tap of down tilt (Shift-z) and there you go.

The only view that changed in CMBB in function is view 5 which went from a complete top down view to a more functional isometric angle.

The simple fact of the matter is that in CMBB you have far greater camera control than you ever did in CMBO. You can tilt more, zoom more, and see more with it.


[ October 09, 2002, 12:15 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]

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Originally posted by Madmatt:

And another thing, everyone keeps saying how all the camera views have changed, espically view 4. Well I got news for you, it DIDN'T change!

INteresting. It must be like that checkerboard example on the General Forum. One of them "optimal illusions".

Thanks Madmatt! (Hey - was I high about that 20mm sound effect issue or is there something to that?)


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Originally posted by Madmatt:

**(Hey - was I high about that 20mm sound effect issue or is there something to that?)**

I don't know, what did you say about it?


I sent you an email saying that it was either natively too loud a .wav, or that it was fading improperly. The 20mm cannon sound is always the loudest thing on the battlefield when I play and always relatively loud even when I scroll all over the map or jump up to the super high views.

If it's just an issue of volume, or volume on my system, then no sweat, I can tweak that myself. But as the litany goes, "I ain't had nothin' like this happen in CM:BO."



AMD 950


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Good riddance to the shock wave bubbles. I prefer the current modeling.

In my personal experience, I have never seen any wierd 'bubbles' when firing heavy ordnance or when observing artillery strikes. This includes 105mm and 120mm direct fire cannons, 155mm and 4.2" artillery strikes. The current effect is much more realistic than the CMBO bubbles. Also, the current tracer fire graphic is much more realistic (although concealed MG teams won't fire tracer for obvious reasons, that's simply a game convention). It is very much like what I remember from M16, M249, M60 and M2HB (.50) tracer fire.

I wouldn't apply any patch which made a hardcoded change to bring back 'bubbles' or the old tracers.


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Originally posted by Renaud:

Good riddance to the shock wave bubbles. I prefer the current modeling.

In my personal experience, I have never seen any wierd 'bubbles' when firing heavy ordnance or when observing artillery strikes. This includes 105mm and 120mm direct fire cannons, 155mm and 4.2" artillery strikes. The current effect is much more realistic than the CMBO bubbles. Also, the current tracer fire graphic is much more realistic (although concealed MG teams won't fire tracer for obvious reasons, that's simply a game convention). It is very much like what I remember from M16, M249, M60 and M2HB (.50) tracer fire.

I wouldn't apply any patch which made a hardcoded change to bring back 'bubbles' or the old tracers.


In the opening movie for cc1 or 2 there is fotage from bombs being dropped over a field and the shockwaves is clearly visible (and way cool)
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